Xu Zhe raised his head when he heard this, and looked at Lin Xi with burning eyes. His eyes were filled with excitement and joy. That's right, he had been waiting for Lin Xi to say this.

Lin Xi blinked, why did he feel cheated.

The two discussed about farming.

"There is a large piece of farmland near the farm in the west of the city, and only one machine has a heavy workload." Lin Xi introduced the situation of the farmland.

"I will contact other people in the city. If anyone is willing to come, we will go to the west of the city tomorrow morning."

Lin Xi nodded, not everyone wants to join the labor force, let's see the specific situation tomorrow.

Before leaving, Lin Xi suddenly thought that there seemed to be a factory producing self-heating food in the development zone, and left the address of the factory to Xu Zhe.

The harvest will have to wait until autumn, so we must help them through this time no matter what.

After leaving the convenience store, Lin Xi thought about it and took Xu Ze back to the farm. I still need to go back and tell everyone about today's affairs.

On the other hand, Xu Zhe also ran around telling everyone that he couldn't drive, so he had to find some unlocked bicycles on the side of the road, find the children in their new residence, and ask the children to help them find someone.

After Xu Zhe notified the people he remembered, he went to the central park to wait.

The water in the ornamental lake has long since dried up, but little buds have emerged on the lawn.After a while, the old man from the convenience store who was with the children came.

Neither of them spoke, they sat on a park bench and waited.

After a while, the children also came back, and the children notified some people, and those who got the news would naturally spread the news to people they knew well.

The children are also used to places with zombies. They play and fight on the lawn. Occasionally, walking zombies walk by on the sidewalk, but both sides live in peace.

The sun was setting little by little, and some people came one after another, all standing not far from Xu Zhe. At three o'clock in the afternoon, five hours had passed since Xu Zhe's notice. There are more than 300 scattered people.

There is no point in waiting any longer, Xu Zhe stood up and greeted everyone, explaining why everyone came here this time.

"Everyone who came here should feel the same as me. We have already felt that we cannot survive." Xu Zhe's eyes stayed on the slowly dimming sun.

Hearing Xu Zhe's words, there began to be a low-pitched conversation, but Xu Zhe didn't stop it.Waited for a while before continuing.

"As a partner fighting side by side in the urban area, I should tell you that there are a group of people in the development zone who are reclaiming wasteland." Xu Zhe observed everyone's reactions while talking.

"You should have seen the fire, and it was lucky to get in touch with them."

Speaking of the fire that day, everyone's interest increased significantly.Many people saw the fire from their own windows. No matter what the intention of the person who set the fire was, it is undeniable that the fire gave everyone a choice to start a new life.

"It's been a year, and we can't deceive ourselves anymore, no matter what the reason is for everyone to stay here, but now we have to think about our own future."

That's all Xu Zhe has to say today, because he understands that some people don't need to be mobilized, they know what they want, just like Lin Xi and others, there are also some people who have been waiting for a suitable opportunity, but such people cannot be praised They are brave, just as they are.

Then there are those people who follow the crowd but are not brave enough, hoping that the harsh living circumstances will make them fight harder.

"...What are we going to do?" There was a small questioning voice from the crowd. Xu Zhe looked at the owner of the voice. It was a girl who seemed to be about 20 years old, and her younger brother was standing in front of her.

After the girl asked the question, the eyes of the siblings did not move away from Xu Zhe.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, I will take everyone to the farm while still here." Xu Zhe did not tell them that there is still food in the development zone.

This matter will definitely be told to everyone, but not now.

Before leaving, Xu Zhe left a sentence: "If it is convenient, please pass it on to those who were not present today." The last survivors are bound to unite.

After Xu Zhe left, a group of people were left looking at each other. The first pair of siblings looked at each other. They left the park and came to the street. They were looking for a car. There were many cars on the street, and some of the car keys were still on it. .

My sister found a car that looked pretty good. The sound of the engine starting was heard in the park in the silence. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd in the park, the siblings drove away.

This was their chance. Before my sister came, I counted the food stored at home. Fortunately, I took the risk to grab some back, otherwise I and my brother would have died in this winter.

But these foods can support them for two weeks at most, and they can harvest if they can plant. This is the only chance for them, and if they miss it, it will be over.

I don’t know if the action of the siblings has stimulated the crowd, and some people stood out from the crowd. They don’t live alone, they all have family members here, and they have to go for the sake of their families, otherwise they will die if they don’t freeze to death in winter. Going to starve in the spring.

In the end, the single people didn’t know whether it was because they followed the crowd or they really had such an idea. In the middle of the night, the sound of closing the car door and the sound of the engine starting kept ringing on the street. Finally, everyone got the means of transportation they were satisfied with.

Early the next morning, when Xu Zhe went to the park, he found that the cars outside the park were parked in an orderly manner and the cars were wiped clean. When he walked into the park, Xu Zhe saw that there were far more people than yesterday.

Xu Zhe didn't give himself time to be moved. He divided the children into other people's cars, and some people who couldn't drive also carpooled with other people. Just like animals migrating to the water source, hundreds of cars also set off to the west of the city.

Lin Xi is in a good mood today, the pigs on the farm have had baby pigs, and there are many of them.You see, everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

After breakfast, Jian Qi went to the farmland today, and Lin Xi took Xu Ze to sit on the stone pier in front of the farm to fish. From the farm, he could not only see the farmland not far away, but also the houses near the farmland.

Before lunch started, Lin Xi waited for his future partners.

The long convoy, from what he can see to what he can't see, countless people, in short, there are many.

Lin Xi didn't let everyone go to work directly, but took out a lot of natural rice in his small truck, self-heating rice of various flavors, Lin Xi thinks the chicken curry is the best.

Distribute these foods to everyone, and talk about the next thing after the meal.

After dinner, Lin Xi led everyone to the farmland, just like a teacher leading a field trip followed by a group of children.

There are so many people working on this piece of land, and there must be many people, so Lin Xi decided to reclaim some fields next to this place as experimental fields to grow rice and sorghum.

It takes about three hours to get here from the city. Lin Xi plans to discuss with everyone. If he is willing to stay and work here, he can move to an empty house nearby.

Before Lin Xi could ask, someone in the crowd raised this question first.

"It's a bit far from the city to here. It's too time-consuming to walk like this every day. Can we just live in a nearby house?" This proposal was exactly what Lin Xi wanted.

Register the names, occupations, and other basic information of these people in a roster, and then divide everyone into teams, which is also easier to manage.

Yesterday Xu Zhe talked to Lin Xi about the distribution of food. What Xu Zhe meant was not to let everyone take the food by themselves. During this period of cultivation, each team set up a team leader to distribute food every day.

Perhaps this method is not very appropriate, but it can ensure that everyone can persist until this year's autumn harvest for food. As long as they persist until the autumn harvest, they don't have to worry about food anymore, and they can live well in the future.

Indeed, Xu Zhe needs to be more proficient in these things. Since these people can come here today, it represents absolute trust, as the trust of human beings.

In the following afternoon, everyone allocated nearby houses, confirmed their own labor teams, and received dinner.

Lin Xi organized some people to go to the farmer's market and brought back a lot of agricultural tools. After the house was allocated, everyone drove back to the urban area to pack up some of their own necessities.

Not surprisingly, they will live here for a long time.

The author has something to say:

In fact, everyone who writes here will find that what is written here is very idealized.

Maybe when something like this really happens, everyone is more inclined to play safe, but there will always be someone who will stand up and do these things

There must be someone to follow. Only in this way can we develop. If no one stands up, there will be no future.

Thank you for watching my pipi talk~

Chirp, chirp, chirp!

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