Breathing a little short, Shan Xiao followed behind the group of people, his eyes under the lens gradually became gloomy.

He happened to have a rest that day and didn't have to go to work. Not long after he got up, the door of his house was knocked open from the outside. This group of people broke into his house and restrained him, and then came directly to this place. He has never dared to recall this. Nightmare place.

But when he followed the group of people into the tomb, he immediately found that it was different. This was not the tomb of the Xia Dynasty 20 years ago.

There is actually another tomb under the ancient tomb of the Xia Dynasty, so why did these people bring him here?

This group of people did not enter from the entrance of the tomb, but directly entered the tomb by robbing. The place where they came down was a side room in the tomb.

The annex room is not big, and there are some pottery and porcelain buried with him, many of which have been destroyed, and the group of tomb robbers are obviously not interested in these tattered ceramic fragments, and they will go to the next tomb after cursing Go, compared to those people, Shan Xiao is more interested in those broken ceramic fragments.


The porcelain shards at their feet were engraved with a dancing phoenix-tailed butterfly, which was exactly the same as the one they had encountered in the forest before.

"Hey, hurry up, don't dawdle!!" The thugs following Shan Xiao saw that he was standing still, and pushed him hard.

Completely unprepared, and along the way, Shan Xiao, who was obviously unable to keep up physically, staggered forward and was about to fall. The dark-skinned middle-aged man who had been standing by the side stretched out his hand and supported him in time.

"Watch out."

Shan Xiao was startled, her heart thumped, and she felt that everything was dark before her eyes, and it took her a long time to calm down.

"Thank you."

"Let's go, or these people will get rough again."

The middle-aged man who supported Shan Xiao was Assi's father Dashun who was forcibly taken up the mountain by the Chen family with a gun to his head.


When Dashun was coerced into the mountain at first, he was full of hostility towards these people. Later, he realized that Shan Xiao was like him, and his attitude towards him eased a lot, and he even extended a helping hand to him many times.

Shan Xiao and Dashun followed those people to another matching room, which was different from the previous room filled with pottery and porcelain. It seemed that the owner of the tomb liked refining pills very much. There are small ones, and on the other side are stone beads, animal teeth, animal skins, etc., and some exquisitely crafted bells. There are bottles and jars by the wall, and I don't know what is inside.

The members of the Chen family approached the tripods and probed inside, and when they found that there was nothing inside, they all showed disgusted expressions.

"Master Cheng, the owner of this tomb is really a poor ghost, and the funeral objects are such broken things!" One person took a sip, and then raised his foot and kicked the big cauldron beside him.

"You know what a fart, don't look at these tripods are dusty, if you get them out, they can be sold for several million. I heard that there was a blue-eyed gringo who was collecting things!" The bearded man said, his eyes were shining when he looked at those tripods.

"Really... Then let's hurry up and get a few out, and we can get a house!"

"There's something wrong, how do you get such a big thing out!!"

"There are a few small ones there, quickly pack them up and take them away!"

Shan Xiao looked at those people stuffing a few small tripods into the backpack, his whole face turned dark.

Compared with that person, these made him feel even more hideous.

Thinking of this, his face couldn't help but become gloomy. Shan Xiao didn't know what those people were doing, and it wasn't until Da Shun pushed him at the side that he came back to his senses.

Those people were already thinking about going to another tomb. If they didn't follow, the thug in charge of guarding them would get rough again. Shan Xiao nodded slightly, and then followed.

Passing through the short tomb passage, one walked into the main tomb. The tomb was full of bright gems, and even the walls were covered with fist-sized gems. There were long lamps around, and copper pillars half a meter high. On the ground is a phoenix-tailed butterfly with outspread wings. The lifelike phoenix-tailed butterfly holds a small dish with a pair of antennae. The small dish is filled with oil that cannot be burned for thousands of years. Bells the size of six balls hang down from the top of the tomb. The bell is engraved with a very delicate picture of phoenix-tailed butterflies flying, with royal blue streamers hanging below it. Behind the pendant bell is a coffin, which is covered with a royal blue coffin cover. Ping-pong hangs are hung on the side of the coffin cover. There is a golden bell the size of a ball, and the cover of the coffin is embroidered with flying butterflies, one of which is a black and golden phoenix-tailed butterfly, which is very conspicuous. Behind the coffin, there are actually a row of dry corpses kneeling. In front of him, with his forehead close to the back of his hand, it turned out to be a great gift of kneeling.

Shan Xiao used to be a top student in the Department of Archeology, and had a certain understanding of the etiquette of kneeling and worship in various dynasties. Because of the relationship between his adoptive father and that person, he had also done some research on tombs, but he had never seen anything like this.

In ancient times, princes and generals would use slaves and prisoners of war to be buried, but generally they would not kneel directly in the tomb like this, but would have a burial room, and looking at the kneeling corpses, they did not look like slaves at all. Or pow, more like reverence.

Shan Xiao couldn't tell what that feeling was like, it was like these corpses kneeling in the coffin were not human beings, but gods. Thinking of this, his body froze suddenly, and he couldn't help taking a step back. Here's to him It feels completely wrong, very wrong.

The members of the Chen family had long been attracted by the gems that filled the tomb, and even the thug who had been following Shan Xiao and Da Shun and was in charge of guarding couldn't help running over.

When Dashun walked to the door of the tomb, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground when he saw the coffin and kneeling corpses inside. How could the simple-minded Hanzhi dare to look at those shiny gems.

Since I was a child, I was taught by my elders that there are mountain gods living in the mountains, and I have always been in awe of the mountains. Now I see the gems in the room, and I dare not be tempted at all. I knelt down on my knees. , knocked three times on the coffin in the tomb.

When Dashun stood up, he was bumped by Shan Xiao who was backing up in front, thinking that the other person was unwell again, so he stretched out his hand to support him.

"Mr. Shan, be careful."

The people in the tomb seemed to be possessed by demons. They stuffed all the gems into their backpacks and pockets. Some people even walked towards the coffin in the middle, intending to open the coffin. The bells were lifted, and there was a crisp "jingle" sound. Although the patterns on these hanging bells were very delicate, they were not worth mentioning compared with those gems. rude.

Shan Xiao thought about the sound of the bell, her heart skipped a beat, and a place on her back started to feel slightly hot.

Then, the few people who were close to the coffin rudely tore off the coffin cover embroidered with the picture of thousands of butterflies flying. The bell on the coffin cover made a "jingle jingle" sound. When the jingle sounded, those The kneeling corpse moved slightly, but those whose eyes were full of precious stones and who opened the coffin and touched the opener didn't notice it at all.

And Shan Xiao, who was standing at the door, took in the subtle movements of the corpse, his heart shrank suddenly, and then jumped up quickly, the hot spot on his back became more and more clear, he stretched out his hand to pull the body Dashun.


"Ah?" Dashun obviously didn't react.

"Quick, get out of this tomb..."

Before Shan Xiao finished speaking, those people had already gone to pry the seal on the coffin lid, and the seal was quickly pried off. Without the seal, the coffin lid easily slid back with a push.

The sound of flapping wings sounded from the coffin, as if something was about to fly out of the coffin, and at the same time, the six kneeling corpses made a "clack" sound and swayed.

"The dead body..."

"It's Zongzi!!"

Those people screamed and started to draw out their weapons in a frantic manner. All of a sudden, there were gunshots and screams in the tomb. Those people didn't realize that Shan Xiao and Dashun who had been standing at the door of the tomb had disappeared.


Shan Ling followed the "big troop" out of the tomb, and entered a very long tomb passage. After walking for nearly 15 minutes, she still didn't see the end.

"This tomb passage is really long."

"Just get used to it." Si'er said with a low smile.

"Hey, boss, look at the wall of the tomb passage!" Xiaodao who was walking beside said suddenly.

Everyone stopped and looked at the place pointed by the knife, only to see that there was a half-person-high pothole on the wall, but it had collapsed, and some soil rolled down from it. I didn't find it, the knife walking by the side happened to step on the mud and stones on the ground, and I took the wolf tooth flashlight in my hand to look at my feet, and then I found it.

"This is a robbery hole!" Ah Jun also leaned over.

The old ghost reached out and touched the edge of the robbery hole, and said: "The years of this robbery hole, and the combined ages of us people are not enough for this side."

"Wow, Uncle Ghost, are you kidding me!!"

Wouldn't it take hundreds of years for the robbery cave to be longer than the combined years of these people! ?

"Pattapata" Just when the old ghost was about to say something, footsteps came from the end of the tomb. In the ancient tomb, if everyone in your team is there, it would be very scary to hear other footsteps The first thing is that I met other tomb robbers, and the second is that there are zongzi! !

The people who were discussing the robbery hole on the wall of the tomb a moment ago pulled out their guns in unison, and aimed their wolf-eye flashlights at the side where the sound came from.

Shan Ling and Asi couldn't react, so they were dragged behind by Si'er.

As the heavy footsteps approached, a dry and hideous face appeared at the corner of the tomb passage.

"Damn it, it's Zongzi!!"


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