I was forced by my mother to go on a blind date, and I feel this resentment in my heart!But due to my mother's majesty, I had no choice but to obey.But no matter what kind of girl my mother brings, I always say "I have no money, no house, no car, my biggest hobby in life is fighting, and my favorite pet is zongzi. Will you marry me?" Haha , as expected, one by one the girls all walked away, some even splashed coffee all over my face in anger.Alas, it's okay, I don't care, as long as you don't pester me.Young master, I have someone to wait for. Before he comes back, I will definitely keep my body safe!

Looking at my virtuous behavior, I thought my mother would be blown away, but who knew, she actually had a big move!Why Huo Xiuxiu, what kind of rhythm is my mother doing?Arranging for me to meet one of Lian's girls in the past half a month is not enough, now that Xiuxiu is here, is it too much, I am speechless.Although it is definitely impossible for me to have any development with Xiuxiu, since she has come to Hangzhou, I still want to show my friendship as a landlord.In this way, I took Xiuxiu around the West Lake, Lingyin Temple and other famous scenic spots, and then found a good restaurant in Wulin Square for dinner.In the evening, I sent Xiuxiu back to the hotel. Just as I was about to say goodbye, Xiuxiu pulled me.I said to myself, Xiuxiu, don't say that you have your eyes on me, I really can't do it.Just when I was slandering, Xiuxiu said, "Wu Xie, there is no one else now. Can we talk?"

Isn't "Wu Xie" called "Brother Wu Xie".Why is this little girl defiant after becoming the head of the house?

Xiuxiu looked at my rich expression, smiled and said, "Huo Xiuxiu is just a cover-up. My real identity is Zhang Haiqiong, one of the nine elders of the Zhang family. Only the Lord."

Hearing this, I was completely dumbfounded, and subconsciously touched Xiuxiu's forehead.

"I don't have a fever, and I don't have a ghost. I am Zhang Haiqiong, and Huo Xiuxiu is just an identity I used to return to the mainland."

"Impossible! I've known Xiuxiu since she was a child. Could it be that you've been using bone shrinking skills? And Xiaohua, he and Xiuxiu have the best relationship, how could you fool him!"

"Alas" Xiuxiu sighed, and then put her hands on my shoulders, "Wu Xie, you are really different from Xie Yuchen! Xie Yuchen can accept me calmly when he knows my identity. It seems that Fatty Wang called you "innocent and innocent" Xie "It's really accurate."

I rolled her eyes impatiently, and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense! I warn you, you must hand over Xiuxiu immediately, or you will suffer!"

"Oh, the Huo Xiuxiu you saw when you were young is indeed not me, but since 03, Huo Xiuxiu has been Zhang Haiqiong, and Zhang Haiqiong has been Huo Xiuxiu."

"What do you mean? Make it clear!"

"In 03, when your third uncle organized the expedition to the Qixing Lu Palace according to the plan, the real Huo Xiuxiu was sent to live in Switzerland by her grandmother. After all, once the plan was launched, bloody storms followed, and Xiuxiu is too immature, she can't bear the burden of the Huo family. And I need an identity that can contact the core figures of the old nine sects, so everything is logical. If you don't believe me, you can ask Jie Yuchen, he knows."

Well, the young master will always be the last to know.I am used to it.So this Xiuxiu, no, Zhang Haiqiong, she said that she is from the Zhang family, a member of the Boyouping clan?What is she looking for me for?Could it be because Poker-Face guarded the bronze gate for me and settled accounts with me?In fact, I don't want him to go either!How I wish I could get him back!I tried my best to no avail!

"Wu Xie, stop thinking about it. I came to you this time to talk to you about the story of our Zhang family and Lao Jiumen."

"Then tell me." I sat down on the bed casually, thinking to see what flowers you can name.

Zhang Haiqiong is not hypocritical, sitting on the sofa opposite me, and said unhurriedly, "Our Zhang family lives in an area where ethnic minorities live outside the customs. Because our Zhang family guards finally grasp the secret of longevity, so since 3000 years, our Zhang family The Zhang family manipulated the renewal and succession of dynasties. But since the Mongols entered the Central Plains, our Zhang family’s activities have decreased significantly, and they have even been hidden. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that we resumed activities. But the good times did not last long. In the middle of the Republic of China, due to the role of the Wang family, China’s feudal society came to an end. Our Zhang family also began to decline rapidly. You know these Wu Xie very well, so I won’t say more. As for the meaning of the name "Zhang Qiling", I I think Wu Xie knows it all too well."

I nodded.

"Well, then let's talk about the patriarch's so-called "legendary" life experience." Zhang Haiqiong handed me the phone, and I saw that it was a photo of a dragon stone box.If you take a closer look, there are many parts within the dragon pattern, and there are very small horizontal and vertical line patterns, and they present the hexagrams of the Book of Changes.I turned the phone back and forth several times, and found that these horizontal and vertical intersections showed different patterns from different angles, and could even be regarded as a form of expression of numbers.

"This is a pseudo-quinary writing mode." Zhang Haiqiong explained, "Thinking about it, you can know the numbers represented by these symbols. You can read these numbers. Pay attention to the reading order in ancient China."

Although I wonder how she knows what I'm thinking, but now is not the time to think about it.It is important for me to study this stone box, so I read "02200059" according to my guess

Zhang Haiqiong nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "That's right, but this string of numbers is constantly changing, and the frequency of change is very slow, changing in units of ten years, and irregular. So we found a group of mathematicians To analyze, they didn't analyze the equation of the number change, but they made a hypothesis-synchronization lock."

"Sync lock! What is it for?" I looked at Zhang Haiqiong in surprise.

"Wu Xie, do you remember King Zhou Mu? This box was designed by King Zhou Mu. The purpose is to create a countdown timer."

I still looked at Zhang Haiqiong in surprise, and really couldn't understand what King Mu of Zhou wanted the countdown timer to do after entering the jade warriors.And what does this have to do with the stuffy oil bottle?Is it going too far off topic?

"Wu Xie, let me explain to you slowly. It's true that King Mu of Zhou took the elixir and entered the jade figurine, but he didn't know when he would wake up, so he used part of the jade figurine to make a small coffin, and then killed a pregnant woman, took out the unfulfilled fetus in her abdomen, and put it in the jade figurine. Every change of the fetus in the jade figurine, accompanied by the movement of the fetus, will affect the mechanism in the box. The box will cause the change of the machine box, so that the calculation symbols on the surface of the box will change. The same jade figurine has the same effect on the people in it, so the changes of the fetus in this box will be the same as that of King Zhou Mu in the ancient tomb. The changes in the box are exactly the same. Zhou Mu Wang did not use a regular counting method, but used completely irregular numbers in order to cover up the real meaning of the box. And if the changes in the box start to become ordinary, the inside of the box The machine counting reaches about 02200059 times a month, which means that the transformation of the jade figurines has been completed. A row of numbers [-] will appear on the surface of the box, and when the box is opened, all the information pointing to the location of King Mu of Zhou will appear."

"That's it? Is this not open?"

"No, it was opened, it was opened by our Zhang family. It was one day in the last few years of the Manchu Dynasty. The patriarch and elders at that time opened the box together and took out the baby. The most miraculous thing in the world happened Now, this baby thousands of years ago is actually alive, and he fell asleep quietly. The changes in the world for more than 3000 years seem to have no effect on him, and he seems to be still in his mother's body, waiting for his own birth. The crowd was shocked by this scene, this is a miracle of life, this child has surpassed the original meaning of life since birth, can you understand this?"

"Wait, don't you want to say that the little brother is this child?"

Zhang Haiqiong shook her head and said, "No, he is not the patriarch, but you are."

"Kang Dang" I knocked over the teacup on the bedside table, the tea flowed down the table and dripped on my pants.Seeing this, Zhang Haiqiong wanted to wipe it clean for me, but I grabbed her hand and said viciously, "Whether I am Zhang Haiqiong or Huo Xiuxiu, do you really think Wu Xie is a fool? What are you talking about here?" Where's Tan! Tell you, I won't fall for it!"

She gently pushed my hand away, and still said calmly, "Wu Xie, I didn't make you believe me. I just told a story about the Zhang family and Lao Jiumen. As for whether you accept it or not, it's up to you." thing."

Looking at her like that, I kind of believe that she is a member of Pokerfinger's tribe. "Okay, you continue."

"Well, the baby that our Zhang family head and elders took out of the dragon stone box was later transferred by my mother. And that replacement is the last Zhang Qiling you know. The reason why my mother did this is because It is because the Zhang family has always practiced the system of intra-clan intermarriage. This is mainly to ensure that the unicorn blood is passed on from generation to generation. But the patriarch is an exception. His mother is just an ordinary Tibetan doctor. According to the clan rules, such women and children are to be Those who were put to death, and men who violated the family rules would also be castrated. Faced with such a situation, in order to protect her husband, her husband's son, and that poor woman, she actually chose to take the risk and put the The patriarch will change with you, and let the personal maid send you to Changsha..."

"Wait, your loophole is too obvious. Was there a Nine Gates back then? And I was born in 1977, so I'm only 28 years old this year. I'm not old monsters like you who have lived for a hundred years!"

"Where is the old nine doors? The so-called old nine doors are just my father's old department."

"Nonsense, none of the Old Nine Sects has Qilin blood and Faqiu Erzhi! How could it be the Zhang family!"

"Well, if you want to think that way, I can't help it. I just want to tell you that my mother gave the baby a small amount of elixir and qilin jelly. That's why he fell asleep quietly again, until 1977 Just woke up again."

"Nonsense, I don't believe it."

"Hehe, you don't have to believe what I said before, but the patriarch chose to guard the bronze gate for you, isn't it fake? You know, after the first time he replaced you, he was dragged from the altar How much suffering you have suffered! That is beyond your imagination! And those sufferings originally belonged to you! But he endured them all for you! What is even more tragic is that at the last moment, he was reluctant to sacrifice you to go Eliminate the ultimate, but you have to exchange your life for ten years of innocence. Isn’t this true feeling? Wu Xie, you have to look at people and things with your heart, think about who treats you sincerely, Who is using you and deceiving you." The more Zhang Haiqiong spoke, the more excited she became, the louder she spoke, and finally she burst into tears.I really want to say something, but I really don't know what to say. If what she said is true and she is Poker Ping's sister, then I really owe them too much.If what she said was false, then it is estimated that I have already entered the set.So in the end I didn't do anything, just watched her cry until she was exhausted.

Finally, she sorted out her emotions, then took out a letter and handed it to me, "Wu Xie, this is the letter Xie Lianhuan promised to you, take it. And if you choose to believe me in the end, please come to Beijing as soon as possible Find me." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, leaving me in a daze to stare blankly at the letter I was looking forward to.

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