Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 85 The Snake Swamp Ghost Town 34

What the hell is going on?

Wu Xie was startled, and hurriedly said on the channel while stepping back.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Are you dead? !

Aning: dead

[Wu] Xie: What killed him?Spike?

You must know that this kind of instant kill setting is extremely unreasonable. After all, this is just a small book of five people, and the opponent in this position cannot be the so-called final boss. Aning's equipment is not weak, and he has all the defenses he should have. Not bad, if it causes a spike, it is almost equivalent to not having to continue playing this copy.

Aning also seemed to be unbelievable, but she had no intention of hiding information, and she calmed down for a long time before replying.

A Ning: A red snake with a cockscomb on its top, in the gap at the end of the waterfall, it looks like a pheasant neck, with 5 blood tubes, I was bitten out of bleeding and poisoning, and I didn’t have any debuff medicine on me, I thought I could follow It entangled and left, but it didn't expect the debuff to crit in less than a few seconds, and it died directly.

[Wu] Xie: ...

Aning: How are you doing now?

[Wu] Xie: We are staying away, it did not charge out to attack

When Ah Ning asked this question, he could probably predict the situation in his heart. Since Wu Xie had room to chat with her, the cockscomb snake probably didn't make any follow-up actions.She remained silent and did not reply, and now she has left the instance, whether it is a blessing or a disaster, has nothing to do with her, she can even choose to leave the group, or go for a walk elsewhere to wait for the next 2 instances of the instance, but she did not do this Instead, he sat quietly at the door of the dungeon.

Seeing that she was silent, Wu Xie discussed with the people beside her in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

"What can we do, let's withdraw." Obviously, everyone saw the conversation in the team, and the fat man asked again when he was retreating, "Have you brought antidote? I just brought two."

"Five." Wu Xie, a small warehouse, said.

"One." The black glasses said.

"No." Zhang Qiling said.

"...In short, let's go as far as we can. Don't rest, go directly to the destination."

The four said they had no doubts, and went back into the forest. I have to say, compared with the pheasant neck, maybe the two tree pythons just now were cuter, but fortunately, even if they were extremely defensive along the way, the tree pythons a little earlier The python didn't come out again, but the more they walked towards the destination, they found that the day was getting darker and yellower. They could see that it was not caused by the shade of the trees, but that the time had really entered the evening.

Although they knew that the timeline of Tomb Raiders OL did not match the reality, they had never seen the sunset so quickly.

It only took about 20 minutes for them to enter, but the time change seemed to be running for several hours.

What's even more tragic is that they didn't take the initiative to turn on the flashlights like they did in the tomb. Looking at the forest with increasingly obscure vision, Wu Xie took a deep breath: "What should I do?"

"Fuck! If you have to stay here for a whole night, you might be sent to the snake den!"

The fat man was cursing, and within a few seconds he stopped abruptly. Wu Xie accidentally bumped into his back, and said angrily, "Why are you stopping?"

"That thing..." He didn't finish his sentence, and Wu Xie had already noticed it.

It was a statue of a bird with a human face that was quite similar to what I had seen before, but it was obviously bigger, and it was even more sinister against the twilight.

"Go directly."

Black Glasses obviously didn't want to stay here any longer, so he rushed to the front and said.

Unexpectedly, within a short distance, another identical stone sculpture stood in front of them.

"Ghost hitting the wall?" Wu Xie asked suspiciously.

"No." Zhang Qiling quickly responded to him, and then took the lead to walk a little in the other direction, and at the same time found that there were many similar stone carvings there. Wu Xie frowned and was about to express something, when the fat man yelled from the side, " My god, this thing was aimed at us just now?!"

Hearing that Wu Xie turned his head immediately, the back of his neck went numb. Indeed, the stone sculpture was facing them just now, but now it was still facing them after they turned around, "Is there a mechanism?"

As soon as he asked, he saw that the stone sculpture raised the corner of his mouth, showing an extremely weird smile, and he couldn't help cursing, "Damn it! It's moving!"

The black glasses reacted faster than him. He took out his gun and shot forward, but he didn't expect the stone sculptures to float up one by one.

"Damn it! A bunch of moths!"

The number of these moths is extremely large, and goosebumps pop up almost instantly when you look at it, and the original stone carving is covered with many snake sloughs like white intestines, which are rotten. Quite uncomfortable.

The four of them didn't need any explanations, they sprinted together quite tacitly, and said while running: "Brother, do you have any ideas! Just like Jing'er Palace last time, use a thunder-pipe!"

"No." Zhang Qiling affirmed, "The underground palace is not big, and the Hornets come from one side. This is too wide, there are too many, and it is easy to be outflanked."

The fat man snorted, only to feel the fluttering sound of wings sweeping from behind, almost passing over his neck, and he said again: "Think of a way! Otherwise, we will be eaten up like that snake! Just one bite is enough for us to confess directly!"

"And it's not a good day." The black glasses didn't show any tension at all, but added fuel.

Wu Xie gritted her teeth and ran quickly, when she saw a murky water surface not far away, "River!"

The meaning was obvious, and regardless of whether it was dirty or not, the four of them directly got into the river in suspense.

Once the character's head is in the water, there will be a so-called oxygen bar. The oxygen bar can be suffocated for 1 minute in the water, and if it goes up for 1 minute, it will gradually reduce the blood volume until the character drowns, so being in the river is not a long-term solution.

They looked at each other in the water. Although their vision was somewhat blocked, they still swam upstream one by one.Speech cannot be carried out in water, so the black glasses said in the channel when the oxygen limit of 1 minute was approaching.

【Team Channel】

Black Glasses: That looks like a tent

As he spoke, he cautiously raised his head towards the surface of the water. Seeing that all the moths had disappeared, he resolutely jumped out of the water and walked to the shore. Sure enough, there was a small camp and a bonfire.

Because Wu Xie and Fatty were behind the black glasses and Zhang Qiling, the oxygen bar had already reached its limit and began to lose blood after the other party confirmed it. After this meeting, the blood volume was not as sufficient as before, and the character even looked a little tired. Zhang Qiling roughly scanned Looking at the camp, he didn't choose to sit by the bonfire, but instead leaned on a rock a little further away. Wu Xie sat down next to him, and the two talked softly, while the fat man circled around. Confused, and then asked: "Does this copy still let us stay overnight?"

"Probably so." Wu Xie said and traded the antidote to Zhang Qiling for two, expressing that it was necessary, and the other party naturally did not refuse.

The black glasses stood beside the bonfire, examined it and said: "It would be perfect if there is a grilled fish or chicken at this time."

Wu Xie rolled her eyes, "Maybe there are roasted snakes, why don't you try hunting."

"Little third master, it's not good for you to run on me like this. I may not help you block the gun next time."

"When did you block the gun for me?"

The black glasses thought for a while, "When you guys didn't upgrade, that woman was the one who harassed me."


Wu Xie remained silent.

Zhang Qiling raised his eyebrows and stared at the black glasses. The latter shrugged his shoulders, sat down beside the campfire without talking too much, and took out a piece of fried rice with shredded pork and green peppers that looked like fast food. Wu Xie was surprised by this move.

There are indeed such things. Tomb Raiders OL has a lot of recovery items. The most common ones are red medicine bottles and blue medicine bottles. Secondly, there are some snacks, steamed buns, compressed biscuits, etc. Some return blood to blue, and some It is the gain buff, but these snacks are usually quite tasteless, and most of them are for the atmosphere. Generally, medicine bottles are generally carried in the lower bucket, which is straightforward.

However, the black glasses didn't suffer any serious injuries, and the effect was just right.

The atmosphere was a bit weird for a while, the fat man tossed around in the tent and said: "You can choose to sleep inside, it seems that you really have to spend the night here, but it must be dawn when you open and close your eyes, and it is probably used to restore blood. It's okay, let's take a rest."

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