Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 36 PK

But these dungeons are not the scope of his consideration now, whether it is "Snake Marsh Ghost City" or "Yunding Tiangong" are both level 40 dungeons, which means that Wu Xie can only enter at least level 38, and he has not done a single task now Naturally, it is still firmly at level 30, and the upgrade path for level 30-40 is not only the upgrade tasks in the open map Qaidam, but also other small books, such as the "Mirror Palace" at level 35 , opened in Yunnan, Guangxi.

In Tomb Raiders OL, the integer-level dungeon is the most important thing in the game, even after the level is matched, it must be done 3 times a day, and the dungeon between levels is just a transition, the required skills and abilities are more than integer The dungeons are much inferior, even if both sides are five-player dungeons.After all, no one knows how long the operator will stay at this level. As a new online game, Tomb Raider OL has been updated much faster than other online games. It has been updated twice in a row within two months, but the previous level is naturally not special. Mind you, most online games use level 2 as the feng shui ridge, and then upgrade, some in one or two years, some in three or four years, and Tomb Raiders OL is also like this.

So Wu Xie is still in the task upgrade stage, but he has no such plan tonight.

He glanced at the characters around him, always feeling a subtle difference from the past, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out where the discord came from. Before he could observe carefully, Zhang Qiling lingered Said: "The ID appeared."


really.Only then did Wu Xie suddenly realize that the ID of the character was completely hidden before the big change, and there was nothing on the head of the character. In this way, anyone you meet on the road will definitely recognize him unless you know him or the other party takes the initiative to talk in the channel. Not coming out, looking at the appearance and body shape is not a long-term solution after all, which naturally caused a lot of problems, but none of them were major issues, and it was quite mysterious, so players just followed the system, and this update But it revealed the ID openly, even the name of the power is no exception.

It's hard for a well-known guy like Wu Xie to be pointed out from time to time, especially when the voice system is turned on, it's as if the other party can't hear you whispering. Wu Xie couldn't find out what was said in the team channel.

He stood beside Zhang Qiling awkwardly, as if it would give him a sense of security.

Seeing him sticking close, Zhang Qiling wasn't puzzled, instead, he took the initiative to stand in front of him.

The two didn't stay in Yucun for a long time, when they saw a team application pop up.

Fatty Wang applied to join your team?agree refuse

Wu Xie was the team leader, so he clicked on agreeing when he saw the situation, and the other party yelled as soon as he entered the team.

【Team Channel】

Fatty Wang: Naive, PK!

[Wu] Xie: You are still thinking about this matter.

Fatty Wang: That's always, I've been waiting for you for several days!

Wu Xie made a contemptuous expression.

[Wu] Xie: How could it be a few days? Didn't I say I was going on a business trip.

Fatty Wang: Well done, come quickly, I have finished building the rooms.

This so-called room is not the room number xx of the hotel to have a live pk with me, but the room number of the arena.

The arena can be clicked directly at the lower right corner of the main interface anytime and anywhere, but the five daily tasks of the arena have to go to the safe area to collect them. The safe area is the so-called trade union area, such as Beijing, Hangzhou, Changsha, etc. In addition, there are major trade union territories, where there are bulletin boards where you can directly receive tasks. Seeing that the other party is in such a hurry, Wu Xie greeted Zhang Qiling, and went back to the territory to accept the task, and then asked the fat man.

[Wu] Xie: Which room number is that?

Fatty Wang: Freedom 192, password 5201314

[Wu] Xie: Damn it, you fucking pk or pick up girls, I'm so sour

Fatty Wang: You know a P, so easy to remember!Brother, are you coming?

[Wu] Xie: I told you that he is not a little brother

Fatty Wang: Isn’t this called getting used to it? Anyway, my brother is not the only one who can call me brother, even a young man on the street can be called brother, right?

[Wu] Xie: ...

Well, there's really no way to refute it.

Fatty Wang: Alright, bro!

[Zhang] Qiling: Yes

Fatty Wang: My little brother is still sensible, come quickly, you two

Seeing the fat man urging him again, Wu Xie shrugged and opened the arena icon in the lower right corner directly.

Although Wu Xie is not a pvp player, he is quite clear about the mechanism of the arena.

The arena is divided into two types of rooms, one is the random room and the other is the free room. The random room means that after entering the room, the system will randomly match you with players with similar levels and equipment. The room also has a password lock function.Both rooms have 5 modes: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10. 10-player battle is already the upper limit of the arena. The advantage of being a jungler is naturally that there is no chance of exploding equipment, and there are rewards.

This reward is also divided into two types, one is the number of winning streaks, the other is the total number of wins, which are completely only from random rooms. Although the PK of free rooms affects the winning rate in the personal data card, it is not included in the calculation. Rewards, otherwise it would be bad for you to double open an account to brush the winning rate with each other.And this reward is different from the rewards issued by the 5-round winning streak and winning-losing ratio in daily tasks. It is not within the first day, but before the next big update. What's more, it will clear all the list records excluding data cards.

The number of victories in a row is naturally much more difficult to maintain than the total number of wins. Wu Xie accidentally opened the reward description and took a look, but saw that the rewards on the list were naturally changed after the big change.


This is an unlimited reward acquisition, that is to say, after winning 5 times in a row and getting rewards, after failing to break the chain, and restarting the winning streak, there will still be the same rewards until the 5th time. This is exactly the way for pvp players to build equipment One, but winning streak is not easy after all.

In addition, the total number of victories is much higher than the number of consecutive victories, but it is interesting at the beginning. If you win once, you will get a level 1 blue quality weapon of any faction, but it is level 30. Now do a task casually All they got were green weapons above level 30, not much different from level 30 blue weapons.After that, it will be more difficult. If you win 30 times, you will get a level 50 blue quality [equipment treasure box]. Other than winning 40 times, 100, 200, 300 times, and winning 500 times, you will get a level 800 orange weapon. It seems very difficult, but in fact, pure pvp players jump in the arena every day, and it is possible to win 40 back and forth a day.

The reason why the number of only 800 games is the same as the previous level 30, it may mean that there will be a major update in more than a month, and the game will probably stabilize after reaching level 50. If the data of 800 lasts for a couple of days In [-], when the time comes, the Orange Weapons will be fully staffed.

And pvp rewards are not just that simple, there is also a list. The number of consecutive victories and the total number of wins have their own list. The list is settled once a week, and rewards are given to the top three players, and finally it will be settled before the big change Once, at this time, the No.1 rewards were definitely orange weapons and rare materials.

This meeting has just been updated, there are already players on the list, the highest is those who have won 4 or 5 times in a row, and the total number of wins is also below 20, which has no reference value and is likely to be brushed off in a short time.Wu Xie didn't pay much attention to it, she just searched and found Fatty's room, and clicked in.

This room is equivalent to a new map, the most basic one is the arena map, and then there are several maps to choose from, but they are not very big. After entering the room, there is an option to watch the game or participate in the competition, and it will be directly generated when you choose the pair of participants. At both ends of the map, the spectators are outside the map, in the perspective of God.

The fat man has obviously set up the 1v1 mode. Wu Xie saw that Zhang Qiling was already in the spectator seat, and he clicked to participate, and saw the fat man appearing directly not far from him face to face. Knowing what map this is, he said directly through the voice system: "I actually chose the arena map directly."

"Simple and rude!"

This was the first time Wu Xie heard the fat man speak, thick and carefree, which really fit his personality.

As he spoke, the fat man glanced at his equipment, opened his equipment interface in disbelief, gasped and said, "I'm so naive! Are you interesting! Hit me with the book that my brother gave you! Come on! I really gave you this orange weapon! Generous!"

Wu Xie didn't hide it, and said directly: "What's the matter, look at my 0 win rate, and I still won't let me take advantage of it."

"This isn't cheap, just this husband and wife team gave me a critical blow to my entire blood bar!" The fat man yelled, "It's already empty and there's no way to save him! He's dead! You won't get up until Yun Cai kisses you!"

Wu Xie rolled her eyes, "Which girl is Yuncai again, you have come out of the pain of broken love in just a few days."

"Hey, secret, I won't tell you. I'll introduce you when I become your sister-in-law."

"All right, all right, do you still want to fight?"


As Wu Xie said that, he saw the fat man took out an automatic rifle from the holster, and shot at him quite quickly.

The author has something to say:

Just the game setting alone has written thousands of words... Ma Ma no longer has to worry that I won't be able to update three thousand a day [Hey]

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