Shark Candle

Chapter 1: In the Tomb (3)

"I said Comrade Innocent, aren't you happy to quarrel with the fat man? Why are you pretending to be dumb like a little brother?" A hearty voice teased a few words, "Damn fat man, fuck you , why are you so annoying, the little third master just ignores you, what's the matter?!" Another resolute voice replied impatiently.

This is... the voice of Fatty and Pan Zi!It's Uncle San and the others!

But... I'm standing right here, 'comrade innocent'?No, it must be that fairy pretending to be me, why didn't I find out that it was fake?Didn't the little brother stay with the third uncle?Also, this guy is a professional missing person, Fatty and the others are in danger!

The voice is a bit erratic, not very clear, it seems to be in front of my tomb passage, I feel a little anxious, there are some equipment in the black eyes, and that guy is not a good character, self-protection should be no problem, if it is not possible Let Third Uncle and the others go find him with me.

He quickened his pace and walked forward, and soon, he could hear their low-pitched conversation. It seemed that he wanted to let the little brother go to thunder, and the little brother was there too?

I was secretly happy in my heart, but when I thought of them pushing my brother out again, I couldn't help but want to scold the old fox a few words.

"Third Uncle, wait!" When I saw them, they seemed to have decided to leave, and what was even more frightening was that there was a person who looked exactly like me in the line, standing behind my little brother.

And when they saw me, they were stunned for a moment, the fat man and Pan Zi immediately took out their guns and pointed at me, and the black gold ancient knife in the younger brother's hand also clenched a little bit.I anxiously shouted: "Third Uncle, be careful behind your back, that's a fake, that's a witch!"

"Third Uncle, the one on the other side must be a monster from this tomb, be careful!" The impostor said to Third Uncle and the others as if he was sure that I was the real one, and then gave me a weird smile secretly.I was so anxious that I wished I could tear it off, but as soon as I moved, they immediately tensed up, as if they were about to shoot.

"Third Uncle, you damn old fox, can't you even tell who your eldest nephew is?! Also, fat man, please be careful, you must hold your hand, don't The gun went off. Pan Zi, when you were in the corpse cave, you threw the corpse on me in a very authentic manner, you will not forget it! Brother, I...forget it, you..."

There was a slight change in his complexion, the knife in his hand was slowly clenched, and he raised it.Looking at his actions, I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart.The next second, he moved, and the movement of swinging the knife was as fast as lightning, so fast that I only had time to see the cold white light in the air, and accepted the coming of death helplessly.

A gust of wind blew past, followed by an extremely shrill scream, the ancient black gold knife stabbed fiercely at Yao Qiao's body, the little brother kicked fiercely with a grim expression, drew out the knife and started attacking again.That thing's face was full of disbelief and insidiousness, its completely dark eyes stared at me, but when I wanted to come over, I was stopped by the Poker Bottle, and my body was covered with wisps of black mist, MD, this trick again!

"Brother, blood, your blood!"

Hearing this, Poker Ping quickly drew a line on the palm of his left hand, wiped it on the knife, and fought with that monster. This time, it caused effective damage to it. The sound of melting flesh and harsh sounds Yelling is annoying.That thing seemed to have sensed that the situation was not good, and wanted to escape, but was hacked tightly by the little brother.Feeling relieved, I thought of another thing, 'Damn, how could I forget this! '

"His waist! Little brother! Attack its waist! That's its key point!" As soon as he yelled, the thing glared at him fiercely, desperately trying to leave.

Under Pokerfing's magnificent side kick and the fat Panzi's beating, little Heijin lived up to everyone's expectations and licked his waist and eyes, penetrating his entire abdomen. The precise angle and fierce strength made people applaud and applaud.

Pulling out the knife, the little brother stood up and looked at me, and the third uncle and the others also surrounded him.The fat man laughed and said: "Comrade Innocent, it can be considered that the fat man found you, didn't you get scared just now?!"

"Fuck you, what the hell happened to you just now, how did you meet this thing? Also, from your tone, it seems that you already knew that I was real, so you still pointed a gun at me!" Looking at him angrily, his tone was very unhappy.

"Eldest nephew, don't be in a hurry! We also feel that something is wrong on purpose."

"Little third master, you really can't blame the third master for this matter. Since we separated, we have experienced many accidents. Wait for me to tell you slowly."

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