As soon as he returned to his room, Wu Xie fell on the bed, buried his flushed face in the quilt, and curled up his body.

The picture of Zhang Qiling's naked upper body dripping water suddenly flashed in his mind, and Wu Xie suddenly felt his body burn.

Wu Xie tightly closed her eyes and gritted her teeth to endure.But the picture in my mind became clearer and clearer, and I even imagined that the person in the picture slowly took off the clothes under him and slowly approached me...

The body became even hotter, as if it was going to burn, it was unbearable.Wu Xie bit her lower lip, and in shame and longing, stretched out her hand to hold the clamoring stiff part, and moved with restraint.

Wu Xie half-opened his eyes in a daze, and murmured in a low voice: "Brother..."

In the next few days, Wu Xie was tangled and worried.Obviously he was so righteous when he confessed, but when he saw Zhang Qiling the next day, he was a little afraid to face it.

Maybe it was because of fear of being rejected, Wu Xie was too flustered to speak whenever he saw Zhang Qiling, and he didn't dare to meet his gaze, his face would turn red and he would be at a loss if he touched his gaze even slightly.And once Zhang Qiling was about to say no, he quickly found an excuse and ran away, hoping that he wouldn't hear the answer he didn't want to hear.

Because Wu Xie understands that if Zhang Qiling decides something, it is impossible to change it. If he wants to reject him, there is really no way out.

And Wu Xie was always worried that Zhang Qiling would leave.Although Zhang Qiling didn't make it clear that he was going to leave, according to his past experience, even if he wanted to leave, he would not express anything at all.If you don't pay close attention, it will be useless to hit the wall at that time.

So Wu Xie was worried almost all day long, afraid that Zhang Qiling would disappear if he didn't pay attention.And he couldn't show his worry, which was noticed by Zhang Qiling.

But in fact, Zhang Qiling didn't care about Wu Xie's nagging behavior these days. He had habitually forgotten about the confession. In other words, he didn't know how to respond and could only let nature take its course.Having experienced too many life and death partings, he has become accustomed to being indifferent to the world, and facing those troubled emotions, he will only be indifferent.

Maybe Wu Xie is special to him.During those difficult days, only Wu Xie trusted him wholeheartedly.Sometimes he is so naive that he needs someone to protect him, and sometimes he is so mature that he can protect others, and he always follows behind him, making people helpless with his persistence.

But he couldn't figure out how he felt about Wu Xie, and he didn't really want to delve into it.It's not bad if it goes on like this.

However, Zhang Qiling's casual attitude in everything seems to Wu Xie to be the rhythm of an accident.The calmer he was, the more panicked Wu Xie was that he was leaving, so he could only stare at him more nervously all day.

However, Wu Xie's tense state of being on the verge of breaking out was finally broken.

In fact, Wu Xie has always had a premonition. Zhang Qiling left Beijing and came here. Behind the seemingly calm things that happened before, there always seems to be something brewing, which will explode one day sooner or later.But because this period of time has been deeply entangled in how Zhang Qiling will respond to his bewilderment, so he has forgotten it for the time being.

But when he went to collect letters in the mailbox as usual, but suddenly saw a bright red invitation card, that premonition reappeared.

He took out the invitation in doubt, and saw the four striking gold stamps of "Engagement Invitation" on the cover at a glance.

Wu Xie hesitated to open the invitation, wondering who was getting engaged, since he hadn't received such a notice during this period of time.

But when he saw the content of the invitation, Wu Xie was stunned.There are only a few lines above:

Prospective groom: Xie Yuchen

Bride-to-be: Huo Xiuxiu

Wu Xie stared at those two lines for a long time, reviewed almost every word, and then read the invitation several times to see if someone was playing a prank, but after reading for a long time, he didn't find anything, so he couldn't This fact is not acknowledged.

Then, countless doubts and shocks flooded up.

——Why is Xiaohua suddenly engaged to Huo Xiuxiu?He didn't seem to say that he was going to get married?Besides, isn't the person Xiaohua likes Zhang Qiling...

Wu Xie looked at the time written on it again, it was three days later, and the location was the Crescent Hotel.

Unable to digest this sudden news for a while, Wu Xie just found it unbelievable.He took the invitation card and walked back to the shop unconsciously, then sat on the chair and looked at the invitation card in a daze.

When Zhang Qiling went downstairs, he saw Wu Xie staring at something in his hand in a daze.He walked over, Wu Xie heard the movement, and slowly raised his head, as if he had suddenly reacted when he saw him, he stood up suddenly, too nervous to speak.

Zhang Qiling didn't say anything, he glanced at the invitation in his hand and prepared to walk away.

However, when Zhang Qiling put his gaze on the invitation, Wu Xie suddenly hid the invitation behind his back for some unknown reason.

"Small, little brother... that..." Wu Xie stammered, not knowing how to explain.His actions are too obvious, Zhang Qiling will definitely be suspicious.

But Zhang Qiling was almost used to Wu Xie's strange reactions, so he didn't care.After a pause, he walked to the window and sat down, staring at the ceiling in a daze as usual.

Seeing that he didn't pay much attention, Wu Xie couldn't tell whether he was relieved or more at a loss.In fact, he didn't know why he didn't want to tell Zhang Qiling about Xie Yuchen's invitation. It was as if he subconsciously didn't want Zhang Qiling to know that Xie Yuchen was about to get engaged. He always felt that if Zhang Qiling found out, he would regret something.

Looking at the invitation card in his hand, Wu Xie looked a little complicated.

Should we tell Zhang Qiling about Xie Yuchen's engagement?

Wu Xie was struggling with this matter all afternoon.It stands to reason that he should have told Zhang Qiling, but out of some ulterior selfishness, he didn't want Zhang Qiling to know.But it's not an option to hide it like this all the time, otherwise how will I explain it when the time comes.

I have been tormented by my conscience all afternoon, but in the end, Wu Xie didn't need to speak out by himself. Someone has already told Zhang Qiling.

When the black glasses walked into the store, he had a stormy look on his face, with a gloomy air.

"You came to find my little brother..." Wu Xie looked at him, and really didn't know what to say.

The black glasses took a look at the furnishings in the store, then at Wu Xie, and finally put their eyes on Zhang Qiling, and walked towards him step by step.

"It seems that you have been doing well during this time." Standing in front of Zhang Qiling, the black glasses said with the corners of the lips curled up, then leaned down to his ear with an ambiguous breath, "I'm afraid you have forgotten that there is still me? "

"Why did you come early?" Zhang Qiling raised his head, looked at him and asked.

"Isn't it possible?" The black glasses were dissatisfied with being pushed away, and the whole person lay on him directly, and said with pouted lips.

Seeing Zhang Qiling's intimate appearance with the black glasses, Wu Xie lowered her head with a bitter smile.

"What happened?" Zhang Qiling was very helpless at the black glasses' trickery, so he had to lie on his body.

Having had enough of spoofing, the black glasses got up reluctantly, then crossed his arms and said lazily: "It's not that Master Xie, it's really troublesome to make such a mess."

"What?" Zhang Qiling glanced at him.

"You don't know?" The black glasses froze for a moment, then raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Qiling looked at him slightly puzzled, not understanding what he was talking about.

Seeing that Zhang Qiling really didn't know, the black glasses were a little surprised.He looked back at Wu Xie who suddenly became nervous, and then at Zhang Qiling, as if he was thinking about something.In the end, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he threw himself on Zhang Qiling with a sly smile.

"I don't know, forget it, it's not important anyway." The black glasses smiled brightly.

"I knew blind man that you didn't intend to tell the patriarch." A joking voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Hearing this, the smile in the black glasses froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling looked towards the door, and saw a young man walking in, followed by a tall and elegant woman.

Wu Xie was stunned when he saw these two people.

Seeing Wu Xie, the woman smiled and said, "Long time no see."

"Didn't I tell you to wait outside?" Black Glasses stood up and looked back at the two people, a little annoyed.

"If I don't come, will you really tell the patriarch?" Zhang Haike asked with a smile.

"Hearing what you said, you seem to really want me to say it?" Black Glasses snorted coldly.

"I think the patriarch should know." Zhang Haike replied calmly.

"Really." The black glasses hooked the corners of his mouth without a smile, and his tone was ironic, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Zhang Haike was silent for a moment without answering, then he turned his head to look at Wu Xie, and said, "Mr. Wu, have you received it too?"

"Ah?" Wu Xie didn't react for a moment.

Zhang Haike took out a red invitation card and shook it, "This one."

Seeing the familiar invitation card, Wu Xie was taken aback, "You guys have it too?"

"It's strange to say." Zhang Haike smiled, "We don't know how well the head of the reconciliation, but he actually sent us invitations and helped us a lot this time. But I always feel that things are not so Simple, although it is not visible on the surface, it gives me the feeling that it is through us... to achieve some purpose."

"Brother, please don't be a fool." Zhang Haixing gave his brother a white look.With such an obvious problem, what are you trying to do by pretending to be inscrutable?

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Qiling and remained silent.

But at this moment, a Beijing-toned but very flat voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Are you innocent? Hurry up and meet him!"

As soon as Wu Xie heard this voice, he felt a headache and rubbed his forehead.Well, almost all the servants are here now, I really don't think it's messy enough.

"Why didn't anyone answer Fatty?" Fatty walked in carelessly, but saw Zhang Haike and the others at a glance, and was taken aback, "Why are you here?"

"Then what are you here for?" Wu Xie asked.

"Didn't you tell me to keep an eye on what's going on in Beijing?" Fatty approached mysteriously, "I'm telling you, naive, you must not let this matter..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man suddenly sensed something instinctively, turned his head to look, and saw Zhang Qiling sitting not far away.

"Brother?!" Fatty immediately froze in place, seemed surprised that Zhang Qiling would appear here, and didn't know how to speak for a while, "You, you're here too..."

"What's the matter with you?" Wu Xie asked with a sigh.

The fat man looked at Zhang Qiling, and then asked Wu Xie in a low voice: "You have also received the invitation from Master Hua, is it true?"

"What's wrong?" Wu Xie frowned.

"That's not right," the fat man was very puzzled. "I heard what you said before. Doesn't Master Hua like my brother? Why are you suddenly engaged to that girl from the Huo family?"

Wu Xie fell silent and did not answer.

Under the dangerous gaze of the black glasses, Zhang Haike slowly walked up to Zhang Qiling, then raised his hand and handed him the invitation.

Zhang Qiling took the invitation, looked at it, and then slowly opened it.The others immediately stared closely at the change in his expression.

But until he finished reading, Zhang Qiling's expression didn't change, but when he saw Xie Yuchen's name, his eyes moved slightly, but his eyes were covered by slightly long bangs, so the few people staring at him didn't notice.

"Xie Dangjia has helped us a lot in Beijing, but he probably didn't do it because of his family." Zhang Haike looked at Zhang Qiling and said, then paused, with a hesitant and tentative tone, "Patriarch, what I want to ask is , what do you think about Xie Yuchen..."

"Zhang Haike!" The black glasses suddenly grabbed Zhang Haike's collar and interrupted him, staring at him warningly, with a gloomy face, "This shouldn't be your business, right?"

"Brother!" Zhang Haixing wanted to come up to stop her, but Zhang Haike waved her hand to signal her not to worry.

"Are you afraid?" Zhang Haike waved his black-glassed hands and said expressionlessly, "Worried that the answer you hear will be difficult to accept? But if it is the truth, you can't change anything, and it's useless to deceive yourself or others."

"Hmph, you don't seem to be qualified to say anything about me." The black glasses sneered, then leaned over and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "At least I can stand by his side in a fair manner, and what about you? It's quite deep, who is the one who deceived himself, saying that can't change the facts, but you don't actually think so in your heart, do you?"

"As long as it is the patriarch's decision, I will support it." Zhang Haike said without changing his expression.

"That's really embarrassing for you." The black glasses backed away, and suddenly laughed provocatively, "But it's useless. Once the matter is over, I will leave with Qi Ling."

"You have the final say?" Zhang Haike raised his eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry," Black Glasses said with a flamboyant smile, "he promised me himself."

Zhang Haike's face suddenly turned a little pale, he suddenly looked at Zhang Qiling who had been silent all this time, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"So, you don't have to worry about it here." The black glasses continued to irritate him, "Don't do those wasteful things anymore, give up as soon as possible."

"Enough!" Wu Xie suddenly interrupted the two of them loudly.

The author has something to say:

[As soon as he returned to his room, Wu Xie fell on the bed, buried his flushed face under the quilt, and curled up his body.

The image of Zhang Qiling's upper body naked and dripping water suddenly flashed in his mind, and Wu Xie suddenly felt a hot body, and an unspeakable hotness spread from the bottom of his heart, spread all over his body, and finally gradually gathered to a certain part of his lower body.

Wu Xie tightly closed her eyes and gritted her teeth to endure.But the picture in my mind became clearer and clearer, and I even imagined that the person in the picture slowly took off the clothes under him and slowly approached me...

The body became even hotter, as if it was going to burn, it was unbearable.Wu Xie bit her lower lip, and in shame and longing, stretched out her hand to hold the clamoring stiff part, and moved with restraint.Breathing became short, and a suppressed voice leaked out of his mouth: "Uh... little brother... um..."

In the end, the heat flow accumulated to the peak was released instantly, and the body fell into extreme pleasure.

Wu Xie half-opened his eyes in a daze, and murmured in a low voice: "Brother..."

In the next few days, Wu Xie was tangled and worried.Obviously he was so righteous when he confessed, but when he saw Zhang Qiling the next day, he was a little afraid to face it.

Maybe it was because of fear of being rejected, Wu Xie was too flustered to speak whenever he saw Zhang Qiling, and he didn't dare to meet his gaze, his face would turn red and he would be at a loss if he touched his gaze even slightly.And once Zhang Qiling was about to say no, he quickly found an excuse and ran away, hoping that he wouldn't hear the answer he didn't want to hear.

Because Wu Xie understands that if Zhang Qiling decides something, it is impossible to change it. If he wants to reject him, there is really no way out.

And Wu Xie was always worried that Zhang Qiling would leave.Although Zhang Qiling didn't make it clear that he was going to leave, according to his past experience, even if he wanted to leave, he would not express anything at all.If you don't pay close attention, it will be useless to hit the wall at that time.

So Wu Xie was worried almost all day long, afraid that Zhang Qiling would disappear if he didn't pay attention.And he couldn't show his worry, which was noticed by Zhang Qiling.

But in fact, Zhang Qiling didn't care about Wu Xie's nagging behavior these days. He had habitually forgotten about the confession. In other words, he didn't know how to respond and could only let nature take its course.Having experienced too many life and death partings, he has become accustomed to being indifferent to the world, and facing those troubled emotions, he will only be indifferent.

Maybe Wu Xie is special to him.During those difficult days, only Wu Xie trusted him wholeheartedly.Sometimes he is so naive that he needs someone to protect him, and sometimes he is so mature that he can protect others, and he always follows behind him, making people helpless with his persistence.

But he couldn't figure out how he felt about Wu Xie, and he didn't really want to delve into it.It's not bad if it goes on like this.

However, Zhang Qiling's casual attitude in everything seems to Wu Xie to be the rhythm of an accident.The calmer he was, the more panicked Wu Xie was that he was leaving, so he could only stare at him more nervously all day.

However, Wu Xie's tense state of being on the verge of breaking out was finally broken.

In fact, Wu Xie has always had a premonition. Zhang Qiling left Beijing and came here. Behind the seemingly calm things that happened before, there always seems to be something brewing, which will explode one day sooner or later.But because this period of time has been deeply entangled in how Zhang Qiling will respond to his bewilderment, so he has forgotten it for the time being.

But when he went to collect letters in the mailbox as usual, but suddenly saw a bright red invitation card, that premonition reappeared.

He took out the invitation in doubt, and saw the four striking gold stamps of "Engagement Invitation" on the cover at a glance.

Wu Xie hesitated to open the invitation, wondering who was getting engaged, since he hadn't received such a notice during this period of time.

But when he saw the content of the invitation, Wu Xie was stunned.There are only a few lines above:

Prospective groom: Xie Yuchen

Bride-to-be: Huo Xiuxiu

Wu Xie stared at those two lines for a long time, reviewed almost every word, and then read the invitation several times to see if someone was playing a prank, but after reading for a long time, he didn't find anything, so he couldn't This fact is not acknowledged.

Then, countless doubts and shocks flooded up.

——Why is Xiaohua suddenly engaged to Huo Xiuxiu?He didn't seem to say that he was going to get married?Besides, isn't the person Xiaohua likes Zhang Qiling...

Wu Xie looked at the time written on it again, it was three days later, and the location was the Crescent Hotel.

Unable to digest this sudden news for a while, Wu Xie just found it unbelievable.He took the invitation card and walked back to the shop unconsciously, then sat on the chair and looked at the invitation card in a daze.

When Zhang Qiling went downstairs, he saw Wu Xie staring at something in his hand in a daze.He walked over, Wu Xie heard the movement, and slowly raised his head, as if he had suddenly reacted when he saw him, he stood up suddenly, too nervous to speak.

Zhang Qiling didn't say anything, he glanced at the invitation in his hand and prepared to walk away.

However, when Zhang Qiling put his gaze on the invitation, Wu Xie suddenly hid the invitation behind his back for some unknown reason.

"Small, little brother... that..." Wu Xie stammered, not knowing how to explain.His actions are too obvious, Zhang Qiling will definitely be suspicious.

But Zhang Qiling was almost used to Wu Xie's strange reactions, so he didn't care.After a pause, he walked to the window and sat down, staring at the ceiling in a daze as usual.

Seeing that he didn't pay much attention, Wu Xie couldn't tell whether he was relieved or more at a loss.In fact, he didn't know why he didn't want to tell Zhang Qiling about Xie Yuchen's invitation. It was as if he subconsciously didn't want Zhang Qiling to know that Xie Yuchen was about to get engaged. He always felt that if Zhang Qiling found out, he would regret something.

Looking at the invitation card in his hand, Wu Xie looked a little complicated.

Should we tell Zhang Qiling about Xie Yuchen's engagement?

Wu Xie was struggling with this matter all afternoon.It stands to reason that he should have told Zhang Qiling, but out of some ulterior selfishness, he didn't want Zhang Qiling to know.But it's not an option to hide it like this all the time, otherwise how will I explain it when the time comes.

I have been tormented by my conscience all afternoon, but in the end, Wu Xie didn't need to speak out by himself. Someone has already told Zhang Qiling.

When the black glasses walked into the store, he had a stormy look on his face, with a gloomy air.

"You came to find my little brother..." Wu Xie looked at him, and really didn't know what to say.

The black glasses took a look at the furnishings in the store, then at Wu Xie, and finally put their eyes on Zhang Qiling, and walked towards him step by step.

"It seems that you have had a good time during this time." Standing in front of Zhang Qiling, the black glasses said with the corners of the mouth curled up, then leaned down to his ear with an ambiguous breath, "I'm afraid you have forgotten me?"

"Why did you come early?" Zhang Qiling raised his head, looked at him and asked.

"Isn't it possible?" The black glasses were dissatisfied with being pushed away, and the whole person lay on him directly, and said with pouted lips.

Seeing Zhang Qiling's intimate appearance with the black glasses, Wu Xie lowered her head with a bitter smile, and held her hands tightly.

"What happened?" Zhang Qiling was very helpless at the black glasses' trickery, so he had to lie on his body.

Having had enough of spoofing, the black glasses stood up reluctantly, then folded his arms around his chest, and said lazily: "It's not that Mr. Xie, it's really troublesome to make such a sudden move."

"What?" Zhang Qiling glanced at him.

"You don't know?" The black glasses froze for a moment, then raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Qiling looked at him slightly puzzled, not understanding what he was talking about.

Seeing that Zhang Qiling really didn't know, the black glasses were a little surprised.He looked back at Wu Xie who suddenly became nervous, and then at Zhang Qiling, as if he was thinking about something.In the end, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he threw himself on Zhang Qiling with a sly smile.

"I don't know, forget it, it's not important anyway." The black glasses smiled brightly.

"I knew blind man that you didn't intend to tell the patriarch." A joking voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Hearing this, the smile in the black glasses froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling looked towards the door, and saw a young man walking in, followed by a tall and elegant woman.

Wu Xie was stunned when he saw these two people.

Seeing Wu Xie, the woman smiled and said, "Long time no see."

"Didn't I tell you to wait outside?" Black Glasses stood up, looked back at the two people, and said angrily.

"If I don't come, will you really tell the patriarch?" Zhang Haike asked with a smile.

"Hearing what you said, you seem to really want me to say it?" Black Glasses snorted coldly.

"I just think the patriarch should know." Zhang Haike replied calmly, "After all, it is related to this operation."

"Really." The black glasses hooked the corners of his mouth without a smile, and his tone was ironic, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Zhang Haike was silent for a moment without answering, then he turned his head to look at Wu Xie, and said, "Mr. Wu, have you received it too?"

"What?" Wu Xie didn't react for a moment.

Zhang Haike took out a red invitation card and shook it, "This one."

Seeing the familiar invitation card, Wu Xie was taken aback, "You guys have it too?"

"It's strange to say." Zhang Haike smiled, "We don't know how well the head of the reconciliation, but he actually sent us invitations and helped us a lot this time. But I always feel that things are not so Simple, although it is not visible on the surface, it gives me the feeling that it is through us... to achieve some purpose."

"Brother, please don't be a fool." Zhang Haixing gave his brother a white look.With such an obvious problem, what are you trying to do by pretending to be inscrutable?

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Qiling and remained silent.

But at this moment, a Beijing-toned but very flat voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Are you innocent? Hurry up and meet him!"

As soon as Wu Xie heard this voice, he felt a headache and rubbed his forehead.Well, almost everyone is here now.

"Why didn't anyone answer Fatty?" Fatty walked in carelessly, but saw Zhang Haike and the others at a glance, and was taken aback, "Why are you here?"

"Then what are you here for?" Wu Xie asked.

"Didn't you tell me to keep an eye on what's going on in Beijing?" Fatty approached mysteriously, "I'm telling you, naive, you must not let this matter..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man suddenly sensed something instinctively, turned his head to look, and saw Zhang Qiling sitting not far away.

"Brother?!" Fatty immediately froze in place, seemed surprised that Zhang Qiling would appear here, and didn't know how to speak for a while, "You, you're here too..."

"What's the matter with you?" Wu Xie asked with a sigh.

The fat man looked at Zhang Qiling, and then asked Wu Xie in a low voice: "You have also received the invitation from Master Hua, is it true?"

"What's wrong?" Wu Xie frowned.

"That's not right," the fat man was very puzzled. "I heard what you said before. Doesn't Master Hua like my brother? Why are you suddenly engaged to that girl from the Huo family?"

Wu Xie fell silent and did not answer.

Under the dangerous gaze of the black glasses, Zhang Haike slowly walked up to Zhang Qiling, then raised his hand and handed him the invitation.

Zhang Qiling took the invitation and slowly opened it.The others immediately stared closely at the change in his expression.

But until he finished reading, Zhang Qiling's expression didn't change, but when he saw Xie Yuchen's name, his eyes moved slightly, but his eyes were covered by slightly long bangs, so the few people staring at him didn't notice.

"Xie Dangjia has helped us a lot in Beijing, but he probably didn't do it because of his family." Zhang Haike looked at Zhang Qiling and said, then paused, with a hesitant and tentative tone, "Patriarch, what I want to ask is , what do you think about Xie Yuchen..."

"Zhang Haike!" The black glasses suddenly grabbed Zhang Haike's collar and interrupted him, staring at him warningly, with a gloomy face, "This shouldn't be your business, right?"

"Brother!" Zhang Haixing wanted to come up to stop her, but Zhang Haike waved her hand to signal her not to worry.

"Are you afraid?" Zhang Haike waved his black-glassed hands and said expressionlessly, "Worried that the answer you hear will be difficult to accept? But if it is the truth, you can't change anything, and it's useless to deceive yourself or others."

"Hmph, you don't seem to have the right to say that about me." The black glasses sneered, then leaned over and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "At least I can stand by his side in a fair manner, and what about you? It's quite deep, who is the one who deceived himself, saying that can't change the facts, but you don't actually think so in your heart, do you?"

"As long as it is the patriarch's decision, I will support it." Zhang Haike said without changing his expression.

"That's really embarrassing for you." The black glasses backed away, and suddenly laughed provocatively, "But it's useless. Once the matter is over, I will leave with Qi Ling."

"You have the final say?" Zhang Haike raised his eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry," Black Glasses said with a flamboyant smile, "he promised me himself."

Zhang Haike's face suddenly turned a little pale, he suddenly looked at Zhang Qiling who had been silent all this time, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"So, you don't have to worry about it here." The black glasses continued to irritate him, "Don't do those wasteful things anymore, give up as soon as possible."

"Enough!" Wu Xie suddenly interrupted the two of them loudly. 】

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