Since Shan Xiao slept in his room, Shan Xiao’s things have been slowly increasing in his room, personal clothing, pajamas, shirts, slippers, washing utensils, shoes, and books and notes placed by the bed ...However, after Zhai Ling appeared today, these things disappeared completely in his room, and Chu Yizhu was very dissatisfied with this.

Turning around, he drove directly to the opposite room and knocked on the door. Shan Xiao's voice came from inside: "Who?"

"it's me."

It was quiet inside for a while, but there was no sign of opening the door, and then Shan Xiao said: "It's already very late, what's the matter, I'll talk about it tomorrow, I want to sleep."

These words made Chu Yi suddenly so angry that he almost smashed the closed door. During the time they shared the bed, although he was afraid of scaring the man so he didn't do anything too intimate, but Whenever I wake up and look at the people around me, I still feel extremely satisfied in my heart.

He thought that he should let the man get used to him slowly, but now the man ran away suddenly, he would never let this happen.

If you want to say that the most unstoppable thing in the world is the door, it is definitely the door. You can unlock the door in two or three clicks, push the door and go in. Shan Xiao, who was about to sleep, heard the movement from the door, looked up and saw Seeing Chu Yi suddenly push the door and walk in with a gloomy and handsome face.

Looking at the man who wanted to come by himself, Shan Xiao took a step back subconsciously: "You..." Before he could finish speaking, he was hugged by Chu Yiju.

"What are you going to do, let me down!" Shan Xiao blushed.

"Don't let go." Chu Yiju carried the man on his shoulders and walked outside.

"Chu Yiju, you bastard—"

Shan Xiao's scolding startled Shan Ling who was in the room getting ready to sleep, he jumped up hastily, opened the door and saw Chu Yi suddenly carrying his father on his shoulders, he was shocked.

"Uncle Su... Dad!?"

When the son who appeared suddenly saw himself being carried on the shoulder by Chu Yizhu, Shan Xiao's whole face turned redder, and he felt an urge to hit him head-on to death.

Chu Yi suddenly turned his face expressionlessly to look at the bewildered Shan Ling, and said, "It's nothing, you can go back to sleep."

Then the door was closed directly, and Shan Xiao's scolding sound came from the room vaguely, Shan Ling blinked, is that scolding really his father?

Blinking again, Shan Ling looked at Yu who was floating beside him. In fact, he wanted to eavesdrop, but he felt that this was not good, so he finally decided to close the door and go back to sleep.

This is the second time that Shan Xiao was carried back to the room by Chu Yiju like this, and then thrown on the bed, and this time it was in front of his son, so as a father, he felt that his face as a father was humiliated up.

Getting up from the bed, Dad Shan, who has always been gentle and good-tempered, was violent for the first time. He kicked his dear junior and scolded: "Asshole!!"

Even if he was extremely angry, Shan Xiao was not a cruel person, so that kick was on Chu Yiju's thigh, the force was not heavy, it was almost like scratching an itch for him.

"As I said before, I let you sleep with me because I want to protect you."

"It's been so many days, no one would break into the house at all, so we don't have to sleep together." Shan Xiao frowned, and then said: "And...Miss Zhai is here, you and I Who owns the room and what it looks like."

"I'll sleep with you, it's none of her business." Chu Yi suddenly showed a disgusted expression, and then lay down beside Shan Xiao.

"She is your fiancée, how can you say that." Seeing Chu Yizhu's appearance, Shan Xiao felt that his whole body was blown up.

Unmarried couples who haven't seen each other for a long time are rarely together, don't they all get together sweetly, what does Chu Yizhu mean with his face full of disgust?

"You say 'fiancee', but she's not my wife."

"You..." Shan Xiaozhen was so angry that he almost picked up the pillow and beat this heartless guy to death, suddenly felt that Miss Zhai was really pitiful.

"Senior, you've been tossing around for so long, aren't you tired, hurry up and find someone." He yawned, seeing that Shan Xiao was still angry, couldn't help but smile slightly, stretched out his hand, and pulled him down on the bed , pulled the quilt to cover, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The familiar breath, the familiar temperature, since the two of them shared the bed, Shan Xiao has long been familiar with the feeling given by the man. Every night when he sleeps next to this man, his heart will become stable, but Zhai Ling's appearance , reminded him that none of these should belong to him.

That night, Shan Xiao didn't sleep well, and when he woke up the next day, his eyes were blue, and he was depressed and yawned repeatedly.

"What's wrong with Mr. Shan? Did you not sleep well yesterday?" A clear voice sounded, and Zhai Ling came over with a radiant face and a smile on her face, and then sat down at the seat opposite Shan Xiao.

"Good morning, Ms. Zhai." Shan Xiao looked at the beautiful and capable big beauty, and felt even worse in her heart.

It's all because of him. Ms. Zhai came here very rarely, but she didn't have the chance to get along with Chu Yizhu at all. Now she is not dissatisfied at all, and she still smiles to herself.

No, he must have a good talk with this Miss Zhai, and then apologize! !

Just as Shan Xiao was about to say something, the old ghosts and the others had already come down from the second floor, so he had no choice but to swallow the words he was about to say.

Or look for a chance later.

"Father, good morning." Shan Ling sat down beside Shan Xiao with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Shan, good morning."

The old ghost and Fengzi greeted Shan Xiao one after another.

"Morning everyone."

"Today's honey milk tea is really good, it must not be made by the housekeeper." Zhai Ling covered the quilt and poured honey milk tea for everyone.

"Mr. Shan made this." Fengzi sat down beside Zhai Ling, picked up the cup of honey milk tea and took a sip.

"Mr. Shan's breakfast is also delicious, especially the fried rice with eggs, which is even better than the cooks in the restaurant outside." Knife said.

"Yes!" Ah Jun agreed.

"Oh, men who can cook are really rare now. Someone who can marry Mr. Shan in the future must be very happy." Zhai Ling said with a smile, her eyes wandered to Chu Yiju who came down from the second floor. With a bit of cunning.

"I will too." Fengzi beside him said.

Zhai Ling glanced at him with a disgusted expression, and said, "Forget about what you did, the skin of a roasted chicken will be scorched, and the inside will be bloody!!"

As soon as this was said, the others burst out laughing.

"What are you talking about? You're smiling so happily." Chu Yi suddenly walked over, and then sat down on the other side of Shan Xiao.

Zhai Ling rested her cheek in one hand, held the cup in the other, took a sip of honey milk tea, and said, "I'm saying that Mr. Shan is a good man, and those who marry him are really happy."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his eyes to Shan Xiao, and then nodded.

"Well, but there is something in your words."

"Hey, we are all smart people, we know each other well, and some things are so clear that we don't need to say them." Zhai Ling said, holding out the cup in her hand.

Chu Yi suddenly picked up the honey milk tea in front of him and touched the cup with her.


Shan Xiao watched every move between Chu Yiju and Zhai Ling, and lowered his eyelids slightly. If someone is careful, he would notice that his hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly, and the noodles he had picked up twice in a row fell back. Yes, it seems that he is holding back something.

I don’t know if it’s because he didn’t sleep well last night, Shan Xiao couldn’t concentrate all day, and there was his favorite ancient prose notes in front of him, but he couldn’t read them at all, and even turned his eyes to the opposite from time to time. office.

Through the glass, it could be seen that Chu Yizhu and Zhai Ling were talking together, a bit of bitterness appeared in his heart, Shan Xiao took a few deep breaths, and then forced himself to turn his gaze to the notes spread out in front of him.

Chu Yiju is his junior, his childhood playmate and good friend, in the past and in the future, he shouldn't have any thoughts about this person, not to mention that he is a man, and his body is... so weird , is not worthy of Chu Yiju at all, Zhai Ling is beautiful and powerful, and is the most suitable partner for Chu Yiju, all he has to do is bless them.

Shan Xiao, you must not be stupid! !

When Shan Xiao lowered his face, Chu Yi suddenly turned to look at him, and then sighed softly.

Zhai Ling blinked her big bright eyes, looked at Chu Yiju, and then turned her gaze to Shan Xiao, with a flash of light in her eyes.

The very difficult day finally passed. After returning to Chu’s house, after everyone had dinner, Xiaodao and the others played cards and chatted in the lobby. Chu Yi suddenly went to the study, and Shan Xiao also returned to his room. Before he was about to enter the room, At that time, he happened to see Zhai Ling walking towards the third floor. He was about to go there when he saw Fengzi following Zhai Ling, so he dismissed the idea and pushed the door into his room.

It's better not to let other people hear what he wants to say to Zhai Ling.

After a while, when he opened the door of the room again, there was no one in the corridor. Fengzi should have entered his room, and Zhai Ling also went up to the third floor. Taking a deep breath, Shan Xiao closed the room. door, and walked towards the third floor.

Except for the cleaning aunt, there are no women in this house. The rooms downstairs are occupied by servants. The rooms on the second floor are for Chu Yiju and Lao Gui. It is not convenient to be on the second floor, so I went to the third floor.

The third floor is the same as the second floor. The atrium is a large living room, and there are rooms on both sides. Zhai Ling's personality is quite weird. She actually chose the last room on the right, but that room has a good view and strong wind. is a good choice.

Shan Xiao walked in the direction of Zhai Ling's room, and when he approached the door, he found that the door was not closed, it was just ajar and opened a crack.

He was about to knock on the door, when Zhai Ling's chuckle came from inside, and there was a man's voice vaguely, Shan Xiao was slightly taken aback, but couldn't react.

Chu Yiju's study is on the second floor. When he passed by the door just now, he saw him signing documents in the study. Who is Zhai Ling's man?

Thinking of this, Shan Xiao's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand and pushed open the half-hidden door without hesitation.

On the soft big bed, a man was pressing on Zhai Ling, with one hand still on the slender waist, and Zhai Ling put both hands on the man's back, raised her head and squinted her eyes comfortably, as if enjoying it However, Shan Xiao's sudden appearance obviously frightened the two of them.

Both of them turned their heads to look at Shan Xiao at the door. When Shan Xiao saw the man, he became even more angry.

" are too much!!"

Angrily, Shan Xiao turned around and left angrily. He must tell Chu Yiju about this, how could these two people do such a thing behind his back! !

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