Shark Candle

Chapter 1: In the Tomb (9)

"Brother, third master, should we take advantage of the chaos or wait for them to leave before we go?" The fat man asked, his eyes rolled, as if he was thinking of something wrong.

"Looking at the current situation, I don't know how they will deal with the mess, and I'm not sure whether they will rest here, third master, or just take advantage of their confusion and leave now." Pan Zi also said.

"Did you see the tomb passage closest to us? The entrance to the tomb passage is relatively narrow, and it's impossible for them to catch up with them. If there is an accident, we will all fall into the water in no more than three seconds. It is about three meters from the water to that tomb passage. After they go ashore, they will most likely choose the tomb passage that is close to them over there. The two tomb passages are also a few meters away. Try to go ashore as soon as possible. You don’t need to talk to those local masters. You don’t need to talk, just kill them. It’s best to avoid that The people in the small team rushed over at the fastest speed, and be careful of the underwater things, and I don't know what the tomb owner is raising." Wu Sanxing quickly explained and looked at the situation.

In less than half a minute, several Tu Fuzi and two members had landed on the shore. Although it was the shore of the pool, the edge of the pool was only more than one meter away from the entrance of the tomb, and they were afraid of things in the water. Jumping outside, he had no choice but to enter a tomb passage. He stopped at the entrance and searched for his backpack with a sullen expression. A dozen people were still entangled in the water by those black shadows and fled desperately. The rest of the team also were all wounded, leaving a trail of blood; and unfortunately, it seemed, one of their elite members seemed to be particularly favored by those things, surrounded by several black shadows, and his limbs were bitten and fixed. Tried all kinds of means, but couldn't break free, finally a certain black figure leaped up and gnawed half of the most deadly throat of human beings, that person finally closed his eyes unwillingly, and the broken corpse slowly Slowly sank into the water, never to be seen again.Time seems to be very slow, the bloody scene slowly appears in the eyes of the group of people, but it seems to be very fast, life disappears extremely quickly within a few seconds, leaving no trace.

"Now, jump."

Before the words were finished, Zhang Qiling and Fatty jumped down, followed by the three of them, fell into the water in less than a second, and swam forward quickly.The people in the water were too busy to take care of themselves and didn't have the energy to pay attention to them at all, but the two Tu Fuzi standing at the entrance of the tomb were only stunned for a moment, then they immediately reacted, greeted the few people who had already entered the tomb, and shot at them , leaning towards this side while being wary of the dark shadow in the water.Zhang Qiling was the fastest, he jumped out of the water almost in the blink of an eye, dodging the bullets extremely nimbly, and dodged into the tomb passage that had already been selected.The fat man was not to be outdone, although he was fat, but his speed was not slow at all. He arrived on the shore in a few strokes, and fired back at the few people approaching fiercely. People around are shooting, and human life is not worth a penny at this time.It seems that it was very lucky that they were not attacked by the black shadow; also because the shore was extremely narrow, it was a bit reluctant for the two of them to walk side by side. Fatty and the others rushed into the tomb passage, and disappeared after a few strokes. They had no choice but to angrily fire a few shots into the dark tomb passage, and retreated to the originally selected tomb passage to discuss.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Wang, the few people who ran away seem to have a lot of background, what do you think they are now?" a clerk asked cautiously.

At this time, almost all the people who can come up have come up. A dozen or so Tufuzi and three team members have all entered the tomb passage to rest and treat their wounds. Looking at the broken and disfigured corpses in the water, everyone cursed in low voices. Then, a heavy and fearful atmosphere quietly spread in the whole team, even the leader had a very unfriendly expression.

"It's that old fox from Changsha's Wu family, Wu Sansheng, who is very difficult to deal with. He even made Zhang, a very valuable dumb man on the road, fight with him. He probably fell into their hands, and he knew it was an oil bucket. Maybe we can run into them again next time. Mr. Wang, what do you want to continue on this way now that you have rested?"

The man looked expressionlessly into the depths of the tomb passage, his whole body exuded an aura that seemed to freeze people to death, and his cold and ruthless voice was a little angry: "Divide into two teams, number one and number three, and then find five teams." One follow me, take the one where they disappeared, and the rest take the one, go now."

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