World-class infrastructure maniac

Chapter 52 Never repeat the same mistakes

Typhoons are not uncommon in Li'an Port.

Since the construction of the South China Sea Tunnel, they have encountered hundreds of strong winds.

However, not once have you reached level 16!

Qu Fei is usually unreliable, but he will never joke about this kind of natural disaster.

Even if Li Feng hung up the phone and found out that it was only five years in the morning, he quickly got out of bed and got dressed.

"What's wrong?" Yin Yiqiao's voice carried the tiredness of waking up from sleep.

There was no way for Lufeng to make him sleep peacefully, so he took Yin Yiqiao's clothes, rushed up and urged his brother to get up quickly.

"The typhoon is coming, level 16! A super typhoon of level 16!"

For those engaged in the construction industry, natural disasters and man-made disasters can turn any calm practitioner into a repeater.

The last 14-level typhoon that landed in Li'an Port left a deep impression on Linglifeng.

The houses in the whole area were damaged, the roads were flooded, and the news channels kept sending back the frontline situation. Even he could feel the raging typhoon in the UK, and how tragic the consequences were.

An epic disaster drives him and Yin Yiqiao to the construction site.

The sky outside the hotel was hazy, and the sky hadn't fully opened yet, so there was no sign of a typhoon in the future.

However, Li Feng is very sure.

"Where the ocean should have formed a tropical storm, and the predicted route will pass through Li'an Port." He couldn't help telling, "Brother, you don't know how terrible a typhoon is, you must tell the construction team to take precautions, and you must not Take it lightly. And, the notification from the government is coming soon.”

For super projects like the South China Sea Tunnel, any disturbance in the surrounding waters will be quickly reported to the project team to remind them to do a good job of protection.

He is full of confidence in the wind resistance of each part of the tunnel project, but he still can't help worrying about Yin Yiqiao.

Because the UK is located in a high latitude area and has never been affected by typhoons.

Perhaps only the vast and vast China is unable to avoid the many disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, ice disasters, droughts, and floods.

However, the slightly bright and transparent sky in Li'an Port is obviously far from the most critical time.

Yin Yiqiao started the car and said comfortingly: "Since the government hasn't notified yet, it means the typhoon is still far away. Don't be in a hurry when you go, just see what's going on first."

It was only [-]:[-] when Li Feng rushed to the meeting room of the project team.

Qu Fei stood by the window and yelled loudly, one by one waking up people, having a meeting, and having a typhoon.

Weng Chengxian looked solemnly at the map in his hand, waiting for the project team to arrive one after another.

It was an ordinary map of the South China Sea region, on which mainland China, the South China Sea Strait, and Treasure Island were clearly listed, and it was far away from Rico Island in the Philippines outside the territory.

There are a few shallow dotted lines drawn on it, which were drawn by Weng Chengxian based on the information given by the Meteorological Bureau.

At 10:[-], the principals of the Nanhai Tunnel gathered in the conference room.

At the same time, the person in charge of the treasure island and the artificial island was connected, and a serious and urgent emergency meeting was held.

After Typhoon Lisu formed a tropical depression in the ocean east of the Philippines, it strengthened into a typhoon of magnitude 23 at 16:200 last night and is heading towards Rico Island in the Philippines at a speed of [-] km/h.

Weng Chengxian said: "Maybe in another two or three hours, Lisu will land in the Philippines. What kind of image it will enter the South China Sea... depends on the situation in the Philippines."

Located at the southern tip of China, there are many Philippine islands, which have blocked the pace of countless super typhoons.

The two countries are not blood brothers, but they can always resist typhoons with their own strength, and are forced to defend China all the time because of their special geographical location.

In response to the call of the Belt and Road Initiative, China has sent many teams to support the infrastructure construction of the Philippines.

After the Philippines named Lisu, the country immediately received news and obtained first-hand information about the local avoidance of Lisu in the Philippines.

"Even in the Philippines, it hasn't seen such a big typhoon in four or five years."

"The speed of movement is very fast, and it will not weaken. When it lands on Rico Island in the Philippines, it may reach level 17 or 18."

"They are already evacuating residents in coastal areas, trying to limit damage before the typhoon passes."

"So...we also need to do a good job of inspecting the South China Sea Tunnel as soon as possible to ensure that the South China Sea Tunnel will not be damaged by Lisu."

Lu Feng quietly listened to Weng Chengxian's explanation, and every thing recorded by the tip of the pen carried an invisible weight.

Any building is like fragile porcelain before it is built.

Strong winds, earthquakes, and floods will all cause irreparable damage to them.

Even though Typhoon Lisu was still spinning in the waters of the Philippines, all the people in charge were frightened to start counting the number of people, and immediately explained the follow-up protection work.

From the bridge tunnel to the artificial island, the Nanhai Tunnel can withstand typhoons of level 16.

However, that is the theoretical strength of the tunnel after it is built tightly, and no one can guarantee that the sudden super typhoon during construction will affect it.

At six o'clock in the morning, thousands of members of the Nanhai Tunnel are busy sailing to board the bridge to inspect and strengthen the cross-sea bridge under construction.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the text messages bombarded by various departments of Li'an Port were sent to the residents who had just woken up.

"The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a red warning: It is expected that around 6 o'clock on x month x, typhoon 'Lisu' will make landfall in Li'an Port in the South China Sea and the coastal areas of Baodao..."

"Hello, dear owner: According to the city's weather forecast, typhoon 'Lisu' will make landfall in Li'an Port around 6 o'clock on the xth day. Please stay away from water and avoid outdoor activities."

"Notice: In order to do a good job in the prevention of typhoon 'Lisu', the following task requirements for typhoon and flood prevention are specially arranged..."

Just closing and opening eyes, the unfamiliar typhoon "Lisu" became the primary enemy in the coastal areas of the South China Sea.

Even the morning news and noon news continued to broadcast news about Typhoon Lisu in the Philippines.

The unprecedented bombardment of news made the name "Lisu" a hot topic.

Almost the whole country is paying attention to the massive typhoon prevention work far in the south of the motherland.

Because, there is China's latest super project - the South China Sea Tunnel!

"A typhoon of level 16... I hope the Nanhai Tunnel is fine."

"I read reports before that the cross-sea bridge has been built to the South China Sea Strait. If Lisu lands, it will definitely be hit hard qaq"

"Damn, are we going to start worshiping the Philippine mountain god again at this time? I beg Rico Island to show its power and weaken Lisu!"

It is hard not to carry out superstitious blessing activities on the Internet.

What's more, this time Lisu will give priority to visiting an old friend of the Chinese, the Philippines.

Every year when a typhoon enters the country, it will violently blow across the country surrounded by the sea, reducing the terrifying wind speed of the super typhoon.

This time was no exception, and countless people even began to swear: as long as the Philippine mountain god blocks Lisu, I will only eat Philippine bananas in my next life to fulfill my vow.

A good blessing event turned into the Philippine Fruit Awards.

The friendship of the Chinese people is always simple and delicious.

Suddenly, someone threw out a series of scary photos, interrupting the harmonious prayer meeting.

"I saw a photo posted by the Filipino infrastructure brother on the forum! He is not on Rico Island where the typhoon landed. Rico Island has completely cut off water, electricity and internet!"

In the photo, it was gloomy and dark, with heavy rain pouring down. In the torrential rain, only the yellowish muddy water mixed with tree stumps could be seen gushing in the streets and alleys.

There are even dirty roofs, shattered in the flood, hitting the broken tiles and broken walls of countless buildings.

The scene horribly showed Hong Feng crossing the border, coupled with the status quo explained by the infrastructure brothers who were on the scene, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Cutting off water, electricity, and the internet is simply unimaginable for flowers in domestic greenhouses.

However, what they can't even imagine is the poor infrastructure in the Philippines.

The official reports on the Internet made netizens no longer in the mood to discuss which fruits in the Philippines are delicious.

Typhoon "Lisu" swept through Rico Island, affecting nearly a million people in the northern Philippines, and at least ten people died.

The wind toppled roofs, downed trees and caused flash floods.

A short text flash report is enough for everyone to feel Lisu's madness.

And this crazy Lisu is rapidly approaching the waters of China, and will enter the South China Sea Strait tomorrow at the latest!

The leisurely chatting and praying ended in the tragedy after the typhoon in the neighboring country.

In the evening, the news TV station directly reported the post-disaster situation in the Philippines, and experts from the Meteorological Bureau were analyzing how the super typhoon would come to China.

On a night that should have been peaceful, the employees of the Nanhai Tunnel were still strengthening under the illumination of searchlights.

They raced against time to ensure the stability of the bridge. With the lessons learned from the Philippines, they did not dare to slack off.

Li Feng and the others were on the engineering ship, watching the news broadcast about the situation in the Philippines.

After the raging Lisu, Rico Island suffered heavy losses, tens of thousands of people were displaced, and the death toll continued to rise.

The Philippine infrastructure construction team sent by the National Design Institute and the Construction Group did not take charge of the project in Rico Island, but the construction project they were in was affected by the flood in a large area, and the news sent back filled the work group of everyone in the conference room .

The extent of the disaster on the front line was more serious than what was shown in the news broadcast.

The red and yellow floods submerged the low buildings, but there was no tall building standing, only ruins remained.

The people who lost their homes floated in the flood waters, supporting their children with wooden boards.

Faced with such a scene, the Philippines can only declare a "major disaster state" and seek international assistance.

Neighboring countries not far from China are far behind and have no ability to resist super typhoons.

Residential homes and commercial buildings were destroyed, and the north was suffering from the worst flooding ever recorded.

Li Feng saw the rescue scene in the news.

There are no advanced helicopters, no fast and brave assault rubber boats.

There are no reliable people's soldiers.

In the face of such natural disasters, ordinary people rely on themselves to save themselves, and then gather in crowded shelters, waiting for international assistance.

The conference room was silently ringing with news broadcasts.

From time to time, the voice of the report that the inspection was completed came from the intercom.

The situation in the Philippines is so tragic that as a Chinese, I can empathize even more.

The major disaster after the founding of the People's Republic of China has become a memory passed down from generation to generation. No matter how rich life is, it will be awakened by this appalling scene.

Qu Fei sighed, "The Philippines has many Chinese-built projects, and it has not escaped the typhoon. We will definitely send a rescue team."

"Rescue belongs to the rescue, the people are still too miserable." Weng Cheng shook his head first, and sketched on the verification map, "We must complete the reinforcement of the cross-sea bridge tonight, and the whole country is staring at the South China Sea Tunnel."

Li'an Port is experiencing constant light wind and light rain. This is the first time that the South China Sea Tunnel under construction has experienced such a big test.

Li Feng stayed up all night, going back and forth between the engineering ship and the cross-sea bridge, repeatedly testing every edge of the hexagonal triangle with instruments.

His behavior is a little superfluous.

The material of the sea-crossing bridge is the most stable carbon steel in the world, and the bridge body supported by the hexagonal triangular grid will never have any problems.

However, he couldn't get rid of the tragic situation in the Philippines.

He initially designed the hexagonal triangular grid to meet fierce surges and strong winds.

Instead of letting a typhoon that is terrifying enough to destroy the land pass by.

Law wind will be uneasy.

Even though the cross-sea bridge has the most advanced construction technology in China, from the offshore platform under the feet to the sharp corners of the bridge top, experimental data shows that they can survive a typhoon of level 16 safely.

He couldn't shake off the fear and panic in his heart.

Because, what Lisu will blow is not only the South China Sea Tunnel, but also the bridge building under reconstruction on Baodao, and the entire vast city and village of Li'an Port.

The reinforcement of the last section of the cross-sea bridge penetrating into the South China Sea has been completed.

In order to prevent harm, the engineers dismantled the temporary platforms and escalators that were built during the usual construction, and put them back on the engineering workboat, ready to return to the voyage.

Kelifeng was still standing on the deck, looking at the future direction of the typhoon in the distance.

The morning light that was supposed to be twilight faded away and became extremely gloomy, indicating that the terrifying typhoon was about to enter the South China Sea.

"Go back to the cabin, the typhoon is coming, we have to return quickly."

Weng Chengxian's voice came from Lu Feng's side, clear and shallow.

"Mr. Weng." Lu Feng looked at the old man beside him and asked, "Have you ever encountered such a strong typhoon?"

His usual gentle smile was gone, only the deep wrinkles between his brows remained.

"Meet it." Weng Cheng first adjusted his glasses, "I built a bridge in Guangdong in 96. At that time, our technology was not as strong as it is now, and the typhoon we could withstand was only about level 10... At that time, a A super typhoon whose destructive power far exceeds our level of understanding."

"Buildings collapsed, bridges were destroyed, and people disappeared."

His voice became very soft, and his sight became extremely far away, as if he had returned to the former hell on earth through the vast sea.

In the face of disasters, people struggle like ants and are swallowed by the ruthless nature.

Human beings are so fragile, how can they have the ability to keep a bridge under construction.

However, Weng Cheng first smiled and restored his usual kindness.

"However, it's different now. We can definitely keep the sea-crossing bridge of the South China Sea Tunnel from Lisu's hands."

His voice is full of confidence, "Because we have studied bridges for decades, we will never repeat the same mistakes."

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