Chapter 91: Shadows in the Water

The terracotta figurines just smiled like this, staring intently at the living people at the door.What are they laughing at?Is it because of the addition of new companions?Or are they staring at those who have not been assimilated?

They don't know, and don't want to know.

All I know is that those surviving in those pottery figurines are monsters with malicious intentions.

The Liu family's idea of ​​finding Uncle Nian was stillborn after all, especially when Shen Ye said that even if they were found, the two of them were hopeless, and it was difficult for everyone to have any other choice but to be silent. representation.

Liu Ming was still crying over there, and with Liu Donghua's comforting voice pressing down on him, it became more depressed and heavy.

But now, there are more important things to deal with.

Calling the rest of the people together, Liu He took a deep breath and said, "You guys, have you ever touched those pottery figurines before?"

Both Liu Ming and Uncle Nian had problems after touching the terracotta figurines, so he could only think in this direction: Is it possible that people will be assimilated by the terracotta figurines only if they have been directly touched?

Hearing this, everyone's faces were a bit ugly, except for a few people, the rest nodded sadly.

Liu He didn't know whether to cry or get angry: "You all forgot the damn instructions before entering the tomb?!" He sighed as soon as he finished speaking, but they can't be blamed. Who would have thought that the pottery figurines used for burial would have hidden murderous intentions? Woolen cloth?Even himself, although he didn't touch those things, didn't he also attract all eyes?

"Master, what should we do?" After waking up from Liu Qian's death, all the group of people left now was worrying about their unknown fate.

Will he be the next one to die?

Will they become the same as Liu Ming and Liu Qian?

Liu He gritted his teeth, and turned his gaze to Xie Yi, but Xie Yi shook his head when he saw this, he was helpless on this point, and was also puzzled.

"Master, let's go on." Someone stood up and suggested, although his face was not good-looking, his expression was very firm, "We don't encounter this kind of thing very often? Isn't it just a life?"

Since staying here is also death, it is better to continue walking.

Liu He smiled wryly, but the words were simple.

It's just that this side has not yet made a decision, and Liu Ming, who has collapsed on the other side, is unable to persuade Liu Donghua no matter how much he persuades.With tears streaming down his face, he was almost buried and suffocated by guilt.

"It's my's my fault..." Liu Ming's eyes were blank, his body without arms struggled, as if he wanted to break away from Liu Donghua's shackles.

Liu Donghua looked at him very uncomfortable, but the other party probably couldn't listen to a word of comfort, he only knew to struggle and twist, and only knew to keep retreating aimlessly.

The Milky Way is still rushing forward, soothing and calm, but some unknown sound is slowly added to it, as if it is slowly floating up from the water.

Xie Yiyuan looked at Liu He's group, and after catching that sudden voice, he hurriedly looked at Yinhe, and saw Liu Donghua and Liu Ming wandering by the river, unaware of the unknown danger behind them.

Xie Yi hurriedly said: "Hurry up and come back!"

Not wanting to see a wave of ups and downs, Liu Donghua kicked a stone when he turned his head, staggered and was about to fall backwards. In order not to implicate Liu Ming, he had no choice but to let go.

But at the moment when he fell, death bloomed before his eyes again.

There was no chance for anyone to react, and a huge monster suddenly appeared in the originally calm galaxy.The smooth body covered with scales, with a bloody mouth, passed by Liu Donghua the moment he fell, and bit Liu Ming who was still sluggish.

In an instant, the blood sprayed out desperately like a fountain, splashing Liu Donghua's head and face.

Liu He and the others on the other side were also stunned. They only heard the sound of huge waves. When they turned their heads, they saw that huge head rushing straight out of the mercury, biting Liu Ming on the shore with one bite. went in.

Xie Yi's forward body was pulled by Shen Ye, and he could only watch as Shen Ye jumped to Liu Donghua's side, and pulled him out of danger before the monster made any further progress.

It was a giant silver snake, the head alone was more than one meter wide, and its sharp teeth were enough to split a human being in two.A Liu Ming is not enough for it to eat, so those snake eyes are greedily looking at the food in front of it - this snake has no snake faith - it seems that it wants to swallow everyone.

The blood stained the sand beneath the monster red, just like its foul-smelling mouth.But I don't know if this snake is used to living in mercury or for other reasons, its head is stranded on the shore, and it is still some distance from the crowd, and most of its body is immersed in mercury, which is different from ordinary snakes, but it is extremely difficult moving forward.

There was no need for anyone to remind them, the group rushed towards the stone room in front of them very quickly without any hesitation.Unexpectedly, at the next moment, another loud noise broke through the water.

In the vast Milky Way, a giant silver python churned up again, rushing straight out of the water with a height of more than three meters.It swooped down and bit the silver snake with half of its body still on the shore.The giant snake turned over in pain, and wanted to turn around and bite back fiercely, but the upper body could not be dragged back into the water for a while, and it was at a disadvantage for a while.

On the silver river, a faint pink smudged, accompanied by an extremely stench and the sound of the waves.

The mercury flew up and wet the embankment, condensed into drops of bright beads and trickled back again.When the third and fourth almost identical silver snakes rushed out of the water, everyone no longer knew whether to be lucky or afraid.

In the extremely poisonous mercury, there are still living creatures?Moreover, it is still such a huge monster.

Taking advantage of several giant snakes fighting together, everyone hurried into the stone room.In any case, they can only move forward.

The moment you entered the stone chamber, the sound of the rolling waves disappeared instantly, as if you entered another world.It is indeed another world, where instead of the sound of the waves, there are birdsongs that sound like dreams.

The crisp and melodious cry of the oriole, the clear and hoarse neighing of the white crane, and the chirping sounds of hundreds of thousands of birds that cannot be named at all.

Chirping, chirping, intermingling, one after another, is it a paradise for all kinds of birds?Or a paradise outside the world?

After the fright and trepidation, such a wonderful bird song ushered in, should it be said to be a kind of spiritual relief?Of course not, because what everyone saw was an empty room with nothing in it, and the birdsong was indeed endless.

It's as if the singing is right next to my ear, but the feeling of not being able to see anything is even more creepy.

The author has something to say: the Liu family in this volume is completely different from the skinny people in the previous volume.

Order some wax for Liu Ming, boy, I really didn’t mean to send you bentos _(:зゝ∠)_

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