Qilin Jue [Tomb Raiders Notes]

Chapter 25 Snow Mountain

It was just dawn outside the window, and the hazy light shone in through the frosted window frame.

Staring out the window for a while, Zhang Qiling put on his coat, got out of bed softly, and then picked up the ancient black knife placed aside.

Holding the knife in his right hand, he swung it slowly a few times, but his movements stopped.

After stopping, Zhang Qiling looked at his right hand and frowned slightly.The injury from last time has not completely healed, and there will still be some hindrances when the movements are too large.

"Your hands are not easy to move."

Hearing this, Zhang Qiling turned his head and sat on the edge of the bed with black glasses looking at him.

"It's nothing serious." Zhang Qiling said, changing the knife to his left hand.

Black Glasses got up and walked in front of Zhang Qiling, then held his right hand, lowered his head and rubbed it carefully, and sighed silently, "Your injury will never heal if you continue like this..."

"It will be fine slowly." Zhang Qiling closed his eyelids slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "It's almost time, let's go."

"Hmm." The black glasses held Zhang Qiling's cold hands tightly with both hands, suddenly raised his head to look at him, and said seriously: "You promise me one thing first."

Zhang Qiling looked at him and nodded, "What's the matter?"

The black glasses smiled slightly, and said slowly: "After this incident, you should stop running around like before, looking for something in the past. In short, don't go deep into anything."

Speaking of the black glasses, he stared deeply at Zhang Qiling, and said word by word: "Follow me. Even if you forget, then I will help you remember, and I will take you to all the places you have been, wherever is good. Let's remember together."

Zhang Qiling was slightly stunned, looked at the black glasses, and remained silent.

The black glasses smiled wryly, "Have you remembered?" He lowered his head and smiled helplessly, "These words... I told you, you promised me, but you forgot. When I found you, I knew you forgot."

"I..." Zhang Qiling was about to say something, but was interrupted by the other party.

"But this time you can't hold back anymore. Since you promised to follow me, you can't break your promise. But I still have to ask again, are you willing?" He raised his head with a smile, and stared at Zhang Qiling closely with his black glasses eyes.

Zhang Qiling was stunned for a moment, but the corners of his mouth raised almost imperceptibly, and suddenly said: "I remember."

"Huh?" The black glasses were taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses and looked at him in disbelief, "You...that is to say..."

Zhang Qiling retracted the hand held by him, and walked towards the door, "Let's go."

"You haven't answered me yet!" The black glasses pouted angrily, and chased after him unwillingly.


The sky is getting brighter, and the golden brilliance of the rising sun shines on the rolling snow-capped mountains, shining beautifully.

Outside the hotel at the foot of the mountain, a team of more than a dozen people was packing their bags.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a black cloak walked out of the store, and then led by that man, a group of people walked up the bluestone steps towards the snow mountain.

During the season when the mountain was closed by heavy snow, there was a wind and snow blowing on the mountain, and the figures of a dozen people quickly stepped into the vast white snow.From a distance, it looks like black dots.

"Could they be going to the temple?" The black glasses raised their hands to cover their eyes, blocking the blowing snow, and then turned to ask Zhang Qiling beside him.

The whistling wind quickly drowned out other voices.

Zhang Qiling raised his head and looked towards the halfway up the mountain, where more than a dozen figures were looming in the wind and snow.

Farther away on the mountain, there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

"It should be." Zhang Qiling looked back, the slightly long bangs on his forehead were covered with snow foam, and then blown away by the wind, some snow foam floated on the eyelashes, and slowly melted into tiny drops of water.

The silver-white temple looked peaceful at this moment, and the brilliance of the rising sun gave the temple's spire a layer of gold.Little snowflakes fall slowly.


A young lama is sweeping snow in front of the temple gate.After sweeping the last place, the lama rubbed his cold hands and wanted to go in quickly, but at this moment, he found that a dozen people with heavy luggage were coming up from the stairs.

Each of them was dressed tightly, and except for the one who took the lead, the others were covered with long aprons below the eyes, and they all wore coats and hats on their heads.

The Lama waited for them to come up, walked over, and said to the leading man in a black cloak, "Are you here to find someone?"

The man said: "Someone is waiting for us here."

Lama nodded, "Follow me."

The man followed the lama and everyone else followed.

After they all went in, Zhang Qiling and the black glasses came up from under the stairs.

"The other team is here to meet them, it seems that they have arrived long ago." As he spoke, the black glasses wiped off the hoarfrost on the sunglasses, "It's very smart, in order to make things go smoothly, let people come here first. But , when did they come?"

"Not long after we left last time, Zhang Haike and the others also left." Zhang Qiling looked around, and then walked towards the temple.

"In other words, it was the letter reported by the people who followed us earlier?" Black Glasses asked.

Zhang Qiling nodded, "When Zhang Haike and the others came, someone should have escaped."

The temple was very quiet, as if no one had been there.

At the corner of the pavilion, a door was slightly opened, and a dozen people outside the door were quietly standing there packing their luggage.

Looking at those people not far away, the black glasses said: "It's right there."

Zhang Qiling nodded towards him.Then the two carefully walked around the ground floor, walked to the back where those people couldn't see, and got closer.

At this time, a lama walked out of the door over there, said something to a dozen people outside, and then led them away.

Zhang Qiling and Black Glasses followed silently, using the tall beams at the same distance as cover to keep approaching.

Among the dozen or so people in front, a few gradually fell behind because of the large amount of equipment they carried.

Zhang Qiling leaned against the beam behind him, stopped for a while, and then suddenly approached quickly without making a sound.

The two people walking at the end of the line suddenly paused, then lost consciousness and fell down.

A faint light shone into the room, bringing with it an icy coldness.

The black glasses glanced at the two people lying on the ground, then turned to Zhang Qiling and asked, "Are these two people here? It will be troublesome when they wake up, why don't we just do it?"

Zhang Qiling raised his hand and pulled up the hood and put it on, covering most of his face, and then said: "They won't stay here for long, and they should move immediately after hiring porters to guide the way."

The black glasses raised his eyebrows, walked to the door, looked outside through the gap on the door, saw no one outside, opened the door, and walked out with Zhang Qiling.

The two quietly jumped up to the roof of the attic, stepping on the accumulated snow layer and quickly approached.

When they reached a room, the two stopped, then jumped down softly, leaning sideways against the wall behind them, listening to the conversation coming from the window.

"It's your business now, but don't renege on it afterwards!" said a deep voice.

"The people have been found a long time ago, and they can start at any time. Give me the things." Another voice replied.

"If it weren't for the organization's arrangement, I wouldn't be bothered to do things for you."

"Although Hall Master Wang's side failed, the organization has already mastered the things and materials. But they have snatched all the things. Are you doing things for others? I asked you to do things, but you asked others to do it? Why? In this way, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice."

"Are you finished? Isn't the organization investigating that thing? The Zhang family will soon find out what happened before. Have you forgotten why you came here?"

"It's okay, can you stop arguing?" The third voice said at this time.

"Who is arguing?"

"When did you set off? My people brought all the supplies and equipment."


"So fast? However, I saw very suspicious people at the hotel at the foot of the mountain. It's better to leave early."

Then there was no more talking inside, as if they were arranging something silently.

The black glasses frowned, looked at Zhang Qiling, and said in a low voice: "The seal was taken away by Qi Yu, so what would they have in their hands?"

Zhang Qiling shook his head slightly, "Maybe...it's also related to that painting."

At this time, another voice came from the room: "Then get ready now." The person inside seemed to be coming out as he spoke.

Zhang Qiling and the black glasses took a step back, and then returned to the previous room.

Through the window, the black glasses saw more than a dozen people coming out of the room over there, among them was the middle-aged man in a black cloak, and on his left was a man of about the same age, but with a lot of white hair and a gloomy expression.On the other side is a slightly younger man in a black coat, his face looks a bit sharp, and he can tell at a glance that he is a scheming man.

Almost half of the people behind them carried Type [-] or Type [-] pistols on their backs, and their equipment also included satellite phones and a lot of advanced equipment, obviously they had come fully prepared.

"Do you want to act now?" Black Glasses whispered, then turned around and walked to the side of the two people who were stunned on the ground, opened the equipment next to it, and there were all the equipment and equipment for mountaineering, and there were two entrances. and other weapons and equipment.

Zhang Qiling walked to the window and saw that the rest of the team had come out of several adjacent rooms.

Zhang Qiling turned around and walked over, saying, "Put on their clothes and follow suit."

After changing clothes, Zhang Qiling and the black glasses put their equipment on their backs and walked out of the room.Because the clothes were tight and tight, covering everything below the eyes, the two of them were not seen by others as anything wrong.

And after the man in the black cloak over there said something to the man with more white hair beside him, the man walked over, looked at the people walking out here, glanced at Zhang Qiling and the black glasses, and then looked at the others , turned around and said, "Just as long as the people you bring don't hold me back. It's almost afternoon, let's go."

The man in the black cloak smiled and said, "You're talking about yourself, Hua Qi."

The man named Hua Qi snorted, then asked someone to bring two people who looked like porters, and asked, "What's your name?"

A porter said: "Bart." Pointing to his companion, "He is Wu Shun."

The two porters still looked a little dazed, obviously frightened by this scene.

"Okay, let's lead the way, I won't treat you badly afterwards." Hua Qi waved his hand, "How long will it take to enter the mountain from here?"

"Uh," Bart thought for a while, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Boss, if you go to the depths of the snow-capped mountains, it will be difficult to walk there. There are roads that are blocked by heavy snow, and other shortcuts are also very dangerous."

Hua Qi frowned and said: "That's the only place, don't care if he has a way or not, just take it with you."

"Yes." Bart nodded, and exchanged glances with his companion, feeling a little helpless.

After arranging everything, Hua Qi asked a few unequipped people to stay, and then beckoned two porters to lead a team of more than ten people into the mountain.

In order to deal with accidents and emergencies, Zhang Qiling and Black Glasses walked at the end of the team and followed the team into the snow mountain.

However, the mountains are not like the outside. As the afternoon approaches, the snow falls more and more, and the wind also fluctuates from time to time.Although everyone was wearing goggles, it was gradually becoming difficult to see the road clearly.

The black part of the mountains in the distance seems to be invisible now.The snow underfoot was thicker and thicker, and soon moved away from the outcropping of rocks and soil.

The team walks along a steep mountain wall and on a narrow road on the mountain wall. Below the mountain wall is a [-]-meter-deep mountain valley.

Affected by the wind and snow, both Zhang Qiling and Hei Glasses couldn't hear the conversations between the front troops and the porters very clearly, so they could only get a general idea.

A porter used an ice ax to strike all the ice crystals that could be seen on the way forward. In the wind, it sounded like some kind of musical instrument, slowly, sometimes softly.

It was already afternoon, and the sky was getting dark.

Everyone walked cautiously, but in the cold wind and snow, some people began to lose their strength, and several people almost slipped down because they were too tired from walking.

A porter in front suggested to stop and rest, Hua Qi beckoned to stop.

Everyone stopped close to the mountain wall, but they could only stand, slowly waiting for the wind to subside.

Several people obviously began to collapse, their faces turned pale, and their limbs began to stiffen.

The black glasses looked ahead, turned around, and asked Zhang Qiling: "Have you ever been here?"

Zhang Qiling thought for a while and said, "I came here a long time ago, and I was also guided into the mountain by someone."

Half an hour later, the team continued to move forward. When it was dark, the team came to a leeward snow hill, which was connected to the opposite mountain wall.A part of black rock was exposed there, and there was a stone cave with a height of two people on the mountain wall, and the entrance of the cave was not small.

The wind is noticeably less here.

The team stopped, Hua Qi looked around, and then asked a few people to build wind-shielding facilities around the entrance of the cave, and set up a few tents along the entrance of the cave, planning to spend the night here.

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