Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 69 The Truth Comes Out

Seeing that Zhang Qiling was in a daze for a moment, and even obviously manipulated the character's footsteps to pause slightly, but he still didn't stand in the middle of the way stupidly, but went straight to the place where Wu Xie disappeared and stood still.

Fatty opened his mouth immediately, but he didn't know if it was due to the presence of other people. He said very cryptically: "Brother, I don't quite understand what you are doing. You are not... Sigh."

Then he sighed deeply.

It's not that Zhang Qiling doesn't understand what this means, but he's in a complicated mood now. It's not the first time that Wu Xie has escaped like this. After he revealed that his so-called wife was originally, the other party also went offline without saying a word. Still continue to communicate like ordinary friends, but Zhang Qiling knows that this layer of paper is not easy to pierce, and once the relationship between the two is pierce, the situation will be quite embarrassing. Besides, the two of them are not looking up now, and they are not going to engage in so-called "online dating". If this atmosphere spreads to reality, he is not sure whether it will affect his work attitude, so he chooses such an opportunity, firstly because Jude Kao's actions really angered him, and secondly because the work has come to an end, This week, Zhang Haike will conduct a final review to see if there is anything that needs to be re-shot or re-shot. If not, the first stage of this work will be considered as a successful completion.

But in the end, Wu Xie still escaped.

Zhang Qiling frowned slightly and looked at the main perspective of the computer. Jude Kao, who died not far away, had returned to the resurrection point. Some shit luck, he didn't reveal any equipment, and his guild players also began to retreat gradually. , it seems that the other party does not plan to come back to rectify in person, so that Zhang Qiling can still have a chance to realize that "see once, kill once".

He was silent, and Fatty stayed silent with him, but Huo Xiuxiu was a little surprised and said, "What the hell? Zhang Kun, you like my sister?" Then she seemed to think that this was unreasonable, and asked in a low voice, " Or... do you know who he is?"


Before Zhang Qiling opened his mouth to answer, the fat man was a little puzzled and said, "Why do you know who she is? Isn't she your sister? Speaking of which, what is your relationship with Dahua? Why can't I even look at the fat man who has messed up your circle in a few days?" understood."

Xiuxiu obviously didn't want to pick on the fat man, but stared straight at Zhang Qiling wanting to get the result, and the other party replied as she expected: "I know he is Wu Xie."

"... Huh?!?" It was Fatty who howled first, "What? What's going on? What do you mean? That girl just now was naive?! He's a little girl?!"

"Stop yelling! It's too loud!" Xiuxiu yelled after her.

"...Your voice is quite loud."

Xiu Xiucai had no time to argue with him, and continued to talk to Zhang Qiling, "When did you find out it was his? Did he know?"

Zhang Qiling was silent for a while, before saying, "Xie Yuhua, I knew something about it when I was under Chen Pi'a's fourth sect. You are a member of his union, and I passively got the information very early on."

"Oh?" Huo Xiuxiu couldn't believe it, "There are so many people in his union, how come he only remembers me."

"You are the first person who can let Xie Yuhua personally lead the level."

"... Tch, that's when I first came to this game, and then he ignored me." Xiuxiu was full of resentment, but as soon as she finished speaking, she changed her mood, "Then why didn't you expose it earlier? I!"

"...I had some conflicts with him some time ago. Afterwards, Wu Xie said that it was because of him, thinking that he came to examine me specially." Zhang Qiling said, although his tone was flat, but unexpectedly he could read a sense of embarrassment. The fat man didn't know It's not easy to interrupt because of the matter, but I still couldn't help laughing a few times when I heard this, as if I was close to giving him an elbow of "you're still shy, kid".

Huo Xiuxiu didn't come back to her senses for a while, but she understood quite cleverly, "That's why you agreed to take him! So you thought it was Brother Xiao Hua, but that outfit is indeed much more suitable than Brother Wu Xie. After all, Hua sister!"

This is a little bit proud.

"..." Zhang Qiling declined to comment.

"Then how did you find out later?" Xiuxiu seemed like she was going to break the casserole and ask the end, but Zhang Qiling didn't want to mention it. The strange fate made him feel a little bit involved, but it really made him confirm that the other party was Wu Xie. It is about the replacement of powerful weapons, not to mention that the Xie family is more familiar with sticks than daggers, and secondly, Xie Yuhua is an extremely rigorous person. There will be room for him to discover this weird behavior, so it cannot be Xie Yuchen, and the relationship between Huo Xiuxiu and Xie Yuchen is unusual, and it will never be the relationship that only stops in the game that makes him lead the level, so with Huo Xiuxiu They are together and close enough to find him intentionally, and it is absolutely impossible to be other players in the union. After thinking about it, Wu Xie is the only one who meets his identity.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Huo Xiuxiu wisely stopped asking, but the fat man focused on the key point, "Speaking so much, does Tianzhen know that you know that he is innocent? Damn, why are you so awkward."

Huo Xiuxiu also suddenly realized that, combined with the other party's act of secretly offering fish, "He doesn't know!"


"...Little brother, I finally found out that you have some humanity, otherwise I would have thought you were a god." The fat man joked, but Zhang Qiling was at a loss for what he said.

"I'm talking about you, don't you think that Xiaotian ran away because he was scared by another confession of yours?"


"My mother, he doesn't know that you know his identity at all, so what did you think of him when you messed with him just now, even I was confused at the time, thinking that you would move on so soon!"

"……meaning is…"

"He's probably struggling right now. He thought you fell in love with another girl, but the girl is herself. It's a big show. Damn, why are you hitting me!"

The fat man suddenly realized that he had lost some damage, and at first glance, it was Huo Xiuxiu who quit the team and gave him such a move, but fortunately, he just made a simple general attack, and the opponent seemed to be out of breath and didn't intend to continue, but But he said with hatred on his mouth, "I want you to gloat!"

"My lord, I'm not taking pleasure in other people's misfortunes. I'm just giving them some advice, okay? Do you know why Naive is so entangled? It's because he is interested in my little brother! Otherwise, he doesn't care who you like!" The fat man's tone was still Slightly rising, it sounds extremely frustrating.

"What you said seems to make sense." Huo Xiuxiu muttered, he looked at Zhang Qiling, saw that the other party was still indifferent, and he didn't know if it was hard to believe what the fat man said, so he gritted his teeth and said decisively, "It's all here At this point, I'll just say it directly! In fact, brother Wu Xie will use the female account to play with me because I have a deal with him."

"What deal?" Fatty asked, but it was Zhang Qiling who answered him, "Snake-browed copper fish."

"You know?" Huo Xiuxiu stared.

Zhang Qiling nodded, "I noticed it when Xie Yuhua posted it. The jewelry is not bad. Wu Xie had the heart to exchange it with me because of his big white dog legs. Now I want it for sure."

Huo Xiuxiu was dumbfounded when she heard the words, and almost wanted to rush over to give the other party two slaps, "You idiot! He also wanted to give you this!"


"It depends on whether you are a trumpet, so you agreed to my nonsense request. In fact, he doesn't want to play a female number at all. Why do you have the heart to exchange with you because of his big white dog legs? Do you want to think about him like that!"

What Huo Xiuxiu said was full of anger, and the fat man hurried out to smooth things over, "It's alright, alright, brother, it's not that I don't have much confidence and I don't know how innocent I am...Damn it, my brother is so fast!"

The author has something to say:

For the time being, I still use the mobile phone code to update, I guess I didn't write much?

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