Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 112#弗wai#Tomb Raiders OL Game Settings

Game mechanics:

Four major servers: Tomb Notes, Zanghaihua, Shahai, Diaowang

Three major factions: Southern faction, Northern faction, Neutral (each faction has a fixed faction, can rebel, the first time is free, after that, currency is required, the conversion between the North and South factions is more expensive than neutral)

Ten major factions: Laojiumen (pronounced name), upper three: Zhang, Eryue, Li; Ping three: Chen, Wu, Heibei; lower three: Huo, Tiezui, Jie; another faction: He (not serial number)

The helm of the top ten forces: Zhang Qishan, Er Yuehong, Banjie Li, Chen Pi Asi, Wu Laogou, Heibei Lao Liu, Huo Xiangu, Qi Tiezui, Xie Jiuye, and him (no one knows, never appeared)

Weekly routine maintenance time: Monday from 6:12 am to [-]:[-] am

Basic actions: walking (wasd/↑↓←→), squatting (ss/↓↓), crawling (keep ss/↓↓+a, d/←, →), jumping (space/space 1 next paragraph 2 next two section/related to weight), jumping back (↓/s+space, 3s cooldown)

Voice system: level 40 update content, in the small box under the chat channel, three buttons: recent chat, team formation, off

Weather effects: sunny, light rain, thunderstorm, heavy rain, snowstorm, sandstorm

Safe areas: Beijing (northern trade union headland), Changsha (southern trade union headland), Hangzhou (north-south middle-middle)

Trading House: Hang up and sell items, and charge a certain handling fee for the transaction. The handling fee is proportional to the grade of the item, which is convenient for players who are lazy or have urgent needs.

Stall setting: The act of players selling items directly in the exchange in the safe area.Select the items in the backpack to set up a stall, and the character will directly spread a piece of cloth on the floor, and then release a huge box, and hang a wooden sign in front of the box to sell the items to kill time.

Auction house: Beijing map "New Moon", every Thursday will systematically move out objects, equipment/rare materials/fashion/accessories, etc. for players to auction, within 5 hours, the higher the price, the better.

Hunting: Most animals can be obtained by killing them directly, and they can be sold to merchants in exchange for corresponding buff potions. The special skill "Medicine Pass" of the Eryue family can be converted directly.

Titles: Three categories: mission titles, faction titles, and faction titles. Most of them are embroidered pillows, with no attributes added.A small number of titles have buff effects, such as faction titles: experience points gain increased by 10%, daily positioning range reduced by 20%, etc. Most of them have nothing to do with combat.A few titles that are extremely difficult to obtain have combat attributes, such as the title of his family's strength: complete 500 force missions to obtain the force title "Perseverance", and the attribute is to increase one's own defense by 10%.None of the title attributes apply to arenas


Surroundings: strength, physical strength, spirit, intelligence

Dexterity: Increase movement skill speed.Female characters are high/male characters are low.Intelligence, weight (limit 0) can be pushed

Dodge: A small chance to save the opponent from damage.spirit, intellect

Defense: strength, stamina pushable

Blood bar: physical strength can be pushed

Attack power: strength, spirit can be pushed

Game mission:


Small elite monsters: a 3-4 elite monsters on a map, appearing in random positions, you can kill them only after finding the corresponding npc to accept the task, usually only 5 players, veteran players or about 3 people can get it done, it takes a short time, and you die Refresh will be reset after half an hour.

Wild Boss: Any map is randomly refreshed, the quantity level is not fixed, usually requires a team of 50 or more, and the equipment/materials are first-class, including pvp+pve equipment. The equipment belongs to the last strike player and can be assigned by him.

Daily tasks:

Force mission: different forces

Faction tasks: South (North) Faction: Recruiting non-fixed NPCs, Luoyang shovel positioning (Looking for Dragon Points), dumping/neutrality: None


Copy: pve/5 copies per day for 3 people/10 copy per day for 1 people

(The dungeon level system is 6 levels, for example: the character level of the level 20 dungeon is 18-24, and the dungeon can be downloaded beyond the level, but there is no experience gained, but the experience of the team members will still be shared)


Hidden missions: specific triggers/various routes


Detonator: Purchased with Guild, Map Merchant or Trading Bank Currency.Explode some fragile tomb passages or organs, or attack small monsters, for a large-scale AOE

Teleporter: Purchased with Guild, Map Merchant, or Trading Line Currency.Teleport to any map

Cold Fireworks: Purchased by Guild, Map Merchant, or Trading House Currency.Lighting, the use distance is short, the light is weak and short-lived, almost no physical impact, and the price is relatively cheap

Signal Flare: Purchased with Guild, Map Merchant, or Trading House currency.Lighting, the use distance is long, the light is like blinding the eyes in the daytime, it can cause physical effects, and the price is more expensive

Rope: Purchased by Guild, Map Merchant, or Trading House Currency.Can be used with mountaineering pick set

Mountaineering Pickaxe: Purchased with Guild, Map Merchant, or Trading House currency.Can be combined with rope

Rhino horn: purchased from trading houses, privately owned by black-backed forces.It is expensive to solve the mechanism of ghost hitting the wall.

Blood bottle: replenish blood, (divided into three types of increasing blood volume: 5%, 10%, and 20%, the price increases, and the effect cannot be superimposed)

Mana bottle: Replenish mana (divided into three types of increasing mana: 10%, 20%, and 30%, the price increases, and the effect cannot be superimposed)

Various potions: various gain buffs

All kinds of food: gain buff/supplement a small amount of blood mana (this effect can be superimposed with blood/mana bottle)

(Red/blue medicine includes all blood/blue props: blood bottle/mana bottle + various food)

Bandage: Applicable to the bleeding state of the character, there is a certain chance to trigger the hemostasis percentage (minimum 10%, maximum 100%)

Antidote/Gas Mask: Removes the debuff from the poisoned state

Six slots for equipment: weapons, tops, bottoms, headgear, shoes, jewelry


Parts: back, waist, legs (divided into primary and secondary, can be switched at will, the main weapon is not included in the scope of the load, and it is displayed on the equipment information, but the secondary weapon has the concept of load. The secondary weapon can be combined with the backpack Weapons of the same attribute can be directly replaced with each other, the main weapon cannot, and the primary and secondary weapons cannot be changed during the battle)

Melee: 20 characters

Mid-range combat: 50 positions

Remote: 150 characters

Wu Family Weapon: Dagger (Melee)

Weapons of the Zhang Family: Faqiu Fingering (Melee Combat)

Weapons of other forces: none/common guns (medium and long range)


Pistol-Gun: low load, short range, divided into left and right wheels, can be equipped with two, one shot 2s cooling, range 50

Shotgun: short range, high power, average load, 10-minute cooldown, range 100

Rifle-gun: long range, high power, high load, high accuracy for fixed-point shooting, rarely used for PK, 2s cooldown per round, range: 150 positions

Chen Family Weapon: Iron Bullet (Long Range)

Weapons of the Black-Backed Family: Knife (Melee)

The weapon of the solution family: stick (medium range)

Huo Family Weapon: Hook (Remote)

February Faction Weapon: Fan (Melee)

Qi family weapon: rosary (long-range)

Weapon of the Li Family: Tieguai (Melee Combat)

Double Spear Wheel: Two-wheel hand-gun difficulty is difficult. The position of the two mouse clicks cannot exceed 3 positions within the vertical distance, and cannot be in the same position. If the character is moving, then the relative position It’s a difference, but the movement is of little significance under the double wheel, because the speed of the double wheel is very fast, there is no cooling time between the two shots, and the left wheel must be shot immediately after shooting the right wheel, otherwise the effect of the other shot is useless, although There are so many qualitative requirements of the system, but the double-round gun also has its so-called benefits, simple and rude, two guns can naturally cause two damages in an instant, much more powerful than a single-round 2s gun


The top ten powers share physical skills (no mana consumption):

"Received": Roll on the spot and get up, cushioning can reduce damage

"Rolling": Displacement skills in various directions

"Sprint": Increased movement speed and stamina bar in battle

"Slap": One of the skills for knocking melee monsters away. If the mob is huge enough, or the target of the palm is something that cannot move, it will also produce a corresponding recoil

"Sliding shovel": the only way to slide sideways for a certain distance on flat ground, making the player fall in place, easy to dodge

"Flying Kick": Combination Skill Jump + Sliding Shovel

"Vacation": use it on the ground, jump up a certain distance, and then jump again

"Climbing": Take a step forward on a flat ground, then quickly impact 10 positions forward, and be physically blocked during the impact

The Zhang family's unique physical skills:

"fly": leap forward

"Spin Legs": Jump to the top of the mob, clamp the legs around the mob's neck/other parts, turn and twist off, independent move.

Weapon skill general attack (does not consume mana, shared by all forces except the Zhang family faction "Faqiu"):

"Down knife/stick/finger/blade...", "Upper knife/stick/finger/blade..." "Flat knife/stick/finger/blade..." "Front knife/stick/finger/blade..."

Zhang family's power skills (mana consumption):

Possess passive skills: blood can repel mobs

"Point": Single target physical damage skill

"Hook": single-target physical damage skill, if cast after "point", the damage will increase by 10%

"Finger": Single target physical damage and creates 20% armor-piercing effect

"Bone Shrinking": Get rid of physical control skills, and jump back 5 spaces, you can break free when Huo's "grab" and Li's "stealing"

"Blood stained": The Zhang family's powerful skills, selling blood skills, cut their fingers with a weapon, and then stained the blade of the weapon with blood.It is divided into five layers, one layer sells 5%, and gradually superimposes, and the fifth layer sells 25% blood, with increasing effects, damage bonus, and knockback effect bonus.

Force special skills:

"Ghost Talk": Communicating with Zongzi, there is a 40% chance of triggering the avoidance effect. Combined with the action expression "Kneeling", the possibility increases by 10%. It can be superimposed by the buff of the same team's action expression, and the maximum stack is full.

Patriarch skills (additional skills to the title of "Patriarch"):

Possess passive skills: All skills attack power increased by 20%

"Acupoint": According to the location hit, reduce the attributes of the equipment at its location by 20%

Wu family faction skills:

"Back stab": Within 8 body distances, the player can directly rush to the opponent and stab the opponent with the handle of the dagger backhand. Although this will not make the opponent lose much blood, it is a shock and knockback skill .

"Bayonet": stab the dagger at the opponent, insert it directly into the body, and there will be 2 seconds to synchronize with the opponent's displacement after casting

"Consecutive Stabbing": Step forward while stabbing forward with the dagger 3 times in a row, one stab at a time, the first step is a normal attack on 1 body position, the second step is a side attack on 2 body positions, and the third step is a turning attack 3 positions, 6 positions in total

"Blade Wind": The effect is similar to Xie Jia's "Stick Arc", but the range is not as wide as "Stick Arc". The 45-degree fan-shaped angle is within 20 cells. When hitting the target, the target will roll out to the left and right, causing a small amount of damage. Damages and freezes the target, cooldown 15s

"Thirteen Shadow Thorns": cast in 3s, attack range 30 degrees fan-shaped angle 20 positions, thirteen bayonet strikes, extremely fast, one stab with a stack of 1% damage. If the stack of thirteen knives is full, the bleeding state will be triggered, and the attack power of the executing player will be enhanced by 10%

Force special skills:

Yantuo: Stare at silk books/wall carvings/scriptures, etc. for five seconds, and Youlan’s translation will appear on the main interface, solving some tomb traps

Solve family power skills:

"Flat pick": Let the player fall back a few positions first, and use the mouse to stabilize his body during the backward process, which does not necessarily cause a 100% fall judgment

"Stick Palm": The stick is thrown flat from the character's hand, and then a palm strike hits the bottom of the stick, and the stick is stabbed straight to the target direction with strength

"Flying stick": bend the stick into an arc, and then straighten it, making the player jump back 20 spaces out of thin air, with a cooling time of 1 minute

"Stick arc": The player swings the stick quickly from the left to the right, and the full 180-degree wind blows head-on. Each position, the determination of the position is still determined by the weight, the middle position can reach 15 positions

"Unfortunate stick sky": The stick smashed hard on the ground, the powerful skill of Xie family forces, a 10-degree circular AOE with a radius of 360 positions, causing players inside the circle to suffer a lot of damage, while players outside the circle will suffer The body is unstable due to the shaking, and its spirit is reduced by 10%, and environmental damage is caused, and a huge pothole is formed, which lasts for 30s.

Skills of other forces:

"Bombing Gun": The 10-radius body causes a small amount of damage and bombs its internal targets out of the circle range

"Thunderbolt": The player uses a flash bomb on the spot to blind the opponent while jumping back a certain distance. At this time, a bang will be made, and the power will be charged for 2s

"Return to capture": Put a modified rifle-gun on it and put a catch net on it, and pull your own players within 30 cells to your side

"Grenade": power props, the effect is the same as the bombardment gun, the radius is 20 positions, the more centered the greater the damage

"Stacked gun power", a powerful move, instantly modify the hand-held gun, and shoot a shot at the target. The shooting distance is 0-150 body cells, and the range of shooting damage is the radius of 5 body cells after the bullet hits the ground. Then it will cause a lot of damage, and at the same time use the recoil to fly backwards for 30 characters, the cooling time is 2 minutes.

Qi Family Skills:

Eight Diagrams Curse: Reduce the mental power of all equipment by 10%

Void: Blinding effect for 10s

Bell Hoop: A bell jar that freezes the player. If the player does not use the skill, the immobilization time is 3s, and if the player uses the skill, the immobilization time is 5s.

Special skills of the Qi Family faction:

Banxian: divination, counting love, fortune, the probability of getting a good product today, etc.

Huo family faction skills:

"Grab": The hook throws 0-100 grid positions, and pulls back the hit target (it can be an object or a player), and can be blocked during the period

Skills of the Li family:

Robbery: Throw out the crutch to cause single-target damage and imprison the player within its attack range for 5s.

Chen family skills:

Stiffness bomb: AOE within 5 cells, using it to hit the player will cause the player to be silent for 3s, during which time the player cannot use any skills; hitting a wild monster will cause the wild monster to freeze in place for 3s

(All the skills appearing in the article are not the complete version, and may be added in the future)

The author has something to say:

It's over!Sprinkle flowers!

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