Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 24 Hidden Instance

Wu Xie didn't want to be moved by such remarks, so he first wondered if the other party's nerves were wrong. Coupled with the guesses in his mind that he still couldn't confirm, this made him wonder even more.He rubbed his face with the palm of his hand, it was warm and hot as if he had just soaked in a hot spring, but in fact it was purely caused by the smell of alcohol.

[Wu] Xie: No need to bother, I just don’t need to equip it

After speaking, I don't know if this sentence offended Poker Bottle, but I didn't see him make a sound, but he didn't leave, just stood beside Wu Xie, just as usual, with a strong sense of presence.

Wu Xie swallowed, and couldn't run away on his own at such a juncture. Thinking of the calculations in his mind yesterday, he wanted to say goodbye to the other party and ask for a contact information, but now he really didn't have such thoughts. Accidentally got Fatty's cell phone number.After all, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Wu Xie thought to himself for a while, guessing that there was no way for the two of them to stay here in a daze, so he took the initiative to say.

[Wu] Xie: Brother, do you have the [translation] task of the Zhang family?

[Zhang] Kun: Yes

[Wu] Xie: Do you want to do it?

[Zhang] Kun: Good

The other party didn't deliberately ask why he knew about this task, and he wasn't curious why he could complete this task with him, without any consideration at all, and simply said a good word, but Wu Xie couldn't judge whether he was Not out of character.

The two of them didn't have any ink marks, and they directly formed a team and came to the ancient building of the Zhang family.

This time it was not in the middle of the night. When Wu Xie came to the teleportation port, he saw some players in twos and threes, but the temperament of these players was somehow pretentious, and there was not a word in the recent chat channel. Come and go In a hurry, probably on weekdays, I like to say to myself "I am the Zhang family and I am the best".Wu Xie picked a few players at random and glanced at their equipment interface. Most of them were low-level equipment, and it seemed that they hadn't left their masters yet, so they stopped in amazement at the arrival of Poker Bottle. After all, as Zhang The family paid a lot of attention to this guy, and they could almost guess who this guy was just from his appearance.

Although he stopped, he still pretended not to say a word. I really don't know when being speechless became a unique attribute of the Zhang family.

Wu Xie felt it was funny in his heart, and he didn't talk too much when he followed Poker-Face, completely pretending to be a tiger.When the two came to the ancient building, they saw that the stairs on the first floor had been lowered, and occasionally some players went up and down. Poker-Face led Wu Xie to the second floor, and stood under the translation together.

Wu Xie, who has experienced it once, is naturally at ease with this. He didn't read much about the content. He only glanced at it briefly, and the system showed that Zhang Kun had completed the task. He smiled slightly, feeling that he had repaid the other party's kindness. And the other party has reached the full level of 30, and it has no effect at all, so he slapped himself on the head.

[Wu] Xie: Damn it! !If I had known earlier, I should have brought you here when I was 40? !At any rate, it can give away experience!How to forget me day!

[Zhang] Kun: Experience has been transferred to currency

[Zhang] Kun: same

[Wu] Xie: That bit of currency can't be eaten as food, I'm drunk, and I'll be 40 in a few days, I can't bear it!

[Zhang] Kun: Forbearance

Wu Xie didn't think too much when he saw typing.

[Wu] Xie: Yesterday when I knew I could help the Zhang family complete this task, I thought of you first, but it turned out to be so urgent...

Poker-face was stunned when he saw this, the corners of his eyes were slightly bent downwards, revealing a softness.

[Zhang] Kun: All right

[Zhang] Kun: The experience within level 10 is incomparable with level 30, even if the experience increases after 40, it must be inconspicuous

[Wu] Xie: How do you know that the experience you give is within level 10... You just didn't get any experience...


[Zhang] Kun: I took the task when I hadn’t left the division

[Wu] Xie: Oh, yes.

Wu Xie accepted this reason calmly, Poker Fing heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, and said again when he saw the other party.

[Wu] Xie: I'm going to Qixing King Lu, how about you?

[Zhang] Kun: One piece

Wu Xie's daily life is very fast, and the 3 dungeon missions of King Qixing Lu were completed very quickly. Although it was very compatible with Wu Xie's fortune, nothing good was produced at all.Both of them have reached the full level of 30. In fact, it doesn't matter whether they do these tasks or not, but games are such things that people can't stop. Sometimes it's purely aimless to vent their addiction, just like taking drugs.

But regarding Xisha Wu Xie, he was really not in the mood to touch it, and Poker Ping didn't even mention it quite clearly.

Compared with the dungeon task, Tomb Raider OL also has a large-scale daily PK. There are 5 rounds of PK tasks every day, and rewards are issued according to the winning rate and winning streak after 5 rounds.After all, online games are usually divided into two categories, pvp (playervsplayer) and pve (playvsenvironment). The former refers to the competition between players and the latter mostly refers to dungeons. Of course, there are also players who are both correct, but Wu Xie is a typical pve.It's not that he hasn't tried pvp, but after playing in the arena for a while, he thinks that he is indeed handicapped. Even the winning rate in the data so far shows 0%, 5 games and 5 losses, so he still doesn't seek abuse.

In addition to this, there are some other more scattered tasks, such as searching for dragon acupuncture points, casting and repairing Luoyang shovel, etc., which are divided into factions, or selling and selling goods for the general public. The most special is the hidden tasks. These hidden tasks are related to The hidden boss in the dungeon is different. It is outside the dungeon. It is not limited to specific people. It only needs to meet the criteria to trigger the hiding. Usually, a hiding can only be triggered once. There may be multiple people or a single player. The nature of the task It is also extremely diverse, there are big and small, there are hidden dungeons and some errand tasks, and the rewards are also different. There is no so-called strategy for such hidden tasks, and it is completely a matter of luck. Maybe you accidentally ran naked by the West Lake , can trigger the hidden task of "Do you have any sense of shame?" - this is naturally a nonsense in Wu Xie's mind.

According to Wu Xie's fate, of course he hasn't triggered any hidden missions. He had intentions before, but now he doesn't.

So he came out from Seven Star King Lu together with Poker Ping, and reorganized a new team. Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, he squatted not far from the entrance of the dungeon and chatted leisurely, planning to go to sleep later At that time, a system reminder suddenly popped up on the main interface.

Your team triggers the hidden mission [Qinling Divine Tree]

Before Wu Xie had time to ask, the interface changed the map directly. He looked at this place, which obviously seemed to be in a tomb, with a dazed expression on his face. He turned his head and saw that Poker Bottle was also looking at him, and asked hurriedly.

[Wu] Xie: Are we triggering and hiding?

[Zhang] Kun: Yes

[Wu] Xie: Why?What have I done?or what did you do?

Porky Bottle seemed to think about it for a while, and replied.

[Zhang] Kun: I just picked up a bronze branch nearby, which looked unusual.

[Wu] Xie: it in the backpack

[Zhang] Kun: Yes

[Wu] Xie: Is there any use?

[Zhang] Kun: No introduction

[Zhang] Kun: It should be purely to trigger hidden items

[Wu] Xie: No one else saw the loss

As Wu Xie said, he got up and looked around.

This is somewhat different from those dungeons that are downloaded on weekdays. The environment is relatively open, and the sound of rushing water can be heard from the earphones. Wu Xie confirmed that this is undoubtedly the tomb, since he saw a few dead corpses not far away with his naked eyes.

He has long been immune to this thing, and now he shrugs his shoulders and eases the enthusiasm, and then he starts to feel a little excited.

[Wu] Xie: This is the first time I have encountered hiding!Still a copy!There must be something good, but it’s not the dungeons I’ve seen during the closed beta. I saw some hidden dungeons from the closed beta before, and I thought it would be much easier to touch the hidden ones in the future.

[Zhang] Kun: I’m here for nothing

Seeing what the other party said, Wu Xie's heart pounded, and he quickly hinted that this was the stamina of the wine, but he really didn't think about how the two of them passed the dungeon, and whether there would be a situation where they would die before they were successful. In his subconscious mind, he seems to believe that there is a bottle of stuffiness, so no matter whether it is the old or the new, there must be no pressure.

He sent a smiling emoji, said.

[Wu] Xie: Well, let's explore the way.

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