There are not a few people who discuss the first movement during the intermission.

Young fans have seen too many war movies and read so many war stories that no one, no matter how dull, can misunderstand the sentiment Zotel wants to express.

"Zotter said that this is his tribute to his motherland, so what he played just now must be a story about war."

"Well... I feel it too. I can't think about other possibilities at all. I just feel that the concert hall is full of bullets and gunpowder smoke everywhere."

"No wonder he said before that he was watching old movies of the Anti-Japanese War. I hope everyone can recommend some. Huh, I recommended "Shangganling", "Tunnel Warfare" and "Ice Blood Changjin Lake" to him. I just listened to the music and thought I am listening to the soundtrack of these old movies!"

The atmosphere and topics of the young people have become completely different.

The grief condensed in the heart is completely played out by the music, as if a new wound has been exposed, and blood is flowing in the concert hall.

Until the end of the break, everyone was as curious as Lifeng: the first movement of "Getaway" is so sad, so what is the second movement?

The lights in the hall were dimmed slightly.

After the intermission, even the arrangement of musical instruments on the stage has changed.

The piano that hit the heavy tone was withdrawn, leaving a blank space, as if a part of the audience's heart had been hollowed out.

Ritsuka stared at the stage.

A tight ensemble, and some minor variations, but not important to an audience like his who doesn't understand the music.

The important thing is that the members come back on stage, and the conductor goes on stage first.

And the last one who appeared in front of Lu Feng was Zotel who had changed out of his tuxedo and wore a simple shirt and vest with his collar loosely unbuttoned.

He walks briskly and holds a valuable black violin.

This kind of dress is more in line with his usual chattering image, and because the light violin replaces the heavy piano.

When he stood in the center of the stage, the gloomy mood of the concert hall rose slightly.

Looking forward to the new movement with great anticipation.

This time, Zotter didn't need to make eye contact with the conductor.

He just needs to stand there and play a desolate melody as he pleases.

It seems that the sadness from the first movement flows from the black and white keys of the piano to the black violin.

A clear trill sounded, like the last words of a dying old man.

The orchestra behind Zotter then played majestic and high-pitched music, annihilating the thin and sad melody of the violin into a ghost in the tide of the times.

The clear tone of the violin flutters in the wind, fragile and easy to break.

In the symphony reverberating in the concert hall, Zotter's violin, like a red flower of hope, breaks through the ground and blooms in the ruins.

Every time it wants to show its edge in the trough, it extinguishes its arrogance under the torrential rain and wind.

However, under the illusion that the air is like a spring, he burst out his own voice!

That beam of voice was always high and stirring.

No matter how the rut moves forward, no matter how impetuous the movement is, it follows a unique pace and gradually brings out more echoing melodies.

A ray of ghosts converged into light, illuminating the false prosperity, revealing the dust and ruins inside, and singing their own sounds!

When Li Feng realized that the music in his ears became hot, it was not the sound of a violin by Zotel, but all the violinists on the stage, resonating with him.

This is not a performance that conforms to the rules of the symphony, this is Zotter's deviant creation.

The faint sound of the violin, in the grand ensemble, dispelled the pathos in the strings, and performed a game where the weak prevailed over the strong.

In the war-torn land, ghosts cling to the light of justice and pursue the right direction.

It was not blown away by the wind, but instead gathered into a mighty torrent of steel, becoming a mighty and unyielding belief.

The second movement successfully frees everyone from the suffering of the first movement.

Because, all the sounds and melodies are telling "hope".

Lu Feng suddenly realized why Zotel named such a movement "Happy Tour".

It's not just "with a strong reliance, you can be free and at ease".

It also heralds that "everyone has no self, gods and men have no merit, and saints have no name".

It is the thousands of people who are most affectionate and holy, who, in the long river of history, stopped the traffic with their arms, and finally liberated this land from suffering.

The violin depicts the ray of ghosts that have changed the world.

It does not originate from the savior, nor was it born from the immortal emperor, but a beam of fire that hundreds of millions of mayflies gather in the world and burn themselves.

"A Happy Journey" is destined not to be a seclusion for simple nostalgia and reminiscence.

It is Zotter's philosophical thinking on China.

The pathos of the first movement and the hope of the second movement deeply shocked the audience.

Countless people wanted to jump up and ask questions in their hearts, and immersed themselves in the enlightening music, looking forward to the third movement.

A surprise without spoilers, fully worthy of their speed in grabbing tickets!

Whether it is the audience who accompanied others to make up the number, or the fans who entered the venue full of expectations, they all felt the new interpretation brought by "Zotel".

At the beginning of the third movement, Zotter is still the violin.

He put on a suit obediently and sat in the orchestra.

This time, he did not start with a solo, but integrated into the whole orchestra, followed the rhythm of the conductor, and became one of the violinists.

The performance without a backbone is more like China, which has been separated from the world for a long time, and is back on track.

The appearance of each violin note is accompanied by a pain-like melody. The symphony is running fast, but the abrupt melody of the violin is like a fool who has fallen behind, and he can only focus on chasing it.

However, the more they chase, the easier it is for them to suddenly play a high-pitched and passionate voice when the music fades out!

The music of this chase is full of ups and downs.

It's like a playful chase, with a hint of helplessness and persistence hidden in the lightness and joy.

The violin becomes another roundabout of running fast and trying to blend into the symphony, creating an auditory aftertaste.

They seem to be the echo behind the beat, or the accompaniment out of rhythm, playing the repeated main theme in their own way.

Listening to such a melody, Lifeng's mind is filled with the stories he has heard.

The manufacturer who tried to catch up with the international speed.

Researchers who are eager to learn top knowledge.

There are also creators who look forward to progress and can stand shoulder to shoulder with the world.

They are all like the violin sounds played in "Getaway", bumping into walls in different fields, smashing their heads, repeating the movements that others have played a long time ago, chasing the falling distance little by little.

However, they did not give up moving forward.

Like the violinists working together on this stage, they recreated a new rhythm with their own unique melody and became the core of the music!

The dance of the tip of the knife is painful enough to be reborn from the ashes and put to death.

However, this music starts when it is behind, climaxes when it is ensemble, and is free when it leads!

Zotel brought them sorrow, hope and pursuit.

When the fourth movement kicked off, Zotter put back his formal tuxedo, sat in front of the reappearing piano, and played a lonely melody casually.

The familiar notes immediately plunged the concert hall into the same pain as the first movement.

But the brief pain, turning lightly from Zotel's fingertips, reveals the joy and joy that anyone can detect.

Such joy exists in every round of the main theme.

The melody that was once sad and lonely has countless echoing and echoing voices.

It seems that countless people are commemorating, and countless people are following.

Countless people recall bitterness and sweetness, and countless people drink water and think of the source.

All sacrifices have been answered, all sacrifices have been harvested, all wandering ghosts finally rest in peace, all sorrow and pain are finally shining brightly. The fourth movement has the same melody as the first movement, but it gives the audience the most joyful and tragic enjoyment.

They laughed, they cried, they shed hot tears, and they curled up their mouths.

They have experienced the heaviest suffering, and they will still stand in the east of the world!

When the last note, trembling disappeared in the concert hall.

Zotter stood up and, together with the orchestra, bowed deeply in thanks.

Amidst the thunderous applause, the unruly "Encore Encore" and "Zotel one more" came and went one after another.

The noble and elegant concert hall is full of passionate young people expressing their emotions. Before they dry their tears, they want to hear more about China.

It's a pity that the willful Zotel doesn't favor fans at all.

"Not coming." He said, "This is a movement that cannot be turned back, and it is also a note that will never end."

"To my favorite China."

Every piece of "Xiaoyaoyou", without the aid of words, can listen to the rhythm of the music and feel excited.

He suddenly understood why Li Qingsu wanted to convey the power of the South China Sea Tunnel through music.

Because music can transcend any language and words, and directly touch the most primitive joy and sorrow, pride and pride in people's hearts.

The concert was over, and the people on the stage had just left, when Lifeng received a call from the protagonist of the concert.

"Master, wait for me, I want to remove my makeup! I saw you!"

He wailed so loudly that Li Qingsu could hear him.

As a mother, Li Qingsu shook her head helplessly, "Why are you still so undignified. Since Li Zuo wants to meet you, I, an old man, don't bother."

Lu Feng was surprised and said: "Aren't you waiting to congratulate him?"

Li Qingsu laughed, "It's not for me that he performed "A Happy Journey."

Even though she was full of pride for Zotel in her heart, she was still ruthless on the outside.

After they left, only Lufeng and Yin Yiqiao were left waiting in the background, and decided to give this poor child some elder warmth.

However, they didn't expect that it would be so cumbersome and troublesome for boys to remove makeup.

About half an hour later, the orchestra members left with their instruments, and a young and beautiful Zotter in a T-shirt jumped out of the background!

Zotel, without his shirt and suit, is like a rebellious and stupid son who escaped from the shackles.

His neck and wrists are jingling, and they are covered with rope pendants, and even his ears are shining, with bright nails between metal clips.

The contrast was so exciting that Li Feng was blinded.

Before he could react, Zotel's deep eyes lit up, he rushed over and raised his right hand high, made a high-five gesture, and shouted happily: "Great God! I'm coming! Givemefive!"

The old man Lu Feng and the old man Yin Yiqiao stared at him silently, indifferent to the raised palm.

Zotel was stunned for a moment, curled his lips, put down his hands kindly, and changed to a well-behaved and ordinary way of socializing.

With a serious voice, he said again: "Hi, God, I'm Zotel..."

"I'm Lu Feng, can you please don't call me Dashen, just call me Brother Feng." Finally, Lu Feng slowly extended his hand and shook it back, and introduced by the way, "This is my senior brother, Yin Yiqiao."

"Hello senior brother!" Zotel saluted Yin Yiqiao, and the breath of the elementary school student could not be restrained, and Yin Yiqiao had another elementary school student brother.

His appearance is quite different from the solemn and serious musicians playing the piano and violin on the stage.

Li Feng sighed secretly, fortunately, he was used to the appearance of him chattering on WeChat, otherwise he would definitely feel that he had admitted the wrong person.

Even so, Li Feng still smiled approvingly, and said earnestly: "Congratulations on the success of "Happy Journey", we are very excited to hear it."

Zotel was overjoyed, "That is, I have been preparing for "Getaway" for so long, and even passed the test of a devil musician like my mother, how could it be unsuccessful! It is indeed me!"

Not at all humble.

It's very Zottle.

In his heart, Lu Feng praised Ms. Li for her prophetic prediction.

Sure enough, knowing the child is better than the mother, Zotel, this guy can boast casually, and the spring will be bright and his heart will be in full bloom immediately.

He smiled helplessly and said, "If you are free, let's find a coffee shop to chat?"

"Hey, what kind of coffee shop are you looking for?" Zotel is really not elegant at all, "Let's go have a barbecue! When I came here, I saw the night barbecue on the street next door for a long time!"

Really, Zotel is absolutely completely Chinese and has nothing to do with Australia.

Otherwise, why would you be staring at a smoky barbecue stall six streets away from the concert hall?

Chinese specialty barbecue, full of people at night.

Yin Yiqiao and Lu Feng's suits were thrown on the car, and the sleeves of their shirts were rolled up to complete the whole process from the concert hall to the night market.

Zotter is more convenient, and sneaker jeans dance extra cheerfully.

They walked through streets filled with plastic stools and folding tables.

Zotter stared up at the billboard ahead, then spotted his target.

"This one, this one, my fans told me that this one is the best."

He rushed up and said skillfully to the boss: "Thirty skewers of mutton skewers, ten skewers of chicken wings, grilled shrimp, grilled sausages, grilled brains, and three bottles of Coke!"

Not an outsider at all!

Lufeng and Yin Yiqiao sat at the table, quietly waiting for food.

They didn't have to talk at all, just listen to Zotel.

There is no gap between waiting for the meat to be stuffed into the mouth, Zotel is a chat room by himself.

He said: "I always thought, Brother Feng, you were a designer of the University of Law who specialized in modeling, or moved bricks for the project, which made me greedy for the Wuqueshan Bridge and Nanhai Tunnel designed by you for a long time, and I dare not Chat with you online."

"Because I was afraid that my guess would be wrong, and you would disappear from the world... Well, you are actually too busy, and you disappear every time, so I am really afraid that one day you will disappear without a sound, and I will no longer have a big god to cover you." gone."

"Hey, since the project you participated in is so awesome, can I see "Shanshui Xiaoyao" completed in China? ... Ah, I'm so hungry."

The high-intensity performance did not make Zotter feel tired, only made him hungry.

Lufeng grabbed peanuts for him helplessly, "Eat. Don't think too much, "Shanshui Xiaoyao" is just a concept, and I will focus on designing bridges in the future."

"Ah?" Zotel dragged his voice, "It's a pity, I dream of seeing the completion of "Shanshui Xiaoyao", because it is the source of inspiration for my transformation, and it is my reborn parent. When it is completed, I will definitely Carrying a basin to burn paper money, thanks to this fairy building—”

Yin Yiqiao couldn't hold back, reached out to the barbecue stand and took a bunch of fried hot dogs and handed it to Zotel who was chattering, telling him to shut up.

"Don't rush to talk, eat a bunch first."

"Yeah!" Zotel didn't think about being polite, and was very happy to take it over, "Thank you, brother!"

Sincerely, finally shut up.

Netizens who were supposed to be nervous enough to adapt to each other met, and it looked like he and Yin Yiqiao were taking care of their clingy younger brother.

My brother is really good at eating.

Also very good at nagging.

He talked about the effort in creating "Xiaoyaoyou", and said that he was shocked and surprised when he re-read Chinese history.

No country can regain its land after experiencing iron hoof abuse.

Then forge ahead and become what it is now. Residents can go out late at night, sit in the market, and enjoy seafood and skewers.

Li Feng listened quietly, feeling how similar he was to him.

Tonight's "Xiaoyaoyou" is not the comfort of ordinary fetishes traveling around the world, but the great wall of flesh and blood forged with human body to protect the peace of one side.

With the midnight food served by the owner of the barbecue stall.

Zotel's narration turned into a discussion with Rifeng.

They are like old friends who have been reunited for a long time, and there are always many new topics to talk about.

Talk about wars, inheritance, cultural relics that have just been published, and jokes that are popular on the Internet.

Until the early hours of parting, Lu Feng, who was full of fireworks, solemnly invited: "When your "Getaway" tour is over, I will take you to see the South China Sea Tunnel."

Zotel's eyes lit up, but he showed a sly smile.

"Brother Feng, I want to go, but not now!"

"Because my mom begged me to bring her band and try a new concert format. So after the tour, I'll be busy for a while."

He spoke boldly and without blushing.

It seems that my mother knelt down and begged for mercy, and finally realized that he is a super genius!

If it wasn't for Lu Feng's understanding, how much he longed for Li Qingsu's approval, and how serious Li Qingsu was when he faced him, I'm afraid he would have believed his younger brother's nonsense.

However, Zotter drank Coke as drunk as he did alcohol.

He said confidently: "When your South China Sea Tunnel is really completed, my mother and I will definitely come. Because, this new movement that can be played with nature will end in the South China Sea!"

The author has something to say: The ghost playing the violin comes from "a ghost, the Communist Party, wandering in Europe." - "Communist Manifesto"

"All people have no self, gods and men have no merit, and sages have no name" - "Xiaoyaoyou"

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