Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 9: Illusion

The four of us were led by the blind man holding the rhinoceros horn, Xiaohua was the second and the fat man was the third. We walked slowly into the darkness hand in hand.However, the moment I truly merged into the darkness, I deeply realized the feeling that the fat man said.It's a bit like being unable to breathe after drowning, and a bit like being unable to move after being crushed by a ghost.In short, it is to make your emotions extremely restless in an instant.Just thinking about how to get out quickly.Because of the inability to see things with both eyes, we had already set the code before entering the darkness.After walking a certain distance, they would pinch each other's hands three times vigorously.To prove that your companion is by your side.

Although Xiaohua said before, this darkness should be limited to an area.As long as we can get over the distance we'll be fine.But only when you're actually in it.You just know how hard it all is.I couldn't help but start to wonder, how did Poker-Face spend the past ten years?Has he been here often on the roads I have walked now?

As I was walking, I suddenly felt that my feet were short, as if I had stepped on something soft.But he couldn't see anything.I hold Xiaohua with my left hand and Fatty with my right hand.It stands to reason that all who walk are each other's footprints.Since Xiaohua didn't respond at all, it must be something unimportant.

While I was still thinking about it.Suddenly a little light and a vague figure flashed in front of me.I suddenly felt very strange.Didn't Xiaohua say that she can't see anything in the dark?So what did I just see?Or are we nearing the end of darkness?Thinking of this, my right hand hurriedly squeezed the fat man who had been pulling three times.I wanted to ask him if he saw the flashing light just now.

However, the expected response did not come. "Fatty! Fatty!" I yelled softly twice.Then squeeze it harder.Still no response!How is this going?Could this darkness not only block light but even sound and feeling?The doubts in my mind are even worse.At the same time, the temperature of the right hand also changed at this moment!I squeezed gently, a little ice and a little wet!My first reaction was, the fat guy must be sweating, right?

After a few steps forward, this wet feeling became more obvious.In addition, the fat man has not responded to me for a long time.All these abnormal phenomena immediately set off alarm bells in my heart.So, I boldly looked towards my right hand.

The moment I looked back, I plunged myself into a desperate situation. "Ah!!!" I yelled in fright, and then slammed my right hand away.I... I saw it!I actually saw it!However, what I have been holding with my right hand is still a fat man, which is clearly a wet corpse!A wet corpse with an unknown liquid and a stench!But how could I see it?Countless voices popped up in my head.However, the moment I saw my right hand clearly, my left hand was suddenly empty too!

"Little Hua! Blind! Fat!" I shouted their names.

Didn't you say that you just need to hold hands?But, I obviously didn't let go!Why can I see it all of a sudden?Where did the fat man I kept pulling go?Why did it turn into a wet corpse!Is this hallucination or real?I feel terrified!

"Heck! Heck!" Just as I was still thinking about where the problem was!The wet corpse that I threw off just now suddenly let out a horrifying rattling sound.The bones of its legs twisted a little weirdly.Then he rushed towards me violently.I didn't have time to dodge, so I was hit by it and flew a long distance in an instant.

A tight pain in my chest made me cough violently.Doesn't it mean that everything you see is an illusion?Then why is the wet corpse's attack effective?Is this an illusion or reality?If I am killed by this wet corpse now, is it really dead?no!I can't die!I struggled to get up.But before I got up from the spot, that weird wet corpse rushed towards me again.

I instinctively rolled around to the left.Then, narrowly avoided the wet corpse's attack.The wet corpse saw that he didn't hurt me this time.It seemed very unwilling to "cluck! Cluck!" screamed strangely again.Then, it stared at me desperately with its white eyes.The pain from the impact just now made me a little out of breath.I don't know if my ribs are broken, and now is not the time for treatment.And my backpack and double guns were accidentally dropped as early as the hit just now.At this moment, the only thing I can rely on is the dagger tied to my leg.

Because the wet corpse is very powerful.I know I can't go head-to-head with it.I remember when Pokerfing used to chop zongzi.It's all straight to the neck.I don't know if this trick will work for this guy?never mind!I can't manage that much now.Let's take a gamble first!When the wet corpse rushed towards me again.I swung my waist and suddenly jumped to its right side, and without thinking about it, I stabbed fiercely at the back of its neck with a dagger.Want to chop off its head in one fell swoop.

However, I still underestimated the brute force of the wet corpse.Although my knife has been pierced straight into the handle.It also took great effort.But the effect is not so ideal.After receiving this blow, the wet corpse jumped forward. The growl of "clack" was louder than before.But because of its sudden runaway, my dagger didn't have time to pull out from its neck.The sudden loss of my weapon made me panic.

Originally, I thought I could cut off the head of this disgusting thing with a dagger.But this power is still not enough after all!It would be nice if the stuffy oil bottle was there.I think he should be able to get rid of it soon!This time, after the wet corpse ran away, it no longer ran rampant like before, but opened its hands and suddenly grabbed me.I found that its arms seemed to be different from before.The arm, which was originally wet and grey-green, suddenly began to glow red and black at this moment.Just looking at it makes people panic.My intuition told me to keep those hands out of the way.Maybe it will be poisoned by corpses!

But I lost my weapon and could only dodge with all my strength.Then, while looking for my backpack and dual guns.Because I don't have a dagger now, I only have to retrieve the double guns that I dropped just now, maybe I still have this chance.So, under the predicament of you chasing after me.I finally saw the double guns that fell to the ground.It's just that its location is a bit far away from me.And with my current skill, if I want to rush forward to grab the two guns back, it will undoubtedly be very difficult.

The wet corpse seems to be completely irritated by my cat-like escape.He stopped going around in circles with me.Instead, he rushed towards me fiercely again, so that I didn't even have a chance to bend down to pick up the gun.It was too late to say it, just at the moment when I was about to pick up the double guns.The red and black palm of the wet corpse has already slapped me hard.The pain from the crack in my back instantly made me feel a fishy sweetness welling up in my throat.Then a mouthful of blood spewed out.

I was photographed some distance away again by the wet corpse.This time, the pain caused me to completely lose the ability to stand up.I was so unwilling to lie there.Seeing the wet corpse rush forward and strangle him tightly on his neck.There was a burning pain in the back that was slapped by the wet corpse just now.I felt that my breathing became more and more difficult.His head was as heavy as lead.I think I should be dying!Because, the old man used to say when you are going to die.You can see the person you want to see the most.So, I actually saw him before I died!The him who was still thin but handsome. There was a "bass"!It's like a god descending.A long knife accurately cut down on the wet corpse on my body.

I was finally able to breathe again before I got up.A mouthful of black and red blood was spurted out along with a violent cough.He turned to look at me.Then he walked over slowly and lifted my upper body with both hands to let me breathe smoothly.And I just stared at him blankly.I really want to make sure if this is another hallucination of mine!But when I just wanted to speak.The fishy-sweet blood in the throat surged up again.Let me fall into the boundless darkness with questions that I haven't had time to utter in the future.In the last moments of my unconsciousness, I knew I was content.Because I saw him again, whether hallucination or reality!I finally saw him!ten years!A whole decade!He hasn't changed at all, the same as before.Brother, it's really good to see you again!It's a pity that I don't have the strength to take you home anymore.sorry! ! !

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