Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 17: Purpose

Although I haven't personally seen the fighting power of this 'stuffy oil bottle' in front of me.But judging from the methods he has used so far, his attack power should not be underestimated.And, most importantly, his fingers.Looking at the slender fingers that are wandering on the wall at this moment.My heart skipped a beat.Finally, he understood Wang Meng's last words that he hadn't had time to finish.It turned out that the Zhang he was referring to was not aimed at Zhang Qiling!It's the Zhang family in front of me who also owns Faqiu Zhonglang with two fingers.

No wonder he's so interested in the ultimate cemetery!No wonder he knows all the organs here like the back of his hand.If you think about it this way.Then it is no accident that the route we changed before we entered the Stone Forest Maze and the traps that separated us one by one later!It's really all the tricks!At this moment, I have to admire the depth of the man in front of me.

'Porky Oil Bottle' took me all the way to break eight traps.Finally came to the ultimate real hinterland - Qilin point.I was completely stunned by the huge scale of the tombs and the impossible species that I could see.

We are now located directly below the tomb of the owner of the tomb.This is a huge natural underground cave.Then it was formed after some artificial repairs.The bottom of the cemetery is surrounded by a circle of crystal clear spring water.After crossing the spring water belt, there is a wide stone staircase rising high.His eyes followed the stone steps straight up, at the top of the stone steps.I can even vaguely see a corner of an exquisitely carved crystal coffin.And the person lying in this crystal coffin should be the real owner of this tomb.But these are not the reasons that make me stunned.And the place that really stuck me.In fact, they are two all-black unicorn beasts crawling at the entrance of the stone steps.

I'm pretty sure none of this is my dream and it's not my hallucination.This is the real unicorn beast.At this moment, they seem to be asleep, and they are quietly crawling in the hexagonal copper bell array on both sides of the stone steps.All of this has already far exceeded the scope of normal people's understanding.I can't help but feel even more curious about the identity of the owner of the tomb.

"Up to the sky; down to the weak water. Sure enough..." Just as I was still carefully observing the unicorn beast.The 'Porky Oil Bottle' on the side suddenly said in a low voice.

I looked at him with some surprise: "Weak water? You said that it is surrounded by weak water?"

"Well! Wu Xie! Let's go there!"

"Can you..." Just when I was about to ask something more.A surprised shout suddenly came from not far away.

"Hey! Naive! Little brother! So you are here! It's really hard for me to find!" The fat man walked towards us with a cigarette in his mouth.

Fatty?How did he come here?I hurriedly looked behind him.It was found that there was no sign of Xiao Hua and the blind man.Did they separate again?Seeing the fat man approaching gradually, I became a little anxious.This guy behind me is not a real little brother!What if he did something to Fatty?With Fatty's character, he shouldn't be defensive against the little brother.In my panic, I blinked at the fat man hastily.And quietly raised his index finger and shook it left and right.I hope the fat man can find out what's wrong with me.However, to my disappointment, the fat man didn't seem to notice all my little tricks.Continue to stride towards me.

"Little naive! Did you miss you Fat Master? It's been a long time since I saw you. Why do you feel that you are a little stupid again?" Fatty flicked the cigarette ash in his hand and said to himself.

"Fart! You are stupid! Your whole family is stupid!" I cursed back angrily.What's the matter with this fat man?Anyway, we've lived and died together before.Why can't you even understand my little actions today?Could it be that this fat man is also a fake?

However, my guess was quickly rejected.Because in the process of the fat man getting closer.The 'suffering oil bottle' who had been keeping calm all of a sudden strangled my neck violently.Then put the ancient black gold knife on my chest.

"Let go of Wu Xie!" Seeing this, the fat man hurriedly stopped.

I was also a little surprised and asked anxiously: "Brother! What are you going to do?"

'Porky Oil Bottle' chuckled twice: "Brother? Didn't you already see through my identity in the tomb passage? But you not only did not escape, but you followed me all the way down here. Don't you just want to know my real purpose ?"

I trembled in my heart: "It turns out that you have discovered it a long time ago!"

"I see that you want to play and I'm just bored, so I'll just accompany you. However, an unexpected visitor has come here suddenly. Then I have to close the net in advance." Poker-Face looked again after finishing speaking Fatty not far away: "Put down your weapon! Otherwise, I will kill him now."

"You are also Zhang's family! Everything is a trap set by you! But what is the reason for you to spend so much time?" Although at the moment you are already under the control of others.However, I still asked the question that had lingered for a long time.

"It's okay to tell you! I just need the Qilin blood on your body. Because I want the Qilin to guide me..."

"Then you can replace me, right? Zhang Longyi!" Before 'Porky Bottle' could finish speaking, he was coldly interrupted by another identical voice.

"Brother?!" The one who interrupted him was the real nerd.I saw him standing next to the unicorn beast and looking behind me coldly.

"Fatty! Good job!" The blind man appeared at some point.I saw two strangers lying beside him who didn't know whether they were dead or alive.Then he just looked at us leisurely.

Zhang Longyi looked at us who had gradually gathered.I frowned fiercely, and the hand that strangled my neck couldn't help but increase its strength.Immediately I felt suffocated.Seeing this, Poker-Face hastily put the black gold ancient knife on the still sleeping unicorn beast, and said coldly: "Let Wu Xie go! Otherwise, I will kill the beast right now! You will never want to gain its power again!" !"

Zhang Longyi chuckled disdainfully: "Zhang Qiling! Do you think I'm stupid? Killing Qilin will hurt you a lot, right? Are you really going to do this for this kid?"

"The Zhang family can live without the next Qiling! But I can't live without him! Do you think I will do this?"

Poker-Face's words caused everyone present to collectively show different reactions!I was just a little dazed, not knowing when my position in Poker Ping's heart became so important.The fat man shrugged his shoulders knowingly.The blind man smiled harmlessly.However, the person behind me should be the most shocked.Although I can't see his expression.But judging by his heavy breathing.Obviously, Poker-Face's answer shocked him very much!

Time seemed to stop at this second.Everyone didn't say a word.Just like this quietly confronted.Just when the whole situation fell into a stalemate.Xiaohua naturally walked down the stone steps behind Pokerfing.Then he said casually: "Aren't you tired? What's the point of confronting like this? Why don't you take a step back?"

Zhang Long saw at a glance that all the staff had arrived on our side.And the helpers he brought in before now still have two in the hands of Hei Xiazi.The rest didn't show up and probably won't show up again in the future.When he saw this, he was surprised to find that the plans he had made before were deciphered one by one by us without knowing it.And now he is the only weight besides me.Has completely become a lone general.Everything on the scene already indicated that he lost!Lost before the imminent end.He is not reconciled!Just ask, who can be willing?

After a moment of meditation.Zhang Longyi said to Poker Bottle on the other side of the weak water: "I can let Wu Xie go! But, you must also leave me with enough unicorn blood! Did you see the stone bowl next to the beast? Use your Fill it with blood, and I will release Wu Xie immediately!"

Xiao Hua took a step forward in displeasure.When he was about to say something, he was stopped by Poker Bottle again.And after I saw the huge stone bowl clearly, I also struggled violently and said anxiously: "Brother! Don't believe him! If you fill up the stone bowl, you will die! He made it clear I want you to die! So, you must not promise him!"

Poker bottle turned a deaf ear to my words.Just shook his head slightly at me.Then he decisively slashed hard on his palm.Bright red blood spewed out immediately!Looking at his reckless appearance.At this moment, I suddenly felt that my heart was hurting.The pain was so bad that I could barely breathe.Stuffy oil bottle!Are you an idiot!Why can you always pay so thoroughly when encountering things about me?How can I repay you for being like this?

As soon as Zhang Long saw this, he also relaxed the strength in his hands.Satisfied, he laughed loudly: "It's really touching! I didn't expect that you, who are always reticent, can do so much for others?"

Xiaohua was a little worried and kept watching beside Poker Ping.The blind man also walked slowly to the side of the fat man.Everything is going on according to Zhang Longyi's request.After a long time, the little brother's body suddenly shook slightly.Seeing this, Xiao Hua immediately bandaged him up quickly.

Poker bottle completely ignored his body that had lost too much blood.He just stood up slowly, looked at Zhang Longyi firmly and asked, "I have fulfilled your request! Now you can let him go!"

"Okay! I'll let him go now! You have to pick it up!" Zhang Longyi said with an evil smile.

catch?What's the meaning?Just when everyone was still guessing the real intention of his words.I suddenly felt empty under my feet.Then the whole person fell hard into the weak water beside him.Obviously, no one expected that Zhang Longyi would suddenly backtrack and attack me.Rescuing me when I was caught off guard became the top priority!And the moment Poker Bottle saw me fall into the water, he also jumped down desperately.Cursing and fighting were the last sounds I heard as I was submerged in weak water.

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