Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 8 Life

Xie Yuchen was silent here, and Wu Xie didn't ask questions one by one, but just glanced at the guy who was left out in the cold.

Zhang Kun has been very quiet all the time, and will not deliberately ask what you are doing at this time, just standing blankly by the West Lake, Tomb Raider OL doesn’t have too many complicated standby actions, but the details are well done, the warm wind is blowing, and the hair is soft The clothes will shake, because the third uncle said that he has never had the habit of chatting with others in secret, so Wu Xie knows that when he is standing, he is really just standing like this, maybe the person in front of the computer is also like this, supercilious Looking at the distant view, the inexplicable Wu Xie also read out a sadness.

Thinking of this, he took a few steps towards Zhang Kun and stood in front of him, scaring him out of mischief.

The distance between the two was extremely close, and Wu Xie's main interface was instantly filled with the plain face of the other party. Even Wu Xie, who took the initiative to do so, tilted his neck back, but Zhang Kun didn't seem to be very familiar with it. Care, he didn't look like he was frightened, but moved a little in his direction. The eyes of the two people of similar height were staring directly at the eyes. Due to physical obstacles, it was impossible to get close here, but It is enough to make Wu Xie, the person involved, feel that the modeling details are really good, even if it is enlarged, there is no jagged.

But not long after this stalemate, he caught a glimpse of the conversation in the recent chat channel.

【Closer chat channel】

XXX: I*, is it possible that the two in front of you are the two that were just released on World Channel?Sure enough, they are real couples. Could it be that they want to kiss because they are so close?

XXX: 66666, mouth to mouth!

XXX: ↑There is no such function, what a pity.

XXX: Originally, I wanted to join the trade union where dumb Zhang Zai was, but now I don’t want to be disappointed when I see this young couple.

XXX: The truth upstairs, the single dog who heard the news said that he was hit by [-] points, so he should go offline and find a girl.

Seeing this, Wu Xie hurriedly took a few steps back. Although he didn't feel much in the main interface, he thought that the actions of the two of them were indeed very ambiguous in the eyes of others. He wanted to explain for a while, but he didn't know what to say, so he hesitated for a while. Still stupidly turned around and looked at the trade union with the Xiling Yinshe plaque hanging on it.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: That little about we go in and have a look?

[Zhang] Kun: Good

As soon as he walked into the beam of light, he changed the scene accordingly. Wu Xie had no experience in joining a trade union, so he didn't know the specific status of the trade union. Even though he had seen other people's screenshots, his personal experience was different, let alone his own trade union. So there is still some expectation in my heart.

Generally speaking, the size of the trade union is roughly the same, and the obvious difference is that the internal furnishings are different due to different factions. Although Wu Xie built the trade union using rare props, the foundation is still the same as that of the Southern School trade union. Afterwards, there is a scene of a lobby, with a well-behaved NPC in the corner, who can only say hello, and then some routine introductions about the union, as well as guide instructions on where to put specific things.

Wu Xie glanced at it, but it was quite a lot.

There are five chairs in the lobby on the first floor, one of which faces south, and the other four are located below it in pairs. The one above is the chairman's seat, but Wu Xie deliberately called Zhang Kun to try it out. Except for the chairman's seat, the other four chairs are free to sit on, even if you are not the initiator.

In addition, there are also some equipment that can be seen but not touched, which are placed on the long table on the right side of the hall. There are several Luoyang shovels alone.At the corner of the long table is a huge large box, which can be opened directly by right-clicking, and then a warehouse interface will be vacated, which is connected to the personal warehouse, which is convenient for unloading.And standing on the long table was an NPC who looked like a profiteer. The text bubble on the top was much better than that hello. A huge cabinet, talking to it is to do some small business, and Xiling Yinshe is only a first-level union now, and the things you can buy are very limited, just some basic red and blue that can be dropped by a book, and teleportation. character and so on.

Wu Xie tossed around for a while but didn't see anything to add, so he saw Zhang Kun doing something in front of the open warehouse.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Brother, what are you doing?

[Zhang] Kun: put something

Um?Wu Xie moved to his side and opened the warehouse, and was shocked to see that the previously empty warehouse was now full of equipment and medicinal materials with purple characters and orange characters.

[Wu] Xie: little brother... #惊惊

[Zhang] Kun: What?

[Wu] Xie: You have so much good equipment, why don’t you wear it yourself? You see, this Ziziyun boot is suitable for the Zhang family, it’s much better than the one on you!

[Zhang] Kun: ...conspicuous

[Wu] Xie: ...Okay#Khan

Thinking of Wu Sansheng, Wu Xie suddenly felt that professional masters might like to be so low-key.

[Zhang] Kun: Take what suits you

[Wu] Xie: This is not so good

[Zhang] Kun: The trade union is useless if only the two of us are here

[Wu] Xie: That’s what you said, but why did you stuff all your things into the union warehouse... Aren’t you afraid of being stolen?

[Zhang] Kun: who

Wu Xie wanted to blame me, but he always felt that he was too sorry for himself as a thief. He just hoped that the other party would be more vigilant. Speaking of which, he didn't understand the reason for Zhang Kun's generous offering of good intentions. what reason.

[Wu] Xie: If my account number is hacked or something, wouldn’t your property be gone?

[Zhang] Kun:'s all right

He thought for a while and added.

[Zhang] Kun: This is just a purple orange outfit at level 30. After a while, it will be useless at 40. Don’t worry.

[Zhang] Kun: I can’t fit in my own warehouse

[Zhang] Kun: I try to carry as little weight as possible in my backpack

Wu Xie saw that the other party rarely said so much, and the lame appearance of desperately explaining was clearly worried that he would not accept his kindness. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, thinking that Zhang Kun was actually very gentle at heart, which must be something he knew Thinking of what others didn't know, Wu Xie cheerfully stopped refusing and agreed.

[Wu] Xie: Alright~ Just put it in the warehouse, maybe our trade union has more stock than those big trade unions, and we don’t need any DKP, we can get whatever we want, it’s just taken care of hahaha

[Zhang] Kun: Good

[Wu] Xie: Huh?What good

[Zhang] Kun: support you

Wu Xie, who was in front of the computer, was taken aback for a moment, stood up hurriedly and slammed down the notebook, blushing hot, turned around and opened the blinds, squinted at the warm sunshine outside, rubbed his cheeks vigorously , I don't know whether this face is blushing from embarrassment or from being rubbed too hard by him. Although this can be self-perfunctory, the throbbing in my heart can't be hidden.

He pounced on the piles of documents on the desk again, and pulled out the advertising plan that was to be finalized in half a month, one month, and three months. Kicked open the assistant room next door.

Hearing the muffled sound, Wang Meng woke up from his sleepiness in a panic, wiped his saliva and hurriedly said, "Boss, boss? Why aren't you playing games at this point??"

Wu Xie didn't even give him a chance to explain, so he walked up and put the piles of materials in front of him, and hurriedly said, "Redo it!"


The bewildered Wang Meng flipped through the plan that had clearly passed the estimation stage, and said in a trembling voice, "...Boss, are you serious, boss?"

As a result, the other party didn't even respond, and left in the same hurry as when they came.

"What..." Wang Meng wanted to cry but had no tears.

At this moment, Wu Xie finally sat back in his original position somewhat comfortably, exhaled and opened his notebook, thinking that the other party might ask him again and again, but he didn't expect that the conversation would still stop at the sentence "raise you". The calm mood thumped again, he gritted his teeth and replied.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: I'm sorry, my brother just went to the bathroom

[Zhang] Kun: All right

Seeing that the other party was still the same as before, Wu Xie scratched his head in annoyance, a little resentment that he was being played around by a brat's joke when he was clearly an adult, and also a little guilty that he had changed the subject cruelly if the other party was sincere, each All kinds of emotions are mixed together, sour and astringent, and the heart is not a taste, but Zhang Kun took the initiative as if he knew his emotions.

[Zhang] Kun: Go to the second floor and have a look

[Wu] Xie: ...Okay

The second floor is much more elegant than the first floor, and the things are also very simple. There are a few small tables by the window, a few retro bookcases, and there are many ancient books unexpectedly placed on the bookcases, which can be read one by one. This seems to be Wu Xiena The benefit of Tuoben Jingman is that the content of the book is a collection of stories he has seen from the dungeon these days, even the exclusive open dungeon map for the closed beta, and the cover is called Wu Xie's private notes.

Standing in front of the bookcase, his eyes suddenly softened, and the wind suddenly picked up. He turned his head and looked out of the window beside him, and he could actually see the sparkling West Lake water. Even though Wu Xie knew that this was not related to another scene, but He calmed down just like that, one room, one person, one tea and one book, the years were quiet, the reality was peaceful, and in the game, he actually got the life he had been looking forward to for a long time.

Even if he doesn't know that he has become a landscape in the eyes of the people behind him.

Wu Xie relaxed and leaned back on the backrest. Before enjoying it for a while, an application for forming a team popped up.

[Wu] The three provinces applied to join your team?agree refuse

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