In less than a day, Lufeng's concept of building bridges across mountains spread throughout the bridge branch.

Many people felt dizzy and dizzy after listening to Xie Yu's narration, and had a headache like riding a winding roller coaster.

They fully believed in Lufeng's strength and looked forward to his field survey of Wuque Mountain.

But they never expected--

Good guy, come back and engage in incomprehensible architectural art!

"In the case of Wuque Mountain, how to build a Panshan Bridge? Elevate the mountain and insert piles yourself?"

"I thought he went to Wuque Mountain and found a new bridge location, and actually designed the bridge directly like designing a building?"

"According to the trend of Wuque Mountain, it is not impossible to build Panshan Bridge. But... is it necessary?"

They suddenly felt the difference in thinking between architects and bridge engineers, and completely forgot their previous curiosity about the relationship between Lu Feng and the Yin family.

The original intention of the Wuqueshan Bridge project is to take the shortest distance in a straight line to reduce the time-consuming of expressways entering Tibet.

There was only one goal of "crossing the Grand Canyon". Why did Lufeng, who studied architectural design, start to think of a unique and innovative shape in the mountains after walking around?

Therefore, Lufeng's Panshan Bridge idea became a thunderbolt that split into the bridge branch, causing countless people to grab Wu Yingqi and ask what was going on.

Wu Yingqi, as the dean of the Bridge Branch, participated in the Wuqueshan Bridge project throughout the whole process. No one has more authority than him.

However, facing the ardent greetings from various old comrades in the courtyard, Wu Yingqi seemed calm.

"What's the rush?" His reply was very calm, "It's just a young man's idea, and you start bluffing like you haven't seen the world, is it appropriate?"

"You have been designing for so many years, and it's not like you haven't had a whim." Education is also confident, "What's wrong with the Panshan Bridge? Even if he wants to design a roller coaster on Wuque Mountain, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Anyway, the Wuqueshan Bridge project has been suspended for so long, and it is a good thing that there are new research directions."

Wu Yingqi's every sentence means letting go and letting Lifeng study boldly.

No surprise or surprise at all.

The old comrades of the design institute expressed that it was unbelievable that Wu Yingqi would use his rich experience to point out loopholes and strictly correct them for even slightly whimsical projects.

Why did it become encouragement and advocacy when it came to Lufeng?

The old comrades were very hurt, touching the top of their heads and feeling that the old days have fallen out of favor.

"Perhaps, this is the preferential treatment for young people."

The young people who enjoyed preferential treatment moved to a brand new conference room the next day.

It is spacious and bright, well-equipped, and there is a wide aisle left for him to pile up Wuqueshan Bridge project materials and drawings.

the most important is--

In the middle there is a conference table suitable for laying out drawings.

Director Feng said: "Wu Institute is still busy with projects, but it attaches great importance to your achievements. In the future, you can design the Panshan Bridge here with peace of mind. I will definitely help you keep people out and won't let them like to watch the fun guy bothering you."

Director Feng's office is at the front of this large conference room.

Anyone who wants to come must pass by his door.

He seriously relayed Wu Yuan's words, "We recruited you, definitely not wanting a robot carved out of a mold. Think boldly, draw boldly. Tell me what you need. If you need someone, I will ask Zhong Ke to help you." .”

Li Feng was never polite in the face of such words.

Standing in the spacious conference room, he immediately made a request, "Director Feng, I want to check all the bridge materials designed by the Bridge Branch since its establishment."

"All?" Director Feng was stunned, "Our institute has designed at least 100 bridges!"

The Bridge Branch of the National Design Institute was established in the 60s and is responsible for the construction of large national bridges.

The completion of each bridge symbolizes a new level of Chinese bridges, and also provides brand-new learning materials for design institutes in other provinces and cities.

When the task of building bridges is heavy, it is common for the State Council to participate in the design of three or four large bridges at the same time.

Nearly 70 years of bridge materials are kept in the archives of the Bridge Branch Institute.

The magnitude of the drawings and documents in it is by no means comparable to that of the Wuqueshan Bridge project.

However, if the law demands it, Wu Yuan will approve it.

Director Feng waited for Wu Yingqi to finish his work, and took the approval form he signed and agreed to, feeling a little worried.

Lifeng is indeed excellent, and indeed very ambitious.

But he came to the State Council for less than a month, and he didn't even do a background check. He suddenly opened the most secret archives of the Bridge Branch to him so easily. It is impossible for Director Feng not to hesitate.

Holding the approval form, he reconfirmed: "Yuan Wu, our materials... are all open to Lufeng?"

"Not only Li Feng, Zhong Ke and Qian Xuyang can also watch it."

Director Wu's words made Director Feng look astonished.

"Is there any problem?" Wu Yuan asked back.

"It's okay to open it to Zhong Ke. After all, she is an old employee of ours. She has worked for seven years and knows the bottom line. It is not a big problem to open it to Qian Xuyang. After all, his father is the vice president. He must have done a lot of ideological education since childhood. .but……"

Director Feng frowned, and he had to say with caution all the year round: "Lufeng is too young, and he came back from the UK. It is not clear what achievements he can make. If all the bridge information is directly released, in case he What should I do if I choose to go back to the CE architectural firm? Isn't that the same as sending top-secret information to the UK?"

Wu Yingqi understood his worry.

Bridges are the top priority of China's infrastructure construction. Detailed and complete drawings are only kept by the bridge branch. A slight error may cause heavy losses to the country.

However, Wu Yingqi smiled and comforted him, "Old Feng, did you forget to cross the river bridge?"

"Ah!" Director Feng suddenly came to his senses, and brought up something he had been curious about all along, "The drawings of the Qushuiwan Bridge and the patent materials of the triangular steel support structure are clearly in our archives. How did he do it? Know the specific data inside?"

Qushuiwan Bridge published more than 200 papers from bridge design to engineering patents.

But in the paper, it will definitely not clearly indicate the key to the structure of the Qushuiwan Bridge and the triangular steel support structure like a blueprint.

However, Lufeng actually designed a bridge across the river just by relying on these papers.

You can also stand on the podium of the Bridge Branch to answer questions from all employees.

No matter what Director Feng thought, he found it inconceivable.

Wu Yingqi was not as surprised as he was.

After listening to Lu Feng's "interview", Wu Yingqi has fully understood what Lu Feng is like.

"Old Feng, because he doesn't rely on ready-made materials, but relies on his own hard research."

"We handed over the drawings to Lifeng Research, and it may take him a few months to create a new application scenario of the same bridge patented technology;

"We don't open up the drawings. It may take him several years to carefully study our published papers and research reports before he can design a new cross-river bridge."

When Wu Yingqi said this, his smile faded a little, and his eyes were full of admiration and nostalgia.

"Such people may lack blueprints, materials, references, and guidance, but they don't lack passion, ambition, and sincerity."

He has done bridge engineering for more than 30 years, and grew up listening to the stories of the older generation of proletarians.

In the 70 years of bridge construction, without a group of bridge engineers who uphold the spirit of dedication, there would be no bridge branch of the National Design Institute today.

Those seemingly magnificent bridges, how many bridge patent technologies are held in the hands of foreigners, the older generation of bridge engineers, under the international ridicule, worked hard, focused on research, and finally built countless bridges that belong to China .

It was also they who left behind the original archives of the Bridge Branch.

When Wu Yingqi discovered that Lufeng designed the cross-river bridge only by relying on the thesis of Qushuiwan Bridge and his own field investigation, countless people's names came to mind.

Some of them only have a primary school education, and some have never been abroad, but they still built their own bridges on the land of the motherland.

"The Bridge Branch Institute has kept all the bridge data for nearly 70 years. Some bridge construction technologies have passed through time and no longer meet the current construction standards."

Wu Yingqi sat back at his desk and said calmly, "However, we still keep these drawings and materials, not to commemorate them, but to give a hard-working and energetic young man like Lu Feng, a person who has come into contact with the old An opportunity for a generation of bridge engineers to think and think."

Even one ten-thousandth of the information, only one has brought a little inspiration to Lufeng's Panshan Bridge concept.

They are not a pile of waste paper either.

"So... why do we set up difficult problems for our own people?"

Wu Yingqi is full of expectations for Lu Feng, "He signed a non-disclosure agreement, we should give him the trust he deserves."

Qian Xuyang and Zhong Ke were shocked when the Bridge Branch opened the borrowing authority of the archives.

Qian Xuyang can often hear his father talking about the State Council.

The secret library of the National Academy of Sciences, the archives of the Bridge Branch Academy, the simulation laboratory of the Architecture Academy, and the electronic topographic map of the Road Academy are all important places that are said to be "no outsiders are allowed to enter".

He was a guy who wanted to eat and die, but he got permission from Wu Yingqi to enter the archives?

He doesn't believe it himself.

"Director Feng, what does Wu Yuan mean by this?"

Director Feng said truthfully: "If you want to study our bridge, then you can go. If you don't want to go, study Wuqueshan Bridge by yourself, and you are not forced."

"What about me?" Zhong Ke asked.

Zhong Ke was completely a marginalized drawing tool person in the design institute, but when he suddenly got permission to enter the archives, he was no less confused than Qian Xuyang.

Director Feng became as warm as a spring breeze when he treated lesbians.

He said: "Wu Yuan thinks you have a bright future and can help Lufeng improve the new plan of the Wuqueshan Bridge. I have already greeted your team leader. You will follow up the project of the Wuqueshan Bridge and provide help to Lufeng. .Your team leader will find someone else to do the chores in your hands."

Differential treatment is obvious at a glance.

For Qian Xuyang, he just loves to look at it, and forget it if he doesn't.

For Zhong Ke, there is a future, follow the law and work hard.

The related household also has a temper. He has gone through every project point in Wuqueshan, and he has tried his best to perform even if his hands and feet are sore and his waist is suffering.

Why, in the eyes of Director Feng and Yuan Wu, he is not even as good as a woman.

"That's just right, you are busy with your Panshan Bridge, and I will work on my research paper."

Qian Xuyang has nothing, and his manner of speaking can also be arrogant, "Maybe my papers have been published, and you still haven't figured out how to build the Panshan Road in Wuque Mountain."

Qian Xuyang's words are not without reason.

After Lufeng came back, he drew more than a dozen blueprints, and went back and forth on the map of Wuqueshan, but he still failed to finalize the bridge and the best location for the Panshan structure.

His design has never been blindly seen while walking, but only after a long period of scrutiny, data evidence, and data experiments will it move forward.

Therefore, after the opening of the archives, Lu Feng spent most of his time searching for bridge technology.

Those bridges that can meet the construction needs of the Panshan Bridge, no matter how many years old the old materials are, will be dug out by him and spread on the big table in the conference room.

Every day, Li Feng is the first to come and the last to leave.

If it wasn't for Yin Yiqiao who would make video calls to him at [-]:[-] p.m., he would definitely buy a folding bed and live in the conference room.

Ever since Yin Yiqiao returned to the UK, their WeChat dialog has become lively.

Lifeng doesn't check the news very often, but every time he clicks on it, he will find pictures or questions sent by Yin Yiqiao.

Brother: "I read the report on the Qushuiwan Bridge. It is really not easy to build this bridge in China."

Brother: "Recently, I have a new design inspiration, using bridges to build indoor spaces, creating the feeling of traveling through buildings. Let me show you the [picture]."

Brother: "The cross-river bridge is really well designed. I tried to restore it, but it didn't work."

Li Feng was on the street after get off work, flipping through the messages he sent against the cool night breeze, and his exhaustion and stress disappeared completely.

"Did you use 3D printing?"

Lufeng felt that it was very rare for seniors who failed to restore the building, so he typed with a smile, "Because of the triangular steel support design of the Yuejiang Bridge, steel pipes can only be used to make very fine and dense support spaces, and the 3D printed model is prone to errors. It’s really not easy to succeed.”

Within 2 minutes of sending his reply, the video call came over.

Li Feng was connected habitually, and under the dim night light, I met Yin Yiqiao with a time difference of seven hours.

I don't know if Yin Yiqiao's project period is idle or for some other reason.

Lufeng and Yin Yiqiao always have the same leisure time just right, holding a short overseas video with their mobile phones.

"Just got off work?" Yin Yiqiao glanced at the environment where Lufeng was, "Be careful at night."

"The country is much safer than the UK, don't worry."

Li Feng moved his stiff shoulders and neck, and turned the camera to show him the crowded barbecue stalls on the roadside, "Most people's nightlife has just begun, but old people like me are already planning to go home and sleep."

Yin Yiqiao laughed out loud.

He loves Liu Feng's unscrupulous jokes too much, and also loves Liu Feng's expression of leisurely walking on the road.

They chatted about the 3D modeling of the cross-river bridge, and also talked about the design inspiration of the bridge building.

Yin Yiqiao made a video call and accompanied Lu Feng back to the apartment before saying goodnight to each other.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening in China, but it was just after noon in Britain, and the CE Architectural Office was brightly lit, it was far from the time when Yin Yiqiao came home from get off work.

He hung up the call and opened the door of the meeting room again.

Inside, there is still debate over the exterior design of the concert hall.

"Mr. Xavier requested that the characteristics of flamenco must be preserved, and this dancer logo can only be placed at the center!"

"We didn't want to get rid of it! We just wanted to shrink it down a little bit!"

"Please, a little bit? A little bit of yours will deform our proudest dancer and is an insult to our flamenco soul!"

Jason had a big fight with the representative of Party A. He just wanted to shrink the dancer logo on the roof of the concert hall. How did it become an insult to the soul?

He frowned, and before he could explain patiently again, he saw Yin Yiqiao who pushed the door back.

"Yin! You're finally back." Jason said hastily, "Tell him about the dancer's logo!"

Yin Yiqiao took a glance and found that the progress of the discussion had changed from a suspended zenith to a dancer's sign.

He looked at the representative of Party A and said calmly: "We will keep the size of the dancer logo as you wish."

Jason was dumbfounded, suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears.

Then, Yin Yiqiao drew out the overall design of the concert hall, took a pen and quickly drew a virtual frame.

He said: "Of course, according to the size ratio of the building and the decorations, the overall design of the concert hall will also be expanded by 15 square meters, minus the external garden belt, and the budget will be [-] to [-] pounds more than before. .”

Now it was the turn of Party A's representative to be stunned and unbelievable.

The other party said emotionally: "Money is not a problem, but our concert hall has expanded, what about the garden? Mr. Xavier requires that there must be a 100-meter-wide garden belt outside the concert hall!"

"Really?" Yin Yiqiao looked at him calmly, not in a hurry.

"Then please go back and ask Mr. Xavier whether you want a garden or a dancer."

The representative of Party A has lost all his toughness just now.

He only dared to slap the table and shout demands because Jason was an assistant.

If it was Yin Yiqiao, he could only choose to accept the plan of reducing the proportion of the dancer's logo, and let Mr. Xavier make a decision.

After Yin Yiqiao returned from China, CE Architects quickly ended the library project and devoted themselves to the construction of the Flamenco Concert Hall.

He is still strict with the design, even if it is a father-level figure like the representative of Party A, he can't mess around with him.

After all, this is Yin Zhili's grandson, a well-known young architect.

Offending the assistant is just a trivial matter. If you offend him, you are likely to receive a dismissal call from the sponsor the next day, and rumors of "unprofessional" and "trash" are circulating in the industry.

Today's Yin Yiqiao still settled Party A smoothly.

But Jason found that ever since Yin Yiqiao came back from vacation, he would always be absent at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Whether they were having a planning workshop or having dinner together during a break from get off work, he would leave for five to 10 minutes without saying a word about why he was leaving.

This is not normal.

For a workaholic like Yin Yiqiao who has no social skills, it is unimaginable to leave the meeting halfway through the discussion of the project.


Finally, in a leisurely afternoon, Jason asked seemingly unintentionally, "Yin, how is Master doing recently?"

Yin Yiqiao glanced at him, and replied puzzled, "Very good."

"Then how are your parents?"

Suddenly, he noticed that Yin Yiqiao frowned slightly, and immediately explained: "Oh no, I have absolutely no other intentions, I just want to care about you."

Yin Yiqiao let go of the mouse, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What exactly do you want to ask?"

Jason has been with him for two years, so of course he understands that expression means "just ask".

So, Jason said bluntly: "I see that you have been disappearing at a fixed time recently. It feels like a regular report requested by a doctor, which makes us a little worried."

His family doctor occasionally has these strange requests.

For example, you must report what you ate for breakfast at seven o'clock in the morning, you must take medicine regularly at noon, you cannot go out to drink alcohol at night, and so on.

Therefore, he was particularly concerned about whether there was something wrong with Yin Yiqiao's health, or if something happened to the Yin family.

However, his concerned question touched the softest part of Yin Yiqiao's heart.

"No." Yin Yiqiao smiled, and quickly looked away, coughing as if to cover up, "I'm just on the phone."

Jason:? ? ?

Call up?

Jason is completely unaware of the behavior of making a phone call. It needs to be fixed at a fixed time and leave the meeting halfway!

"Yin, do you know how many times you refused to answer Party A's calls because you were busy, and I made the connection here to explain that you were busy?!"

Jason was about to jump up, "Call, you actually let me face Party A's yelling just to make a call? Oh no! I don't believe it! Also, you just flashed by What do you mean by laughing? You won’t be talking about a love affair with a minority in XP, and the other party is a dominator, teach you to call at a fixed time!”

The topic gradually turned to pornography.

Yin Yiqiao's last trace of tenderness turned into a cold and dangerous one.

"Jason, watch less messy things and learn more about architecture, it will be good for you."

"Uh..." Jason was just too surprised.

Sure enough, Yin Yiqiao, who is so indifferent and ruthless now, is the architect Yin he knows.

"I'm really just worried about you."

Jason swears to God, "It's good that you're fine, if something happens, please treat me as a friend."

Yin Yiqiao doesn't have such dangerous friends.

He took the folder casually, pulled out a few design drawings, and solemnly assigned Jason an additional task.

"Thank you for your concern. There is nothing I can repay. Please help me redecorate my exhibition area in the CE showroom according to the design drawings as soon as possible."

Jason took the design drawing, and felt Yin Yiqiao's warmth without any surprise.

Sure enough, work is the home of the architect Yin. How could he do such a time-wasting and overtime work as falling in love.

The showroom of CE Architects displays the achievements and awards of famous architects in the firm since the era of Yin Zhili.

It is better to say that it is a CE museum than a showroom.

It is located alone on the first floor of the office, has an independent entrance and exit, and is regularly open to the public for free visits.

Every architect has his own independent exhibition area, and he can choose the design style according to his mood and preferences.

Therefore, the showroom of CE Architects has become the best place to learn about CE architects.

Yin Yiqiao's exhibition area has always been simple and refreshing.

Except for a bunch of awards and medals, photos of buildings, and design concepts, he has no personal preferences at all, and his sex is exactly the same as his indifferent and strict self.

However, when Jason saw the "redesigned" exhibition area, he almost doubted his eyes.

Yin Yiqiao's brand-new design not only made relief shapes on the walls with unevenness, but also designed beams with a great sense of space on the ceiling and walls for the first time.

What is even more incredible is that a huge flat circular building appeared in the most conspicuous position of the exhibition area.

"What is this?" He pointed to the buildings in the middle area, "rest house?"

Anna looked at it and said, "No, this is a showcase."

"Showcase?!" Jason stared at the conspicuous showcase, imagining how big things could fit on it.

He asked in confusion and amazement: "Could it be that he finally figured out that he wants to put the models of the Shoreline Museum or the Conis Building on it?"

"Who knows." Anna never knew Yin Yiqiao's thoughts, "but I think the things that can be exhibited here must be very important to him."

On Yin Yiqiao's computer screen, there was a bridge carved in relief across it.

It has a perfect curvature, beautiful like a work of art.

Next to it is a photo of the library that has been built. Under the light of the evening light, the library in the photo looks quiet and warm.

Yin Yiqiao looked at them for more than 10 minutes. He glanced at the clock and estimated that it was about nine or ten o'clock in the evening in China, and skillfully dialed the video call.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, didn't even look over, and still stared at the computer.

Obviously working overtime.

"I'm very busy today?"

Yin Yiqiao was used to the road home from Li Feng as the background, and this was the first time he saw a wide and empty white wall.

"Well, I checked some new information today, which can just solve the key problems of the main bridge, so I want to try modeling."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yin Yiqiao and said as if promising: "I will finish it soon, and I won't stay up late."

Even though Lifeng continued to focus on the work at hand, Yin Yiqiao's heart was still soft.

He leaned back in his chair with a smile, and said, "I sent you a few pictures of the real scene of the Leith Library, so you haven't had time to look at it yet."

"Ah..." Lu Feng's eyes were blank for a moment, he looked at Yin Yiqiao in surprise, and said with emotion, "Is it completed so quickly?"

Yin Yiqiao sighed lightly, and teased, "It's been under construction for more than a year, lawyer."

"Haha." Hearing this time, Li Feng couldn't help laughing, "I thought it would take four or five years to complete."

At regular UK speeds, yes.

However, with Yin Yiqiao's devil-like rushing speed, even the laid-back British people have built the efficiency that CE can achieve in the Leith Library project.

Yin Yiqiao didn't say anything, he just asked, "So when are you free, let's take a look at your graduation project."

Just now, he was happily mocking the British speed law, with a slightly struggling face, "I might..."

No availability, no time, or simply no desire to return to the UK.

Yin Yiqiao could see the subtext from his expression.

Yin Yiqiao can give the most accurate answer without even needing Li Feng to find a high-sounding excuse.

Yin Yiqiao said, "I'll wait for you."

Under Lu Feng's surprised and dazed eyes, Yin Yiqiao said with a smile: "After the Leith Library is completed, it will always be here. No matter when you want to visit, I will wait for you."

The author has something to say: The first update is to take advantage of Laoqiao's affectionate confession to interrupt Daqiao.

Chapter 8 of "China Bridge - The Road to Realizing the Dream of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge", China can say "OK":

"At the beginning of the 20th century, many bridge constructions in China were controlled by foreigners, and this has become a lingering pain in the hearts of many Chinese today——

The Belgians built the Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge.

The Germans built the Jinan Yellow River Bridge.

The British built the Bengbu Huaihe Bridge.

The Russians built the Songhua River Bridge in Harbin.

The Japanese built the Shenyang Hunhe Bridge.

The French built the Yunnan River Estuary Bridge.

The Americans built the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Bridge..."

When I first saw this paragraph, I was shocked by the author’s examples. Even during the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, there were stories about the Dutch paying 1.5 million euros for consulting fees, and the Japanese selling technical ships but not control systems.

China's modern bridges have been able to go from being backward to number one in the world, not because of the mercy and charity of others, but because of the passion, ambition and sincerity of the bridge builders.

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