Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 108 Additional Rewards

The next day, they got up early and rushed back to Hangzhou. Instead of giving themselves a vacation, they went back to the company to explain the matter. Wang Meng also confirmed the final payment made by iren. Lingyinshe also made a lot of money because of this.

Wu Xie was in a very good mood. Looking at the smiling guys in the company, they also knew the ghostly ideas in their hearts, so he waved his hand, not stingy at all, saying that today we will have a buffet lunch. Everyone went home to rest, and the employees shouted long live the boss again and again.

After all, this lunch lasted until after 2 pm. During this period, Wu Xie answered a call from a customer, and he casually teased that he didn't expect everyone to eat more freely, so he paid the bill first and went back to the company to handle affairs. Although Zhang Qiling left together However, under Wu Xie's sharp gaze, he forcibly stopped his intention to stand up.

However, Wu Xie returned to the company only to confirm the transaction items of a project contract, and it was not too troublesome, so he settled the matter, and on the way back to the apartment, he sent a text message to Zhang Qiling, expressing that he was a little tired and went home Rest, I hope the other party can take this opportunity to get along well with his colleagues, after all, he has hardly had time to spend with them in the office since he went to work.Zhang Qiling, who was deliberately peeing in the toilet and was about to evacuate, rubbed the screen of his phone with his fingertips, hesitated for a few seconds before replying, okay, and obediently returned to the meal.

Wu Xie took a nap all afternoon. The fatigue of traveling in different places and traveling made him sleep soundly. He woke up because of hunger at meal time. He took the phone and saw two text messages from Zhang Qiling on the lock screen.

【Go home】

From 2:40.

【have a good rest】

From 2:53.

Wu Xie's heart warmed slightly, so he responded and went to the kitchen to cook some dinner to fill his stomach. During the dinner, the two chatted casually with each other, and finally made an appointment to meet in the game.

Wu Xie also knows that tonight's dungeon is definitely a big event. This is a more formal battle for the first kill of the dungeon after the trade unions have negotiated. As soon as he went online, he was invited by Chen Pi Asi himself to form a team. A group of people did not teleport to the entrance of the dungeon to meet, but instead gathered in a corner with no one around, like a group of criminals.

Wu Xie glanced at the friend channel, guessing that it was just approaching the end of get off work. Although Chen Pi Asi was complete, Xiaohua and Third Uncle were not online, but Fatty was obviously in the game earlier than him, so Wu Xie Asked in a puzzled secret chat.

【Secret Chat Channel】

[Wu] Xie: Don't you go to work?

Fatty Wang: Overtime!

[Wu] Xie: What the hell, you work overtime and play games?

Fatty Wang: Hehe, are you stupid? Fatty has his own office now, and they don’t know that I’m working. I work overtime and get overtime pay. Are you happy? !

[Wu] Xie: Damn it's cunning!

Fatty Wang: Just ask if you are envious? !

[Wu] Xie: Quickly tell me your leader's phone number, and I will report you

Fatty Wang: I'm just telling you, idiot!

These two guys are still "running" each other as usual, but Monk Hua interrupted their communication: "Master, they happen to be away at this point, so why not just download the dungeon? That fellow Wu Sanxing also said it before, right?" After the man-faced bird attack, we can advance the copy directly without anyone else intervening! In this way, the first kill is ours!"

Indeed, although Wu Xie didn't have much affection for Monk Hua, what the other party said was indeed reasonable, but Chen Pi Ahsi said: "I have a sense of proportion. I came here with you because I have something to ask."

Speaking of Chen Pi, Ah Si actually turned his gaze to Wu Xie, who was slightly taken aback, and heard the other party say: "Little Du, do you have friends from Wu Sanxing?"

"Uh, yes." Wu Xie responded.

"When we enter the capital, let's see when that old idiot Wu Sansheng will go online, pay more attention, you can paddle in the early stage."

Wu Xie was a little surprised when he heard the words, "Fourth Grandpa, you don't have friends with your third uncle?"

"Heh, it's not worth it for that guy to add me as a friend."

Chen Pi Asi sneered, but Wu Xie felt that this should not be the most real reason, but he thought of Chen Pi Asi's character full of hostility, and felt that there was some possibility. When he was thinking about it, Zhang Qiling had a good understanding explained to him.

【Secret Chat Channel】

[Zhang] Kun: The presidents of major trade unions generally don’t add friends easily, because they are afraid that their best equipment attributes will be seen by the other party

It turned out that this was the case, Wu Xie suddenly realized, and then said: "Okay, but fourth grandpa, are you sure third uncle will be online?"

"That old fox must have been watching for a long time, otherwise you thought they would just run into us the day before yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Xie asked with a frown.

Chen Pi'a walked up and down, "Don't be unconvinced when you say that you are stupefied, that guy Wu Sanxing saved his hand, he has so much information, why didn't he take the first kill in the Raiders dungeon alone?"

"Isn't it difficult to get through?" Monk Hua said, "I just want to trick us behind the scenes, so that the fisherman can benefit from it!"

"I thought the same way before, but he completely overturned my idea yesterday without making the first kill."

Wu Xie silently waited for the other party to speak.

"Wu Sansheng ran into us the day before yesterday. He must have observed our play style for a long time. No matter how old-fashioned he is, he still has the skills to learn and sell now. Although it is guessed that in the end he was still swayed by people's faces, but That was already the last blood bar, so it was impossible to be unprepared for the second time, and based on his information, the battle broke out in front of the main tomb because only one person could enter. The human-faced bird is more likely to be the final boss."

Zhang Qiling had already mentioned this point to Wu Xie and Fatty with foresight before, so they were not too surprised when they heard this.

"So Wu Sansheng is very likely to get the first kill yesterday, why didn't he get it, and I learned from my undercover that they finished the dungeon very quickly, almost as casually as our team."

Wu Xie noticed the slightest sign, and asked, "When did the third uncle start fighting?"

Chen Pi Asi glanced at him, and then said slowly: "After we finished, of course neither Xie Yuhua nor Jude Kao was doing dungeons at that time."

"Perhaps the incident on the forum has just been fermented. If he takes the dungeon and kills him for the first time, won't he become the target of public criticism?"

Wu Xie raised another possibility, but Chen Pi Asi also considered it, and quickly replied: "That's why I want you to see if he happens to be online when we are writing the book."

"If so…"

"If it is, it means that this team's PK is meaningful."

That being said, the players on the same team almost understood everything.

The reason why Wu Sansheng deliberately seeks PK instead of advancing by himself must be because of the so-called extra benefits of PK, maybe there will be more dungeon equipment at the end, or the first kill reward attribute is improved, no matter what point is It is impossible and there is no reason for him to evade the tempting conditions offered by him, who is in the upper hand.

Wu Xie would not refute Chen Pi Ahsi so far, and naturally paddled happily. But just as they were teleporting to the gate of the dungeon, and before the Kunlun tires were advanced, Wu Sanxing went online as everyone expected. up.


"The assembly is really fast." After hearing Wu Xie's statement, Chen Pi Asi seemed to be messing with himself for a while. It is unlikely that he would say so. It seems that he even planted his gang's eyeliner at the door of the copy.

"Old man, what should we do now?" Monk Hua asked.

"Nothing to do, keep doing it for me! This time, both of our teams came prepared, don't tell me that you can't defeat those soil turtles from the Southern School."

"..." Wu Xie, the only one in the team who was lying on the gun from the southern faction, said that the baby was really suffering.

The author has something to say:

I was supposed to write today until the end of the next book, but JJWW analyzed a bunch of them.

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