Tomb Raiders: Ghosts

Chapter 102 102

Shan Ling and Mingxi groped quietly together, and at the exit, they saw that this was also a very large grotto, and there were many holes in the walls of the grotto, which should be some passages. The spirit of Qi entered and exited those passages, as if searching for something.

Instinctively, these black-smelling ghosts were looking for Lu Xing, and Shan Ling's eyes were attracted by "You" at the first glance, there was no way, his eyes followed him involuntarily.

In the grotto, apart from the hole in the wall, there is a tall and big tree in the middle, that tree seems to have withered, no leaves, only branches left, and what makes people feel creepy is this tree There are corpses hanging on the ceiling, so densely packed that there are countless corpses.

"Hey, stick this on your chest, it can cover up the anger on a person, and it won't be easy to be discovered by those things."

Shan Ling took it over and saw that it was a yellow talisman with red cinnabar on it that he could not understand. Fake.

Then, he stuck the yellow talisman on his chest, and what Shan Ling was curious about was that the yellow talisman was not glued, but it couldn't be torn off when it was attached to his body, it was really amazing.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Climbing down the tree, the man hangs people from the Ming family, the Li family, and that family on the tree, saying that they will use their blood to sacrifice this sorcery, and then extract the souls of the people and refine them into ghost emissaries. "

Hearing this, Shan Ling's face turned blue, and said: "Then let's go quickly, but how are we going to get there?"

The demon tree is really far away from here, so we can't just jump over it, right?

Clear glanced at him, raised his hand for a while, and something flew out of his hand with a whoosh, and then fixed it on the trunk of the tree with incomparable precision, and then fixed the other end on the cave wall.

"We slide over, you have to be careful, you will die if you fall."

Shan Ling stared at Ming Qing fiercely, because he felt that this guy was really too bad.

Ming Xi ignored him, handed him an iron ring, then took out another one and put it on the steel cable, leaped forward, flew towards the tree with a whiz, and then landed firmly on the horizontal branch, Waving to the single bell.

Looking down at the iron ring in his hand, Shan Ling took a deep breath, then put the iron ring on the steel cable, gritted his teeth, jumped, and flew over with a swish sound, but Ming Xi was not bad, afraid that he would hit a tree and stretch out his hand. After pulling him, he finally landed firmly on the branch of the tree.

There are a lot of corpses hanging on this demon tree, most of them are still rotten and dry, but the smell is still very unpleasant, Ming Xi seems to have gotten used to this smell, his expression is extremely calm, and Shan Ling was almost vomited out when he was found , Covering his mouth and nose, it took a while to relax.

He has seen ghosts before, and he has already practiced a lot of courage, but it is the first time he has seen so many corpses, and they are so close together. Although he is not very familiar with Mingxi, at least there is someone by his side, otherwise He must have run away screaming.

"That... my dad said, if you get too close to this, something like that might happen... right?"

Many things to pay attention to when going to the ground were taught by Chu Yiju to Shan Ling. For example, the corpse in the tomb should not be approached casually. It is possible that the vitality of the person will stimulate the corpse, and then the corpse will be lifted. There is blood on the body. It is best Don't touch the corpse, the blood will also make the zongzi pick up the corpse and so on.

Although he wasn't injured, he was alive and kicking after all. What if the tree's body was raised... Thinking about it, the scene was really horrible.

"The Qi Containing Talisman I asked you to stick just now has the function of restraining and breathing. Not only can it make it difficult for those ghosts to find us, but it can also prevent the body's vitality from contaminating the corpse and avoid these things." Ming Xi supported the trunk, Then stepped on another horizontal branch, and continued: "Get down quickly."

The two of them climbed the tree trunk and stepped on the branches to go down. Although there were many corpses hanging on the tree and they had to be careful to avoid them, the speed was not slow. I don't know if it's the function of the Qi Containing Talisman or because there are too many corpses on the tree, covering the two of them, so the ghost messengers didn't notice it at all.

Just when Shan Ling got down to a horizontal branch, she looked up and saw "You" floating behind a dead body, looking sideways at him from a pair of red eyes.

When Shan Ling looked at "You" and was thinking about what to do, "You" had already floated away, and then he saw the faint green light flashing from the eyes of the withered corpse who just stood in front of "You". But the single bell almost exploded.

This... This is the corpse.

"Hey, take a quick look, that corpse's eyes are shining!" Shan Ling dragged Qingxi beside her, and still lowered her voice.

Mingxi was so frightened that he almost burst into flames, turned to stare at him, and said, "I didn't see that corpse's eyes glowing, but I saw something glowing in your clothes."

The tree was full of corpses, and the light was very dim. At this moment, there seemed to be something flickering in Shanling's coat.

Shan Ling reacted abruptly, pulled off his jacket, and then found that the shining mirror on his face was actually the mirror of the world that he put in his inner pocket.

It was as if something echoed the mirror of the world, flashing and flashing, at this moment, the hands of the corpse folded on the chest lighted up faintly, and then the green light flashed, and quickly injected into the mirror.

Shan Ling looked at the effect that appeared in the mirror, and shook her hand slightly, it turned out to be a bunch of green fruits, the size of marbles, counting carefully, there were actually five.

It is the purpose of their trip, Bodhizi! !

Under Shan Ling's eyes full of astonishment, the corpse with folded hands in front of his chest seemed to have settled his mind, and slowly blew his hands down.

"Bodhi..." Mingxi also saw the thing sucked in by the mirror of coveting the world, and murmured.

"You actually know?" Ji Shi Jing stopped flashing, and Shan Ling put it back into the pocket of his coat again.

"The one full of corpses is the Immortal Bodhi Tree." Ming Xi pointed at the trunk with his finger, and continued: "I just don't know why it withered, and it turned into a demon tree full of corpses."

"That person seems to be only a dry corpse, but he is protecting those bodhi seeds. Obviously, he had a high status here a long time ago."

"It's been so long, who will remember."

Just when the two were about to continue climbing down, a gunshot sounded suddenly, followed by a roar.

It was Li Wei's voice, vaguely echoing the voice of Rui Ming and the others. Obviously, Rui Ming had also escaped before, but somehow he ran into Chu Yizhu and the others who rushed over.

At this moment, the sound of the flute rose, and the ghost messengers wandering around let out sharp roars. Shan Ling and his clear expression changed, and the two climbed down even faster.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Xiaofengwei screamed, followed by a loud noise.

Shan Ling took a sharp breath, and when she looked down from the tree, she saw Nawu pushing the little phoenix tail away, and the "You" who was breathing black all over her body waved her hand and grabbed Nawu's chest .

Although this "You" is not the one who often follows him, but after all, he has the same soul and the same ability. If he grabs it, a hole will be opened in Nawu's chest.

"do not want!"

With a cry of surprise, Shan Ling's eyes flashed red, his figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he stood in front of Nawu, holding Si Duan in one hand, blocking "You"'s hand.

With the sudden appearance of Shan Ling, the tone of the flute changed instantly, "You" seemed to be stimulated, not at all as cold and intimate as Shan Ling had seen before, and let out a roar, the black air around him Da Sheng then attacked Shan Ling, all his moves were killer moves, without mercy.

Chu Yiju saw that Shan Ling and "You" were fighting inextricably, and pulled Nawu past him.

"You and Fengzi go to save people, Li Wei, Qinqi and Xiaodao stop the Long family's people, Xiao Fengwei and I go to deal with that person."

"it is good."

Everyone acted separately, and fortunately the weapons that the people of the Chu family came this time were all silverware that could restrain evil things, and those ghosts controlled by the man in black playing the flute were obviously evil things, even if these Sterling silver weapons can't completely destroy it, but it can also play a pressing role.

And Chu Yizhu's purpose was very obvious, if he could restrain the man in black who manipulated the ghost envoy, then he would do well, if he couldn't, he would wake up all those people who fell unconscious on the ground.

The sound of the flute became louder and louder, and "You"'s attack became more and more fierce. Shan Ling resisted his attack while dodging. He knew it was not him, because no matter how hard he trained his fighting skills, it was absolutely impossible to be The opponent of "Yu", so... At this moment, it seems that several images appeared in his mind.

—Piercing Sidu...into my heart...

What, what?

——As long as I die, you can undo the control of the Protoss...

no, do not want.

In his mind, there were more and more pictures, and he saw that those were not dreams, but his memories, memories of him and Yu, their first meeting, Yu's company, his feeling of liking You, and ...In the end, he pierced Si Duan through Yu's heart with his own hands.

The short knife in his hand moved like flying, and with a sudden turn, it broke through the layers of black air, and pierced the broad chest again.

"Do not--"

The dazzling light shot out from the pierced place, getting brighter and brighter, and finally devoured all the darkness. The light seemed to contain powerful power. Wherever it went, the ghost messenger let out a shrill scream.

Shan Ling only felt that his heart was about to be torn apart, his body swayed, and then he fell backwards. After that...he didn't know anything

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