Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 5: Organs

A group of us slowly moved in from the inconspicuous small gorge.The further you go in, the higher the temperature and the larger the space.Soon we came to the hot spring pool.Looking at this familiar place in front of me, I can't help but feel mixed with joy and happiness.The joy is that I am one step closer to my little brother.What is worrying is that he was knocked out by the little brother last time here.And when I woke up again, the little brother had disappeared and even the passage we walked through before disappeared out of thin air!

I told Xiaohua and the others about the worries in my heart.The fat man just patted me on the shoulder to comfort me.Xiao Hua looked at the steaming hot spring and fell into deep thought.Just when we were all at a loss, the blind man suddenly said: "Wu Xie, what you said is wrong! Since you have come out of this place before, the passage must still exist. As for why you couldn't find it ten years ago?" .Then there is only one reason to explain it. The passage was suddenly hidden by something. We can assume, one is: mechanism. The other is: Qimen Dunjia."

After listening to the blind man's words, I immediately felt enlightened.The blind man went on to say: "It's not difficult to get rid of these two. According to Wu Xie, the dumb Zhang knocked him out first before leaving. Based on what I know about the dumb, he would never let Wu Xie stay here alone. Sleeping in such a place for too long. If you think about it this way, Wu Xie actually didn’t pass out for too long. And if the dumb Zhang wants to arrange a strange dunjia during this time, I can’t say he can’t do it , I can only say that the time is too short. Moreover, the few of us have never seen dumb Zhang use such methods. On the contrary, his understanding of mechanism techniques can be said to be the pinnacle. I think you must all feel this !"

Fatty nodded and urged, "Go on, go on."

The blind man is indeed a thoughtful person.Back then, I sat by the hot spring for two days.Hardly wanted to understand this.Now it is analyzed by the blind man.I also think that the possibility of agency will be relatively high.But.Where is this agency?The blind man stopped talking, but stood up and walked along the wall, touching it inch by inch.Seeing Hei Xiazi's actions, several of us also started to join the ranks of finding agencies.Slowly groping around the walls of the entire underground hot spring.And we didn't have the special ability to find organs like Pokerfinger, so we could only choose the most stupid method.Don't miss any possible place, and then slowly touch it all the way.

I don't know how long it took, but we were all too tired to raise our hands.But still did not touch any organs.The fat man yelled tiredly: "I'm blind! Is your fucking logic reliable? It's stuffy and hot in here! It's going to kill you and me!"

The blind man continued to search without giving up.It seemed that he didn't listen to Fatty's words.The fat man could only hum dissatisfied with this, and then he wanted to take off his clothes and wash in the water.I didn't stop the fat man's behavior.Because it's really hot in here.And I actually have the idea of ​​wanting to go down and wash.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hua, who had been silent all this time, suddenly grabbed the fat man who was about to enter the water and pulled him back.The strength was so great that the fat man almost fell to the ground.After the fat man came to his senses, he asked rather angrily, "Okay! What kind of crazy are you?"

Xiaohua frowned slightly.Then, he pointed to the side of the hot spring pool with his finger, and said softly, "Look carefully for yourself!"

The fat man had no choice but to suppress his anger first, and I also moved over curiously.However, after I saw it clearly, I immediately felt that the whole person was not good.It wasn't until this time that I was surprised to find that the entire poolside of the hot spring was covered with dark red gnats.Even the fat man couldn't help jumping up in fright when he saw it so densely packed.

Originally due to the problem of light and the lingering fog here.Dark red gnats cling to the black stone walls.If you don't observe carefully, it is really difficult to find their existence.And these gnats are relatively large.Each one looks at least ten centimeters or more.It has far exceeded the normal size.It is not known how long they lived.

Seeing them again now, I can't help but recall the scene of being chased by them in Genting Tiangong ten years ago.And as long as they are bitten or touched by them, the skin will fester and thicken, if they are accidentally drilled into the ears.That is certain death.However, looking at their size now, it is obvious that ear drilling is impossible.I just don't know if it grows so big now, will the venom of one kill a person in an instant?Moreover, there are still so many of them now!I panicked all of a sudden.Hastily pulled Xiao Hua and asked, "Did you see it earlier? Why didn't you tell us?"

Xiaohua responded lightly: "I did see it! But it's obvious that they are in a dormant period now. As long as we don't disturb them, they will be safe. If I told you in advance? With your frizzy character, you may not know What new troubles are going to be caused!"

Xiaohua's explanation made me a little angry.But for a while there was no reason to refute him.Xiao Hua ignored my reaction, and turned to the fat man and said, "Our goal is to find the entrance of the passage. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Be careful, everyone, and don't step on them! Because gnats live in groups, And they are very sensitive to the blood of their companions. Therefore, once we kill one of them, the other sleeping gnats will be awakened soon, and it will be difficult for us to get out at that time."

Having said that, the very thought of continuing to be with them makes me extremely uncomfortable.I'm sure the fat man feels the same way I do.Now after the scorpion incident, who is in the mood to take a bath?I can't wait to put on my wings and leave here quickly.To give up this natural hot spring to these gnats.

"I'm afraid that the group of gnats that suddenly appeared now will represent some kind of variable. I remember that there were no such things here before!" Fatty's words made my heart sink to the bottom again.Maybe it was stimulated by the gnats.I didn't even feel tired, and immediately joined the team to find the mechanism again.Then I prayed silently in my heart: find it quickly!Don't step on those uncle gnats.

Fortunately, hard work pays off.After about an hour of groping.Finally let me find the location of the organ.After adjusting my mentality, I carefully put my hand on it.Press down hard.Only a click was heard.Then the entire underground hot spring vibrated slightly.On the stone wall directly in front of him, a small stone slab began to slowly rotate.Go straight to the one-person-only exit before stopping.I looked at the edge of the hot spring with some concern.It was found that the gnats did not move.The heart that has been hanging has been completely put back into the stomach.

It may be due to the sudden appearance of a group of gnats before.At this time, he looked at the dark passage in front of him.I always feel that there is something bad waiting for me in the darkness ahead.

The four of us rearranged our backpacks.Then, leave those unnecessary things at the mouth of the underground hot spring.The fat man also picked up his AK47 decisively. Although I don't like to use guns, I can't resist Xiaohua's persistence.In the end, he obediently picked up the Uzi and put it on his waist.Because this kind of gun is more suitable for close combat, it also has several advantages such as high explosive power, fast reloading and low recoil.Therefore, it has become one of the favorite weapons of many rookie-level gunners.

Xiaohua chose a one-handed air spray gun, which is also a weapon with particularly high lethality in melee combat.If the distance is too far, the power will also be greatly reduced.However, it is also especially suitable for people with a flexible body like Xiaohua.The blind man doesn't like to use guns either, so he only needs a long knife.Xiaohua didn't insist on this.Maybe it's because he really doesn't need it.Just like I never thought it was a truth that Poker Bottle needs to use a gun.

After almost all the preparations, our group of people played the flashlights.At first, he entered the narrow gap cautiously, and then slowly walked deeper.

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