Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 110

"Third Master, be careful!" Before Pan Zi could catch his breath, he saw a blood monkey heading straight for Wu Sansheng. The judgment of these blood monkeys should be to directly attack the one closest to him, so Wu Sansheng, who was the leader, became the leader. Seeing their target, Pan Zi roared in a hurry, and at the same time, he didn't stop moving. He moved to block Wu Sansheng with his body, and the blood monkey scratched Pan Zi's chest with a melon seed, and the blood streaked down. Halfway through - a critical strike, and triggers a bleeding state.

Although the rock wall collapsed just now because of Pan Zi's position and timely dodge, he is still full of blood in their team, but this decisiveness made his state extremely critical, and Wu Sansheng also hurriedly stood in front of Pan Zi, pulled out He shot the gun, and almost pressed the gun close to the top of the blood monkey who had no time to retreat. There was a muffled bang, and the blood monkey, who didn't have much blood, simply died at such a distance.

The rest of Wu Sansheng's team saw this and took out their guns to follow suit, but because the blood monkey was agile and fled too fast, they couldn't catch each other's figure at all. I went to bandage myself in leisure, and immediately joined the attacking team.

This is the second time they have encountered the blood monkey. Last time, because they were not mentally prepared, they were caught off guard by the sudden transformation of the mob with such a huge gap, and they kneeled out of the dungeon almost without any counterattack. After Chen Pi Asi had a fight with the blood monkey, he came out late to end the match, but he didn't expect Zhang Qiling to overshadow them in such a way that they were forced to show up at this time, and they were still in such a bad state.

Wu Sanxing already had a plan in his mind. Seeing that Chen Pi'a's fourth team, which was also attacked not far away, retreated steadily, and there were only 6 people left, they shouted: "Four Grandpas! Are you interested in cooperating! This will not do us any good , both sides will be wiped out!"

Chen Pi'ah snorted, "Cooperate? Cooperating with you, I'd rather die here!"

"Fourth Grandpa, why are you doing this?!" Wu Sanxing said, jumping back and avoiding the attack of the blood monkey, and Pan Zi stepped forward and gave the opponent a shuttle in a tacit understanding.

"Don't worry, we will also take you with us." Chen Pi Asi sneered. The reason why he didn't choose to cooperate with the other party was because he felt that Wu Sansheng couldn't trust him, and the second was that his blood volume was running out, although he couldn't. Seeing the opponent's team's personal blood volume, but this is the same with each other. They can't guarantee when they can make a shot based on the opponent's blood line.

"Let's get rid of these things together first and then go ahead to decide the outcome. You can choose the method!" Wu Sanxing gritted his teeth and said that he had already given up the victory to the opponent. If the opponent didn't follow his steps, he couldn't justify it. , and the reason why he is so tolerant is because he is bound to win the first kill in the dungeon today. Chen Pi Asi and the others have already learned the blood monkey's skills, so next time if they face the mobs in good condition, they will probably break through directly. Then they can deliberately place the book at a more tricky time point, so that the two sides can't touch each other. Then it's really hard to say who will be the first kill.Of course, there is also a so-called solution, that is, they wait here, and start a new copy directly after midnight tonight, leaving no room for others to attack the first kill, but then the first kill reward they get will not It is the grade and attribute after the pk state.

That's right, the attributes of the first kill equipment obtained after the pk are completely different from those after the completion of a single team's strategy. Chen Pi's guess is completely correct.Everything Wu Sansheng did was to get the best equipment for the first kill reward, and tonight might be the last chance.

But Chen Pi Asi didn't show any sympathy, he saw that his blood volume might not last two or three more attacks, so he immediately changed the attack direction, and fired a stiff bullet at Wu Sansheng's direction, 3 seconds of silence, Wu Sansheng, who hadn't expected the opponent to make such a choice at all, had no time to react, and was slapped in the face. The blood monkey's cooperation with Chen Pi Asi was perfect, and two or three immediately rushed towards Wu Sanxing regardless of other things. Pan Zi wanted to be caught between the two, but he was a step too late, and the use of shotgun bombing did not attract any hatred. After 3 seconds, Wu Sansheng was left with nothing but blood.

Chen Pi Asi, the Chinese monk and Ye Cheng also fell down one after another. Of course, before they died, they obeyed their father's orders and beat Wu Sansheng's team violently, resulting in very few people left in Wu Sansheng. From the first four people there is one more, but the overall blood line is probably not as high as Zhang Qiling alone.

After Zhang Qiling came back to block the blood monkey in front of Wu Xie, he stayed in front of him. Wu Xie tried to take the initiative to stand beside Zhang Qiling, but was forced to retreat by the blood monkey after a while. He realized that The output that I can contribute here is higher, so I don't have to be pretentious, I only do what I can do to perfection.Although Fatty may be somewhat out of touch with Chen Pi Asi's team in terms of cooperation in the dungeon, he is far more coquettish than other people except Chen Pi Asi in this kind of single-player confrontation with mobs, plus Zhang Qiling's support from time to time , the blood lines of the three of them are relatively stable.

Before Chen Pi's death, he also gave Wu Sansheng a big move, but unfortunately, he was blocked by the other three members of the team who bravely stepped forward to accept them, and they all disappeared in the dungeon. Seeing this, Zhang Qiling finally released himself Zhang Qiling's big move, "Blood Stain", greatly increased the attack power while selling blood, and Zhang Qiling took care of all the already ruined blood monkeys. Not only that, he also cleaned up the ones in front of Wu Sansheng.

"..." Wu Sansheng fell silent looking at his blood volume of only a dozen points, and Pan Zi beside him was no better than him. The so-called victory or defeat had already been decided, and those piercing screams were gone. , a few people fell silent suddenly, and the surroundings became quite silent in an instant.

"Third uncle..." Wu Xie didn't know what to say in such an atmosphere, let him hack Wu Sanxing and Pan Zi to death with his own hands?He can't do it, and he doesn't want to do it, even if it's just a game, but the relationship in the past is vivid, they take care of themselves like real relatives, if they are not hostile now, Wu Xie might Chundang, who was more comfortable, sent the other party a copy casually as a joke, but they are opponents now, and Wu Sansheng's seriousness can be seen by Wu Xie, so it cannot be ridiculed.

Zhang Qiling presumably understood Wu Xie's thoughts, so instead of letting Wu Sansheng die at the claws of the blood monkey, he saved them.

"We'll make the original." Wu Sanxing said suddenly, Wu Xie was slightly taken aback when he heard that.

"Third Master?" Pan Zi looked sideways at Wu Sansheng, as if confirming the authenticity of the sentence, but Wu Sansheng repeated it again and again, "Pan Zi, we have done a good job, big nephew. I am willing to kill you first."

"It's quite reconciled..." Wu Xie repeated it bitterly, but finally eased the atmosphere, Wu Xie was a little calm, but seeing that the third uncle had already started to send the reading note, he hurriedly said, "Third uncle! Will we talk?!"

Wu Sansheng cast his eyes on him, seemed to examine him for a while, and then slowly said: "I will come to you."

After speaking, he disappeared in place.


"Uh, so what's next?"

"Damn it, it's our world from now on! Hahaha!" Fatty seemed to have come back to his senses just now, and walked forward excitedly. Zhang Qiling and Wu Xie followed behind after looking at each other. After walking out for a few minutes, the fatty fat man staggered and froze in place.

In front of him is a huge bronze door, how high it is, Wu Xie seems to be unable to cover it from the perspective of raising himself, the bronze door is sealed with human skin, and the outlines of some parts of the human skin can still be seen, here The head should be the so-called final main tomb. Wu Xie was intending to ask how to open this thing, when he heard a very small sound. He moved his ears, and saw that the human skin on the door was beginning to fall off piece by piece. It fell on the ground like weathered sawdust, and immediately shattered into soil foam, and at some point a small dark gap appeared between the two huge bronze doors.The small gap doesn't look big from a distance, but when you get closer, you will find that the gap is enough to drive a truck, and then a light blue mist inexplicably vacated from the gap, surrounding the three of them, as if flying through the clouds. Under the illusion, Wu Xie was still in a daze, and a series of deer horns sounded in the valley.

Celebrating ahead of time before God TM's first kill comes out?

As soon as Wu Xie had this idea, before he had time to complain, he choked up in his throat.

Not far away, countless black shadows were walking towards them. They lined up in a row, and their steps seemed to be very orderly. After a while, the distance between them became closer and closer. From the looks of it, those black shadows were one by one. People wearing worn-out armor, their faces are expressionless and weird, they don't look like normal human faces, and they walk without the slightest sound. Rather than walking, they seem to be floating. Wu Xie dared not breathe, and almost bit himself tongue.

And just when they were about to reach Wu Xie, a reminder appeared in the system.

An excuse to join the Yin Soldier?whether

What's the meaning?Wu Xie and Fatty subconsciously stopped their mouse and didn't click immediately, but in their trance, they saw that Zhang Qiling had started to slowly walk into the team.

The author has something to say:

Cough, give me another day... Really, what a day!

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