Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 102

The hair next to Zhang Qiling's ear gently scratched his side face, as if itching into his heart, Wu Xie squinted his eyes and smiled, but muttered casually, "Boss Zhang is still in the office."

Hearing that Zhang Qiling let go of his shackles, he took his hand instead and strode into the house. Zhang Qishan was slightly stunned and asked, "Why do you..."

"The afternoon tea you want, put it here, go back."

Zhang Qiling interrupted him, casually put the small box in his hand on the coffee table, turned around and dragged Wu Xie out the door, before Zhang Qishan came back to his senses, he saw Wu Xie holding Zhang Qiling awkwardly by the door, and then He bowed to himself, and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, we have to leave now, thank you for your hospitality."

"Oh, oh." Zhang Qishan nodded blankly, looked at the dessert in front of him again, and was about to ask if he wanted to eat the cake before going back, but he couldn't see anyone when he looked up.

These two guys... What are they doing in such a hurry?

Why are you going, Wu Xie actually has some signs in his heart.

Zhang Qiling's hand was unexpectedly hot and humid, because he was cold in nature, and he always felt like he had a refrigerator with him, and this abnormality showed that he was now in the heat of fire, Wu Xie followed him, Seeing the back of his head licking his lips, but the bright sun in the blue sky pushed his rationality to the peak, he said, "Brother, since Mr. Zhang didn't invite us to dinner, we can meet Fatty tonight. "

"En." Zhang Qiling's response seemed to come out from the depths of his throat, extremely deep and forbearing, as if he was accumulating infinite turbulence that was about to explode, Wu Xie was so choked by this sound that he couldn't make any more answers , I had to purely feel the strength and heat from the opponent's hand, which burned him so badly that he almost lost his footing.

After entering the hotel, Zhang Qiling's impatient footsteps stopped suddenly, as if the rhythm of everything had been interrupted suddenly, Wu Xie was a little at a loss. He leaned lightly on the closed door, looking at the close He simply felt a sense of deterrence, and he could even feel Zhang Qiling's heavy breathing. If he just let the situation go on like this, he knew quite well what would happen.

I don't know if it's because my instincts haven't prepared me mentally yet, Wu Xie said in a panic, and casually pointed to the bathroom next to me, "Brother, do you...won't you take a shower first?"

It would be a good thing if this guy's lust could be quenched with water.

Even if the meaning of taking a bath here seems to be more like a kind of "pre-war preparation".

Zhang Qiling turned his face sideways, and glanced at Wu Xie lightly from the corner of his eye. The desire in his eyes alone was enough to tell the other party completely. Wu Xie lowered his head abruptly, staring at the corner of the wall not far away with a glint of light in his eyes. , I thought that the other party would pounce on it like a cheetah catching its favorite prey, but he didn't expect him to just say hello, then walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Lust-desire seemed to be blocked by this door in an instant, Wu Xie didn't know whether he looked at the pattern of white celadon on the door with regret or regret, and then suddenly recalled what seemed to run into the room, and really saw Zhang Qiling so upright Ignoring the big window to dry, he took off his shirt neatly, revealing his lean muscles. Seeing this, Wu Xie's face became hot, and he hurriedly put down the roller blind, and then sat down on the side of the bed in shock.

"Damn it, you're so useless." Wu Xie spat at himself, then tore off the stiff suit jacket and threw it aside.

In fact, it stands to reason that he and Zhang Qiling should be slightly better in terms of physique and height. Although this is slightly subtle, it is still an advantage, but he has never had the idea that he can defeat Zhang Qiling. Before or after he got together with Zhang Qiling, he subconsciously believed that he was the one being raped. It wasn't that he didn't want to overwhelm the opponent, but that there was no such possibility, whether it was based on the opponent's strong attack or the opponent's occasional attack. Demonstrated possessiveness.

He took out his phone and checked the time, it was just after 3 pm.He opened the address book without any hassle, and set the button to that of the fat man, but he refused to dial it for a long time. He knew that if he had a good evening date with the fat man, Zhang Qiling would definitely not mess around at this time.

Should this call be made?

Wu Xie raised his eyebrows slightly, and heard the sound of rushing water in the bathroom. He looked at the roller blind in front of him, as if he saw Zhang Qiling under the shower head through the fabric. He closed his eyes and raised his head, his bangs were rare Lifting the top of his head, the hot water slapped his cheeks, and then flowed down, across his neck, and flowed into his waist along the lines of his muscles, moistening his underwear that might not have been taken off, and gradually outlined his Showing the majestic appearance of a man——

Wu Xie swallowed, threw the phone aside and patted his face vigorously.

What the hell is he thinking? !

As if to dispel his increasingly violent thoughts, he sat on the sofa and turned on the computer to prepare for the game. When he entered the game screen and plugged in the headphones, what echoed in his head was not the melodious music in the game, but the indistinct music in the bathroom. The sound of running water.

Something has to be done to divert attention.

Wu Xie went directly back to the union territory to accept the daily tasks, opened the arena interface and squatted into the random room, and soon he was matched with a player. Random matching is a bit particular, no matter it is winning rate, equipment, or level, both sides must be evenly matched , and because the arena is played across servers, there is no need to worry about not being able to meet your opponent.

Wu Xie looked at the opponent's data card, the black back, melee, and Wu Xie's winning rate were about the same as Wu Xie, but it was also because he had played fewer games. Although he might be a rookie facing the opponent, Wu Xie still did not take it lightly. After the start of pk, he was extraordinarily fastidious, he didn't intentionally get closer, imitating how the fat man dealt with him before, and finally grinded the opponent to death.

His hand holding the mouse was a little hot, and he always felt as if he had figured out something. After a while, he really forgot about Zhang Qiling.

Soon he went directly to the second round. The victory in this round was smoother than the last round. The opponent is probably a pure novice who depends on the keyboard to display his skills. Against Wu Xie, he can only say that because Wu Xie's winning rate has always been It's not very good-looking, and he didn't fight too hard. After securing his own advantage in the later stage, he left room for the opponent to counterattack.The victories in two consecutive rounds completely ignited Wu Xie's enthusiasm for PK, so much so that he didn't realize when Zhang Qiling had walked out of the bathroom, and was standing behind him wearing only a pair of underwear and staring at him.

Because the sofa in the hotel is not small, Wu Xie leaned straight forward in order to play games, but he did not expect that Zhang Qiling would take advantage of the remaining gap, and when the other party sat behind him, Wu Xie Only then did Xie suddenly realize the situation of the two of them.

His hand trembled, letting go of a skill.

"Little brother." He looked at the computer, but stammered.

"Well, you continue." Zhang Qiling responded, resting his chin on Wu Xie's shoulder, he wrapped his arms around Wu Xie's waist from behind, his warm naked body was tightly against Wu Xie after taking a bath However, the slightly damp hair brushed against Wu Xie's hot earlobe, and a small drop of water fell on his shirt, wetting a small halo, which was a little cool, in such a cold Under the mixed heat, Wu Xie appeared to be in disarray.

How to continue this pose!He howled in his heart, but the situation in pk could not allow him to pause at any time.

Within a few seconds of Wu Xie's panic, he was already locked in place by the "bell hoop" of the Qi family's power, the opponent, should he fight back?When receiving this skill, if he uses the skill himself, the immobilization time will be extended to 5 seconds, and if he doesn't use it, he only needs to be beaten for 3 seconds. He still can't hesitate for too long, and almost at the same time, he suddenly heard a crisp His spine was so numb that his spine trembled.

"Shotgun." Zhang Qiling said beside his earlobe.

These words were like bewitching, Wu Xie didn't think about it at all, his body instinctively responded to this command, he hadn't realized it yet, his shotgun had already shot, and he didn't expect him to shoot violently at this time The attacking Qi family didn't move at all after the "bell hoop". They were completely robbed and swept away, and their blood volume dropped by 13%.

The opponent began to retreat, Zhang Qiling whispered again: "Rifle burst fire."

Wu Xie did so.

"Creep rushing, sliding shovel and blade wind."

After three moves, the positions of the two sides gradually narrowed, and the Qi family who took a "Blade Wind" rolled to the side like a bouncing ball. Wu Xie's eyes lit up, and Zhang Qiling didn't need to call him, he was very good at it Unleashed a big move "Thirteen Shadow Thorns" at the opponent, and the gap between the blood volume of the two instantly widened.

Wu Xie was in a good mood and wanted to turn his head to admire, but he noticed something warm and moist accidentally slipped across his cheek, which was Zhang Qiling's lips. Wu Xie realized that he was a little surprised at the moment, so he had to stiffly pull his head back.

And this kind of unintentional touch made Zhang Qiling's eyes darker. He thought it was really not a good time to do this kind of thing at this time, so he chose to follow Wu Xie's advice to take a bath, but unexpectedly It's that he can't extinguish his desire at all. He is like a little beast waiting to be fed. Once he comes into contact with a little bit of milk source, all restraint will be broken instantly. He is demanding and needs to eat his milk immediately thing.

As soon as Zhang Qiling had such an idea, Zhang Qiling bit Wu Xie's shoulder with his clothes on, and the latter groaned softly in pain, but this kind of whimpering did not stop Zhang Qiling's movements, instead it was the general who was screaming from the drums. Let go of the hands on the opponent's waist, and start to unbutton his shirt one by one, from bottom to top.

"Brother!" Wu Xie, who thought that biting was just a mild punishment, was really too naive, but he didn't have the spare hand to pat Zhang Qiling's increasingly wanton action.

Just as he had the idea to let go of the mouse, the Qi family immediately threw a "Gossip Curse" as if they were cooperating with Zhang Qiling. After unbuttoning all his buttons, his chest opened up for a while, and it was slightly cool, but it was quickly ignited by the opponent's hand.

Zhang Qiling's slightly rough fingers moved on his body bones, from his waist to his chest, every place seemed to be igniting a flame, getting hotter and hotter, Wu Xie struggled awkwardly, "Brother...don't..."

"Wu Xie, jump back." At this time, Zhang Qiling actually had the leisure to direct his operations.

And Zhang Qiling's prediction was indeed extremely accurate, allowing Wu Xie to avoid the opponent's set of "nothingness", but the non-blindness in the game does not mean that people outside the game can also be sober.

Zhang Qiling's fingers lightly brushed the small fruit on Wu Xie's chest, making him feel dazed for a while, and his body trembled instinctively, and this reaction made Zhang Qiling even more unscrupulous.He turned his face to the side and gently rubbed Wu Xie's fair neck with his thin lips. He didn't let go of the work in his hands. Under his movement like this, he became more and more rosy, Wu Xie couldn't support his body, leaned on Zhang Qiling's body and panted lightly, although his eyes still fell on his own game, but those eyes had changed. Drenched in water, the hand attached to the keyboard has already weakened, and the whole person is half down in the opponent's arms.

"He wants to get close and poke back." Zhang Qiling's lips lingered to Wu Xie's ear, and said softly, but the earphones on his ears were already drooping precariously due to the actions of the two just now, Zhang Qiling did not Deliberately tearing off the earphones, mixed with the hot air of the game sound effects, it just entered Wu Xie's mind, and after hearing this sentence, he still consciously and correctly used the skill, and then Zhang Qiling seemed to praise him, leaned out The tip of his tongue lightly licked Wu Xie's soft earlobe, bit it and put it in his mouth.

"Hmm... little brother..." Wu Xie groaned softly, feeling a sense of loneliness beneath him, and then rubbed Zhang Qiling's thigh which was left aside as if begging, and Zhang Qiling knew the purpose of his reaction. , He didn't stop himself from lingering on his chest, but just freed one hand to untie the belt for Wu Xie.

The sound of pulling the zipper is particularly harsh in such a space, and it is against the various gorgeous skill sound effects in the pk field. Wu Xie can no longer think about the current situation indifferently, and only slightly lowers his eyes to see his upright tent, and Zhang Qiling's slender fingers were trying to cover them.

This kind of picture impact is very powerful for a virgin, Wu Xie even felt that he had the urge to ejaculate for a moment, but he bit his lip and endured it.Seeing this, Zhang Qiling finally had the heart to let go of his red and swollen little fruit, directly grabbed his jaw and twisted in his direction, and kissed him deeply.

"Hmm..." Wu Xie catered to the other party's strength with her eyes closed, slightly opened her lips to let the other party's tongue into her mouth, body fluid exchanged, and sometimes both were exposed to the air, with the tip of her tongue licking lightly, like two dancing twins The little snake pulled out a few silver threads, making people feel embarrassingly obscene.

And Zhang Qiling immediately covered Wu Xie's upright tent. He didn't take off Wu Xie's underwear directly, but used his fingers to outline the shape of the opponent's avatar through the fabric. He gently scraped up from the scrotum, and the movements were quite light. Slowly, full of great provocative meaning, Wu Xie trembled while he was caressing, and the top of the glans had already leaked out to wet a small piece of underwear.

Zhang Qiling's broad palm immediately held Wu Xie's avatar tightly, and stretched out his index finger to gently rub the top of the avatar, making small circles on the head of the glans, and spreading the small piece of dark moist.The tent stood upright, and the panties were opened up a little bit, and the cold air squeezed in made it tremble slightly unconsciously, a precursor of wanting to ejaculate, but it was suddenly stopped by Zhang Qiling's hold.

"Hmm." Wu Xie seemed extremely dissatisfied, his feet were tense, and the irresistible desire made him desperately want to hold on to something, but he could only hold on to his mouse and keyboard tightly, Zhang Qiling slightly opened his eyes to see the other party's complete Committed to his own posture, his heart is greatly agitated and swollen, this person belongs to him, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside of this person, from six years ago to now, he will eat nothing left to prove himself absolute possession.

As if aware of the hot direct gaze of the other party, Wu Xie also opened his eyes slightly, but the only message conveyed by the blurred eyes was only one - he wanted it.Seeing this, Zhang Qiling picked up the opponent's upper lip, bit it lightly, and then retreated slightly. There were marks of his teeth on the upper lip, and there were some blood beads slightly. Touched, the red and tender little thing seemed to be inviting himself again, Zhang Qi's eyes darkened as he was about to launch an offensive again, but Wu Xie opened his lips slightly, and murmured: "Brother..."

"Heh." Zhang Qiling took a deep breath, his longing call brought his lust to the peak, his avatar that had been pressing against Wu Xie's back was already ready to move, screaming strongly, he wanted to fuck this guy until he lost consciousness !Fuck till weep!

He wrapped Wu Xie's waist with one hand, and easily took him away from the sofa, and quickly took off his pants. He let Wu Xie sit on his lap, poking the slit with his body, so that Wu Xie didn't know whether it was restlessness or desire and dissatisfaction, he tilted his head up and swallowed his saliva desperately, his throat wriggled, and he let out bursts of fragmented panting, "Little, little brother... um..."

Zhang Qiling took off half of Wu Xie's shirt and licked his shoulder blades. The shirt, which was not particularly loose at first, was more restrained in this state, making Wu Xie unable to move immediately. The tight compulsion made his senses He became more sensitive, he felt the pulsation of the thick thing under Yuan himself, every tremor made his body tense, he panicked to find a breakthrough, retracted both hands on the coffee table, tried to break Kai Zhang Qiling was still in control of his own penis, but the moment he touched it, he was completely powerless, so he could only beg: "Brother...well, let me, shoot..."

"Okay." Zhang Qiling responded unambiguously, and took off Wu Xie's underwear with a flip of his hand. His fingers directly touched the fragile avatar, and immediately more and more transparent mucus flowed out like a tearful person. Zhang Qiling grabbed Wu Xie's hand and asked him to wrap himself, and moved him along with him.

"No, wait...uh..."

"Wu Xie, um...Wu Xie..." Zhang Qiling murmured behind him, murmuring the name of this person continuously, sucking many red hickey marks on his shoulder blades.

"Well... soon... go... ah!"

Zhang Qiling pushed his crotch here suddenly, the impact made Wu Xie's mind go blank for a moment, he raised his head and let out a moan, and ejaculated a stream of cloudy white semen, which was caught by him and Zhang Qiling's palms one by one Undertake it, the viscous semen stuck between the two fingers, it was scorching hot, Wu Xie hung his head and panted heavily, but he noticed that Zhang Qiling's fingers just went down like this, touching his backyard superior.

This first invasion caused Wu Xie to instinctively feel a kind of fear. He tensed his spine, and his tone revealed all kinds of anxiety, "Little, little brother..."

Sensing his reaction, Zhang Qiling seemed to soothe her with the tip of her tongue running from her shoulder blades to her neck, and then said, "The pk is not over."

"What...uh, it hurts..."

At the moment when he lost his mind, Zhang Qiling began to pick up chrysanthemums step by step with his semen. He had already learned all the knowledge about male sex when he knew that he had such a love for Wu Xie, even if it was the first time in actual combat, It also seems to be particularly easy to handle.

He lightly probed into the first finger, and Wu Xie grabbed his arm with difficulty, frowned and said aggrievedly, "It hurts..."

Hearing the words, Zhang Qiling kissed the hair on the back of his head, and turned his free hand to take care of Wu Xie's lonely avatar in a particularly well-distributed manner. While he was stroking, he said something that had nothing to do with the present, "That Qi Family, stop."

"You...what are you talking about at this time..." Wu Xie stumbled.

"Watch the game."

As Zhang Qiling said, he added another finger inside, and Wu Xie, who was bewitched by it, really looked at the computer again when he frowned. Instead, he stopped in place and even started typing in the current arena map channel.

【Map channel】

XXX: Why are you not moving?

XXX: Left?

XXX: disconnected?

XXX: You can beat me, so I won't win by force, and I'll wait for you to come back here.

"Why... um... didn't kill me, I..." Wu Xie reached out and tried to grab his mouse to click the force back button, but halfway he hung down powerlessly, "Little brother, don't suddenly... oh..."

"Know him?" Zhang Qiling didn't stop thrusting his fingers, but instead bit Wu Xie's neck and asked.

"No...randomly matched opponents..."

Zhang Qiling's fingers are so nimble that he can consciously stir them in Wu Xie's body. He looked for Wu Xie's sensitive points, and deliberately glanced at the plain-clothed youth in the computer's perspective, and said, "He doesn't have much blood. , beat him to death."


"Bayonet." Zhang Qiling said the skill, but suddenly accelerated the frequency of his fingers, the sound of puff puff was very clear in the huge hotel, Wu Xie couldn't resist at all, he lay limp on the coffee table, sobbing weakly with.

Zhang Qiling pulled out his hand and pulled his underwear away, revealing his avatar who couldn't bear it anymore. He lifted up the opponent's waist and stabbed Wu Xie's body like a so-called skill bayonet.


"It's so tight." Zhang Qiling frowned in a rare way, but there was a look of satisfaction on his face, "Relax."

"Uh...uh..." Wu Xie raised her head and bit her lower lip, but from this angle of view, she was looking straight at the computer, seeing the players with stacked data, still waiting honestly.

"Kill him." Zhang Qiling said from behind, and then suddenly gave another blow as if to vent his anger.

Wu Xieteng held the mouse with his hand, pointed the skill with the mouse with trembling fingertips, and cast a bayonet at that person very slowly. Seeing that there was movement on the other end, the Qi family quickly cheered up and jumped to dodge , With a set of counter moves, Wu Xie ate them all.

Seeing that the opponent's reaction was so slow, the Qi family players wondered again.

XXX: What the hell are you doing?

Zhang Qiling swayed Wu Xie's waist with one hand, pinched his nipples again with the other hand, bent over him and said, "That one can be dodged with stabs."

"Um... little, little brother... no..."

"He's only 23 percent blood."

"Don't, let's play... Uh..." Wu Xie turned his head to look at Zhang Qiling, the corners of his eyes were slightly red, "I want you..."

Hearing this, Zhang Qiling only felt that his perfect rationality was instantly washed away. He used both hands to pull Wu Xie's body back into his arms, and supported his waist and suddenly started to twitch up and down.

"Ah...too, too fast...uh, no, no..."

"Wu Xie." Zhang Qiling bit the back of his neck, rubbed the bloody threads with sharp teeth, and sucked them into his mouth one by one, which made his beast instinct more primitive with a little bloody taste. Nine shallow and one deep collided with the opponent's body, destroying him, turning him into his own, no one can see, no one can touch.

"Ah...uh..." I don't know when it turned into self-consciously shaking in a riding posture, Wu Xie opened his lips slightly, and the computer returned to standby at this time, and suddenly the dark screen showed his face, red and swollen The corners of Zhang Qiling's eyes, the corners of his lips dripping with body fluid, the messy clothes, all of Zhang Qiling's efforts were so shameful that he couldn't help shrinking his lower body, causing the people behind him to let out a subdued moan.

Zhang Qiling held Wu Xie's arms tightly, and followed his own sprint and impact as he came down.

"'s too, no, I'm going..."

Zhang Qiling rested his head on the opponent's shoulder, already seeping a thin layer of sweat, blending with the opponent's body fluids, the skin was so hot and so tight.

"Together..." he said hoarsely.


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meat text painstakingly

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