Setting up a stall is the act of players selling items directly in a safe area.Select the items in the backpack to set up a stall, the character will directly spread a piece of cloth on the floor, and then release a giant box, hang a wooden sign in front of the box to classify the items for sale, and then the person will sit leisurely behind and look at it It's like camping.

This stall is something that some equipment and material dealers or union management will do, and what they sell is not ordinary equipment and materials. After all, there is a so-called system trading house in the game, and the things hanging in the trading house are naturally not Restrictions, but there is a certain handling fee that must be handed over to the "country". This handling fee is proportional to the grade of the item, so usually the items with the purple letter above will choose to sell privately or set up a stall, but there are also players who will carry the items. The high price is listed in the trading bank. If a stupid guy gets caught, the seller will not lose the fee, and the experienced players will come to the door directly according to the seller ID if they need it. can be removed.

Therefore, the existence of this trading house is convenient for those players who are lazy or have urgent needs, and those who have a large amount of goods and are free will naturally set up stalls to pass the time, and Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling belong to the latter.

Although there is no so-called urban management in the game, this stall cannot be placed casually. Each safe area map has its own set of plans, which are different. For example, Changsha is the exchange in the northwest of the map. This is just a nice name. In fact, it is essentially for everyone to set up stalls, and there is the trading house that stands out from the crowd.As for the rest of the map, a small part is where the NPCs of the Southern faction are located, and most of them are trade union areas.There are still hundreds of blank spaces in the guild area of ​​the currently open map. I don’t mind how many guilds you spend for how many accounts you spend. If it is really close to saturation, new maps will surely be opened. This is not something for players to worry about. up.

Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling walked side by side, introducing to him the relatively large and famous trade unions nearby. He knew this area quite well. After all, he was very close to Wu Sansheng, and this was the southern faction. So I have to come to this map to walk around almost every day.

Zhang Qiling listened to the other party chatting nonsense with him like a tour guide, and he didn't seem to be as negative as before. Regarding the information he got from Hei Xiazi, he silently remembered it, thinking that it might be easier to open Zhang Kun's account to inform him another day. appropriate.

Just after making such a decision, Wu Xie said, "When we're here, come forward."

Zhang Kun is not actually a stallist. He does not set up a stall, nor does he visit a stall. Most of his equipment is obtained by himself, or purchased privately from equipment dealers, just like black gold ancient knives. Therefore, seeing such a scene like a vegetable market, the paralyzed face even twitched almost invisible.

But Wu Xie seemed quite used to it. He began to change his angle of view constantly in each booth, looked at the belongings of the items hanging on the wooden sign, and then asked Humanity who followed him, "Xiao Zhang, what weapon do you want?" , I still have a little money here, don't be shy."

"..." Zhang Qiling didn't particularly care about weapons. The Zhang family has a set of fingerings like "Faqiu", so there is no pressure to play at ordinary times, but he doesn't want to make Wu Xie lose face, so if he must choose from many weapons Given the choice, he prefers knives and daggers.

"Dagger." He was silent for a long while. Ever since he used the black gold ancient knife with ease, he had a rare disdain for other knives.

"Okay." Wu Xie slid around, but he was quite ready to buy all the three major parts of the weapon for him. Fortunately, although Zhang Qiling was a little bored, he didn't want the other party to spend so much money. When the level 30 purple character that looked huge and heavy was carrying the knife on his back, he still firmly said "no", "really", "um", and then he heard the other party say "really don't want it?", which was a bit wronged With a disappointed tone again, he turned his head to the side and nodded fiercely.

It's a pity that when he turned around, Wu Xie forced a new gun. In this respect, he couldn't beat Wu Xie.

As for the dagger that Zhang Qiling wanted by name, Wu Xie, of course, judged that it must be a good thing. After walking back and forth for almost an hour, he finally saw a satisfactory weapon, a level 35 purple dagger. Except for the level 30 orange weapons, the weapons that can be released from the small elite monsters on the Qaidam map should be considered the highest level for the time being. The name is simple, it is [Black Gold]. Ancient Sword], Wu Xie immediately took a fancy to it, no matter what, he felt that it was suitable for Zhang Qiling.

"That's it, Hei Jin." Wu Xie was very happy, and pointed out directly to the stall owner, without any posture of bargaining.

Zhang Qiling looked aside, 17w, converted into RMB170r, his mouth murmured, but he still didn't say anything.

This stall owner is also rare to see such a rich guy. His price tag is usually room for negotiation. Although it is not too high, it is after all the most powerful treasure nowadays. , he was still a little guilty in his heart, could it be that he sold it cheaply?In fact, he doesn't have a lot of information. After all, he is not a professional reselling equipment, but he was lucky when he was leveling up. On the way, he encountered a small elite monster mission NPC. He killed a group of relatives and friends and unexpectedly exploded his weapon. A group of people sent him here Sell ​​it, and it was agreed to sell it for a minimum of 15w. Now is this a rich man?Or is this Zhang Qiling next to her actually a girl?

"Hey, hello, stall owner, Da Kui, is he still there? Did you go to the bathroom?"

Seeing that the other party didn't respond for a long time, Wu Xie called out the other party's ID in confusion, and this man named Dakui came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "Oh, I'm here."

Then he raised his eyes and accidentally scanned the other party's ID, which always seemed familiar, huh?Where do you seem to have seen it?After pondering for a while, he stared and suddenly shouted, "Ah! That Wu Xie!"

"What are you shouting about, what is that Wu Xie, this Wu Xie, what is there to shout about!"

Wu Xie was so scared out of his wits by the other party's sudden voice, that Ming'er thought he had met his fanatical fans.

Although he is a bit famous, it is not enough, otherwise he will suffer a living with this ID.

Da Kui also knew that he was losing his composure, so he kept busy saying, "I'm sorry, I'm a little excited to be with celebrities in the world."

"..." Hearing these words, Wu Xie was a little speechless, and asked, "Do you still sell your weapons?"

"Sell!" A person who has been on TV many times in a few days is always credible, so Da Kui quickly completed the deal with Wu Xie, and then saw that the two people in front of him also had a deal, and then The guy named Zhang Qiling had just bought a weapon from his waist. Wu Xie looked very satisfied, and the two turned their heads to leave. Seeing that, Dakui hurriedly put away the stall and stopped people and asked, "That..."

"What else?"

"I just want to know, your man... no, has your friend Zhang Kun sold the orange weapon?"

Speaking of the big white dog legs, Wu Xie found a personal warehouse and changed the weapon back when he first came to this safe area. After all, Zhang Kun was an oolong, and the blue weapon was not very comfortable for him to use. , Hearing what the other party said, he smiled and said, "Dude, don't you even look at what I have in my hand."

Wu Xie copied out the dagger as he said that. PK is not allowed in this safe area, but this combat readiness posture is still no problem.

"Ah? Ah..." Da Kui howled a few words. Although he had never seen what Dabai's dog legs looked like, Cheng Wu was sure to look good. Adding Wu Xie's words, it was obvious that the thing in the opponent's hand was the right one. The Lord had no doubts, "He sold it to you? No, no, your relationship... He gave it to you??"

Wu Xie showed it quickly and received it very quickly, without giving the other party a chance to be greedy, he went straight to the human way, "Anyway, don't think about it, go away."

Zhang Qiling glanced at Dakui leisurely, and then left behind Wu Xie, while Dakui stood where he was, thought for a while, and opened the secret chat.

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