Zotel Mingming has nearly 3000 million fans worldwide, and his works are regarded as classics.

But in Lu Feng's eyes, he will always be like a younger brother.

Because, he can never stop his younger brother's behavior.

Just like now, he continued to perform beep-beep machine possession on WeChat, and told Li Feng about his grievances.

"When I said that I wanted to go back to China, I had fully planned and made a meticulous plan!"

"However, my mother said that I am not doing my job all day long, and that my poor arrangement can only deceive little girls. I am not allowed to come at all..."

"Why! I really have a generation gap with my mother! I go online every day and know more things than her. Why does she still think I don't understand China! I'm not allowed to come back!"

"God, I really worked so hard!"

The hard-working Zotel drowned out Lifeng with exclamation points.

But Lifeng couldn't feel his efforts at all, but could only feel the noisy eyes, full of emojis of Zotel rolling.

It has to be said that if this was his own brother, he would not dare to send it back to the country.

It's definitely not because he thinks that Zotel is naive and embarrassing, but because he is afraid that Zotel has not experienced the beatings in Chinese society, and when he comes back, he is not familiar with the place and is easy to deceive, so he will be tricked into taking small loans.

Looking at his description, Li Feng could immediately imagine how a strict mother despises her son.

He dislikes his son even more and discredits the motherland.

Zotel, who wanted to come to China but couldn't, was a little pitiful and a little cute.

He accuses his mother of being old and has a deep generation gap with him.

But Lufeng can only feel how the strict mother stares at his silly son with kind eyes.

"Your mother is worried about you." Lu Feng chose her words carefully, "She thinks you don't understand China, maybe because she belongs to the era of "Singing the Motherland"."

The parents of that era really looked down upon a cutting-edge killer like Zotel.

However, when Li Feng mentioned it, Zotel started whining again.

"I thought so too, so I specially compiled a set of patriotic suites and rewrote the classics..."

He sent a painful emoji, crying like a wronged dog.

"In the end, she commented that - with only this level of adaptation, it's better not to go back to China and make a fool of yourself!"

Since then, the word "disgraceful" has become Zotel's heart disease.

He traveled all over Australia, jumping repeatedly in the sea and desert, in order to carefully study what is "the desert is solitary, the long river is full of sun", and what is "the moon is born on the sea, and the sky is at this moment".

Zotel read all the famous poems and terms, and experienced the Chinese artistic conception with his heart, just to not lose to the 50-year-old mother in China!

Then, go back to China!

The child was crying on WeChat, as if he was a poor child who couldn't go home.

Li Feng slapped the bed with laughter!

It's miserable, it's really miserable.

He finally met the rumored tiger mother, how she forced a free-spirited, free-wheeling performance artist into a hard-working child.

Zotel was crying about how difficult it was for this Chinese-style concert.

Li Feng felt happy despite being wolf-hearted.

"In my opinion, this just shows that your mother knows more about China than you do."

He patiently entered the text, feeling a burst of emotion, "The tempering you have experienced in preparing for this concert is more like a growth in my opinion. Now that you can come to China, does it mean that you have already impressed her?" ?”

When Zotel heard the news, he suddenly changed from crying to elation.

"Of course! My mother cried! She said she would invite her friends to enjoy my concert together!"

The complaints and grievances just now have become exclamation points of happiness.

It made Li Feng very curious——

What kind of Chinese style is it that can listen to a stubborn and strict mother cry?

Lufeng's perception of music is limited to the level of passers-by who can distinguish between "good" and "bad".

He sent Zotter the address, promising to be there.

Then he poked open Yin Yiqiao's window and asked, "Brother, do you want to go to the concert?"

After Yin Yiqiao returned to China, she has been living a busy and boring life.

Of course, boring is what Lifeng thinks.

Because when he was in the UK, no matter how busy he was at work, Yin Yiqiao would find time to go to art exhibitions, concerts, and movies with Lufeng.

They met almost all famous contemporary British artists and watched all the films released outside China.

Live a fulfilling and leisurely life.

But in China, Lufeng doesn't even know what Yin Yiqiao eats every day and what time she goes to bed.

There is no time to care about the spiritual life of his brother.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

When Yin Yiqiao received the news, his first reaction was——

"Has your unit issued tickets for the concert?"

Law wind: ...

Chinese characteristics make the law very shameful.

Why can't it be that he wants to ask his brother to go to the concert, but the unromantic reason that "the unit has issued a ticket"?

"No, it's a kid I know. He plays music and is going to China for a concert, so I want to ask you to go with him."

Lu Feng told the truth, Yin Yiqiao was not willing.

"Okay, I'm free."

Zotel's invitation was sent to Li'an Port Hotel in less than three days.

Li Feng was amazed at his efficiency, but found that the invitation came from China.

"It seems that the organizer of the concert sent it directly."

Lifeng took it apart and took out the contents.

It was an invitation card with an antique design and covered in dark red. The contents inside were wrapped in an envelope. The red frame on the front had the three characters "Xiaoyaoyou" written freely and freely with a brush.

The strong ancient customs made Lu Feng feel confused.

Does Chinese-style concert mean traditional Chinese concert?

He casually tore off the plainly decorated envelope and pulled out the invitation.

It clearly reads: Thank you Mr. Laixi and his companions for coming to the China Concert Hall to enjoy "Xiaoyaoyou" together.

The inscription turned out to be two names.

"Li Zuo...Zotel Freys?"

Yin Yiqiao had a slight impression of these two names. He took the invitation and raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't this the third son of Ms. Li Qingsu's family?"

"Li Qingsu?" Lu Feng had an impression of another name.

As a well-known patriotic musician overseas, Li Qingsu has composed and arranged works that even a music blind person like Rhythm has heard.

But to his surprise...

"Zotel is Teacher Li's son?"

"Yeah." Yin Yiqiao affirmed, "CE designed and built the Fraser Concert Hall. I have met Ms. Li's daughter and son, and heard them talk about Li Zuo."

In the eyes of Li Wan and Li Song, a third younger brother who deviates from the orthodoxy and does not do business properly is a super headache Internet celebrity.

For a musical family like them, their works should appear in a solemn concert hall, not on the cheap and noisy Internet.

But Li Zuo just loves the Internet, like the legendary nerd at home, he is keen on making pop music, which makes Li Qingsu extremely disappointed but helpless.

Yin Yiqiao said: "It turned out that they said that Li Zuo, who wasted his talent to create pop music, was Zotel. Although the surname Freys is common, the English name and surname are Freys, and the Chinese name and surname are Li's music. Internet celebrities, there is only the rebellious third son of Ms. Li Qingsu's family."

Li Feng suddenly understood.

No wonder Mr. Li commented that Zotel's adaptation of classic patriotic songs is shameful.

Because Li Qingsu's works have a strong Chinese-style internationalism, gentle and bright, and moving.

The created tunes, accompanied by affectionate lyrics, can be sung at major events in China and sung in every corner of the land of China.

"My Voice" sang the excitement of China's thousands of rushing rivers converging in the sea.

"Everyday" depicts the scene of the red flag of the motherland fluttering in the wind and the people living and working in peace and contentment.

"White Pigeon on the Coast" tells the story of similar flowers and different people every year, and the rapid development of the times.

She is not the generation who listened to "Singing the Motherland", but the kind who wrote "Singing the Motherland" herself!

Old-fashioned patriots like her must have a hatred for their children who have gone astray.

Lifeng reciprocates his sympathy for Zotel.

And looking forward to the concert even more.

He said: "Brother, Zotel told me that Mr. Li cried when he listened to his music arrangement, so he let him come to China."

Sure enough, Yin Yiqiao was as surprised as Lu Feng.

"Why do I feel that this kid is boasting?"

Whether Zotel is boasting or not, Li Feng is not clear.

But he instinctively felt that "A Happy Journey" that could be recognized by Li Qingsu should be very different.

One week after Li Feng received the invitation, Zotel's "Getaway" finally started to be promoted.

This special online celebrity musician will perform on tour in [-] cities in China.

As soon as the news came out, there was a sensation on the Internet.

Zotel has 3000 million fans and 900 million domestic exclusives. The power of the crowd is not just for nothing.

His loyal listeners, who used to be only on the Internet, instantly exploded like fireworks, bursting with joy!

"My male god is finally going to hold a concert la la la la!"

"...Calm down, don't be uneducated like a crazy fan, that's called a concert."

"Zotter's piano and violin are so good, will you play them all at the concert and have a solo performance?!"

"Although the solo performance is wonderful, I still want to listen to a professional concert with an orchestra..."

"I don't know what song I will choose this time. I really want to hear "Spring Equinox", "Late Autumn" and "Deep Sea" in "Escape"!"

Discussions abound on the Internet.

More people are getting ready to grab concert tickets in cities near their homes.

Lufeng searched for Zotel's new works in recent years, and the soothing music flowed in his ears. It has long since lost the impetuosity and dustiness of the past, and it is so clean and transparent that it makes him feel peaceful.

Maybe it's the name of "Happy Tour", which is full of the comfort of a hermit escaping from the world.

Or maybe it was a musician like Li Qingsu who set up difficulties and sharpened a brand new Zotel.

He always felt that this would be an excellent auditory feast.

Li Feng made up his mind.

If Yin Yiqiao also thinks it sounds good, he will invite the teacher to listen to Zotel's next "Escape".

Let the teacher go with them to listen to the happy life of young people.

On the day of the first concert, it was rare for Lifeng to find his decent suit, and the news from his mobile phone never stopped.

Since yesterday, Zotel took advantage of the rehearsal breaks to carefully remind Lvfeng's address and seat, and even repeatedly suggested that he would come to pick Lvfeng up to the scene in person.

However, Lifeng refused.

He could feel Zotel's nervousness.

Concerts, which are extremely demanding performances on the spot, he decided not to artificially increase Zotter's burden.

Therefore, the considerate Lu Feng brought Yin Yiqiao to the table.

The best listening seats in the concert hall have left many empty seats, and the seats of Lu Feng and Yin Yiqiao are in the middle of the best.

"Zotel really attaches great importance to your big friend."

Yin Yiqiao looked around the interior structure of the concert hall, with an architect's occupational disease, "Our row should be the place with the best music reverberation and visual effects."

Close to the stage, but right in the center.

Neither affects viewing nor the sound of listening to music.

If it is reserved for the guests who are valued by the organizer, this place is definitely a VIP among the VIPs.

The concert hall gradually entered the guests, mostly young people.

After all, Zotel is a big internet celebrity, and his fans are all trendy young people in their twenties who are keen on the Internet, and even the solemn hall can be heard from time to time with unserious laughter.

The youthful and energetic venue will stage a much-anticipated getaway.

Li Feng was extremely curious, there were pianos and many musical instruments on the stage, and he didn't know which musical instrument Zotel would appear in front of.

Or, he is the conductor of this concert, leading the whole orchestra and playing the sound of a getaway.

Suddenly, Yin Yiqiao who was beside him stood up and shouted in surprise, "Grandpa?"

Li Feng stood up subconsciously, with an expression like a student who skipped class to listen to the concert and was caught by the teacher!

Yin Zhili walked over formally in a suit, and laughed out loud when he saw them.

"Oh, you guys came to listen to music quietly without me."

The ridicule in the words is far better than accusations and complaints, and Li Feng is particularly embarrassed.

But before he could explain, Yin Yiqiao smiled and said, "Didn't you also come quietly and didn't bring us?"

Yin Zhili disagreed with his words, and smiled proudly, "I didn't come quietly, I was invited."

The old man stepped aside a little, revealing a beautiful lady in a long skirt beside him.

She is forty or fifty years old, but she has the unique and elegant temperament of a musician.

Li Feng immediately recognized that she was Zotel's tiger mother, Li Qingsu.

Yin Zhili introduced leisurely, "This is the mother of the performer of "Escape" today, Ms. Li Qingsu. You know this, my grandson Yin Yiqiao. This is my student, Lufeng."

When introducing Lu Feng, Yin Zhili's tone was obviously more cheerful.

Yin Zhili was used to his grandfather's eccentricity, and politely shook Li Qingsu's hand.

However, the lady glanced over him hastily and politely, and stayed on Li Feng for a long time.

There was excitement in her eyes, and unexpected surprise appeared on her face.

"It turns out that the distinguished guest that Li Zuo refused to mention is actually the designer of the South China Sea Tunnel Bridge!"

As a well-known musician, Li Qingsu expressed emotion in such a tone, almost admiring.

It sounds like Zotel invited him because he knew that Lufeng had designed the cross-sea bridge.

However, Lu Feng seriously corrected: "Zotel probably didn't know that I designed the cross-sea bridge... He and I are netizens, and the process of making friends was very simple. He doesn't know my name yet."

Simply appreciate each other and simply chat about life.

To this day, Zotel only knows that he invited Hui Laixi to exchange names after the concert and chat face-to-face about the sound of "Getaway".

Li Qingsu understands the ways of the world, and she knew that Lu Feng had misunderstood it as soon as she heard it.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else." Her slender fingers pressed down on her heart apologetically, and she even asked Yin Zhili helplessly, "Because I was talking about the South China Sea Tunnel with Mr. Yin just now, and about the video you made."

Yin Zhili nodded, "That's true. I was thinking about asking you to talk to Boss Weng about this."

"What's the matter?" Li Feng asked in confusion.

Li Qingsu said: "Our orchestra wants to do a live concert on the South China Sea Tunnel."

She has a frank expression and doesn't mind telling Lifeng her whimsical thoughts.

"I want to use the way of a musician to convey the power of the South China Sea Tunnel to the world."

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