Jincheng City is about 800 kilometers away from Wuque Mountain.

The high-speed rail can shorten the distance to a certain extent, but when leaving the high-speed rail station, you still have to take a bus, change to a minivan, and finally get on the private car of the surveyor on Friday at the agreed meeting place.

It takes about six or seven hours to drive all the way to Danla County at the foot of Wuque Mountain.

When Qian Xuyang saw this road plan, he almost went crazy.

"So far? Isn't there a highway? Danla County doesn't even have a highway, so it's a dirt road?"

Zhong Ke gave him a blank look, "When the Wuqueshan Bridge is completed, there will be a high-speed highway. You don't have to come if you think it's too far away."

Qian Xuyang was speechless for a while.

He really doesn't want to come.

Yesterday, Li Feng said that he was going to Wuque Mountain. He just went to the theater and waited for this man to come back with nothing.

Who knew, Zhong Ke was going too, and the commotion became louder.

Zhong Ke is a staff member with a formal establishment, and is also responsible for some chores.

Wu Yuan agreed to her going to Wuque Mountain, which meant that she had to write a business trip approval form and sign it layer by layer. The whole Bridge Academy knew that Zhong Ke was going to Wuque Mountain with Lu Feng.

Then, his father made a phone call, hating that iron can't be made into steel.

"Usually tell you to perform, to perform! What is performance? The attitude of applying for site surveys like learning the style of learning, and doing your best for the Wuqueshan Bridge, this is performance!"

Qian Xuyang was going to die of anger.

If it wasn't for Lufeng's airborne, and pretending that Mr. Wu wanted him to see the mountains, he could lie peacefully in the bridge yard and make a drawing tool to dawdle.

Instead of carrying a backpack, leaving the city and going to the wilderness.

Don't know when to come back!

Qian Xuyang's eyes could kill Lifeng.

However, Lufeng became drowsy after getting on the high-speed rail, leaned against the back of the chair to recharge his energy, and soon fell asleep, completely unable to feel Qian Xuyang's anger.

He lost sleep the night before because of Yin Yiqiao.

Last night I slept late again because I was packing my luggage and thinking about the itinerary.

The high-speed rail in the early morning has its own cradle effect. Even if Lufeng's ears are full of the rumbling sound of the high-speed rail, and the noisy conversations of people in front, back, left, and right, it does not prevent him from sleeping soundly.

When they got to the high-speed rail and changed to a bus, there was only the winding expressway and the nine turns and eighteen turns of the mountain road all afternoon.

When they finally met with the surveyor on Friday, Qian Xuyang's face turned pale, and Zhong Ke didn't feel very well.

Of the three, only Lifeng could withstand the hardships of the long journey and introduce himself to the surveyor who came to pick them up.

"Hello, we are Lu Feng, Zhong Ke, and Qian Xuyang from the Bridge Branch."

He is full of energy and has slept enough in the car. He is not at all like a fan of overtime and staying up late.

Seeing them like this on Friday, they showed a mouthful of white teeth in a simple smile.

"You're okay, but the two of them...can you go up to Wuque Mountain?"

Law wind:?

When he was about to go up the mountain the next day, Lu Feng understood what he meant.

The off-road vehicle on Friday and Monday could not drive directly to the destination along the winding mountain road, and the location chosen for the bridge design had to be walked by foot.

Even in summer, the temperature in Wuque Mountain is much lower than that in Jincheng City.

The four of them were wearing winter clothing and could still feel the icy chill brought by the high altitude.

On Friday, I carried the measuring instrument on my back and walked ahead with the navigation.

Li Feng helped him share the tripod and measuring rod, stepped on the wet yellow mud, and slowly went up the mountain.

It's not his first time climbing a mountain on foot.

In the past, when I was an intern at CE, I often followed Yin Yiqiao to see the famous deep mountain buildings.

No matter how far you go and how tired the journey is, those works of art that are keen to build in the deep mountains can instantly heal the spirit of Li Feng who has become sluggish due to mountain climbing.

And Yin Yiqiao can always talk about their legends in his amazing sight.

At this time, Lu Feng stepped on the similar wet soil, with strong expectations, but he was not at all as comfortable as before.

Because, along the way, there were Qian Xuyang's complaining inquiries, which were like a lingering noise.

Qian Xuyang: "Brother Zhou, people in our hospital used to go this way?"

Qian Xuyang: "Impossible, this road is so difficult to climb, can those people walk down?"

Qian Xuyang: "Ah? What did you say about Plan [-]? Is this just the way up the mountain for one of the plans?"

Qian Xuyang complained and asked all the way.


He didn't have the strength to speak at all, and sat down completely out of breath, urging to rest.

Although Li Feng was tired, he was not as tired as Qian Xuyang.

He looked at the mountain road in front of him. It seemed that the trees were sparse, and he would reach the top of the mountain soon.

Li Feng asked: "How far is it?"

Holding the GPS on Friday, he pointed to the wooden pile in front of him, "Go a few more steps along this road, and there are wooden piles along the way, and we will be there in a few minutes."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qian Xuyang, obviously hoping that this frail gentleman would be able to cheer up.

"I'm not leaving! I want to rest!" Qian Xuyang even protested weakly, he waved his hands again and again, "Friday Monday lied to me dozens of 'minutes', I don't believe it!"

It was Brother Zhou just now, but now he calls him by his first name.

It's all because of hanging carrots on Friday to cheat donkeys.

No matter Qian Xuyang asked "How long is it?", Friday smiled sincerely and kindly, and replied "Not a few minutes".

Then, I walked for two hours in one breath.

Li Feng is in awe of such old measurements as Friday and Monday.

If he hadn't said "only a few minutes" persistently, Lu Feng would have absolutely believed that such a pampered guy as Qian Xuyang would have already given up his pick on the way.

However, although Qian Xuyang lay flat, Zhong Ke still chose to believe in Friday and Monday.

She supported the tree to stand up, wiped off her sweat, and said, "Since it's not far away, let me persevere."

Qian Xuyang's face was embarrassing, as if he was not as good as Zhong Ke, which made him struggle and struggle.

But the entanglement was entangled, and he refused to get up no matter what.

Lu Feng thought for a while, took out a bottle of water from his bag, and handed it to Zhong Ke.

She took it with a pale face, and heard Li Feng persuade: "You should also take a break, I will go to the front to have a look first, if it is really only a few minutes, I will come back and call you."

"Hey, it's really a few minutes this time!" Wu Yi strongly protested.

Lu Feng smiled and said: "Brother Zhou, please accompany them for a while. I will recognize the stake, and I will go up first."

After finishing speaking, Li Feng turned around and left, and the ears finally became quiet.

Without Qian Xuyang complaining and nagging in his ears, Lufeng's footsteps became brisk.

The weeds and mud in the mountains and forests along the way were numb, but he found the fixed stakes left by the measurement, and his mood became extraordinarily happy.

These numbered wooden piles will become the selected points of the expressway with the construction of the Wuqueshan Bridge in the future. Road engineers will design a beautiful passage connecting the bridge and the existing expressway.

Lufeng stepped on the mud, but what he saw in his eyes was flat and wide concrete.

When the line of sight became wider and the distance to the top of the mountain was getting closer and closer, Li Feng couldn't restrain his heart beating violently and started to trot.

Then, finally after a steep ascent, he saw the majestic and deep top of Wuque Mountain.

Facing the cool mountain wind, Lu Feng adjusted his rapid breathing.

The verdant and green scenery of Wuque Mountain came into view, and he couldn't restrain the corners of his mouth slightly.

This kind of free and easy magnificence of looking at the mountains made him quickly understand why Mr. Wu told the project team that they must come to Wuque Mountain to see it.

Because, the moment he stood here, the bridge plans printed in the materials and built in the model jumped out one by one, showing his majestic and magnificent body on every mountain peak that might be bridged, in the deep thick In the fog, it became a witness of human beings conquering the mountains.

At an altitude of 2900 meters, a span of 1000 meters, and a drop of 600 meters, I finally have a real feeling.

Li Feng tried his best to adjust his shortness of breath, staring at the long-standing fog on Wuque Mountain, looking for a landing point that fit the topographic map.

There was a slight buzzing in his ears, as if he was a little lacking in oxygen.

When the thick winter clothes vibrated, he almost thought it was his arms trembling.

Lufeng took out his mobile phone in surprise, surprised that Wuqueshan still had a signal.

"Hello?" His voice was gasping for joy, and no matter who was on the other end of the phone, his joy could be heard.

However, there was silence over the microphone.

Before Lifeng could make a second sound, he heard a gloomy question: "What are you doing?"

"Ah?" Li Feng failed to recognize who it was at the first time, and replied with heavy breathing, "Mountain climbing."

There was a daze over there, and suddenly a low laugh came out.

Inexplicably, Li Feng felt that the laughter was extremely familiar, so he frowned and quickly looked at the call interface.

Unfamiliar number, but this string of numbers...

Yin Yiqiao? !

Li Feng suddenly became tense and cramped, and the elation that filled his soul before all gathered in his throat, making him at a loss for what to do.

He didn't know what Yin Yiqiao was laughing at, let alone why Yin Yiqiao called him.

But when he heard this laughter, he instinctively felt uneasy, as if he had done something wrong and was discovered by his brother.

Li Feng frowned and complained: "What are you laughing at?"

Yin Yiqiao coughed lightly, regaining his usual gentleness and consideration, "Which mountain are you on?"

Never mentioning why I laughed.

Lu Feng's breathing slowed down, and he hummed softly: "Wuque Mountain, it's very far away. I've already said that I'm on a business trip, so don't wait for me, finish your work and go back to England early, and say hello to the teacher for me."

Yin Yiqiao said: "Xiaofeng, I can't tell grandpa that I went back to China, and I didn't even see you—"

Suddenly, Lu Feng heard the faint voice of chatting and walking behind him, and he didn't care what Yin Yiqiao was saying, so he hurriedly said goodbye to him.

"Stop talking, all my colleagues are here."

Just hang up after finishing speaking, you are very welcome!

Lu Feng turned his head and found that Wu Yi finally dragged Qian Xuyang and Zhong Ke up.

As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, Qian Xuyang threw away his backpack and sat on the ground, breathing heavily, as if he couldn't even speak.

Zhong Ke didn't feel any better either, with a pale face, more air was released than air was taken in, standing on the top of the mountain with her hips crossed, she turned her head and asked, "Brother Zhou, tell me now, where did you get the plan one?"

It seems that as long as Wuyi points out the selection point, the task will be considered complete, and she can immediately go down the mountain and go home to lie flat.

Holding the rangefinder on Friday, he walked a few steps and pointed to a flat slope below.

There was even a small red flag there.

"Did you see the flag?" He swiped his finger and pointed straight to the opposite mountain, "There is another side on the other side."

The bright red flag has become the logo left by the surveyor to the designer.

It's a pity that apart from the logo, there are no more traces left on Wuque Mountain.

After adapting to the cold air on the top of the mountain, Li Feng quickly began to conduct field surveys according to his own habits.

He put down his backpack, took out his DSLR, and took pictures of the location of Plan [-]. More focus was placed on the entire Wuque Mountain.

One plan for a bridge has two options for mountain peaks.

It took them two hours to climb the mountain, and they will have to go down the mountain later, and then go to the opposite side to climb the peak again, and then they have finished investigating the selection points of plan one.

It seems that enough time is spent on the road, so Li Feng is always busy recording the real scene of Wuque Mountain.

On Friday, a rangefinder was set up, ready to help measure the data that Li Feng wanted.

But after he saw that Lu Feng had photographed Wuque Mountain with a SLR, he took out his sketchbook, stood in the same position, and redrawed Wuque Mountain with the pen in his hand.

He wrote very quickly, and after a few back and forth, he outlined the trend of Wuque Mountain.

On Friday, he found it strange that he seldom saw people who had taken pictures, and he had to draw a sketch again.

However, he heard about Lu Feng from Wu Yuan.

Young, but talented.

Just by studying the Qushuiwan Bridge, we can complete the application of triangular steel supports and design a new cross-river bridge.

Therefore, Li Feng looked very different in Friday's glance.

If others do repetitive work, he will definitely laugh and say silly.

Switching to Lufeng, it has become a unique design habit. It must be the winning technique of Lufeng designing the cross-river bridge.

Set up a rangefinder next to it on Friday and Monday to measure the data.

When Lu Feng stopped writing, he asked expectantly: "Is there a new solution?"

Simple questions, containing a variety of complex emotions.

He was in charge of the measurement project of Wuque Mountain. Almost every year and every design visit, he would ask the same questions.

Li Feng could read his expression.

In their hearts, the Wuqueshan Bridge is not only a job to support their families, but also a sincere hope.

I hope that the 12-year project can have a perfect ending.

I hope that this mountain that lies in front of the Tibetan area will have a shortcut.

"Not yet." Lu Feng evoked a gentle smile, "However, there will definitely be."

It took them a whole day to go up and down the mountain before completing one or two landing points of the plan.

When I drove back to the small hotel in Danla County on Friday, it was already dark, and bright orange street lights were lit up in the county town, illuminating the only main street.

All four of them live in the hotel, one room for each, eating and living together.

Parting, Friday said: "Rest early today, and the selection point for option two will be a little further away tomorrow."

Qian Xuyang's face turned pale, and he asked, "Going to climb this long mountain again?"

Friday laughed loudly, "If you can't climb anymore, it's okay if you don't come tomorrow."

Qian Xuyang curled his lips and returned to the room without saying a word, dragging his backpack.

Seeing this on Friday, he waved to Li Feng and Zhong Ke, and went to his room as well.

Li Feng closed the door and took out the camera from his backpack to charge it.

He put the sketchbook on the bed, ready to take a shower and continue fighting.

A small hotel in a remote mountain area, the water temperature is not high.

Li Feng finished washing quickly, dried her hair, wrapped herself in a quilt, picked up the sketchbook, and reviewed the plight of Plan [-] page by page.

The scheme seen through text and modeling is completely different from his experience of field investigation.

In the design institute, Lu Feng only felt that the first plan was difficult and challenging.

It was not until he walked the dirt mountain road for eight hours that he had a clear and complete understanding of the challenges described in the materials as "difficulties in hoisting and transportation".

The Wuqueshan Bridge in Plan 607.9 has a height difference of [-] meters between the bridge deck and the bottom of the valley.

To build a bridge here, we must first solve the high-speed problem from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Otherwise, even the steel and cement will not be transported up, let alone hoisting.

It is difficult to build a bridge, and it is not easy to build a highway.

According to Friday and Monday, the slope and curvature will become a major design problem for the road branch to build a direct expressway near the selected point of the first plan.

One plan, a breakthrough at both ends, the two brothers Daoqiao and Guoyuan, no one can escape.

Li Feng smiled and picked up the sketchbook, and carefully wrote down the conclusions he got from today's survey.

In the quiet room, there is only the soft sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper.

Although the body is exhausted, the spirit cannot be restrained.

He drew a sketch of a bridge passing through the clouds and mist, and was about to draw the small red flag for measuring that he saw today at the bridgehead.

The phone by the pillow vibrated again.

Li Feng took the phone and looked at it, it was a familiar and unfamiliar number.

It was still Yin Yiqiao.

After hesitating for a while, Li Feng still picked it up.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yin Yiqiao calmly asked in a gentle voice, "Where are you? I seem to have arrived at Wuque Mountain."

Li Feng shook his hand, almost suspecting that he had heard wrong!

The Design Institute is so far away from Wuque Mountain. He has personally experienced the high-speed rail, bus, and buns, and he knows how hard the journey is.

How could Yin Yiqiao come?

Li Feng stood up and nervously asked for confirmation, "Brother, are you kidding me?"

Yin Yiqiao smiled and said, "I just navigated here from Jincheng City this morning, so I'm not joking with you."

He said it easily.

The limelight is about to explode.

At the beginning, Yuan Wu said that he would send a car to take them here, but he checked the distance and drove for nearly 12 hours before choosing the fast plan of taking the high-speed rail and exchanging back and forth.

Not only did Yin Yiqiao come, but he also came by car. After such a long time, Lu Feng could figure it out——

Not long after he hung up the phone in the morning, Yin Yiqiao left!

Li Feng was shocked by Yin Yiqiao's ability to act and was speechless.

However, there are still greater shocks waiting for him.

Yin Yiqiao said casually: "It's just that my navigation is not very easy to use. I just told me that I have arrived at the destination, but the surroundings are pitch black, not even a village or farm. I don't know if this is Wuque Mountain."

Li Feng's heart was beating violently, and he hurriedly asked, "Are you lost?!"

"Well, I seem to have lost my way."

The tone is dignified, without panic.

He said it calmly, as if he just took a wrong fork in the road, so don't care!

The worry in Lifeng's heart is urgent, far exceeding all his previous expectations.

He knew that Yin Yiqiao hadn't been back for almost five years, so why did he drive for 12 hours as soon as he came back, lost in the mountains and couldn't find his way.

"Are you on a highway or a rural road? A cement road or a dirt road?"

Just after asking, he suddenly remembered that Yin Yiqiao said that the surroundings were pitch black.

Li Feng suddenly panicked, and the matter of Mr. Wu's car accident came to mind.

If anything happened to Yin Yiqiao when he came to Wuque Mountain for him, he would never forgive himself in his life.

"...Brother, hurry up and call the police, call 110 and ask the police to pick you up."

He couldn't think of a better solution, so he had difficulty finding the police.

Yin Yiqiao didn't agree with this suggestion, "But I called the police, and I couldn't tell you the exact location."

"Send me your location! Let me tell you!" Lu Feng wished he could fly to the scene and sit in the same car as Yin Yiqiao, "You add me on WeChat, that's the phone number. No, do you have WeChat?"

"Of course there is."

After speaking, their phone call ended, and Lufeng's WeChat rang.

He quickly passed through his friends and found out what Yin Yiqiao's profile picture was in the chat box.

It was his graduation project for that library.

It is peaceful like a leaf falling on the grass, with gentle curves and clear floor-to-ceiling windows.

Yin Yiqiao chose the best angle and framed it into a narrow square.

All of a sudden, thousands of thoughts came to my mind, and Lu Feng's anxiety was mixed with more inexplicable complex emotions.

He even regretted hanging up Yin Yiqiao's call in a hurry in the morning.

If he could communicate well with Yin Yiqiao, maybe it wouldn't be like this, holding the phone helplessly waiting for a location, and helping Yin Yiqiao call the police.

However, what is sent in WeChat is not the positioning.

It's a video call.

Li Feng picked it up without thinking, and the phone screen quickly displayed the picture.

The warm light in the car was shining softly. Yin Yiqiao, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was sitting in the driver's seat, gazing at the camera gently, still the handsome and calm appearance in Lu Feng's memory.

He smiled, and said with joy in his eyes: "This is considered to be meeting you, Xiaofeng."

"I don't need the police, I just need your location."

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