Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 6 Invitation

"We will have a two-month probationary period. The wages during the probationary period are generally low. If you think there is no problem, come to the company to report next week."


——As a result, the interview ended in such a hasty way. It took less than 10 minutes before and after. Because of the convincing face change, Wu Xie was so impressed that he almost went up to take a photo with someone. Although the problem was indeed solved, he somehow Yes, even after two days, I still have special concerns about that cold guy.


【Secret Chat Channel】

[Zhang] Kun: What are you doing?

Wu Xie rubbed his head in distress and lost his mind, when he heard the sound of a secret chat coming from the earphone, but he looked intently at the little brother from the Zhang family who added a few days ago, so he quickly typed on the keyboard and replied.

[Wu] Xie: Hanging around, brother, won’t you log on to FB today?

[Zhang] Kun: I see you hung up here for more than 10 minutes

Wu Xie, who was caught, blushed in embarrassment, but after thinking about it, did this guy just watch him hang up for 10 minutes?Immediately, the mood was a little subtle.

[Wu] Xie: Brother, you are also quite boring... Watch me hang up here...

[Zhang] Kun: ...

[Zhang] Kun: Next book?

[Wu] Xie: which book

[Zhang] Kun: Dive into the sand in the angry sea

Although the third uncle said that he wanted to hold his thigh tightly, Wu Xie still lacked interest today.

[Wu] Xie: I'm not in a good state today, let's try another day.

[Zhang] Kun: Yes

After speaking, the other party did not move, and it seemed that he had no intention of leaving with the teleportation talisman. In the interface, the young man in a hoodie just stood beside him, with willow catkins fluttering by the West Lake, which was a bit ambiguous. Wu Xie looked like this The scene, my heart skipped a beat.

[Wu] Xie: Aren't you going by yourself?

[Zhang] Kun: Accompany you

[Wu] Xie: ... Oh.

I don't know why, after seeing this sentence, his impetuous mood suddenly settled down. He took the initiative to submit a team application to the other party, and he jumped in instantly. Wu Xie looked at his individual who didn't have any icons Frame, remembering what I had thought about before, seeing that the atmosphere was just right, I didn't speak directly with hope.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Brother, do you have a trade union?

[Zhang] Kun: No

[Wu] Xie: #欢乐, so is my trade union here?I have props now, but no one builds them together. Although I want to find my subordinates, those unconscionable guys don't dump me at all.

[Zhang] Kun: Good

[Wu] Xie: Really? ? !

Wu Xie didn't expect things to go so smoothly. The last time he heard what his third uncle said, he couldn't help being in awe of the Zhang family's power, and this little brother is the awesome Zhang family, and he was just on the same side as him. Yuan, how could he agree to his request so easily.Besides, the trade union has not been established yet. If it is really formed, it will be a simple first-level trade union. The trade union needs to hand in currency on weekdays or trade union members do trade union tasks to accumulate bit by bit. It cannot be completed overnight. things, and the more advanced the guild, the more natural benefits, such as red and blue, gain BUFF, etc., and the top guilds in the server generally have an obvious hierarchy. It is also usually handed over, and then distributed in the DKP mode, so even if you don’t have the skills to pay for it, you may still get good equipment based on the contribution value of the union, so most people are eager for big unions.

But Wu Xie is an exception. From the internal test to the present, he has rejected invitations from many large trade unions. One of the reasons is that he does not want to be controlled by others. How to grow his own trade union, just hope that a few people are enough to play together, and why the other party does not have a trade union, he guesses that he probably doesn't want to join anyone, after all, his ability is there, but even so, he also It's not like someone who can become the president or something.

While Wu Xie was still wondering why the other party was so forthright, Zhang Kun was the first time to speak on the trade union channel with his hands and feet. As soon as he typed, he was shocked, and even got an achievement inexplicably.

【Union Channel】

[Zhang] Kun: Withdrew

XXX: What did I see...

[Chen] Pi Ah Si: Huh?

XXX: Ah Kun wants to quit the membership...

Black Glasses: Wait, wait, damn it, dumb Zhang, you want to quit? !

Before the channel posted more news, Zhang Kun decisively pressed the withdrawal application, and the union logo disappeared in the lower right corner in an instant. The requirements for withdrawal are not strict, and there are no extra restrictions after that. You can leave at any time as long as you leave. Joining other trade unions, but capable people like Zhang Kun will be bombarded with various secret chats one after another. He ignored it and silently turned off the channel, and took off the beeping earphones.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Do you really want to come?Unions have nothing.

[Zhang] Kun: Yes

[Zhang] Kun: Did you spend money to buy mission props?

[Wu] Xie: No...Actually, I didn’t tell anyone that the item was a reward from the last time the book was finished, and it has been useless. It seems that it is not the same as the one I bought.

As he spoke, Wu Xie opened the backpack again and glanced at the permission letter as if to confirm.

[Zhang] Kun: Where is the difference

[Wu] Xie: There is no need to do tasks, just choose a piece of land in Hangzhou.

[Zhang] Kun: Have you chosen?

[Wu] Xie: Well, it’s around here.

Wu Xie manipulated the character to walk a little distance, and then stood in an open space next to the building outside the building.

[Wu] Xie: The scenery of the West Lake is good, and the modeling of the building outside the building is quite similar to the real one. I usually like to come here for dinner. I have always wanted to buy a house near this place, but the house price by the West Lake It's really hard to look at... #Khan

[Zhang] Kun: You live in Hangzhou

Seeing that the other party didn't like marking points at all, Wu Xie didn't know whether this was an interrogative sentence or an affirmative sentence, but he replied directly without much hesitation.

[Wu] Xie: Well, where is my brother?

[Zhang] Kun: Hangzhou

[Wu] Xie: Damn it, it's so predestined!When will you come out and meet me!

[Zhang] Kun: ...

Looking at these commas, Wu Xie suddenly felt that he was too rude. The two of them had only exchanged twice in Qixing Luwang last time, so they said that they met in reality so hastily. If the other party was a girl, they would definitely He thought he was a frivolous guy who was going to pick him up, so he hurriedly said back.

[Wu] Xie: Just kidding!

Seeing the words the other party hurriedly followed, Zhang Kun had no choice but to delete the good words in the dialog box, and typed again.

[Zhang] Kun: Yes

[Wu] Xie: After all, brother, are you a student?Office workers?It seems that you are usually online.

[Zhang] Kun: Just graduated

[Wu] Xie: ...Ah, haven't you found a job yet?If you can't find it, why don't you come to my company to try it out? I'm not boasting, I'm the president, I'll let you through the back door openly!

What Wu Xie said was a bit of a secret testimony for himself, although the other party didn't appreciate it.

[Zhang] Kun: I found it.

[Wu] Xie: ...that's right.

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