Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 31 Rain Village

[I performed well today, and continue to work hard for Wu Xie's kiss, my colleague Xiao Zhang:)]

The above is a text message from Zhang Haike.

There is another article on it from the day before yesterday, and the content is.

[Great Buddha knows that you have potential in this area, maybe he will send you into the entertainment circle. ]

Of course there was no reply.

Zhang Qiling only glanced at them all, and threw the phone aside with extreme contempt.

The post-shooting went very smoothly, and even ended today’s work early, but this does not mean that the advertising poster will be finalized in this way, but that the later-stage cutters, art editors, photographers, etc. will have to discuss and finalize the photos together. Modification, it is very likely that a similar shooting will be carried out tomorrow, but with a slight change in angle or movement.Even if the film has reached what they thought was perfect, it can't be done. The signed photo posters themselves need to make two different types, and there must be four or more of them that are actually handed over to Wu Xie. The perfect finished product will be delivered to the person in charge of iren company in China for criticism and screening by him, and what is finally confirmed is what is finally made into a street advertising poster.

This series of processes needs to be carried out within a month, and it has to be said that it is simply exciting.

Zhang Qiling was sitting on the sofa at home, with a cold towel covering his eyelids. He thought that after today's work, he would still be able to slap Wu Xie's house, but he didn't expect that before he could open his mouth, the other party would be very determined to send him off. When he got home, did he find something, or the look in his eyes really made the other party feel timid... He didn't know.

He thought for a while, got up and put the towel aside, carried the notebook from the coffee table in front of him, opened the login interface of Tomb Raiders OL, and for a moment didn't know which account to log in.He can feel that Wu Xie and Zhang Kun are closer, probably because of the Internet, the other party can interact with him without any grievances, but if it is Zhang Qiling's ID, Wu Xie doesn't seem to be able to grasp the relationship between subordinates and friends scale.

Zhang Qiling's account has never been used since the tenth level. He really intends to raise this account. One of the reasons is that this account was established at Wu Xie's house, and the second reason is that this account was created with Wu Xie's computer. Yes, the third reason is that this account has teamed up with Wu Xie to do all the missions so far, and the fourth reason, cough, is definitely a very orthodox reason, that is, this account has become the patriarch of the Zhang family.

Why?Because he was the first player in the Zhang family to complete the task of [Translation], the system bestowed on him the title [Patriarch], which was beyond his expectation, or he knew the importance of this task to the Zhang family, but Unexpectedly, Wu Xie solved it for him and pushed him into this awkward position.

However, even though he is the patriarch, in fact, it seems that he is no different from ordinary players on weekdays. Unless he takes the initiative to hang up such a title, the player will automatically generate a buff that increases the attack power by 20%, and there will be more in the skill bar. A skill that is exclusive to the patriarch, it is completely open, and it can't be done.

So it is impossible for him to lose this account, although the first three reasons are the key points.

Thinking of this, he has already involuntarily boarded Zhang Qiling's number. When the main perspective is opened, the character is near the Xiling Yinshe Labor Union in Hangzhou. The only difference from what he saw last time is that he has a so-called union icon. At first glance, it was indeed Xiling Yinshe. It must have been something that Wu Xie created when he logged into his account. Looking at the union list with only three members, he didn't mind, but was rather happy. The president above him heard two beeps, and the other party's secret chat was vacated first.

【Secret Chat Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Xiao Zhang, you worked so hard today and didn't take much rest, you actually played the game

It was the president's tone when he came up, Zhang Qiling was a little dissatisfied when he saw this, deliberately called the other party's name and replied.

[Zhang] Qiling: Wu Xie, I'm fine

[Wu] Xie: ... Uh, it's good that it's okay, but you may have to go to Lanlou by yourself tomorrow. I have another job and I have to go on a business trip. Remember the way. Anyway, I will talk to Mr. Zhang, and you go directly OK

[Zhang] Qiling: ...Okay

Zhang Qiling couldn't arouse his interest in work immediately, after all, being a model is not something he would like to do at all.

[Wu] Xie: Don’t worry, just call me if you need anything. By the way, do you have my phone number?

[Zhang] Qiling: no

[Wu] Xie: 137XXXXXXXX, write it down.

This was really an unexpected harvest. Zhang Qiling decisively pulled the mobile phone that he had just thrown aside just now. When he clicked on the screen, it turned out to be a text message from Zhang Haike. His face darkened, and he quickly deleted the text message. It was recorded in the phone, and an a was added in front of Wu Xie, making his number jump to the top of the contacts.

[Wu] Xie: What are you going to do now?

[Zhang] Awakening: Upgrade

[Wu] Xie: Map mission or dungeon?I accompany you

Zhang Qiling has just graduated from the teacher, and there are dungeons that match his level. Although the next dungeon is carried by a high-level person, the upgrade speed is fast and convenient, but those dungeons are all tomb passages without exception, full of ghosts. The important "date" place with Wu Xie was chosen there, and the reason why they were together in the ancient building of the Zhang family before was a last resort.

So he said decisively.

[Zhang] Awakening: Mission

Wu Xie was naturally also surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, he attributed the reason to the fact that the other party was probably tired from work and didn't want to be willing to download the dungeon, so he responded thoughtfully like an adult.

[Wu] Xie: Okay, which map?

[Zhang] Awakening: Fujian Yucun

Rain Village is one of the task maps of Tomb Raiders OL. It is named after the rain all year round. It is a very small village, but the surrounding mountains are very vast. It has a task level of 10-20, but most players come here. Not for tasks.

Fujian is mostly hilly, and Yucun is no surprise. There are many mountains and hills. It has a different feeling from Hangzhou. One is a habitat in a town, and the other is a farm home for a complete leisurely vacation. Known as the "Holy Land for the Elderly", unfortunately the game is still in the growth stage, and the player's level is not the time for retirement, but it is also a good thing if you have leisure time or a couple to come here to enjoy the scenery of the mountains and clear waters.

Zhang Qiling has always been a quick strategy. At this level, Zhang Kun’s accounts are all upgraded in the form of dungeons. He has heard about Yucun but has never actually been there. Wu Xie is different. When upgrading, tasks and dungeons are mixed. So he had just reached the 30th level a while ago, and he had already cleared some of Yucun's tasks, but he couldn't let go of the promise he had made to the other party, so he greeted Zhang Qiling and sent them to Yucun together.

The teleportation point of Yucun is near the entrance of the village. I saw a lot of novice players going back and forth. I don’t know if it’s because of psychological factors. Of course, Zhang Qiling was an exception to the crappy way of upgrading tasks.

Wu Xie also hasn't returned to Yu Village for a long time. It's a little joyful to see the light rain in front of him for a long time. Tomb Raider OL is an online game that pays great attention to details. Once the characters step on the muddy land, the trousers will get dirty very realistically, and Since the appearance will be tattered in the fight, it will naturally be wet by the rain. The biggest scale is to cling to the characters and vaguely see some figures. Many players also take pleasure in this, and they have a discussion on who is the most tempting The wet body screenshot competition, people have to sigh, well done!But in fact, as soon as the character enters the room or a place where it does not rain, the clothes and trousers will gradually return to their original state.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Xiao Zhang, go and accept the task.

Map upgrade tasks like this can be roughly divided into several categories, helping NPCs, running errands for NPCs, fighting monsters while running errands, picking things while running errands, running errands while running errands, etc. It is extremely boring, and the most irritating Burning is like two neighbors, the houses are next to each other, and the player insists on giving the other party a message, often with irrelevant content, and refuses to finish all of it once, and plays it back and forth several times. Ken took a step, making the players so angry that they wanted to set fire to the village.

Zhang Qiling felt the cumbersomeness of this series of events after walking along the mission for half an hour, but it was only then that he climbed up a level leisurely. The NPC named [Aunt Next Door] hesitated for a long time whether to accept the task, but the NPC took the initiative to bubble up again.

【Closer chat channel】

[Aunt next door]: Young man, I am the most handsome person in our village, help me kill the chicken and I can give you the best wine!

【system hint】

Do you want to accept the task [Kill Chicken]?whether

The author has something to say:

Yucun make up

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