
Jian Qi's small clinic was full of people, and Jian Qi, who was wearing a white coat, lacked the usual idle feeling, and his face also showed a dignified expression.

The person lying on the hospital bed was pale and sweating all over, but after a while, two more people came here.

Jian Qi looked at more and more people, and said to Lin Xi: "Quarantine, there can't be more sick people."

Including Jian Qi and Ren Ya, there are seven doctors in total, and more than 20 people came to Jian Qi's place in one day, and the serious ones have already collapsed to the ground.

Jian Qi started to pack his things, and said to Lin Xi while packing, "Send us to the downtown hospital, and remember to come and deliver meals every day."

Fortunately, everyone will not go out often in winter. After sending Jian Qi and the others to the hospital, according to what Jian Qi said, Lin Xi's door-to-door notices should reduce going out, reduce contact, and actively seek medical treatment.

Lin Xi sent all the medicines he hoarded a few years ago to the hospital. Although they had expired for a long time, he still hoped they would come in handy.

Soon it was the New Year, and dozens of people fell ill one after another during this period. Few of the first sick people recovered, but no one died of illness.

Affected by the flu this year, it is not lively at all. Everyone stays at home and rarely goes out.

At the end of January, Lin Xi couldn't stay any longer, and planned to try his luck in those two cities, so he said hello to Xu Zhe and left.

Lin Xi didn't dare to delay for a moment while on the road, and arrived at Meicheng.

Just like the first time he came here, this time he was stopped by a roadblock again. He honked his horn twice and waited for a while before he saw someone come out.

It was the little boy Ah Chen from last time.

"Don't move! Don't come here!"

Lin Xi looked at him in bewilderment, and Ah Chen spoke to him only after making sure that the distance between himself and Lin Xi was safe: "People in the city are sick, so don't come here if they say it's an infectious disease, be careful not to infect you."

"Where's Li Shuo?" Lin Xi asked.

"Mr. went out to find medicine." Ah Chen replied.

"Where did he go?"

Ah Chen said that Li Shuo took people to the south, and Lin Xi thought about it and drove to the south. If he was lucky, he might meet Li Shuo on the road.

Lin Xi went all the way south, and didn't see Li Shuo's traces until he crossed the river, and finally met them in a city.

The long time running around made both of them a bit haggard. After avoiding the wind and snow, the group sat down in an empty room before they had time to talk about this matter in detail.

Li Shuo didn't show any surprise when he met Lin Xi, he crossed his legs and said, "You will come out as soon as you guess."

Along the way, I have encountered many cities, some of which have also suffered from the flu. With the attitude of helping each other and developing together, those cities pointed out a way for Linxi.

"Have you visited?" Lin Xi asked.

"No, I made a detour on the way here, and I just got here."

After waiting for a while, the snow stopped, and the two of them went on the road immediately without delay.

It was only around three o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived in that city. On the way there, the two of them thought about many kinds of medicines they would need to exchange.

Now, the two looked at the several boxes of medicinal materials in front of them in a daze.

Lin Xi cautiously asked the old man in front of him: "Is there anything you need, we can exchange it with you."

"No, take it quickly and leave." The old man was very indifferent.

The two asked several times, and finally bothered the old man.

"We can't use or eat too much of this stuff. If you want it, just take it away. Children nowadays are really strange." The old man muttered.

The two thanked the old man and rushed home with their things.

The old man watched the two leave in a hurry, and said to the person next to him: "It's good, people and things must be missed, otherwise it won't last long."

On the way back, Lin Xi and Li Shuo chatted about the past.

"Why didn't you go to the base?" Lin Xi has always been curious about this question, he was curious about the reason why everyone didn't go to the base.

"Hmm..." Li Shuo rubbed his chin and said, "It doesn't matter if you hear it."

"Huh?" I don't know if I'm too behind and can't keep up with Li Shuo's thinking.

"That's right, going to the base doesn't sound like much at first glance." The base you played in the movie is also average, with too many rules, which is boring. "

"What to do after that?"

"Before I met you, I was a little worried that I would starve to death, but now I have nothing to worry about, just live like this."

In fact, Lin Xi didn't think about what he would do in the future, or what everyone in the city would do in the future. He originally thought that the invisible future was coming soon.

This year is the fourth year of the last days, and it seems to be not bad.

The only small regret is that Xu Ze can't speak, but people must always be content, which is already very good.

What they brought back were some traditional Chinese medicines. Lin Xi handed over all the medicinal materials to Jian Qi. He didn't know how they did it. Not long after, everyone was discharged from the hospital one after another. After they were discharged from the hospital, they quickly devoted themselves to the preparations for spring plowing.

Perhaps this means that everyone has their own place, and everyone has their own things to do and responsibilities.

fifth year, sixth year, seventh year

Unlocked a new achievement: Zombie Automation.

I don't know when, the ferocious faces of the zombies gradually became calm, and they stopped roaring, the bluish white on their faces faded, and their sharp nails disappeared.

After Lin Xi found out about this, he suddenly thought of changing the zombies into new clothes.

In a non-busy summer, the whole city launched a zombie-catching activity, and a lot of well-preserved new clothes were dug out from the warehouse of the shopping mall.

The summer is over, and the new clothes of the zombies are ready. This is a group of relatively silent residents in this city.

With the help of zombies, you can do more things.

For example, the playground was restored, the lights of the playground were turned on, and the children cheered around it. Lin Xi stood in front of the carousel and listened to the music. In the blink of an eye, it turned out that seven years had passed.

The merry-go-round became Lin Xi's after-dinner activity, and he would bring Xu Ze to sit for a while after dinner every day.

He likes the stillness, and that's good.

The author has something to say:

There should be one more chapter left.

If I can finish writing later, I will release it~


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