Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 64 Ferry

This mountain climbing is not to reach the peak, but to enter a lama temple on the mountainside means that the task is completed. After that, the tasks in the temple are relatively simple, such as chatting, communicating, fetching water, tasting tea, etc. After completing the whole set of tasks, even Much faster than climbing a mountain, and after such a round, they also rose to level 21 quite smoothly.

But what shocked Wu Xie was a search mission, which was near the courtyard of the Lama Temple. There are quite a lot of such courtyards in the Lama Temple, but each courtyard is very small, and this small one The target he was looking for was actually the jacket on a stone statue, but what he cared about was not the item on the jacket, but the stone statue that should have been ignored.

He is crying.

Wu Xie could see that although the stone statue was a bit rough, its facial description was quite fine. He vaguely felt that this stone statue had a lot to do with the previous oil paintings at the foot of the mountain. Ways to inform the player, even neglecting to make it a decoration for other tasks, but it is not just a prop.

Wu Xie watched from the side. In the team he formed with Zhang Qiling, the tasks that could be solved by one person were always led by Zhang Qiling, so he was just observing. Zhang Qiling leaned slightly in front of the stone statue, using His slender fingers groped for the clothes on the stone statue, and then directly took out a piece of paper wrapped in a waterproof bag from the inner pocket of the jacket, and then the system prompted Zhang Qiling and Huo Shiqi to complete the task search, but the result was not Without disturbing Wu Xie's thinking, he looked at the similar person and thing not far away, and felt that they were so similar to each other.

How can it be? !

He didn't have the slightest thought about his inexplicable speculation, and even thought it was ridiculous, but Zhang Qiling didn't leave here decisively after the task, but stood there quietly, looking at the stone statue for a long time, that kind of The feeling of loneliness made Wu Xie instantly have the urge to turn on the voice and call the other person's name, but he still chose to watch silently amidst the trade-offs.

After about 3 or 4 minutes, he finally turned around and walked away. Wu Xie looked back at the stone statue, but he didn't stay any longer after all.

repressed.After entering this map, whether it was Zhang Qiling himself or the missions around him, he was depressed like never before. This feeling was something that Wu Xie didn't notice at all when he went through missions a few months ago, perhaps because of the He was alone and couldn't see some hints hidden in the system, or maybe he was really playing games at the time, but now, he was playing with emotions.Because of the so-called emotions, what he reads from the game of Tomb Raiders OL is not only the challenge of tomb robbery, adventure, excitement, and death, but also a kind of desolation, helplessness, and sadness shrouded by external objects. This kind of sadness is infinitely magnified on the map of Medog, Tibet, even if he doesn't understand where it comes from.

In other words, this is just a stalk that the developer wanted to design at the beginning, but it was scrapped in the end, and he was unwilling to discard it, so he tried to cover it up with some mystery to make players think it's a bit tricky.

Wu Xie bitterly attributed the responsibility to the boss of the game developer.

Wang Zanghai, oh Wang Zanghai, don't always try to make some big news.

[Huo] Seventeen: Where are we going next?

In order to adjust his emotions just now, he took the initiative to speak, but Zhang Qiling replied after a long silence.

[Zhang] Awakening: The Ferry

Wu Xie is quite impressed with this ferry mission, because the ultimate goal is not the ferry, but the battle before the ferry. The experience is quite high, and of course the corresponding difficulty is not low.

This quest location is still some distance away from the Lama Temple. If you are sprinting in the vast snow-capped mountains, it is easy to get lost if you don’t have a direction indicator for the quest location. However, within ten minutes of stopping at the Lama Temple, the game has already triggered the snowstorm outside. After receding, the sky is extremely blue, and there are white patches of snow piled up everywhere, which unexpectedly makes people feel uncomfortable, so they have no intention of stopping and sprinting all the way, until they reach a wooden and stone building. Bridge, another mountain pass corner, saw a huge lake before stopping.

It is not realistic to have such an endless lake in the snow-capped mountains, but it seems a bit irrelevant based on the premise of the game, but in fact, players have different opinions on that lake, because this lake cannot be truly understood. Crossing over, after the player ends the battle, there will be an air wall when they walk to the edge of the lake, but the so-called air wall seems to be ineffective against npc.

There was a small boat on the side of the lake, and a boatman on the boat was waving to them, but both Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling stared at the dead fish and did not move a step. Will be suddenly pulled under the snow by the beast that has been hiding for a long time, and die without breaking free within 3 minutes. Most novice players have been tricked here once, and Wu Xie is no exception. Zhang Qiling's Zhang Kun is better, although He was fooled, but quickly broke free and killed the beast directly.

Therefore, most of the old players will choose to stand in place quite conservatively, and the boatman will leave the ferry with regret after a while of greetings if he does not get a response. This is why the players are curious about the lake. Some people say that The fact that the npc can leave shows that the lake is indeed a part of the map, but it has not yet been opened, and there will be one sooner or later, but some people say that it is not an npc, but an image, and even uses the term snow mountain illusion to explain it, but no matter what, now Players cannot get past this point for sure.

And shortly after the boatman left, the underground mobs would automatically come to attack the player. In this way, the player took the dominant position, and the battle was relatively simple, but the mobs were always in the underground during the battle. , even if it came up, it was full of snowflakes, so no one knew its true face, but most of them thought it was a brown bear.

[Huo] Seventeen: Be careful

Seeing that the boatman had slowly disappeared from sight, Wu Xie still said worriedly.

He didn't doubt Zhang Qiling's skills, but he was not very proficient in playing the Huo family account. He didn't spend much time cultivating this account. The exact time to build the account is less than two days, let alone upgrade. Most of the time he relied on Huo Xiuxiu to lead the dungeons, and he was completely behind the scenes. He didn't memorize all the skills. If Zhang Qiling was held back, he would definitely not be very happy.

So in order to be on the safe side, he replaced the hook with a dagger in advance. After all, he was used to using this dagger, even if he still prepared one when playing Huo's family, it worked.The two weapons belong to the waist, and the hook is obviously the main weapon, which can only be replaced in non-combat situations, but his replacement must be incomprehensible to others, because the hook is a weapon of power, and the weapon of power represents the power of the power. The faction has many skills, as well as the ultimate move of the winner and loser, etc., while the dagger only has four skills. This kind of exchange is not worth the loss, but Wu Xie did not hesitate to replace it. For him, it is not so much to use The random waving of the hooks disrupted the battle situation and affected Zhang Qiling's performance. It would be better to use the dagger to inflict some critical damage just to be on the safe side.

What he didn't know was that his actions did not escape Zhang Qiling's eyes.


A big crater suddenly fell out of the snow not far away, which was a sign that the mobs were coming forward.


In an instant, the little monster made the ground in front of the two of them pitted like the demolition office. Seeing the big pit getting closer and closer, both Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling skillfully chose to take a step back, but Zhang Qiling's reaction was faster than Wu Xie's. Xie was even faster. At the moment of jumping back, he resolutely saw in mid-air that the big hole that appeared under his position just now was a "creeping charge" plus "finger down". The figure fell into the snow pit immediately, and before he had time to think about it, there was a howl of mobs in his ears.

It seems to be a hit, but it's not as simple as a hit!

At the same time as Zhang Qiling "fingered down", he unexpectedly emerged from the snow pit with a "flying body". The connection of his moves means that he has great confidence that he has hooked the mob with this move, and sure enough The one that came out with him was the huge little monster, because it had been hiding underground for a long time, the whole body of the little monster was covered in white snowflakes, which still affected the sight a little under the refraction of the sun, but this little monster was hard to beat because It nests in the ground, and from time to time it will hit you off guard, while you are confused on the snow and can't find your way, but now it's just the first blow, and it just got dragged out of its hometown by Zhang Qiling, and it looks quite at a loss , paws desperately pawing at the opponent's body, it's a pity that Zhang Qi's ability to use physical skills flexibly is a master among masters, even players may not hurt him, let alone just a mob with no IQ .

Wu Xie clicked his tongue twice, and one tiptoed "up the knife", the corners of his skirt fluttered, and he cut directly to the thigh of the little monster, and the wounded little monster stomped suddenly after suffering pain, the ground shook and the mountain shook, Wu Xie hurriedly He hurriedly rolled to avoid the attack, and another "knife" hit him on the back.

But the little monster has no time to take care of him, Zhang Qiling in front of him is enough for him, so Wu Xie will attack without any pressure, just like an orthodox online game, with the so-called hatred value, Zhang Qiling this time It really fully embodies the posture of what is called MT, so that Wu Xie's output performance is extremely unrestrained, the mob didn't show any strength, just fell down with hatred, and the task was completed.

It's so easy!You should know that in such a situation, he might kill faster with a hook.

Wu Xie thought secretly and quietly changed the weapon back.

Zhang Qiling walked up to him, as if he was going to say something, but Wu Xie saw that it was getting late, so he decisively stated that he had to go offline to sleep, and wanted to use this to push the other party to go to rest too, but as a female account, he had no position, I had to reluctantly turn off the game.

He also knew that if he changed to a larger number and went online, everyone would feel weird, not to mention Zhang Qiling, so he had to go back to the bedroom and choose to send regular text messages to bother him. Fortunately, the other party was very obedient and said he had already logged out Playing games and getting ready to rest, so Wu Xie laughed a few times and tucked into the bed.

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