Ancient Sword II: The Tracking of the Fierce Mountain

Chapter 89: 2 Difficulties to Advance and Retreat

Chapter 89: Dilemma

Liu Ming couldn't describe that feeling, he was so scared to death, but he couldn't look away.It's like knowing that the next step is a cliff, but I can't stop walking forward.

The black pupils of the terracotta figurine looked straight at Liu Ming, and Liu Ming, who was sweating profusely, felt his whole body trembling violently.Vaguely, he seemed to feel that the corners of the terracotta figurine's stiff mouth moved up a little?

Liu Ming blinked, and looked over uncertainly, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that there was not much change.But just when he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to look away, the terracotta figurine smiled slowly and clearly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if to laugh at him.

yes, laughed.The face of the terracotta figurine was split into two thin slits from the base of the ears, and the slits got bigger and bigger, and finally overlapped with the corners of the mouth. At first glance, it was almost a terrifying smile that split the whole face in two.

In front of Liu Ming's eyes, the fair-faced terracotta figurine suddenly became a demon from hell.

But Liu Ming, who saw the whole process clearly, only felt that his eyes went dark.

Can the stone move?

Can terracotta figures laugh?

really? !

But the terracotta figurine was indeed smiling, his brows were wrinkled, and the upper half of his face was still in pain, but his mouth, with the corners of his lips curled up and cracked all the way to the ears, was indeed smiling.It's like being cut from the bridge of the nose, the upper half of the face is in pain, and the lower half of the face is gloating over there.

Liu Ming finally couldn't take it anymore: "Master, he's moving! He's moving! Look at him moving!"

Liu Ming's voice turned into a crying tone, pity him, a big man, was so frightened that he could speak incoherently.But what broke Liu Ming even more was that he obviously wanted to grab Liu He's hand for comfort, but his body approached Liu He, but his hands were still placed on both sides of his body, and he didn't intend to lift them up at all. .

Liu He looked at Liu Ming who had seen a ghost, and then saw him staring at his hands in horror, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"My hand...I can't move it anymore." Liu Ming's voice trembled so badly that he could barely hear it.

"What?!" Liu He grabbed Liu Ming's hand, and the next moment, he was also shocked to find that he couldn't lift Liu Ming's hand.

Like a part installed on a machine, or a mountain connected to the earth, Liu Ming's hands are hanging straight on both sides of his body and it is difficult to move. Liu He and several people can't move even a little.

"What the hell is going on!" Liu He was in a hurry, especially when Liu Ming murmured "Master, my shoulder feels a bit wrong", he was really going crazy, his body that couldn't move made him go crazy. In an instant, I thought of the pottery figurines around me.

Aren't the terracotta figurines also unable to move?

Seeing Liu Ming burst into tears and snot, Liu He looked at Shen Ye begging for help: "Mr. Shen!"

Shen Ye simply said, "Do you want your life or your hand?"

These words were obviously addressed to Liu Ming.

But Liu Ming's eyes were full of despair, he couldn't listen to what Shen Ye said, let alone answer it.

But Liu He said decisively: "Damn! If you lose your hand, it will be gone! Is a life worse than a hand?!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw a silver light flash in front of their eyes, and then there were two crisp sounds of "dong" and "dong".Taking a closer look, Shen Ye had a long sword in his hand at some point, and it was shining faintly with silver light. Then he looked at Liu Ming, his arm was broken shoulder to shoulder, and the two soft sounds were when he fell to the ground. issued by the arm.

Faced with this situation, everyone was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Liu Ming's hand was cut off like this?

It was too late to complain about Shen Ye's reckless behavior, and everyone saw a change in Liu Ming's broken arm on the ground.One moment they were still the arms of a living person, but the next moment, they changed color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A layer of gray film quickly wrapped Liu Ming's arms from both sides, and when they were glued together in the middle, what remained under their feet were only the severed arms of the two terracotta figurines.

This transformation took only a few minutes, but the words in everyone's hearts changed from complaints to gratitude.

If Shen Ye hadn't made a quick decision, would that layer of membrane directly wrap Liu Ming's whole body?It's hard for everyone to imagine.

The incision on Liu Ming's shoulder did not bleed, but upon closer examination, it did not turn into Tao. Everyone in the Liu family breathed a sigh of relief, but Liu Ming himself was still unable to wake up from this accident.

Xie Yi looked at Liu Mingshang's immature face and couldn't help but sigh.Although it is a great blessing to save his life, such a young man with no arms will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes in his future life.

But looking at Liu He, who looked reborn after the catastrophe, Xie Yi felt relieved again, with Liu He around, maybe Liu Ming's life can still be guaranteed.

Shen Ye put away the sword, and when he turned his head, he happened to see Xie Yi looking at Liu He intently.That look was a little gratified, a little joyful, and even more appreciative.Can't help frowning, Shen Ye said displeased: "Xie Yi, what are you looking at?"

Xie Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, he turned to Shen Ye: "What?"

Shen Ye glanced at Liu He: "Don't look at what's there."

"?" Xie Yi was even more confused, what does Ah Ye mean?

Before Xie Yi could study it carefully, the next moment, he was attracted by the things around him: "Aye..."


Xie Yi grabbed Shen Ye's arm, but said in a deep voice to everyone, "Let's get out of here quickly."

The Liu family all looked at Xie Yi in puzzlement. Isn't Liu Ming's problem solved?But following Xie Yi's gaze, the chill once again invaded their bone marrow.

That's right, how could they forget that Liu Ming's severed arm was wrapped in a gray film, didn't he become Tao?If it envelops Liu Ming's whole body, wouldn't it be a living terracotta figurine?So what about the rest of the terracotta figures here?What about the terracotta figurines struggling to escape?Previously they were able to convince themselves that this was just a conjecture, but at this moment, they were extremely sober: inside this terracotta figurine, there was once a living person.

But can the things living inside the terracotta figures be called "human beings"?

Thin cold sweat covered everyone's foreheads. They knew that the stone chamber was full of terracotta figurines, but the heads of these terracotta figurines were all facing them at some point.The servants of the soldiers, the servants of the dancers, the servants of the officials, and even the neatly arranged pottery figurines of various colors in front of them, one by one, one by one, all turned their heads towards them without knowing when.Or smiling, or serious, or painful, or happy, but their bodies are still facing them.

This is an unimaginable scene. Can the clay figurines turn their heads?How ridiculous, is it possible to cut off the neck and then translate it over?Unfortunately, none of the crowd could laugh.

"Let's go." Liu He pulled Liu Qian who was beside him, sending such a signal.

Liu Qian broke out in a cold sweat and nodded tremblingly.The feeling of being stared at by thousands of "dead things" is really not good.

Everyone gathered in one place and retreated in a defensive posture, fearing that these terracotta figurines would come alive and attack them.Fortunately, although the heads of those terracotta figurines can move, their bodies seem to be frozen forever. They just quietly watched the retreating Liu family, quietly watched, and kept silently watching...

When the Liu family left the stone room, they realized that Shen Ye and Xie Yi had been waiting for them outside for a long time.

The white light of the Milky Way lit up around me again, and the lamps that disappeared in the stone room before were also lit again. The familiar sound of running water seemed to be the comfort of the end of a dangerous journey.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Xie." Liu He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and nodded, but his eyes were a little dignified, because not far behind Shen Ye and Xie Yi, there was a huge gray stone room in front of him.

Seeing the almost identical stone room behind him, the rest of the people turned pale. Liu Qian swallowed and said, "Master, do you want to rush over?" Just seeing the stone door, he could imagine monsters full of terracotta figurines inside.

I don't want Xie Yi to suggest: "Let's rest here for a while."

Liu Qian looked at Xie Yi in surprise, rest?But behind him were those terracotta figurines, so close to these monsters, he couldn't rest easy.

It's not just Liu Qian who thinks this way, just because of the expressions of disapproval from the rest of the people, they must also hope to rush out of the encirclement now.

Xie Yi glanced at them in embarrassment, and before he could say anything, Shen Ye said: "I advise you to take a rest, the stone room in front, you'd better be mentally prepared."

As soon as these words came out, the Liu family was silent, and it took a long time to hear Liu He say: "The front is also a monster?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Liu He was surprised: "You didn't go in?"

Xie Yi said, "I just looked outside the door."


"It's useless to talk too much, rest first." Shen Ye said decisively.

Seeing that Shen Ye had no room for discussion at all, let alone plans to say more, everyone could only stop their thoughts.What's more, this is the suggestion of Shen Ye and Xie Yi, most of them will obey.

Because the things they brought were relatively light, everyone prepared to sit on the ground and simply rest for a while.It's just that the location they chose was right between the two stone chambers, and it seemed that they were afraid, as they were worried that the monsters on both sides would really rush out and take them down.

Xie Yi was extremely helpless, since the space between the two stone rooms was so clean and there was nothing but lamps, it was enough to show that pottery figurines and the like could not leave the stone room.Even those climbing terracotta figurines, isn't it difficult to move forward when they are at the door?

But since everyone felt more at ease in this way, it was difficult for him to say anything more.Only when one of them got close to Yinhe did Xie Yi speak out to stop him.

Facing the suspicious eyes of the other party, Xie Yi just smiled: "Mercury is poisonous after all, it will be bad if it falls."

The man went in without knowing it, but since Xie Yi kindly reminded him, even though he thought it was unnecessary, the man nodded and walked from one side of the Milky Way to the opposite side.

Seeing this, Shen Ye walked to Xie Yi's side, and said calmly, "So be careful?"

Xie Yi smiled and said: "Just in case." Unnecessary accidents, if possible, try to stop them.

Shen Ye raised his eyebrows, but in the end he didn't say anything, pulled Xie Yi, and sat in the seat farthest from Liu He.

The author has something to say: In the next chapter, someone should receive the lunch box. Guess who it is?

PS: Definitely not cannon fodder that hasn’t even been given a name= ̄ω ̄=

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