Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 26: Contradictions

I took it out of curiosity.I took a brief glance at the content before I was shocked in place.This handwriting... This handwriting is very similar to my own handwriting!But obviously the letter was not written by me.I hastily unfolded the letterhead and checked it.

It turned out that this letter was written to me by Wang Meng before leaving Hangzhou.But he was afraid that it would not be delivered to me in the future.Only then did I think of using my handwriting to forward it to Xiaohua first.And because he has been with me for more than ten years.It was not difficult for him to imitate my handwriting.

And what Wang Meng wants to tell me is actually not much.The beginning of the letter is a direct expression of apology to me.Then he gave a simple explanation of what he had done.My shop was given by my third uncle.Before I went to the ultimate, I always thought that Wang Meng was an ordinary employee I recruited from the society.And he has been by my side for ten years.It never occurred to me that there would be other reasons.Until he told me the truth of the whole thing with his own mouth.

Obviously, Wang Meng came to work in my shop because of his second uncle.But he has been secretly targeted by the Zhang family since five years ago.Afterwards, the Zhang family threatened the Wu family and my life.He had no choice but to betray my trust.And sold all the information about Poker Bottle to Zhang Longyi.And then came to today's dead end.Until the end of the letter, he was still repeatedly telling me to beware of the Zhang family.

After reading this letter, I feel really tired.He sat down on the chair a little bit.Xiaohua glanced at me lightly before saying calmly: "Now Zhang Longyi is dead. You don't have to worry about the Zhang family's affairs anymore. As for the little brother! Have you thought about how to explain it?"

I shook my head slightly: "Not yet! I just hope they can understand me!"

"I think it would be faster to start with your second uncle first."

"Second uncle? He is such a rigid person."

"He is indeed old-fashioned! But he values ​​the entire Wu family's property more. Besides, what is his purpose for putting Wang Meng by your side? I think that as long as you take down your second uncle first, there will be hope for your affairs. "

"Thank you! Xiaohua!"

"Don't be polite to me. And if I really want to tell you, I'll tell you."


"Actually, one of the people brought in by Zhang Long was sent by our Xie family. And I deliberately took the two of you here today. It is to completely wipe out the hope in his heart. As long as Zhang Qiling is still alive, his plan is very good." It's obviously going to be a mess. Then it will be easy for me to deal with him next time."

"So that's it! But Wu Jiaming doesn't want to intervene in the affairs of your family. So I won't stay in Beijing any longer. Remember to come to Hangzhou to see me when you're busy."


When Xiao Hua and I came out, Poker Ping and Hei Xiazi were already getting impatient.I was a little embarrassed and smiled at them: "Let's go! Go to the station!"

The blind man raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Leaving so soon?"

"If I don't leave, will I continue to be your envoy?" Poker-Face said coldly.

"Dumb Zhang! You're not mean enough! How can we say that we are also people who have experienced life and death. Wouldn't you be happy to let you make a fool of yourself and help Xiao Hua?" The blind man said with a displeased face.

Poker bottle also frowned, just when he was about to say something.But I hurriedly interrupted: "Brother didn't mean that! It's just that we can just talk about it in the future. It's really unacceptable to make a sudden attack like this."

The blind man laughed when he heard the words: "It seems that our sister-in-law is very interesting! Since my sister-in-law is so knowledgeable, I am not a stingy person. Take it! I will give you a gift! You don't need to thank me!"

I took it with some surprise!But I found that it was all in English at a glance.What the hell is this?With a curious face, I took the box and flipped it back and forth to check it.Until my eyes stopped on a string of English letters "KY.brand".Only then did he suddenly realize the meaning of his wretched smile.Then hastily threw the box far away.

"Sister-in-law doesn't appreciate it! Dumb Zhang, why don't you pick it up?" The blind man raised his eyebrows.

Xiaohua stroked her forehead speechlessly: "Let's go! Stop talking. Go to the station!"

I didn't pay much attention to the incident in Beijing.But I don't know why, on the way back.I obviously felt that Poker Ping's words suddenly became less, and he was no longer as dependent on me as before.I felt a little uneasy about this, and couldn't help asking: "Brother! Do you have something on your mind?"


"Remember to tell me if there is anything!"

"it is good!"

I admit that I am a person who doesn't know how to maintain feelings.Besides, it's the relationship between me and Poker Bottle.Although I was very uncomfortable with his sudden coldness in my heart.But I didn't ask any more questions.I always think that if he is willing to tell me, he will naturally tell me.So I stopped worrying about those boring things.

However, what I didn't expect was that such indifference was just the beginning.Especially in the following days, I found myself getting more and more upset.Because after returning to Hangzhou, Poker-Face suddenly started playing with me in the game of going out early and returning late.And every time I asked him what he was doing, he always chose to keep silent.A look that rejects people thousands of miles away.In this regard, I also held back my stomach and had nowhere to vent my anger.

Such contradictions made me feel that I was always putting my hot face on his cold ass.I really don't know if I'm doing something wrong.Why is there such a big gap between his front and back?Think about how he was still sticky to me before.I wondered if it was just an innocent dream I was having.Or is he already getting tired of me?

Today was originally the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I thought I would make something delicious tonight for Boyouping to try.But who would have thought that he would disappear again early in the morning.I was a little bored lying on the counter in a daze.I began to miss the little days when Wang Meng bickered.

A little bored squatting for most of the day, there is not even a person to talk to.Not to mention any guests coming to patronize.Seeing that it was already past the noon meal time, Poker-Face had not yet returned home.I also had to eat something to pad my stomach.But after eating, I was even more depressed.He simply got up and locked the door, then climbed onto the bed and fell asleep soundly.I don't know if it's because of too much anxiety recently.In short, I slept for a very long time.And when I woke up again, it was completely dark outside the house.

I stretched lazily, and then slowly went downstairs to take a look.It was found that the guy who was bored in the oil bottle hadn't come back yet.Looking up again at the wall clock on the wall, he realized that it was almost eight o'clock in the evening. "Damn it!" Don't you know that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival?I have been waiting for you at home all day.Haven't had dinner yet!Good luck to you!Where did you run away?

I was a little angry at my snooze.And a little worried about the reason why he didn't go home after dark.Thinking about his inexplicable attitude change in the past two days.Unavoidably, he hammered the table top of the coffee table in a hurry.

The clock on the wall was ticking in an orderly manner.But I feel that every minute and every second is a bit like a year.And when the needle finally pointed to eight, I couldn't sit still, picked up my coat and ran out.All I can think about is the figure of Poker Bottle.So I have to go get him back no matter what.But I just stopped a few steps away.Because I saw Poker Bottle leaning motionless against a lamppost by the side of the road.

The moment I saw him safe.I quickly suppressed the excitement in my heart.Then he walked forward as if nothing had happened and asked lightly: "Where did you go? You won't come back after dinner?"

I asked very calmly, thinking that he probably couldn't see my true emotions.Sure enough, after a short pause, he replied: "I just went out for a walk! I didn't expect you to lock the door when I came back."

"Then why didn't you knock on the door?" I was a little surprised.

Poker Bottle looked up at me: "There was a knock! But no one opened it."

Now it's my turn to be speechless.Feelings are falling asleep!So Poker Bottle couldn't enter the door after he came back.That's why I was punished to stand outside and wait for me.If it looks like this, it's not my fault.

"I'll get you a key tomorrow." This was for him, but it seemed to be more for myself.Because Pokerfing didn't answer the call at all, and was still standing there.

The night in Hangzhou in October will still be a little bit chilly when it is windy.I saw that Poker Bottle didn't wear much, so I asked lightly, "Is it cold? Do you want to go home and get some clothes?"

"not cold"

"Are you hungry? Let's go out and eat something today during the holidays!"


This nonchalant conversation made me suffocate.But nothing happened.I had no choice but to take the lead silently and lead Poker Bottle all the way to a more prestigious restaurant.Then symbolically ordered a few dishes that fit the occasion, and started to eat silently.I don't know how long this embarrassment will last.

But when I was still thinking wildly, Pok Youping who was directly opposite suddenly asked softly: "What's the matter with your hand?"

I looked down at my right hand, only to realize that it was a little red and swollen.I thought it was because I was hurt by beating the tea table when I was angry just now.But how dare I tell Poker Ping the truth.I had no choice but to tell a lie and fooled: "Oh! I accidentally knocked it! It's okay!"

Poker bottle nodded and didn't ask any more questions.I don't know if I should laugh!Should I still laugh?Isn't it nice that he doesn't care about me?Why do I feel a little sour in my heart!This time I can be regarded as experiencing the taste of heartbreak.No wonder those little lovers cry every time!Thinking of this, I couldn't help but bend the corner of my mouth bitterly.

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