Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 13 Advertising

After several days, Wu Xie didn't log in to the game again. Although at his age, he has already understood the warmth and coldness of human relationships on the Internet, but he may still be subconsciously willing to believe in the unfamiliar care. Whether it was naive or simple, but what happened to Wu Sansheng this time gave him a big blow, even the addiction to the game was completely suppressed, and all the free time in this room was used by him to work , Wang Meng was very emotional but wondered several times whether his boss had failed in online dating, so he tried to fill his wounded heart with busyness, otherwise, how could it be so abnormal.

In a flash, it will be next Monday. As the president, Wu Xie has no distinction between working days and weekends. As long as he wants to rest every day, of course he can also work every day. I also run customers outside, completely forgetting what is the difference between today and usual.

So he walked into the elevator with a briefcase and yawned. When he was about to close the door but was stopped by someone, he never expected that the person who came would be the gold medal rookie. The other party is officially reporting today.

"Ah, hello." Wu Xie took the initiative to greet, "It's really early."

The gold medal rookie, Zhang Qiling, still cherished his words like gold and only nodded when he saw this, Wu Xie smiled a little embarrassedly, secretly slandering that this guy was so rude to the president, let alone other colleagues, in the future It must be difficult to gain a foothold in the company, but even if Wu Xie thought about it this way, he didn't intend to remind him so kindly, after all, he is not in a very good mood now, hehe.

Xiling Advertising Agency is located on the 24th floor of this building, and there are staff from other companies on each floor, so the time in the elevator can be described as very long.And after Zhang Qiling, many people crowded into the elevator, so the two of them had to sit together shoulder to shoulder. Wu Xie looked down at his watch, feeling that the other party was staring at him all the time. Just like the look in the eyes of the last interview, people can't help but sweat. Could it be that I have offended him?

Wu Xie thought frightenedly, but he didn't dare to raise his head, for fear of meeting the other person's eyes. He has 90.00% reasons to believe that even if he looks directly at the other person, the other person will definitely not shy away. If he actively dodges at that time, As the president, he was too shameless in front of newcomers.

So Wu Xie had no choice but to bite the bullet and stare at the watch at this moment, his eyes following the second hand on the dial.

Fortunately, after entering the company, Xie Ziyang came to take him away. Wu Xie probably explained a few words to him, and also encouraged Zhang Qiling symbolically, hoping that the other party would not be too restrained. Indicates a habitual nod.

Before that, he had a discussion with Xie Ziyang. After all, the students from the Department of Advertising still focus on planning. Putting it in the business department is a bit against the director. Although Xie Ziyang was still a little dissatisfied with this newcomer, he couldn't refute it. What Wu Xie meant, and besides, he knew in his heart that the other party's opinion was pertinent and correct, so Zhang Qiling was still placed in the planning department in the end, and his changing face was of no real use.

Wu Xie patted Zhang Qiling on the shoulder, and then returned to his office, slumped on the swivel chair exhausted, unexpectedly dealing with his company's gold-medal newcomers was more tiring than dealing with clients.

"Boss." Wang Meng knocked on the door and walked in. Seeing that the other party was still slumped into a dog on the swivel chair, he said worriedly, "Boss, have you been working too hard lately?"

Wu Xie glanced at him, shook his body and sat upright, "No, my brother, I used to fight harder than I do now."

Hearing this, Wang Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and put the materials that Wu Xie had thrown to him before on his desk one by one. Wu Xie picked them up and glanced roughly, looked up at the table and said, "Wang Meng, you Don't fool me, you haven't redone any of this, have you?"

Wang Meng smirked a few times, "Boss, these are cases that have exceeded the estimate, and it is too late to redo them now. I know you were in a bad mood at that time, so I will send them again without waiting for you to be in a good mood." I’ll come back to you, if you look at them now, you probably don’t feel like you have to do it all over again.”

As he spoke, he took another cup of canned coffee from his pocket and placed it on the corner of the table. Wu Xie glanced at him and said, "Bribe me?"

"Of course you can't give up when it's time to bribe."

Then Wu Xie laughed and said, "Okay, I was wrong at that time, I'm sorry."

Wang Meng shook his head. He has been with Wu Xie for so many years, but he has figured out the other party's temperament. At this time, he was about to say something, and the phone on the desk rang. Their company has a customer service department, so this The calls that did not come from external and internal lines must be very important customers. Wu Xie waved his hand, and Wang Meng walked out of the door softly.

"Hi, hello, I'm Wu Xie, the president of Xiling Yinshe."

Wu Xie answered the phone with a series of fluent introductions, but the other end was silent. He was about to ask more questions in doubt, when he heard a chuckle from the receiver. He was so familiar with this voice that he could no longer Familiar, at this moment he leaned back on the chair and complained, "I said Mr. Xie, you came to make fun of me again?"

"Where is it?" Xie Yuchen said with a smile, his voice was extraordinarily magnetic.

"It's not why you didn't call my mobile phone, but also called the company specifically."

"Of course, as a customer, I called you to the company."

Hearing Xie Yuchen's words, Wu Xie's eyes lit up, "What? That family business of yours is finally thinking about advertising? There's nowhere to spend the money?"

"Hehe, no, I'm introducing you to a client."

"Tsk tsk tsk, aren't all the clients introduced by you, Mr. Xie, wealthy? I'm a bit generous."

"It's really a big client, Wu Xie, your current company should only do posters and copywriting." Xie Yuchen said bluntly.

It was a pleasure for Wu Xie to reveal the bottom line in front of her own family. She nodded and responded directly, "Yes, after all, our company is not big, and if the sponsors are not strong in other aspects, it will be a bit tight."

Xie Yuchen pondered for a while, and then said: "My client wants to do a photo advertisement, the kind of giant poster on the bulletin board."

"The kind of subway crossing in the city center?"


Wu Xie thought for a while, "Such advertising posters usually invite celebrities to shoot, what does he say?"

"He means that it doesn't matter whether you are famous or not, as long as you look good."

"Oh? The requirements are so low, what brand is it?"

"Men's shampoo. They are a foreign company, they just invested in Beijing recently, and they are also one of my partners, so through my introduction, I will outsource this promotion to you. If you think it is successful, we will sign a contract. If you are busy, I will do it. Hangzhou to..."

"Why are you flying here? I still can't trust you?" Wu Xie rolled his eyes, "I don't care about the contract, you just treat me as a third party, and you just sign the contract with that client for me, and I'll take over the job." , when will the business meet?"

"One month, the other party is a bit rushed. You only need to be responsible for the poster part. Then you can either send the finished product to Beijing, or find a printing factory in Beijing directly. As for the publicity, I will handle it." Xie Yuchen added, "The size and I will contact you when I get the specific data on the quantity, not tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks."

This thank you is sincere. For so many years, Xie Yuchen has taken care of Wu Xie's many business orders, and has also expanded many contacts for him, not only in Hangzhou, but also in other places in Beijing, and even in times of economic downturn. The other party also invested in him without hesitation, and this is how Wu Xie achieved what he is today.

There is really no need to delve into the relationship between them, Xie Yuchen will understand after a word of thanks.

"Yeah." After talking about business matters, Xie Yuchen quickly changed the subject, "You haven't been online recently, do you know the follow-up of Wu Sansheng's incident?"

Wu Xie's heart trembled, and this time he brought up the matter of being deliberately forgotten by him, and he could no longer avoid it, so he could only say, "I don't know."

Xie Yuchen sighed, "The GM didn't seal his account."

No title?This really puzzled Wu Xie, "Why?"

"Wu Sansheng didn't find Ye Mingzhu at all. The GM said that he only took a map at that time, and all other equipment was lost in the copy. Later, the GM asked those people to go back to the copy to get it, and they got it normally. They were all ordinary blue. outfit, and a nice purple outfit."

"Map?" Wu Xie didn't ignore this important point, "Dungeon map?"

"Yeah." Xie Yuchen didn't deny it.

Dungeon maps are not rare items, but they are really worthless, and it’s not true. Every time a new dungeon is opened, the system will increase the drop rate of the new dungeon map in the previous big dungeon. The drop rate is indeed not high, but Dungeon maps are not something that everyone needs, they are mostly auxiliary items needed by the dungeon land reclamation raiders.

The forum of Tomb Raiders OL is a good thing. Generally, a few days after opening a new dungeon, there will be guides appearing, and they will be supplemented slowly. The dungeon map is to help these people figure out the structure of the dungeon, and create a faster and more detailed guide dungeon. , but even if there is no map, the elite land reclamation team can still pass the dungeon with their own skills, so of course it is good to have a map in this dungeon, and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t, and the price that can be sold is not much. When it came out, it was a thing that took up space in the backpack. Why did Wu Sansheng forcefully kick his teammates for that map?Wu Xie didn't know, but could it be that the third uncle's account was not blocked just because the dungeon map was not a valuable item?

Wu Xie thought so, and asked the same question, and Xie Yuchen said, "I read the forum, and it was quite detailed. It said that Chen Wenjin's subordinates and Wu Sanxing were planning to do this robbery of equipment."


"There is a northern faction in your team, right? If the northern faction didn't light candles, Wu Sansheng wouldn't be able to find equipment."

"..." Wu Xie just remembered this, the candle buff of the northern faction is mandatory, so they were all in the main tomb at that time, they decided to open the coffin immediately, and they didn't care whether Wu Xie and the others were not equipped Within the scope of picking it up, but this kind of rhetoric made him even more at a loss, "They did it together? Then the third uncle betrayed?"

"Wu Sansheng should have turned against the water after seeing the map. At that time, he used flares on the spot in order to prevent other people from opening the coffin to see the map."

So those people in the team channel at that time said that the third uncle attacked his own people...

Wu Xie thought to herself, thinking of their subtle attitude when they released the dungeon, she suddenly asked, "So they don't want to go to the GM?"

"That's partly because they found a bug."


"As long as ten people enter the capital and disappear after being scattered, the multi-person team will definitely enter an organ ear chamber. There is a crack in that ear chamber. It should be a loophole in the modeling, and it will lead directly to the final main tomb."

"...No wonder my little brother and I had only gone through two institutions, which was fast enough, but they had already found the book."

Xie Yuchen didn't know much about their internal situation, so he could only talk about what he saw on the forum, "They probably didn't want to leak this bug, so they didn't want to find a GM, but they also thought that Wu Sansheng found Ye Mingzhu, Ye Mingzhu You and I both know the price, it’s not a small amount, so I couldn’t resist the temptation, how could I lose my wife and lose my army this time, after the game was updated, the bug was patched.”

"It was a good show." Wu Xie said with emotion, "So what did the GM say?"

"This can be regarded as a problem of the game side, but their opportunistic methods can't appease other players, so the game side decided to let this matter go, and Wu Sansheng didn't deal with it. I actually picked up this matter on the forum, but the player's attitude is quite subtle, although I scolded, but I have lost my temper with the operator, I guess it is the Zhang family's matter that made the player suffer."

"So... it's the Zhang family's fault for a long time?" Wu Xie said with a smile.

"Come on, I don't care about the way things are going. I just want to tell you about the result. Anyway, if you figure it out after the matter is over, you can come back and play. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't play."

Wu Xie shrugged. After a few days, he finally felt relieved, and he replied, "Got it."

The author has something to say:

Let me tell you, I want my brother to shoot a shampoo commercial hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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