Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and everyone stood still and did not dare to make any moves.Da Ya slowly moved the light of the flashlight to Wang Tianyi's shoulder. From my point of view, it was a giant slug with a length of fifty centimeters, and its light-colored skin was covered with black markings.It wriggled slowly, oozing a lot of mucus, and the two tentacles on its head were sticking to Wang Tianyi's face. The poor child didn't know what happened to him, and his legs were shaking with fright.

False alarm, no danger.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dog! Tell you to run around!" Wang Shibo was also terrified, seeing that there was no danger, he immediately stepped forward and slapped Wang Tianyi in the face.That slap was so hard that Wang Tianyi was caught off guard and fell to the ground. The slug crawling on the back of his neck also fell down. It squirmed its soft body and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"You hit me! You hit me again!" After all, Wang Tianyi was young, had just narrowly escaped death, and suffered a lot of grievances, with nowhere to vent the evil fire in his heart.He propped himself up on the ground and shouted at Wang Shibo with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, we didn't come here to quarrel, since it's a false alarm, let's go quickly. Get your things early and go out early, and we'll talk about it when we have something to do!" Seeing the Wang family father and son choking again When he woke up, Lao Mo had no choice but to intervene, and he was also full of helplessness. If he hadn't owed Shao Laosi a big favor in the early years, he wouldn't have to bring these two burdens with him this time.

Wang's father and son knew they were wrong, and when they saw Lao Mo coming forward, they took the donkey down the slope and went back to the middle of the team to stop making noise.

After a farce, the procession began to march again.At the end of the corridor is a spacious tomb. Two coffins are placed on the stone foundation in the center of the tomb, about one meter above the ground.Around the coffin are neatly placed delicate wooden boxes, some big and small, the big ones can fit one or two people in, the small ones are as big as a bedside table, and some are even trimmed with gold.

The funeral was quite rich.

Seeing this scene, a group of professional tomb robbers were so excited that their eyes lit up. Even a calm leader like Lao Mo couldn't escape it, but he was still cautious.There is still a passage to enter the tomb from our side. This passage is different from the ones we have walked through before-its walls are hollowed out and made of staggered stacks of blue bricks.

According to me, there must be a mechanism on this section of the road, and the arrows will be turned over with mercury and sand. No matter what, if you make a slight mistake, you will definitely die without a place to bury your life.Just imagine a dignified third-rank official, how could the tomb robber take advantage of it so easily?

Old Mo obviously thought the same way, he threw the question to Yang Jiale: "Little Yang, what do you think we should do next?"

"Come with me." Yang Jiale seemed to have a plan in mind, and motioned for the six sons to stand behind him and lead the team by himself.

The six sons wished that someone would rush ahead for him, smiled at him, and ran to the back consciously.

I stood at the end of the team, sneering to see what kind of waves this guy could make. I didn't expect this kid to be quite capable. He led the big guys along the S-shaped route. After a while, the vanguard arrived at the main tomb.

I took a closer look, and it turns out that the ground here is also different from the one just now. There are some black bricks and stones on the ground inexplicably, and the color depth is not much different from the blue bricks. It is difficult to identify without a flashlight. Knowing this, I led everyone to avoid them perfectly.

The team moved forward slowly, and everyone was cautious, for fear that they would accidentally touch the organ and die unexpectedly.Lao Mo and the others had already entered the main tomb first, and only Yang Jiale stood responsibly at the gate of the tomb, watching the people behind.

Finally it was my turn.

For some reason, my heart suddenly started beating wildly, maybe it was the first time in my life that I was between life and death.One wrong step could be fatal, and I felt my body trembling slightly.

"Don't be afraid." As if feeling my uneasiness, Gu Shaohua standing behind me suddenly held my hand and whispered in my ear, "Follow me, everything will be fine."

His palms were warm, and he led me to walk steadily step by step. I think I must be blushing now. Fortunately, the light in the corridor is dim and I can't see it.

Unexpectedly, just when I let go of my nervousness and thought I could reach the other side smoothly, the ground under my feet suddenly shook violently.Soon, the ground sealed by green bricks suddenly turned into two movable boards, turning inwards.

It's a flap!I guessed it right!

In remorse, I fell down. Unfortunately, Gu Shaohua did not let go of my hand, and he had to follow me into the boundless darkness.

A second before falling, I saw Yang Jiale's gloomy expression.

I was knocked unconscious, maybe I had a slight concussion, and when I woke up, I felt dizzy, and when I opened my eyes, I felt that the whole world was spinning, and the bones in my whole body seemed to be disassembled and then reassembled. The pain was heartbreaking, I think even if I'm lucky enough not to break a bone, soft tissue bruises all over my body are inevitable.

I have to say that we are very lucky, there is no sword pool, no basin, nor any mechanism that kills people under this flap, not even hard rock, it is just a soft and moist soil, otherwise With my small body, I fell to my death a long time ago.

Seeing that I was awake, Gu Shaohua helped me to sit up. I saw that he was still in good condition. There were a few scratches on the visible parts of his face, but it did not affect his movements.

Sure enough, the physical fitness of those who have practiced is different from those that have not.The underground visibility is very low. I looked up, but I found nothing but darkness. According to my inaccurate estimate, it was about ten meters away. My injury was equivalent to jumping down from the third floor on the ground, and I couldn’t die. But it's not good either.

My flashlight was broken, but fortunately Gu Shaohua's is for military use, it is drop-resistant and shock-resistant, so I picked it up and wiped it, and found that even the shell was intact.

"How do you feel?" Gu Shaohua asked me with concern as he let me lean against him.

"Not very well." I replied, "Very dizzy." I swear this is the first time in my life that I have suffered such a serious injury!

"Then you sleep for a while, I will accompany you." He said, his arms gently took me into his arms.

"Well." I've never been a hypocritical person, besides, I really need him at this time.This feeling is very strange. Even though we have only known each other for two or three days, I am very familiar with his every move, as if we have lived together for a long time.

This is underground, there is no skylight, only the warm yellow light of the flashlight.I lay my pillow on Gu Shaohua's shoulder, my eyelids became heavier, and I fell asleep within a few minutes.

Before I fell asleep, I seemed to hear someone whispering in my ear, sorry.

Why do you have to apologize?I don't know why, but my tired body really needs sleep to recover, and I can't keep my eyes open.

With him by my side, I slept very peacefully.

I don't know the time in the ground, and I don't know how long it has been when I woke up. I saw him leaning on a rock with his eyes closed.His eyes are beautiful, and his lips are also beautiful. When those eyes are open, they are majestic and powerful, which makes people feel awe. When they are closed, they have an undefended beauty.I don't know what kind of bewilderment it is, but at this moment, I actually want to kiss him secretly.

After all, the distance is so close, if you miss this opportunity, you don't know how long you will have to wait.

God!What am I thinking about!

After struggling for a few seconds, emotion cruelly surpassed reason.I put my hands on the ground and slowly moved my face closer to him.

Unexpectedly, just when I was about to touch him, his tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and his long eyelashes even touched my face, and he looked straight at me without any doubts—— He obviously knew what I was going to do.

I was like a child who was found to have done something wrong by an adult, my body shrank back involuntarily, and my eyes looked at him timidly.

What's wrong with falling in love with someone who lives and dies with you?Even if he is a man!

Young Master, I'll go all out!

Thinking of this, I suddenly had a lot of confidence.

"I..." Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and I tried to say something to break the embarrassment, "What do you think?"

"I'm fine." Gu Shaohua stood up, rubbed his shoulders, and said expressionlessly, his tone was even a little cold.

"Oh." I suddenly felt the despair of being rejected, I lowered my head and remained silent for a long time.

Is all this really just wishful thinking on my part?So what is his tenderness and care for me these days?Do I look like his brother, nephew, or a classmate, friend, or colleague who has a good relationship?

Alas, I have also fallen to the point where I am thinking wildly because of a broken relationship, and my partner is still a man, so I am really hopeless.

I forced myself not to think about it, now that we are still in the mountain, finding a way to get out is the top priority.

"Where do we go now?" I asked him.If Gu Shaohua didn't mention that shitty thing just now, I wouldn't be looking for boredom. If he had the slightest interest in me, we could still keep in touch after we went out. Someone knows about us.

"Follow this river and you will be able to get out." Gu Shaohua said.He said that I just discovered that there is an underground river not far from us where the light of the flashlight can shine.Since there is a river, it must be able to communicate with the outside world.This shocking good news instantly lifted my depressed mood.

"But, why don't you go to Lao Mo and the others?" I said, I heard that the six sons said that he and Lao Mo have a good relationship, so just let the boss go?

"You go, I'll go find him." Gu Shaohua said as a matter of course.

"No!" I retorted almost immediately, "There are secrets I want to know here too, you can't leave me behind!"

"Secret?" He raised his eyebrows, "What secret is more important than life? Zhou Jingyan, you want to live, you don't deserve to die here."

At this moment, I suddenly regret mentioning Lao Mo. Even if there is only a chance, I hope he can go out with me and stop worrying about these messy things.

"I want to be with you." Calmly sorting out my messy thoughts, I said, "You said you could take me out alive, I believe you."

Gu Shaohua's beautiful phoenix eyes stared into my eyes, and he didn't speak for a long time, as if he was thinking about something.

"Okay," he replied.

Gu Shaohua seems to be very familiar with this place.In front of me, he didn't hide anything, and he didn't explain anything.We fell from the flap of the corridor into this deeper underground space, and it only took him a few minutes to find the secret passage up, as familiar as the owner here.

The secret passage is hidden behind a huge rock, it is extremely narrow, and can only accommodate one person to pass sideways.

I knew there was something hidden in his heart, this person was almost buried in the mystery, in the end, I couldn't help asking: "Did you know Yang Jiale before?"

"I don't know." He focused on opening the way ahead without looking back.

"I heard from Liu Zi that this is his family's ancestral grave." I said, "But it seems that you are more familiar with this place than him."

"..." After listening to my words, Gu Shaohua paused, but did not answer.

"Old Mo said that this General Yang Zhaojun only liked one person all his life, and it was fashionable in the Ming Dynasty to bury husbands and wives together. Do you think that beautiful white-faced military adviser will also be buried here?" I couldn't find a topic for a while, and started talking to him again. gab.

"Not here." He said, with a bit of indifference in his tone, "He is a spy sent by a foreign race. He was executed long before Yang Zhaojun's death. His body was cremated and his ashes were scattered in the river. There is no grave."

"!!!" I was taken aback, this was tantamount to being defeated in ancient times, what a great hatred.However, before the righteousness of the family and the country, the love of children is just a cloud, and it is reasonable for General Yang to do so.

"If you have anything else you want to know, please ask here." Gu Shaohua said.

"Does General Yang love his military adviser?"

"do not love."

"Then who is he not marrying for in this life?" I couldn't overcome my curiosity after all.

Gu Shaohua froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect me to ask such a question, he turned around suddenly, the light of the flashlight pierced my face, it was so bright that I almost couldn't open my eyes.

"Ayan." At that moment, I saw the indescribable tenderness in his eyes.

"En?" I thought Gu Shaohua was calling me, but after a few seconds I understood that he was just immersed in memories and couldn't extricate himself.This Ayan is not me, Zhou Jingyan, he is someone else, maybe anyone, but he is not me.Thinking of this, my mood sucks.

"If you don't mean that, then don't provoke me." I said angrily, "I'm not your Ayan, it's not fair to me or him if you treat me as him."

However, Gu Shaohua didn't have time to reply me, because a giant slug suddenly appeared in front of us, as if it had fallen from the top.It is bright red in color, and its tentacles on the top of its head are stepping on mucus. No matter how you look at it, it is disgusting.The point is, this one is bigger than the one crawling on Wang Tianyi's body. I measured it visually, and it's at least one meter long.

I sighed in my heart, the room really needs to be cleaned frequently, otherwise who knows what weird things will grow.

The passage here is narrow, and we cannot proceed at all without bypassing it.

I read on Wikipedia that slugs are mainly vegetarian and eat plant roots, mold and moss, etc., but this is only for normal body sizes within 30 to 60 mm.

"Do you think it will attack humans?" I patted Gu Shaohua on the shoulder and asked.

"Look." He pointed to the foot of the huge monster.

"Scared!" It's okay if I don't look at it, I was really shocked when I saw it. The one under it was clearly a severed hand of a human being. Part of the flesh of the fingers had completely disappeared, leaving only white bones .I guess the mucus of these bugs must be very corrosive, just like spiders, they can't eat solid food directly in chunks, they use meth to convert it into liquid, and then drink it.

Thinking of this, my heart was once again trembling, who the hell would like a drink that turned into a bug?Fortunately, it has something to eat now, and it has no time to take care of our two spare food.

"What now?" I asked nervously.

"Hold this." Compared to my nervousness, Instructor Gu Shaohua seemed very calm. He unhurriedly took out a bag of something from his backpack and handed it to me, saying, "Sprinkle it on it after a while, I said run and we will run!"

"Okay!" I was motivated by him, like a soldier assigned some important task by the general.

"Run!" Gu Shaohua ordered, and we started running.When I was about to hit it, I spilled the deadly weapon in my hand.Needless to say, this thing is really easy to use. As soon as this big bright red guy touched the powder in my hand, he shrank as if scalded by boiling water. I seemed to hear the sound of corrosion on its body.Creatures that live for a long time are more or less spiritual, and the bug is no exception. I saw it squatting in the corner resigned to its fate, and even took the initiative to give way.

Well, count your senses.

I couldn’t help being elated when I escaped from birth. The wonderful feeling of brushing past danger stimulated the secretion of adrenaline. At that moment, I really felt that I saved the world. I didn’t feel tired at all after sprinting so far in one breath. This speed, this state, must have broken my 50-meter record at school.

"I said, what did you give me? Why is it so powerful?" I asked excitedly, could it be the bone-removing powder and corpse powder in martial arts novels?

"Look for yourself." Gu Shaohua turned on the light of the flashlight.

I looked down, and the martial arts dream in my heart was completely shattered.Still familiar packaging, still familiar taste.

"Iodized snow salt?"

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