Lu Feng had heard of such a legendary super project as the Nanhai Tunnel since he was a child.

However, Mr. Weng told the story in person, absolutely concise and to the point, to the point of children's curiosity.

He said: "Now the general direction of the combination of bridges, tunnels, and islands has almost been determined. What we are now facing is only the final design plan and the difficulties that need to be overcome through experiments."

"The preliminary plan is more inclined to the continuous construction of two bridges and one tunnel, or three bridges and two tunnels. Considering the dual-use situation of the South China Sea Corridor, there may be more bridge sections and fewer tunnel sections."

"From Li'an Port in the South China Sea to Fuyun County, Baodao, the whole journey is 135 kilometers. As long as it is completed, we will be the only one in the world."

When Weng Cheng spoke first, he always raised his eyebrows involuntarily, with anticipation and confidence in the project.

The risk of crossing the sea, the difficulty of construction, and the negotiation and communication between the South China Sea and Baodao are not difficult in his mind.

He threw himself on the planning plan and told Li Feng about the magnificence of the high-speed rail running on the bridge on the sea surface, and then going straight to the bottom of the sea and passing through the deep blue waters.

He said: "Recently, the design team has been working on the scheme rendering. Although I am not very satisfied with the design they made, the scene of the high-speed rail rushing from the tunnel to the sea is really shocking."

After all, it is a channel that spans more than 130 kilometers of sea.

Whether it is going up the bridge, entering the tunnel, or exiting the tunnel, it is full of romantic relationship with the blue sea.

Li Feng listened quietly, and suddenly asked: "You seem to want to reduce the number of tunnel sections?"

Obviously it is the South China Sea Tunnel, but Mr. Weng prefers to talk about bridges on the sea.

Weng Chengxian said with a chuckle: "People are always yearning for the sea. There are so many tunnels, it doesn't make any difference whether you are driving underground or under the sea."

"But the bridge built on the sea is different! Who doesn't want to look at the scenery along the ocean and know clearly that they are driving on the sea?"

Weng Cheng first pushed his glasses, "When I was at the Qushuiwan Bridge, I really liked watching the concept videos made by the designers."

He smiled, his deeply wrinkled cheeks were still as comfortable as a youth.

"It seems that we should drive freely on the water and enjoy every inch of China."

Li Feng listened, only to think Mr. Weng was the same as he imagined.

I like bridges, and I like the future where bridges leap over rivers and allow people to travel freely.

He could imagine such a beautiful scene——

On the endless blue sea, a quiet and steady road stretches out, riding the wind and following the water, and the people passing here will be delivered to their destination safely and smoothly.

Facing the cool breeze of Wuque Mountain, Lu Feng's heart suddenly brightened.

It seems that there is really such a channel through the tunnel and bridge, which has been built on the South China Sea.

Lufeng said happily: "It seems that I have the opportunity to see the South China Sea Tunnel in person."

When he said this, Weng Chengxian narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled kindly.

"Hey, then we are short of people, would you like to help?"

As soon as Mr. Weng's words came out, Lu Feng was stunned, and suddenly he recalled: why Mr. Weng talked more about the bridge and the sea about the South China Sea Tunnel.

Such an invitation is as inconceivable as a direct recruitment by a boss.

If Lu Feng had just returned to China, an unorganized person, he would definitely agree immediately and leave immediately.

Fortunately, many members of the regular meeting of the Bridge Branch participated in the law and became a part of the loving group.

He sighed in his heart, "I have no regrets in this life for idol poaching", but he replied obediently: "I will go back and apply to Wu Yuan."

His composure is embarrassing, and it can't be seen that he has always been obsessed with the Qushuiwan Bridge.

It can be called a loyal and good employee of the State Council.

The old and lovely Weng Chengxian, who was kind-hearted just now, suddenly curled his lips.

"Oh. I heard from Old Wu that you liked the Qushuiwan Bridge very much. I thought I would definitely succeed in inviting you."

Law wind:? ? ?

He replied in embarrassment: "Did Wu Yuan still tell you this..."

"Haha." Weng Chengxian, who failed to deceive the children, smiled extraordinarily happily, "Why didn't you say it? He called me and kept mentioning you. Young people now have a wider development path than we did in those years. The UK is such a good place. , such a good architectural firm, you are back, and our Qushuiwan Bridge has contributed a lot."

Weng Cheng put his hands behind his back and raised his head to look at Lu Feng.

He said almost emotionally: "Although everyone has a better choice, I hope that there will be more young people like you, so that our country will go faster and more stably."

The superb view of the Wuqueshan Bridge attracted all the attention of the judges of the International Bridge Association.

Even if there is no law wind by his side, the staff in charge of the reception gave a detailed introduction.

The design concept, construction necessity, innovative engineering technology, including the most core anti-seismic hollow tube steel structure, all the judges were full of emotion.

The symposium held in the UK seemed like it happened yesterday.

Most of them have seen the design concept of the Wuqueshan Bridge and are skeptical of such a dangerous bridge proposal.

High altitude, earthquake zone, and continuous low-temperature ice and snow disasters, what's the point of building it?

However, right now, right in front of them.

The fast and usual Wuqueshan Expressway and the seamlessly connected Panshan Bridge stand majestically in the clouds and mist, shattering all their doubts.

Even if they teased Kerim jokingly, they couldn't erase the shock and fear in their hearts.

"I'm quite thankful that Kerim is an impulsive guy. If he hadn't been in the limelight on the Internet, I'm afraid I would be stupid to say that the bridge can't be built."

"Who would have thought of that? There have been no bridges winding up the mountain since ancient times. Don't bridges always cross the two banks and connect the two ends?"

"Krim? Oh, dear Kerim." A judge couldn't help but walked to the back and led his dear friend Moranis Klim to the bridge. "Tell me what's in your heart." Well, I can't wait to find out"

"That's right." Kerim frowned, not daring to look far away, let alone look down.

"But it does not fully consider the situation of people driving on the bridge. Such a bridge will directly induce heart disease and hypoxia! It is very dangerous!"

Kerim, who is super talkative, has a reason.

As a member of the inspection team, he is obliged to present his objective opinions to all judges.

Smith nodded after listening, "You mean...are you afraid?"

"No!" Kerim was not polite to the vice chairman, "I'm thinking about the drivers and passengers!"

His justifiable rebuttal did not get many people's support.

After all, they could hear the excited sounds of passing vehicles along the way, and they couldn't restrain their emotions and uttered the same joyful cry.

With a natural slope and pleasant scenery, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Wuqueshan Bridge will become a famous local scenic spot.

Oh, hypoxia symptoms exist.

Because they were so excited, they couldn't stop their shortness of breath and lack of language when they saw the bridge that was shrouded in clouds and mist across the valley.

"I don't think drivers and passengers would care about the slight lack of oxygen," said a judge.

"That's true." The gentleman beside him said after taking a deep breath, "It's not too much to call such a bridge a miracle of modern architecture."

"I will vote for Wuqueshan Bridge in the final review."

"Haha, so am I."

The judges did not take Kerim's opinion as a reference, and even started looking for allies on the spot to help the bridge that had entered their souls.

It is rare for experts from different countries to give the same praise and recognition.

The reception staff were extremely proud and wanted to pass on what they saw and heard to the leaders immediately so that everyone could get ready.

Kerim's face turned blue, mainly from anger and lack of oxygen.

"Oh Kerim, don't you really need an oxygen machine?" his friend asked with serious concern.

"No need!" Kerim's breathing was angry and rapid, and he walked straight to the parking place, "I'm going back."

When he walked halfway, he ran into Weng Chengxian and Lu Feng who were slowly following the team.

"Mr. Kerim, how about the Wuqueshan Bridge?" Weng Chengxian asked with a smile.

Kerim glanced at Li Feng, and even though he was short of breath and needed oxygen, he held up the demeanor of an expert, and said seriously with a straight face: "It's not bad."

He was able to compete with the judges and experts because they were familiar enough to tease and ridicule face to face.

However, the Wuqueshan Bridge was built here.

The passage of countless vehicles has proved its success.

There was no way for Kerim to quibble pointlessly in front of the designer.

He was afraid of such a height, afraid of such a speed.

However, his voice played no role among the judges.

It's better... to regret it decently.

It's a pity that Li Feng, who once said by name that Kerim would regret it, was obviously indifferent.

His heart is full of the great plan of the South China Sea Tunnel going out to sea, and the struggle and hesitation of whether to apply to participate in the project. Facing this group of troublesome judges, he just wants to complete the task quickly and send them back to their hometown.

Don't disturb him and Chief Engineer Weng discussing the South China Sea plan!

So, Lifeng passed Kerim and walked straight to Smith.

"Mr. Smith, do you have any questions?"

The explanation was omitted, and the emotion was skipped. Lu Feng fully affirmed that the dedicated receptionists had already explained the necessary situation of Wuqueshan Bridge for him.

He couldn't wait to hear Mr. Smith's answer—

OK, yes, we're going back.

However, Mr. Smith is clearly different from Kerim.

He is full of interest in the Wuqueshan Bridge, and he is full of questions waiting to be answered by the young designer himself.

He asked bluntly, "I want to know why you thought of designing such a winding mountain bridge."

"The coiled mountain structure can make the bridge more stable in the earthquake. The plan of the Wuqueshan Bridge has stalled due to the earthquake. So, solving the problems caused by the earthquake is the main factor I consider when designing."

Li Feng's answer is serious.

It doesn't mean to chat with Smith about the dragon taking off.

The test of the earthquake zone has received feedback since the completion of the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Even a 6.6-magnitude earthquake cannot shake it at all!

With Smith's good opening, the judges were immediately in high spirits.

"So, what kind of material is the hollow steel structure?"

"Whether the deck of the Wuqueshan Bridge has been specially treated so that it will not be affected by ice and snow."

"I still can't understand why the Wuqueshan Bridge can be built like this?"

Li Feng was still calm, without arousing too much pride and excitement.

If in front of him is a young person from a domestic university or a questioner from a cooperative unit, he must know everything and talk about it.

However, facing this group of experts who were full of incomprehension, he seemed much more indifferent.

"For specific data and parameters, you can wait for the publication of research papers related to the Wuqueshan Bridge."

Li Feng's ruthlessness made people daunting, and his voice even involuntarily brought protest and criticism.

"But the Wuqueshan Bridge can be built like this because it belongs to China."

This is said bluntly, as if the bridge was born with a nationality, because the nationality has created its miraculous body.

It's a pity that Li Feng didn't feel that he was wrong at all.

Even if the expressions of the experts changed slightly when they heard his words, they couldn't stop him from continuing.

"Behind the Wuqueshan Bridge stands 37 construction teams, laboratories, and research teams, bringing together the top engineering and technological achievements in China. Because it belongs to China, Chinese designers, engineers, and builders are willing to follow their oath , worked hard for this bridge all his life, and created a miracle before your eyes."

The capitalist world is always on the road of criticizing the power of totalization.

Lu Feng's words were particularly harsh to the ears of experts.

They call China's forced issuance of orders that violate human nature a dictatorship.

However, only the people living in this land can know that a country needs more unity from top to bottom than so-called freedom and democracy.

The emotion and admiration for the Wuqueshan Bridge just now suddenly became unspeakable.

Until they got back on the bus, they kept sighing and shaking their heads.

"Architecture should be a great creation of human beings, not a tool to show off the power of the government."

"It is indeed a remarkable bridge, but I cannot agree with the cruelty it represents."

"But...without the Chinese government, there would be no way to build such a bridge."

In the footsteps of bridge experts, they have traveled all over the world.

Numerous successful buildings are the crystallization of human wisdom.

However, Chinese architecture is different.

There are always shadows of governments, always mixed with the centralized power they reject.

Whispered discussions kept circling in the carriage, and the judges who had just been elated to solicit votes for the Wuqueshan Bridge started a new round of discussions.

"Lulfeng shouldn't have said those words." Smith worried, "Such a beautiful bridge should be praised for its designers and builders, not the government."

Weng Cheng first took off his glasses and wiped them slowly.

He said quietly: "My friend, the China that Lifeng mentioned is not any government or any institution, but every inch of land he stands on, every trace of blood flowing in his veins, everything he has seen and heard Every Chinese person I work with.”

"Without China, we really wouldn't have the Wuqueshan Bridge like this."

"no need to worry."

Weng Cheng first put on his glasses, still with a gentle smile on his face, "I hope everyone will come this time, mainly to let everyone see our bridge. Awards, the most important thing is participation, Wuqueshan Bridge does not lack this honor."

The inspection team of the International Bridge Association left the country, and the feedback sent back was still "waiting for the award".

This international outstanding award, which needs to wait for the lottery, was quickly overshadowed by major domestic commendation activities.

It was reported on the Internet today that the Wuqueshan Bridge was awarded the best bridge award.

Tomorrow, it will be reported that the Wuqueshan Bridge has been certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest and longest bridge.

In the lively atmosphere, an international bridge award has become a popular bet to buy and leave. Let's see if the eyes of international experts are as bad as before.

Wuqueshan Bridge won no award, and in the eyes of domestic enthusiastic netizens, it has become a touchstone for testing the gold content of the International Bridge Excellence Award.

The loss of the Qushuiwan Bridge to the Dutch Bridge is already full of doubts.

If such a masterpiece as the Wuqueshan Bridge loses to the American Bridge and the Japanese Bridge, then the "excellence" of international bridges can be marked with a pheasant symbol.

The betting carnival on the Internet has nothing to do with Lifeng.

He declined a trip to Switzerland for the awards ceremony and began preparing for his long annual vacation.

Three months, plus nearly half a year of flexible work and rest.

Li Feng doubted his own eyes when he got the approved leave slip.

"I applied for a week..."

Director Feng hurriedly explained, "It was you who applied for it, but Li Yuan directly asked Human Resources to pull out all the leave records you have taken since you joined the company, and asked them to calculate for you how much leave you can take, and then give special approval!"

Feng Hanlin has been working for 16 years, and he has never seen the president of the State Council so proactive.

The fine tradition of "women are used as men, and men are used as livestock" in the design institute is honorably cut off here in Lvfeng.

Dean Li is kind and friendly, and from the bottom of his heart, he asks Lufeng to rest and take good care of his body, which is more kind than telling a pregnant woman.

"Is Courtyard Wu here?" Lu Feng sighed.

"Yes, but Courtyard Wu also agreed, and your objection is invalid."

Lu Feng said helplessly: "I have no objection, I have something to ask him."

Ever since meeting Mr. Weng, Lu Feng has been looking up information about the Nanhai Tunnel on the Internet.

This should be the internal information given by his old man. The Internet is completely calm, and the latest news reports have all stopped at the expert meeting a year ago.

Weng Cheng first revealed the inside story to him, and as a person who signed the confidentiality agreement, he felt a lot of pressure.

Emotionally speaking, Mr. Weng can trust him.

Rationally speaking, Mr. Weng really shouldn't have told him.

Lu Feng thought about it, hesitated for a long time, and knocked on Wu Yingqi's office door.

He cut to the point and said, "Yuan Wu, can I apply for the project to go to the South China Sea Tunnel?"

Wu Yingqi, who was approving documents, was in a bad mood.

He sorted out a bunch of bridge project materials for Lufeng, but why did Lufeng mention this terrible project!

"I didn't give you the information on the South China Sea Tunnel, did I?"

He frowned, and hurried to flip through the stack of documents at hand.

Seeing his flustered movements, Lu Feng immediately explained: "You didn't give it, but Mr. Weng told me."

Hearing this, Wu Yingqi stopped and his expression changed.

"Damn! This old man came here by digging the wall!" Wu Yuan raised his hand and shook, "No, you can go to any project, but this one is not!"

The attitude of refusal is very straightforward, and it is not as generous and polite as before.

"Why?" Lufeng said, "There should be many designers from our institute participating in the bridge section of the Nanhai Tunnel, and I can help."

Wu Yingqi had a complex expression. He put down the pen, his brows were still frowning, and he even moved the pen in his hand a little annoyed.

"It is precisely because there are designers participating in the courtyard that I don't want you to go..."

He sighed softly, "The project of the South China Sea Tunnel is relatively complicated, and the sources of personnel involved are chaotic. The report sent back by the special group participated by the State Council shows that it is not as simple as the Wuqueshan Bridge."

"That's not the right place for you."

In one simple sentence, Wu Yingqi explained clearly the plight of the South China Sea Tunnel.

This is not a unified plan of the State Council, a project that has the final say.

The many units involved in it come from different factions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and even have the shadow of international capital.

The Nanhai Tunnel has been planned for more than [-] years, and the inability to start construction is not only a technical problem, but also a policy problem.

Although Weng Cheng completed the Qushuiwan Bridge project first and was parachuted there to be the general manager, the chief engineer was responsible for the construction, and the South China Sea Tunnel Project Committee still had full authority over his head.

There are complex committees, government representatives, international capital, and perhaps unclear scrambles.

Wu Yingqi had a headache when he thought about it, the designers sent out drew and rendered from morning to night, and the agreed plan might be overturned and redone on the same day.

On the surface, there is harmony, but behind the scenes, they are beaten badly.

Designers are going to age prematurely and retire early.

Wu Yingqi looked at Lufeng, and said earnestly: "Lufeng, you should take a good rest first, and we will talk about this issue after the vacation is over."

"But after my vacation is over, I still want to go to the South China Sea Tunnel." Lufeng blinked, not intending to accept Wu Yingqi's persuasion, "You know, there is only such a tunnel in the whole world."

Above the South China Sea, the only super plan that surpasses Japan's Seikan Tunnel.

To build it and complete it is the only one in the world.

Lufeng's love for bridges began with the Qushuiwan Bridge, and Weng Chengxian, as the chief engineer of the Qushuiwan Bridge, personally invited him.

How could he not be moved.

Lu Feng clearly remembered Weng Chengxian's emotion.

——This may be the last project I will be responsible for.

—Fortunately, I can still take charge of it.

Time has carved marks on the old man's face, but his smile still hasn't faded away.

When the construction of the Nanhai Tunnel began to be proposed, Chief Engineer Weng was only in his 40s and [-]s, and he was in the prime of life with high spirits.

By the time he really had the chance to see that it had the possibility of starting construction, he had already achieved a great deal of success and was good enough to retire.

However, he said: "I still want to fight again. After all, we build the bridge, who doesn't build this tunnel bridge across the Taiwan Strait?"

Weng Chengxian said it easily and proudly, as if it was a great honor for him to be the chief engineer, and no one else would envy him.

Li Feng was full of unspeakable sadness.

There are countless bridges, and it only takes a few minutes or ten minutes for vehicles to pass.

But for bridge builders, it may take most of their lives to ponder every detail of it.

When the bridge was built, their youth and blood were dedicated, leaving only pride and memories.

Such bridges on the land of China have condensed the painstaking efforts of generations.

He even stood on the shoulders of giants and gained the right to look further into the future.

"Wu Yuan, I understand your care for me, but I don't need special care."

Lifeng is not a flower in a greenhouse. He understands all Wu Yingqi's worries, "Since Mr. Weng is here, he needs help even more. This is the tunnel we should build in China, and it is the tunnel we can build. I want to see it in person. until its completion."

Wu Yingqi will never be able to defeat the stubborn Rhythm.

Because he already admired Rifeng's stubbornness.

So, the false approval was granted, and the project also helped him go through the process.

Lu Feng became the only winner in the whole hospital. Amid the cheers and celebrations of the working group 99+, he started his short vacation.

However, vacations are not easy.

Yin Yiqiao was in charge of the cross-river square, so he directly handed over the room card to Lufeng, making him the head of the house and fully responsible for the moving matters.

However, Lufeng deliberately followed the address and walked to the vicinity of the new home, only to realize that the Jiangjing room that Yin Yiqiao said was even more exaggerated than Lufeng imagined.

He thought that a high-rise building with more than 90 or [-] floors at most would meet the standard with a large balcony of more than [-] square meters, three bedrooms and two living rooms.

Unexpectedly, Yin Yiqiao's house is more than 200 square meters, which is no less spacious than his residence in England.

Li Feng used the room card to open the combination lock, and found that there was nothing missing inside.

The furniture is complete, and the home appliances are complete. The kitchen gas stove is turned on at will, and there is a fire immediately.

The huge walk-in cloakroom, and the colored suit shirt that Yin Yiqiao often wears, and the drawers are full of watch cufflinks.

Boy, he saw it.

This house was definitely not chosen by Yin Yiqiao on the spur of the moment, but a long-planned plan!

"Have you been living in this house?" Lu Feng called Yin Yiqiao directly, regardless of whether Yin Yiqiao was busy or not.

Yin Yiqiao chuckled, "You're not at home, why should I go back to the apartment? You don't need to help me pack up, you just pack up what you need. Next to the master bedroom is the study room, which is specially reserved for you. You can put computers and drawings in it." Down."

Li Feng hung up the phone and inspected each room.

Apart from the bed in the master bedroom, the second bedroom was not even prepared, and it was completely demolished, leaving a blank space.

Opposite the master bedroom, there are all the long tables, desks, and bookcases that should be in the study.

He looked carefully and found a familiar shadow like CE's office.

Moving didn't take much time.

He also only has computer clothes and blueprints, and his personal items are pitifully small.

When he re-entered the door carrying a computer case, a monitor, and a large roll of drawings, he found Yin Yiqiao standing in the hallway waiting for him.

"Why don't you call it a moving company?" He took the large and small bags from Lufeng's hand and helped Lufeng remove the weight.

Lufeng carried the drawings and walked towards the study, "What company is it called? I am the most valuable one, and it is not far to walk on two legs."

After all, he is a designer who can withstand the shoulders and lift the hands, and build bridges on high mountains without much effort.

It is very easy to drag a few boxes and carry a computer.

So, Yin Yiqiao helped him put his things away and placed them properly in the study and wardrobe.

In less than ten minutes, the computer was turned on and debugged correctly, and Lufeng had finished moving.

The slight sound of mouse and keyboard keys is crisp and pleasant in the study room with excellent sound insulation.

Yin Yiqiao sat on the armrest of the chair, embracing his hands to watch him adjust, and felt that the empty and deserted house finally felt like home.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"


"Drink tea?"

"I want a Coke."

Lu Feng was immersed in the busyness, Yin Yiqiao finished asking, and obediently went to prepare dinner.

There is no Coke, but Yin Yiqiao specially mixed soothing black tea with honey, which brought Lu Feng a good mood on the first day of the holiday.

They simply ate dinner and entered a peaceful and peaceful old life.

When Lu Feng turns his head, he can see the unobstructed view of the river view room, and the quiet and brightly lit bridge branch amidst the picturesque scenery.

For no reason, Lu Feng felt a feeling of big bourgeoisie, and asked, "Do you usually peek at our Bridge Institute working hard overtime?"

"How can I be so boring." Yin Yiqiao laughed, "You are in Wuqueshan, I think your hospital is working overtime and you can't see you."

"Then why did you choose the house so well." Li Feng didn't believe that he hadn't chosen one.

Yin Yiqiao raised his hand to touch the railing, and tapped lightly with his index finger, "Because my temporary studio is downstairs. When I bought it, I asked a real estate consultant, and there happened to be someone upstairs who wanted to sell it, so I bought it together. "

Sure enough, I bought it.

Li Feng was not surprised that the house belonged, but what he was surprised was... there is another one downstairs.

"Brother, you are such a waste." The frugal and thrifty Li Feng ruthlessly criticized the capitalists.

Yin Yiqiao said, "It's better to separate work and life. Of course, I don't object to you going home and working overtime. There are still a few vacant rooms next door, which can be transformed into your studio."

This is the meaning of hoping that Li Feng can spend more time with him, instead of squatting in the National Court and staying up until dawn.

Law wind understands, law wind understands.

However, he is on vacation and his heart is in Nanhai.

If Wu Yuan or Mr. Weng called and informed him that he would be on duty tomorrow, he would definitely buy a ticket without hesitation and fly to the southernmost tip of the motherland.

Yin Yiqiao backed down again and again, and Lu Feng felt even more guilty.

Being tenderly cared for by such a person, he seems to be capricious in everything he does.

"Let's go and see your studio." Li Feng suggested, "Then let's go to the supermarket and buy something. Ah, I want to drink Coke."

Yin Yiqiao acquiesced to Yin Yiqiao's leisurely proposal.

The two of them took the elevator downstairs, and as soon as the studio door opened, a sense of familiarity came over them.

The simple monochrome painting shows a design with a great sense of space.

The layout of this room is exactly the same as that of the upstairs, but it exudes a cold and aloof atmosphere.

Yin Yiqiao perfectly displayed his own style in the narrow [-] square meters.

Even if there is no extra decoration in the room, Lufeng can still feel the unique imprint of "Yin Yiqiao" from the simple coffee table arrangement, standing lamp and carpet.

The architect's preferences can be seen at a glance in the studio.

The light and shadow gradually change along with the wall, which is clearly a narrow interior, but still has the openness and tolerance of a public place.

Anyone who walks in will not feel that this is a residence.

It is completely Yin Yiqiao's studio.

Lufeng said with emotion: "Your design is still so powerful."

"How amazing?" Yin Yiqiao followed behind him without any introduction, allowing him to look at this humble studio like a curious child opening a gift box.

"Hmm..." Lifeng thought for a while, and continued to move forward, "Full of aggression, I forgot the presuppositions in my original idea as soon as I came in, leaving only your design."

As he spoke, he reached out and turned the door of the master bedroom.

The door opened, but he found it was empty.

There is no tea table seat for meeting guests, no soft carpet, only a spacious painting table and a huge easel.

The easel supports the drawing board, facing away from the entrance, and placed in the center.

Paints, brushes, and drawing paper are neatly placed around.

But they are of different categories, more like many different kinds of painting tools put together, waiting for the owner to choose at will.

"What are you drawing?"

Lu Feng walked forward curiously, before he could get close to the drawing board, Yin Yiqiao grabbed his wrist and pulled him into his arms.

"Don't look." Yin Yiqiao hugged him, with a rare hint of embarrassment in his tone.

"It's just a hidden painting, I just want to surprise you after it's finished."

Law wind:? !

He had never heard Yin Yiqiao's shy tone like this before, and he was shocked for a moment, suspecting that the painting that was not shown to him in front of him was the art of two people, so he undressed.

...Solo art is not very good, he is very traditional, even if Yin Yiqiao paints himself, he is afraid.

"Brother, don't mess around."

Li Feng's back was tense, and his tone was super serious with fright.

"ghs will be arrested if found!"

The author has something to say: Li Feng: I was so afraid that "Shock!The famous architect Yin Yiqiao actually bought oranges because of ghs! "

Yin Yiqiao: ...It turns out that you are thinking about these things in your head, which is really good.

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