Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 24: Awakening

Because my heart is always concerned about the situation of the boring oil bottle.So, I kept urging Xiaohua to go through the discharge procedures for me.But the doctor finally gave a reply that I have to wait for tomorrow's test report.If there is nothing serious, then you can go through the discharge procedures.Although I am very depressed about this, there is nothing I can do.

In order to leave a good impression on the hospital.During this last day, I cooperated with all the doctor's arrangements.Take injections and medicine obediently.When you have time, go to the next ward to see the fat man.But I found that he was more energetic than me.If it wasn't for his poor legs and feet, it might not be a problem for him to fight again.

After happily teasing him for a long time.I was also a little tired and went back to my ward to rest.Just lay down not long ago.The little nurse who was crying because of me came in with a thermometer.I thought of my previous aggressive words, and smiled at her with some guilt.Then I solemnly apologized to her.But the little nurse seemed to be frightened by me, and didn't appreciate it very much!After hastily taking my temperature, I left the ward as if fleeing.And her attitude of avoiding the plague god successfully made the blind man laugh at me for a long time.

Early the next morning, I urged Xiao Hua to go through the discharge procedures for me.Fat people are inconvenient because of their legs and feet.So we can only continue to stay in the hospital for observation.Come back to us when you're fully healed.After everything is arranged properly.We caught the bus that finished Yanbian at noon that day.All the way to the city hospital.

At this moment, as long as I think about seeing Poker Fase soon, the excitement is self-evident.But what I never expected was that the situation of Poker Bottle turned out to be much more serious than I imagined.When we arrived in a hurry, we could only watch his condition from the outside through the thick glass of the intensive care unit.At this time, he was covered in bandages and tubes, wading there quietly.If it weren't for the undulating curve and beeping sound on the monitor.I almost wondered if he was still alive.

I lay powerless and stared blankly out of the glass window.Xiao Hua called me several times in succession.I didn't even react!Why?Why is it so serious?I know my brother's body very well.Has always been amazing self-healing power.But what happened this time?Not only did he not get better, but he got worse and worse?I even have to wonder if this is God's intentional tormenting me, trying to wipe out my extravagant hopes that I shouldn't have.

"Wu Xie, the situation is already like this. It's useless to be anxious! Let's listen to what the doctor has to say first!" Xiaohua patted my shoulder and said comfortingly.

I nodded slightly.Then, stop staring at the stuffy oil bottle in the intensive care unit.Instead, she followed Xiaohua's footsteps and came to the office of the attending physician Poker-Face.After entering the office, I chose a seat not far or near to sit.Then I asked Xiaohua to ask about the situation on my behalf.The reason why I didn't ask it myself.In fact, I was just afraid that I would not be able to control my emotions, which would affect the doctor's diagnosis.

Xiao Hua is naturally clear about this.So I asked all the questions I wanted to ask one by one.And we also learned from the doctor's mouth.The real fatal injury of Poker Bottle is actually inside.The answer given by the doctor after a CT scan was bleeding from the internal organs after the blow.In addition, the skin trauma was soaked in cold water.Finally, it leads to a kind of internal and external glueing of bacterial infection.It is a miracle of life that he was able to be sent to the hospital for treatment alive!

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Xiaohua and I looked at each other in surprise.Bash?Is it just the Qilin's kick?But we have also seen the diagnosis results of the fat man!How could it be such a diametrically opposite answer?Afterwards, the doctor asked us some details about what happened at that time.Because we are not good at telling the truth, we can only make it up.That's what fooled the doctor.

Before leaving, the doctor also gave the final result.That is if Poker Bottle can survive the current seven-day dangerous period.Then there is hope of recovery.If not, we have to be mentally prepared.

I tried my best to calm down my emotions.Then for the first time in my life, I took the initiative to ask for hospitalization.Because I was injured myself.Although he barely managed to get out of the hospital.But in the next few days, I will keep guarding the Poker Bottle.I can't think of a better way than to live here with him.

And in the next seven days, I ran to the intensive care unit to guard like a watchman.Almost even eating, drinking, and drinking have to be done on the fifth floor.Of course, during this period, I was pushed back to my ward by the nurse countless times.Seeing that Xiao Hua and the blind man couldn't persuade me, they gradually let me go.

Having said that, I have to mention one more thing.In fact, at the beginning, Xiao Hua would often come over to accompany me to take turns guarding.However, he was suddenly banned by the blind man.The reason is very simple, that is because I am too slovenly.Then it directly led to the outstanding appearance of Xiao Hua, who became the most beautiful scenery in the hospital.

Actually, it's not entirely my fault.The main reason is that Xiaohua looks better than me.In addition, I have been in a bad mood for the past two days.So I am even more lazy to take care of my appearance.Every day, the unshaven man hangs around in the hospital at three o'clock and one line in his hospital gown.And the final result of this is to set off the little flower that stays with me every day to be more sunny and handsome.But there is the most important point.Xiaohua doesn't have any airs of being in charge.Some little nurses who think they look good.Naturally, he would not let go of such a good opportunity to get close.So he tried every means to strike up a conversation with Xiaohua.The blind man ate a good meal of jealousy.So Xiaohua was grounded later.Even if you come here occasionally in a fit of anger, you just stay for a while and then leave!

After seven days of suffering like this, I slowly survived.But what surprised me the most was the fat man.Because he actually rushed over on the evening of the last day.This moved me a lot.Fatty didn't take it seriously: "I'm also worried about my little brother! Anyway, I'm almost recovered, so I just left the hospital early and came to have a look."

"Fatty, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" After the fat man finished speaking, he still leaned into my ear mysteriously, and whispered, "Just remember to call me when you distribute the wedding candy! Hehe!" Then he quickly backed away after finishing his sentence go.

I was a little speechless and shook my head: "Let's talk about it later!"

After the fat man heard the words, he always had a smirk on his face.Then he looked around with his shoulders: "Naive, shouldn't you take care of yourself? You don't even look at your sloppy appearance. Be careful, little brother finally woke up, just because you changed Too ugly to see you. Then I fainted again! Don’t blame my buddy for not reminding you then!”

I touched my cheek in surprise.Then he asked with some uncertainty: "Is it really ugly?" Then he looked at Xiao Hua and the blind man not far away with questioning eyes.Seeing that they all nodded with certainty!I hurriedly went straight to the bathroom without saying a word.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.All four of us are outside the intensive care unit.Look at the doctors and nurses who came in and out from time to time!It wasn't until dawn that Poker Bottle was notified that he had passed the dangerous period.I was very happy after hearing this news.The fatigue accumulated in the past few days has finally been swept away!The heart that was hanging high also began to slowly return to its place.

It seems that there is something wrong with Xiaohua's base camp in Beijing.So after confirming that the little brother was out of danger, he hurriedly flew back to Beijing with the blind man.Fatty also said that he hadn't gone to Banai to see Yun Cai's father for almost a year, and he was very afraid that Yun Cai would blame him, so he had to fly to Banai first.It's not good for me to do more to keep it.

Fatty was still smiling as usual.Xiaohua also promised to come to Hangzhou to see me after finishing her family affairs.And after I sent all three of them away, I continued to return to the boring days of guarding Poker Bottle to wake up.

The disease of stuffy oil bottle has dragged on for a longer time than I thought.It was not until the morning of the tenth day that I woke up leisurely.And he didn't say anything after he woke up.Just stared at me blankly for a long time.I thought he had lost his memory again.But just when I was about to get up and call for the doctor, I was suddenly pulled by him, and then I fell into his arms suddenly.Some slight embarrassment, but more because he was afraid that his struggle would hurt him.So I could only obediently let him hold her like this, and after a long time, I asked in a low voice: "Brother! Are you... are you okay?"

Poker bottle nodded lightly: "Wu Xie! It feels so good to see you when I wake up!"

When I first heard this sentence, I couldn't hold back the unbearable tears and burst out of my eyes.Although I feel very unmanly this minute.However, the tears of joy could not be stopped.Seeing that I was crying suddenly, Poker-Face was a little helpless and comforted me while wiping my tears, "Don't cry! Am I fine?"

"You still have the nerve to say it! Do you know that you have already walked around the gate of hell? Do you know how worried I am about you?"

After hearing the words, Poker-Face suddenly raised his hand and poked me lightly on the forehead: "I know! Because you have dark circles!"

Although Pokerfing had already woken up, I still worriedly called the attending physician over and gave him another comprehensive examination.Until the doctor confirmed that everything is normal.Only then did I dare to tell the good news to my friends who are far away.

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