Before going to bed, Uriah grabbed the dumpling to summarize the day's training.

"Not enough strength."

"Flexibility is okay."

"It's too slow to respond."


Most importantly, Ulea glanced at the golden ball that collapsed into a cake on the ground: "Your physical strength is too weak."

Uriah recalled her physical fitness during this period. Uriah was able to hang up and beat the balls just a few days after she was born.

"When I was your age, I was able to fight other dragons."

Ulea made a plan: "Tomorrow, let's start with physical training."


In the early morning of the next day, the sun had not yet risen, and the sky was still a little dark. Most of the beasts in the forest were still sleeping.

Uriah opened her eyes, waking up the furball.

Xie Ning who had just woken up was sore and limp, his body seemed to be crushed by a mountain, and his eyelids were so heavy that he could barely open them.Covering the eyes with two fluffy paws, the hairball made a soft "chirp", could it be too early to sleep for a while?

Ulea raised the nape of his neck, and there was no rebuttal: "It's already dawn."

Leading the dumpling to the entrance of the cave, Uriah lowered her head, opened her mouth after approaching the dumpling, stared at the back of his neck and froze.

She had seen a lioness holding a cub by the back of its neck before. Yulia looked at the size of the cub, and it looked very small under her mouth, and she could poke a hole out of it with a light bite.

After hesitating for a moment, Uriah placed the dumpling on top of her head.


"Hold my horns."

Considering that there was still a dumpling on his head, Uriah controlled his flying speed this time, and flew the dumpling around the mountain where he built his nest at a speed that seemed extremely slow to him, and then landed at the foot of the mountain.

Ulea lowered her head, feeling the lump on her head loosen her horns and slide down her face.

"See this mountain?"

"Hey!" I saw it!

"Your task today is to run three laps around this mountain..." Ulea looked down at Tuanzi's frail body, wondering whether three laps would be too much.

"Let's take a lap." Ulea changed his words, "You should try running a lap first."

Xie Nin had no objection, and ran forward according to Ulea's arrangement.

Feeling weak in the later stage, Xie Ning didn't sprint with all his strength, but soon his breathing became disordered.

Uriah was on a tree, looking down on Danko's running situation.

In his eyes, Tuanzi was not only slow, it took him so long to run for a short distance, but he also had poor stamina, and his running speed had begun to slow down unconsciously.

"Whoosh hoot—"

Xie Ning was panting, sweat flowed from his skin, and stuck to the fluff. The soft and slender fluff is extremely warm in winter, but now that these hairs are wet with sweat, it not only increases the burden on Xie Ning's running, but also is not conducive to running. Heat dissipation.

The heat around his body was getting heavier and heavier, and sweat ran across his eyelids and hung on his eyelashes. Xie Ning subconsciously blinked——

So hot--

Recalling what Uriah said, fire monsters are fake...

Seeing Tuanzi turning the corner, Uleaya behind spread his wings and followed.

Mao Tuanzi, who was running in front, naturally also heard the sound of the wind getting closer behind him, and raised his immobile steps again.

Ulea always followed behind not far or near. After approaching the dumpling, he watched from the tree, and then flew to close the distance when he was far away. Not much.

It was nearing noon, but he hadn't completed half a lap yet.

Sweat dripped down the hair, wet the dust, and formed a small pit.

Ulea's eyes fell on Mao Tuanzi, who was walking hard and never stopped not far ahead, and changed into a human form to follow him, a few steps away from him.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Xie Ning turned his head slightly, raised his eyelids to look at him, and then stared at the ground in front of him. Now he has no time to worry about what the dragon is going to do, he just wants to finish the remaining distance.

After a long time, Ulea looked up at the sky, the sun had already set in the west, and the fluff on Tuanzi's body was completely attached to her body.

At this time, the dumpling can't see its original round appearance, as if it has just been fished out of the water, the shape of the limbs and tail are revealed.

The hairball was already shaking a bit.

Ulea suddenly said, "Tired?"


Xie Ning rolled his eyes in his heart, don't you know how to read it yourself?

Xie Ning opened his mouth to breathe, a puff of heat came out of his throat, he was too lazy to speak, staring straight ahead and walking straight ahead.

Uriah said again: "If you're tired, go back today." There is only one-fifth of the distance left. According to Uriah's observation of Tuanzi along the way, he can complete the next section of the road, but it will be very slow. difficult.

and so……

Ulea stared at the dumpling in front of her, how would you choose?

Ulea squatted down in front of the dumpling, and reached out to him: "Go back?"

Tuanzi turned his head, avoiding Uriah's hand, and walked around him, Uriah understood what he meant.

"Then keep going until you reach the finish line."

To give way to the hairball, Ulea suddenly remembered that when she was young, she trained with young dragons of the same age in Dragon Valley. It was the same. Many times, after a day of training, she was exhausted and her body reached its limit.

But at the same time the rewards are huge.


A pair of feet suddenly appeared in front of him, Xie Ning panted heavily, he didn't even have the strength to raise his head, and silently prepared to go around.

Yuria leaned over and picked up the dumpling.

The dumpling in his arms gave a weak "chirp?", why?

Ulea patted the dumpling and put him on another road: "Wrong road."

After being put down, the dumpling continued to move forward, and Yulea said to the slow-moving dumpling: "It's almost here."


"Really." Ulea answered without guilt as a route that was short for herself but far away for Mao Tuanzi at this moment appeared in Yulia's mind.

After listening to Ulea's words, Xie Ning subconsciously quickened his pace.

After a long time, Xie Ning, whose limbs were numb, blinked, why he hadn't arrived yet.


Xie Ning believed his words, lifted his stiff limbs and tried to speed up.

After walking for a long time, I felt that the hairball was a little discouraged, and Uriah said again: "It's almost there."

Xie Ning let out a sigh of relief, I believe you are a ghost, and you are lying...

Ulea stepped on the tree shadow under the moonlight and looked forward: "I really didn't lie to you this time."

Half an hour later, the tired Tuanzi lying on the ground trembled, moved slowly, and finally saw the paw prints drawn by Yulia on the rocks.

Xie Nin propped up his body, refused Ulea's help, and walked to the paw print step by step with shaking legs before falling down.

Ulea picked up the dumpling from the ground: "You finished the lap."


"It's still slow, though," Uriah said. "Practice."


"Not every high-level monster can become a powerful monster."

Why?Xie Ning was curious.

"Because many monsters died because they were not strong enough." Ulea's tone was a little indifferent. The law of the jungle is the basic law among monsters. If they hadn't met themselves, even the cubs of high-level monsters might not be able to survive.

"Warcraft that are not strong enough can naturally survive, but the stronger the monster, the greater the chance of survival."

It's not that Xie Ning can't understand, just by looking at the dragon eating next to him, he can know the fate of most low-level monsters.

"Do you want to become the top powerhouse in this continent?" Uriah lowered her head and asked the hairball in her arms.

Originally, Yulea didn't have this idea. After all, Tuanzi is a high-level monster but has almost no aura on his body. It feels like a cub with underdevelopment.

This kind of cub is usually abandoned by the mother beast when the conditions are not good.

Uriah's initial requirement for Tuanzi was to be able to beat most high-level monsters, but with Tuanzi's hard work, Uriah felt that it might not be impossible to fight.

Touching Tuanzi's head, Uriah asked, "Do you want to continue tomorrow?"

"Haw." Of course.

After returning to the lair, Uriah threw the ball on the pile of gold coins and left in a hurry.

Xie Ning, who was so sleepy, fell asleep.

After a while, Uriah came back with a pile of materials and set up a pot.

"Toad, fumingzi, dragon scale..." Uriah threw down the medicinal ingredients in order, and the black liquid turned transparent under stirring, exuding an indescribable smell.

Ulea sniffed it, and found that the taste was a bit different from what her parents cooked when she was a child. She dipped a little liquid medicine from the pot and felt it carefully, but the effect of the medicine was the same.

After confirming that the liquid medicine had no side effects, Ulea lifted the sleeping dumpling and put it in the medicine pot. The exhausted dumpling was frowned by the smell of the medicine, but did not wake up.Lie on your back in the pot, subconsciously stretch out your claws and grab it tightly when you get close to the edge of the pot and crawl out.

Taking away the claws of the dumpling, Yulia pushed the dumpling into the middle of the pot with a medicine spoon, thought for a while, and then took a lid to cover it.

An hour later, Ulea opened the lid, the liquid medicine was still transparent but the smell had disappeared, and there was a layer of red sediment at the bottom of the pot.

Ulea scooped the dumpling out of the pot and weighed it. He wanted to do this since seeing the dumpling's hair wet during the day: "Sure enough——"

Ulea carefully felt the weight in his hand: "It's thinner than before."

After washing the potion on the dumpling, use the fire element to dry the hair.

Drawing on previous experience, Yulea only mobilized a little fire element this time. Although it was a bit slower, the effect was still ok.

"A little sleepy——" Uriah yawned, and a cluster of flames floated out of her mouth and landed on the long golden fur on the back of the dumpling.

The next day, Xie Nin, who woke up under Ulea's wings, always felt something was wrong.

Ulea put the double breakfast in front of the doubtful eyes: "I'm too skinny, eat more."

Puzzled, Tuanzi stretched out his paws and grabbed a handful from the grass in front of him. After swallowing a few mouthfuls, he continued to grab the second one, his eyes fell on the paws and suddenly stopped.


Xie Ning couldn't believe his eyes, the originally flowing golden fluff only had short roots, and it was as uneven as a dog gnawed on it.

"What's wrong?" Julia asked.

Tuanzi ignored him, and moved his paws back and forth to touch his face. It was fluffy, and the fluff was still there. Xie Ning turned his head back again. Thanks to the flexibility of this body, Xie Ning clearly saw that his back was also bald. The fluff on the head survived.

Yulia snapped back the head of the dumpling, feeling a little guilty: "Your fluff grew too hot, I came back last night and cut it for you."

After breakfast, Uriah brought the shaved ball to the place where the paw prints were left the previous morning.

Ulea grabbed the dumpling who was looking around and said, "Don't look, run quickly."

Xie Ning adjusted his breathing and ran forward, remembering the tree he saw just now and the location of the paw prints last night.

No trees where last night's paw prints—

But there was a tree at the position of the paw print just now, and it was also at this position yesterday morning...

Xie Ning glanced back, and the dragon was still following a few steps away...

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