Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 3 The Northern Sect

【Team Channel】

Pan Zi: Do you see that something is not quite right up front?

Wu Xieben was quite puzzled. Seeing this sentence, he hurriedly adjusted his perspective, because the light was a bit blurry because it was too far away, but there was indeed a strange statue in front of him that he had never seen before. The group of people copied out the buddies and walked forward slowly , These random little bosses are not difficult to say, easy is not easy, if they are not careful, they may be scratched by the opponent's paw until they bleed.

Bleeding and poisoning are the most taboo in the FB state. Although the health value is not lost at first glance, the duration is really scary.Zhang Kun made a silent expression, and the group stood on the spot and waited for orders.

【Team Channel】

Pan Zi: Boom.

After Pan Zi finished speaking, seeing Wu Sansheng agreed, he changed into a pistol and fired forward.

The grotesque shudder started to shake.

Wu Xie was taken aback, and thought to himself, darling, why haven't I seen this fucking thing before, a new species updated today?

He swallowed and waited for the little monster to rush over, only to see a few howls in the near chat channel.

【Closer chat channel】

Fatty Wang: Oh my god!

Fatty Wang: Good buddy, don't shoot, let's just make a joke, liven up the tense atmosphere, but don't be rough! !

Pan Zi reacted immediately and scolded angrily.

Pan Zi: *You*, why are you pretending to be a ghost?

Fatty Wang: Just kidding, kidding, calm down, look at our similar names, my family.

Pan Zi: Who the hell is with your own family, I'll send you off FB right now!

The other party saw that the direction of the topic was not right, and suddenly began to coquettishly pan left and right. The fat body was shaking up and down while running, looking extremely funny, and he was typing while running.

Fatty Wang: You play 4 against 1, is there any law for Wang?

Wu Xie was really laughed at by the other party, and when he was about to say something, the third uncle on the team channel stopped him.

[Wu] Sanxing: Pan Zi, don't make enemies, it's not good if the other party calls someone out on FB.

Seeing this, Pan Zi had no choice but to obediently put away the gun.

The fat man saw that there was no movement at this end, and his position became more magical, as if he would be gang-raped by them as soon as he stopped.

Fatty Wang: Don't think about any tricks in secret, I know Fatty very well!I really know very well!Fat Master Panjiayuan has a large population, so don't let it take you too far!

[Wu] Sanxing: Big brother, don’t get me wrong, they are all on FB, and you are exactly five people, join the group?

Fatty Wang: If you entered your group and suddenly kicked me halfway and then killed me in turn, what would you do?

Pan Zi: Third Master, I have nothing to say to this person, let's kill him and send him off FB!

Fatty Wang: Hey, I misunderstood, I will express my slender curiosity a little bit!

Talking about the team channel, a person came in, and at the same time, the guy not far away also walked up to him with a shy face and a haha. They just had a face-to-face meeting, and then there was a moment of shit, and the two spoke at the same time.

【Team Channel】

Fatty Wang: Southern School? !

[Wu] The Three Provinces: Northern faction? !

Fatty Wang:  …

Pan Zi: What, you dislike it?

Fatty Wang: Where will it be? Fat Lord, I have a lot of fat, but the Northern School has the rules of the Northern School, and you all understand this, right?

Wu Sansheng was quiet for a moment, couldn't help but sing bad words in his heart, and spoke after a while.

[Wu] Sansheng: All right.

It's not that Wu Xie doesn't know that the difference between the Northern School and the Southern School is that the original comes with a BUFF. Before opening the coffin, a candle must be lit at the southeast corner of the tomb, and then the coffin can be opened , There will be a [-]% possibility that the candle will go out when the coffin is opened. If it goes out, you need to put the equipment back, respectfully kowtow three heads to get the book, and waste one instance.And if you take it forcibly, it will trigger a hidden boss. The chance of defeating it is not high, but you can get a piece of rare equipment if you defeat it.

From this point of view, the northern faction seems to be very unpopular, but it is not the case. If the candle is not extinguished, there is a 5.00% possibility of directly obtaining a piece of rare equipment. "The argument.At the beginning of the period, the two factions in the North and the South were relatively harmonious, but the South faction, who wasted the number of copies because they wrote the book together, became a little annoyed and blamed the North faction, so the relationship between the two factions became more and more intense, and finally could not end. Just choke.

Wu Xie felt that such a fight was meaningless, and he didn't have any hostile intentions about factions.

In addition, the appearance of Tomb Raider OL can be created by yourself or by directly inputting real values, so it often gives people a sense of reality when facing real people. After all, it is the work of tomb robbers, and the players in the game have no obvious appearance. After all, it will be dilapidated after a fight in the fight, even if it will automatically recover after the book is published, there is no sense of distress at all over time.This guy named Fatty Wang in front of him looks carefree and round, and Wu Xie unexpectedly has a good impression of him.

The five people gathered together, trembling along the way, the atmosphere was really weird, and there was nothing to talk about, Wu Xie was a little embarrassed and wanted to revive the atmosphere, but ended hastily many times.

Fortunately, the five members of the team are quite elite, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. They quickly came to the coffin for this transparent copy.

The coffin is hidden in the coral tree and has a specific trigger mechanism.The first time I downloaded the coffin, the coffin was easy for everyone to find. Now that it was placed in front of me easily, Wu Sansheng was about to step forward to open the coffin, so Fatty Wang hurriedly shouted.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Sanxing: What's the rush, I'll just take a look, order yours.

Fatty Wang: This third master, don't play dirty with me.

[Wu] Sanxing: No fool, are you sure you don't want to open the coffin?Do you think this is a team book?

It's not that Fatty Wang forgot about his urination, but he was just a little wary. Seeing the other party stabbing him so openly, he didn't want to chatter anymore. He took out a candle from his backpack and lit it in the southeast. The blue fireworks seemed to be blown by the wind. It shook lightly like a brush, but there was no more movement.

【Team Channel】

Fatty Wang: Let's go.

[Wu] Sanxing: My eldest nephew is here, and I always feel like I'm going to die.

[Wu] Xie: # Helpless third uncle, can't you say something good?

[Wu] Sansheng: I want to say something good, so it’s good to kill it, isn’t there a little brother, what’s the hidden boss, just kill one of the best equipment.

[Zhang] Kun: ...

Fatty Wang: Damn it, it turned out to be the Zhang family. I haven’t found out about the fat man who doesn’t talk.

[Wu] Xie: Blow?How to blow it, you blow it against the display screen.

Fatty Wang: Maybe it will help.

[Wu] Xie: Come on.

Wu Sansheng is a real person, his mouth is slippery and his movements are not falling. The five of them clicked the reminder to confirm the opening of the coffin, and saw King Lu Shang in jade figurines sitting up, or it could be said that he was an iron-faced scholar who was the military advisor of King Lu Shang. After all, each dungeon has its own specific story, which can be seen from the wall carvings in the tomb passage or ear chamber. Although many people don't care about this kind of thing, Wu Xie is very interested in it , and the experience value of rubbing skill proficiency is also derived from it.

And this jade figurine is the best jacket equipment of the Seven Star Lu King, the orange character, which has not been seen to be dropped so far.

At this time, several people looked back, the candle was still flickering, Wu Xie suddenly felt relieved, but saw the fat man still muttering, why didn't it go out.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Three provinces: Amoy.

While talking, the group of people started to move, saying that they were looking for equipment, but in fact they were just pretending, and there was no reason for it, but with a ding, Wu Xie saw a slight increase in experience bars and wallets, as well as vacated This is the most important thing.

【Team Channel】

Fatty Wang: See what's there?Is the storm rate triggered? !

[Wu] Sanxing: Nothing interesting, do you want some blue-lettered equipment?

Wu Xie checked the things on her body one by one, shook her head in disappointment and said.

[Wu] Xie: No need.

Pan Zi: I don't need it either.

[Zhang] Kun: No

Fatty Wang: You don't want to sell it to me. I will post the money to you when the time comes.

Wu Sansheng is a real person. Although these blue-grade outfits can indeed sell for a small amount of money, they are not worth mentioning in his eyes. For a character like him, the dungeon is usually just for experience and top-quality outfits, so he didn't care about it Whether this fat man is going to take it for himself or sell it for real, he threw it all directly to him. The fat man is quite happy, he doesn't know whether he feels that he is trusted or simply has a good visual enjoyment from watching this pouring pot.

【Team Channel】

[Wu] Sanxing: Oh, there is a purple character.

Fatty Wang: What? !

[Wu] Sanxing: I don't know, it's the first time I see you. [Kirin Exhausted]

Wu Xie clicked on the details of the item, just a few lines.

[Kirin Exhausted]

Attribute: Medicinal/Edible

Effect: hidden

Fatty Wang looked at it and shook his hands to express that he didn't need it, just like his fat father, he didn't even bother to take drugs.

Zhang Kun also said no with precious words like gold, so after pushing and pushing, it finally fell into Wu Xie's backpack.

The five-person publishing team also disbanded, but Wu Xie received a friend request from the fat man, saying that he was a scholar with a good temper, Fatty liked him, and adding friends would make it easier to post money when the time came, Wu Xie was very happy to follow He chatted for a while, and while talking, he wanted to click on the teleportation talisman in his backpack to go back to Hangzhou, but he accidentally right-clicked on the Qilin Drain beside him, and immediately ate it.

It's useless to have a full health bar, and there is no gain buff, Wu Xie secretly screamed, but there is nothing he can do, so he just let it go.

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