Another quiet and busy day at the Bridge Branch.

Li Feng is still sitting in his seat, checking the marine data of the South China Sea Tunnel Project.

He studied these data for nearly three days, and he was able to memorize all the reefs and islands along the way from the starting point of Li'an Port to the island of Fuyun County.

They are clearly scattered on the sea chart sent by the project team, and together with the artificial islands that have been built and planned to be built, they have become the best way to connect the mainland to the treasure island.

However, such a smooth line is too simple.

It is not as simple as a project that has been delayed for more than [-] years. It clearly and completely shows all the strong surges and rapids in this sea area.

According to the requirements, Lu Fengda can wave his hand to connect, directly on the best way, and design a simple and beautiful bridge according to the data to connect the tunnel.

But he didn't make a move for a long time.

Apart from looking at these data, at most he just looked for papers on ocean tunnels and bridges, and didn't make any drawings at all.

Quiet like a student immersed in book learning.

When Director Feng came over to check the situation, he saw Lifeng buried in the documents——

"Experimental Research on Scouring and Wave Fluid Mechanics of Bridge Piers"

He felt strange, and said, "Didn't I give you all the wave and current experimental data of the bridge section of the Nanhai Tunnel?"

He read the information carefully, and the data given are exhaustive, and there is no need for other verifications by Lifeng, and he can get started with the design directly.

Hearing the words, Li Feng looked up from the heavy materials.

He took the calculation result at hand and handed it to Feng Hanlin, "But I think... the data is a bit strange."

"What's so strange?" Director Feng took it in surprise,

Lu Feng shook his pen, "According to the water depth, wave height, and current velocity given by them, the wave and current force that the bridge tower can withstand should be between [-] and [-] (thousand cattle), but I checked again the South China Sea. The papers on cross-sea bridges found that the wave and current forces they bear are generally similar, which is also the number."

Feng Hanlin looked down at Li Feng's calculations. After recalculation, the wave power remained within the range of [-] to [-].

Be consistent with the data given to him by the project team.

"You say there is something wrong with this number?"

"En." Lu Feng nodded, "Director Feng, this is a 135-kilometer-long sea level across the South China Sea Strait. Why is the simulation value of wave and current force given by the project team almost the same as other inland sea crossing bridges? .”

Lifeng is not sensitive to data and has not handled cross-sea bridges.

However, he knows that the ocean is changing rapidly, and the farther away from the land the sea level is, the more turbulent and deep it is.

"And this paragraph..." Lu Feng pointed to the data without any abnormality, "It turns out that it is the data from the coastal plain to the Pengzhou Islands, I would never believe it."

The Pengzhou Islands, as pearls scattered among the South China Sea, are not only rich in tourism and product resources, but also rich in social news.

The merchant ship touched the reef yesterday, and the maritime police rushed to the scene for emergency rescue.

Tomorrow there will be a sea swell, and the steel cable of the fishing boat will break, putting it in danger.

A quick search by Lifeng found news reports of shipwrecks and typhoons near the Pengzhou Islands.

As a busy shipping route, ships traveling between coastal provinces and cities have a much higher chance of accidents near the Pengzhou Islands than in other places.

However, the data in hand is calm and calm, as if a gentle and friendly ocean is calm and serene.

He only needs to easily draw a bridge line to complete this simple task.

As soon as Li Feng mentioned it, Director Feng also carefully reviewed the data.

The dense hydrology, geology, waterway, and route data perfectly outline a beautiful construction environment.

It is a little difficult, but it can be realized. Following these data, he can start to consider the best pier placement and bridge tower bridge type.

If Lufeng did not indicate that this is the data from the coastal plain to the Pengzhou Islands, Director Feng would never fall into the same confusion as Lufeng.

"Wait a minute, I'll find two people."

As he said that, Director Feng took the documents and walked to the next office, followed by Li Feng, unable to wait quietly for his reply.

In the office next door, there are many designers who have finished their projects and enjoy their commute and commute leisurely.

As soon as Director Feng came in, they immediately put down their phones and clicked with the mouse, each of them got busy professionally and seriously.

It can be seen that he has rich experience in dealing with investigations.

"Stop pretending, come here and take a look at the data." Director Feng patted Du Zhixue, "You were in charge of the Fohai Bridge in Hainan. Do you have any problems with this data?"

Du Zhixue had just finished his work on the Fohai Bridge project. After listening to Director Feng's words, he stopped pretending and immediately gave up pretending to be busy and took the materials.

The wind is small, the water is shallow, the waves are flat, and the current is stable.

Du Zhixue glanced at it and said, "No problem, these data are similar to the sea area of ​​the Fohai Bridge, and the cable-stayed bridge is not difficult to build."

"Let me take a look?" The person in the same office also reached out to take the materials, "This place is not bad, the sea level is so stable, the rock surface is suitable for pier construction, and it will be easier to build a continuous girder bridge."

Professional designers can start to draw up bridge schemes as soon as they look at the data.

The cable-stayed bridge is simple, the continuous girder bridge saves trouble, and the suspension bridge is spectacular.

According to them -

This place is flat and stable, let them do it in three years and it will be successful!

What's even scarier is that they weren't joking.

"Director Feng, is there a shortage of people for this project? I'm going to work fast!"

"Brother, give up. This kind of heavy project will not bother you. You should give me a lot of insight and exercise more."

Originally, they said it was easy and easy, but Director Feng didn't quite believe it.

As a result, this group of people who wished to stay in the office every day and never accept the project were all attracted by this smooth ocean and volunteered to participate in the project.

He believed it right away.

Director Feng handed the data to Li Feng, "It seems that there is really something wrong with the data."

"Yeah." Lu Feng took back the information and said, "That's why I want to find some experimental data on the cross-sea bridge to see how big the gap is."

The less risky projects that the designers coveted returned to Law Feng.

Du Zhixue was shocked, "Is this a lawyer's project?"

"Where is the cross-sea bridge going to be built again?"

Lufeng didn't mind sharing information with his colleagues, so he said directly, "Pengzhou Islands."

"Grass! This is impossible!"

Du Zhixue gambled on his ten years of experience in designing cross-sea bridges, slapped the table and jumped three feet high on the spot.

"The data on typhoons, surges, rapids, water speed, submerged reefs, and silt deposition in the Pengzhou Islands must be increased tenfold!"

"Ah no! At least twenty!"

"How can a bridge be built there?"

People who have designed cross-sea bridges hate the complicated situation of the ocean the most.

When water scours the bridge piers, the corrosion life of the bridge piers must be considered.

In the presence of surges and rapids, it is necessary to consider the influence between the distance between bridge arches and the inertia of water flow.

Moreover, the sea-crossing bridge must protect the waterway and the ecology, and the aircraft routes under the sky will be inserted at the same time, which can remove half of the designer's black hair.

Finally, there will be seven-level strong winds all year round, blowing ten-meter waves.

That's easy.


After studying the rhythm of the data for several days, I finally made effective progress——

There is a problem with the data and it cannot be used at all.

Sure enough, the investigation given by the project committee would not be easy, but he did not expect that even the data was so fake that no designer of the cross-sea bridge would believe it.

So, stepping on the rhythm of getting off work on time, I was thinking deeply on the road.

After all, this is the committee's nepotism strategy that let him design a plan and approve it...

Or is it the true status quo of the South China Sea Tunnel turbulent and disputes hidden under the sea level?

Yin Yiqiao drove home and found that Lufeng was in the kitchen.

It's a pity that instead of cooking hard and virtuously, he stared at the green peppers on the chopping board with a deep expression, as if he was thinking about how to use them to make a delicious green pepper bibimbap.

"What's wrong with you?" Yin Yiqiao had no choice but to reach out, remove the green pepper, and replace it with thawed steak.

Lu Feng scratched his hair, moved out of the way in annoyance, and leaned against the wall without saying a word.

"The project is not going well? Colleagues are not cooperating? The design is flawed?"

Yin Yiqiao asked casually while skillfully heating the pan with oil.

He didn't wait for Lifeng's answer, but there was silence.

The situation is more serious than Yin Yiqiao imagined.

But he still fried the steak, beat the eggs, and waited for Lifeng to speak in the sound of orderly cooking.

When the steak arrived, Lu Feng seemed out of his mind to even cut the dinner.

Finally, he frowned and said, "Brother, what would be the worst situation? All the measurements given to you are false data."

Yin Yiqiao didn't sound too good.

Any slight error in data in the construction industry will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Miscalculated bearing capacity, neglected wind loads, and even unpredictable changes in the geographical environment and blizzard and floods have all sounded the alarm for construction accidents and disasters.

Not to mention, fake data.

"The State Council got fake data?" Yin Yiqiao's tone was involuntarily serious.

Li Feng was a little bit clueless, "No, I got fake data."

Although the information on the South China Sea Tunnel Project was passed to him by the State Council, there is no doubt that only he needs these things.

Then, he can't help but think about it.

If this is also a test, who wants to test him?

Weng Chengxian's kind figure appeared in front of his eyes, but he pressed him back severely.

Lufeng said: "The project I want to go to is a bit complicated. According to the dean, there are many factions in it, each with its own interests, and they are not at the same level at all."

With a sigh, he stuffed the beef into his mouth, chewing until his cheeks bulged.

He didn't continue until he swallowed carefully, "I don't like this atmosphere."

Meeting quarrel, Party A and Party B.

He studied and worked in the UK and has seen too many projects like this, where all parties involved are arguing for their own interests.

The building needs to be built, but it must be completely in accordance with the needs of Party A.

The design needs to be changed, and it may even be completely different from the original concept.

It seems that in this industry, only by becoming an outstanding generation can one be respected.

It fills him with joy and weariness.

However, after Lufeng returned to China, he received maximum support from the National Design Institute, saw the best collectives, and understood the true meaning of "unity".

They can make a lot of noise in order to better realize the bridge construction.

But he will never get in the way and prevent Lifeng from realizing a fantasy.

Data is the foundation of everything.

Design is impossible without data, let alone construction.

He was full of expectations and wanted to enter the South China Sea Tunnel project, but he did not expect that the test he faced was not a design plan at all.

It's a bunch of data that simply cannot be trusted.

Because of work, they ate dinner silently and sullenly.

No matter what anecdote Yin Yiqiao said, Lu Feng also seemed to be willful and angry very uncooperatively.

"I can see it." Yin Yiqiao said with certainty, "Even if the data is fake, you still want to do this project."

"Otherwise you wouldn't be so angry."

Law wind can not refute.

His soul is still roaring: that is the South China Sea Tunnel, which directly connects the mainland and Treasure Island, a super project that is more than three times the length of the Japanese tunnel, how could he not want to do it!

However, he could only nod his head and say, "I'm angry because the person who gave me the fake data didn't trust me in the first place."

Bridge design is not any other architectural design.

It relies heavily on measurements, and any changes in hydrology, geology, and weather will affect the trade-offs in bridge design.

Even if Li Feng had a terrifying restricted zone with frequent disasters, reefs, and typhoons, it was far more acceptable to him than the calm and gentle illusion he got.

That means that it is nature that tests him, not the human heart with evil intentions.

"Maybe it's not that he doesn't trust you, he's afraid of you."

Yin Yiqiao's words made Lu Feng frown, his face full of confusion.

However, Senior Brother i Feng, the number one in the world, spoke with certainty and confidence.

"After all, you can even design the Wuqueshan Bridge, and given you the real data, you might soon design a bridge that shocks the world. How embarrassing he is."

"That's why I dare not give you real data."

The senior brother praised him with a serious expression, and Li Feng wanted to laugh when he heard it.

The depressed mood just now finally got a little better.

What is the highest level of the National Academy of Design? Lu Feng smiled and said: "Then I have to ask tomorrow, which immortal is so afraid that I will lose face."

Early the next morning, Lu Feng took the circled report and handed it to Wu Yingqi.

"Wuyuan, please contact the South China Sea Tunnel Project Committee. This is a fake information full of mistakes and omissions. Even if you want to test me, you have to get some normal data."

Wu Yingqi took the information in surprise, and all the problematic data were ticked on it.

Not much, but it is the most critical part.

If Lufeng designed the bridge according to the same pattern, I am afraid that the drawings would not need to be checked by drawing review experts. The engineers who stayed in the South China Sea Tunnel Project would be able to see the problem at a glance.

Wu Yingqi's face suddenly changed.

The National Design Institute has never received such a thing. Even if there are measurement errors and calculation errors, it is impossible to turn a well-known dangerous sea into this state.

"This matter is too strange." He said with a solemn expression, "In the name of the bridge branch, I will immediately ask the State Council for instructions and send a letter to the South China Sea Tunnel Project Committee!"

Once the matter develops to the stage of sending letters, it will be a formal confrontation between units.

Wu Yingqi's attitude was unexpectedly tough. He even put the seal of the National Council on the inquiry letter, forcibly elevating the administrative level. We must investigate the ins and outs of this fake information.

Even the Nanhai Tunnel Project Committee, which is jointly managed by Nanhai and Baodao, has to hold a formal meeting to study how to answer the inquiries from the National Design Institute.

The venue was full of senior engineers and designers. Weng Chengxian sat next to the chairman of the committee and looked at the young people in the venue with a warm expression.

They had a big fight at the venue yesterday, and broke up unhappy.

Today, because of something other than the project, I have to sit back to the site.

Peng Tongfang, chairman of the committee, said: "The National Design Institute sent an inquiry letter regarding the appointment of the designer Lu Feng, saying that the measurement data we sent in the past had been fabricated and falsified... Qu Fei, you sent the data to the National Academy of Sciences. Yes, please explain."

"I explain what a fart!"

Qu Fei was wearing a gray and white T-shirt with an unshaven beard. He pressed the cigarette butt viciously and said with a sneer, "You should ask the sissy over there about the data."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!" Xia Yingjie, who was wearing a neat shirt, retorted, "The data of our Island Research Institute was given to you intact. If something happened, it must be your problem."

Qu Fei rolled his eyes at him, exhaled foul breath, and took out another cigarette to light it.

"I stay up late and work overtime to fight with you. I wish the State Council would send a designer to help me. Shall I give fake data?"

He waved at himself with a cigarette butt in his hand, "If Boss Weng hadn't held me down, Li Feng would be sitting here now, and personally ask what rubbish data you idiot gave me."

Xia Yingjie became angry, and angrily scolded: "If you slander me again, I will sue you!"

"You sue me!" Qu Fei slapped his hands and jumped up. He was 1.9 meters tall like a Han-style bandit, and stepped forward, causing Xia Yingjie to shrink back in horror.

"Come on, come on, I will accompany you to the court right away. Let's fight a 30-year lawsuit and not let go, so as not to save you from making all these f*cking moths and affecting the normal start of the South China Sea Tunnel!"

The author has something to say: Yingjie, don't be cowardly, go ahead!

Brother Fei throws up your ashes!

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