Qilin Jue [Tomb Raiders Notes]

Chapter 30 Under the Cliff

Xie Yuchen was the first to climb up, and the huge iron chain was wide enough to stand on, without any loose feeling.Then he grabbed one iron chain, stepped on the other, and then reached the front iron chain, and his body jumped over quickly and flexibly.

After climbing for a certain distance in this way, after finding that there was no problem, Xie Yuchen let go of the lock in his hand, turned around and said, "Come on."

Following Xie Yuchen's example, Wu Xie followed carefully, followed by a few guys.

Because these huge iron locks are not far apart, it is not difficult to climb.Everyone was very cautious at first, but as they became more and more familiar with each other, they accelerated a lot.

After climbing for about half an hour, Xie Yuchen stopped and lit the front with a flashlight, and he could already see the entrance of the cave more clearly.

Wu Xie also stopped, and instinctively looked down at the dark abyss under his feet. The bottomless abyss seemed to be devoured by a huge monster with its mouth open. The feeling that he might fall made his heart beat violently. accelerate.After calming down the nervous feeling, Wu Xie asked Xie Yuchen: "Xiaohua, why are there all these iron locks down here? It seems that you can go down."

Xie Yuchen looked down and frowned.Indeed, there are also iron locks distributed below. If there is an entrance on the opposite side and these iron locks are used for people to climb through, then will there be such an entrance below?

"Master Hua, why don't you leave?" the guy behind stopped and asked.

Xie Yuchen shook his head: "It's nothing, let's keep going." After speaking, he continued to climb.

But at this moment, all the iron locks suddenly vibrated, making a harsh and sharp sound, as if they were being scraped heavily by some sharp object, and the mountains on both sides suddenly gave out bursts of low roar.

Xie Yuchen was startled and stopped immediately.The guys behind panicked and looked around in horror, at a loss.

Xie Yuchen stabilized his body, and then carefully looked around to see if there were any traps, but found that there was nothing unexpected except the vibration of the iron lock. The iron lock was still firm and showed no signs of loosening, only vibrating as if being pulled by something.

Xie Yuchen suddenly felt a very strange feeling, everything around him made him feel a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.At this time, a light flashed under the corner of his eye, and then disappeared.Xie Yuchen looked over quickly, but didn't see anything, as if it was his illusion just now.

"Little flower..."

Hearing Wu Xie's voice, Xie Yuchen turned his head, saw Wu Xie looking at the mountain wall with an ugly expression, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Wu Xie turned her head to look at Xie Yuchen, raised her finger to the mountain wall, and said in a panic, "Do you feel that the mountain walls on both sides are gradually approaching us...?"

Xie Yuchen was stunned, followed Wu Xie's direction, stared at it for a moment, and suddenly understood.The weird feeling just now was originally because of the oppressive feeling that the space they were in was gradually shrinking.The mountains on both sides are approaching at an unnoticeable speed, and the vibration of these iron chains is precisely because the mountain walls are pulled closer from the inside of the mountain, and the part inserted into the mountain makes a sharp roar due to friction.

After a while, I'm afraid it will be completely closed.Then everyone will be trapped here.

Xie Yuchen gritted his teeth, then looked towards the entrance that was not far ahead, turned his head and said to the guys, "Get out of here!"

Xie Yuchen asked a few guys to go ahead, and walked by himself in the end so that he could observe the situation at any time.But when the last guy climbed because of panic, the movements of his hands and feet were too flustered, and his feet suddenly stepped on the air, and the whole person slid down suddenly.

Xie Yuchen, who was walking behind, grabbed him in time, but his weight exceeded the limit, and his body was pulled down.

Xie Yuchen firmly grasped the iron chain, and stepped on it with all his feet, but the vibration of the iron chain made it impossible for his hands to hold on tightly, and his body still slid down little by little.

The buddy hanging in the air was afraid of reacting later, so he quickly grabbed an iron lock to prevent himself from falling further.

"Xiaohua, hurry up!" Wu Xie quickly retreated to the top of Xie Yuchen, and was about to grab Xie Yuchen's hand, but at this moment, all the iron locks suddenly shook violently, and Xie Yuchen was thrown off by the shock before he could pull back. The hand dropped quickly.

Wu Xie was startled, her outstretched hand stopped in the air, "Xiao Hua!"

"...I'm fine..." After falling more than ten meters, Xie Yuchen clung to an iron chain in time, turned his head and saw that the mountain walls on both sides were getting closer, and raised his head and said to everyone: "Go first! I'll follow immediately Come up, there is not much time!"

Wu Xie was about to climb down to free Yuchen, when the other party suddenly said: "You leave quickly, I can come up by myself!"


"I told you I'm fine, let's go!" Xie Yuchen grabbed the iron chain and climbed up a few steps.

Seeing that Xie Yuchen was slowly catching up, Wu Xie was a little relieved, and climbed towards the entrance not far ahead.

Xie Yuchen stopped and adjusted, and quickly caught up. This difficulty was not an obstacle for him.

Looking up, he saw that Wu Xie and a few guys were approaching the entrance. Xie Yuchen was relieved, and was about to speed up. He raised his hand to grab the iron chain above, and was about to use his strength to jump, but at the moment of exerting force, his hands However, the iron chains inside were pulled out from the mountains on both sides as he pulled.

Immediately startled, Xie Yuchen realized that this iron chain was different from the others, this one was too thin.

Before he had time to think about the reason, there was a sudden burst of wind in his ears, and Xie Yuchen realized that he had no time to turn around...

Seeing the entrance in front of him, Wu Xie breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the subway chain in his hand, jumped onto the platform, then put down his backpack, turned around to meet Jie Yuchen, but opened his eyes wide in horror the moment he turned his head.

There was no one behind, and Xie Yuchen did not follow.

The mountains on both sides kept approaching each other, approaching... Then there was a loud bang, and the whole ground trembled, and the two mountains closed tightly.


In a blur of consciousness, Xie Yuchen felt the pain from his shoulder, and then it became more and more obvious. The slight pain gradually expanded, and finally it felt like it was being torn apart, and his body was unable to move as if it was falling apart.

Under the painful tearing, Xie Yuchen opened his eyes with difficulty, and there was a hazy glimmer of light in his blurred vision.

"you're awake?"

There is a familiar indifferent voice in my ear, but it seems to be far away, a little unreal.

I tried to move my body, but the severe pain in my shoulder made it impossible for me to move.The line of sight gradually became clear, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Xie Yuchen slowly raised his head to look at the person in front of him, and suddenly froze.He blinked blankly, looked at it for a long time as if confirming, but still asked uncertainly: "Zhang... Qiling?"

"Hmm." Seeing Xie Yuchen staring at him in disbelief, Zhang Qiling didn't say anything.Seeing that the other party's face gradually recovered, he said: "You suffered an arrow wound on your shoulder, and it has been treated. Let's rest for a while."

"You..." Xie Yuchen involuntarily raised his hand and grabbed the corner of Zhang Qiling's clothes, but pulled the wound, and the pain made him bite his lower lip.

Zhang Qiling retreated slightly and sat aside, said: "You fell from the top, you probably hit a lot of iron locks, and you may have a slight fracture."

Xie Yuchen was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of what happened before his consciousness fell asleep.He was pulling a chain attached to the trap, and he was shot by an arrow, and then he fell, hit a lot of chains with his body, and then lost consciousness.

Xie Yuchen moved his feet and his hands.Although the pain after the fall is still there, it is nothing serious. The body that has been exercising all year round can still withstand this ordeal.

"It's fine." Xie Yuchen looked at his bandaged shoulder injury, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, looked at Zhang Qiling, and said softly, "Thank you."

Then he looked around, and found that the space the two of them were in was a relatively empty ring-shaped cave, and the surrounding stone walls were smooth and orderly, obviously excavated by humans.The dark cave was only partially illuminated by the miner's lamp in front of him, and he couldn't see clearly at a distance.

After looking at the environment, he found that there were only Zhang Qiling and himself. Xie Yuchen couldn't help asking, "Did you come alone? Or, the blind man also came?"

"We came together." As he said, Zhang Qiling turned on the flashlight and shone it into the darkness in the distance. The light went straight, and a hole two people tall appeared there, "He went to explore the way."

Xie Yuchen nodded and lowered his eyelids in silence.Quiet, I don't know what to say, maybe I have too much to say, but I don't know how to say it.

Zhang Qiling looked at the miner's lamp and remained silent as usual.As for the reason why Xie Yuchen appeared here, he could guess, after all, the whole incident involved the other party's family from the beginning.

After a long while, Xie Yuchen sighed, and said slowly: "Actually, we are right behind you, but a little late. When we arrived, we saw the members sent by that organization. I can't fully understand many things they said, including The water is too deep, and the people involved are too complicated. I asked people to watch them at the entrance of the descent. I thought you probably had already come here, so I followed, but it turned out that I was negligent when I got here. But Wu Xie and I A few of his subordinates should have reached that entrance." Then, Xie Yuchen thought of something, looked at Zhang Qiling, and asked, "Did you come down directly? Or have you already been to the entrance above?"

"The top is connected to this place, so you can come down directly." Zhang Qiling said lightly, "Should meet other people as well."

"That's good." Xie Yuchen sighed.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a sudden sound of slight footsteps in the darkness ahead, getting closer and closer.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light suddenly shone from the entrance of the cave not far away, and a figure walked slowly, and some evil voices sounded: "It shouldn't be a big problem, you can go there at any time."

Seeing the person coming, Xie Yuchen raised his eyebrows as expected, took a look at him, and didn't speak.

"Hey, Mr. Xie is awake." The black glasses turned off the flashlight, walked up to Zhang Qiling and sat down, the corners of his mouth were habitually raised, and he also took a look at Xie Yuchen, "What a coincidence, you can meet Mr. Zhang anywhere." It seemed casual, but actually it was a mocking provocation.

Xie Yuchen smiled, and also seemed to sigh and said, "Yeah, it's really surprising."

"The head of the family didn't take good care of the family, why did he come to this kind of place to suffer?" Black glasses raised the corners of his mouth and asked with a half-smile.

"That being said, I still have to find the answer I want, don't I?" Xie Yuchen said calmly, and Zhang Qiling who was beside him never left his corner of the eye.

Hearing the pun in the other party's words, the black glasses raised his eyebrows, said nothing more, then looked at Zhang Qiling, and said, "The time should be coming soon."

The author has something to say:

Finally met...OTL

What did you say?The evil way of the bottle, the righteous way of the flower, the evil way of the bottle, the way of all the heavens, pinch haha...

In addition, I still get pushed T^T for collecting shrimps... er, I said I'm not cheating... Collect it...

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