Chapter 82: Liulian Boiling Well ([-])

This is a sound that is completely different from the sound of water heard before. If the sound in front is a smooth wave, then what is here is a roaring waterfall.The cave is filled with a hot and humid smell, stuffy, and the temperature gets higher the further you go in.

I don't know if it was because it was still close to the Yellow River, or because Shen Ye had reminded them earlier, Liu He and the others were not surprised when they heard the loud noise, and they all walked forward quietly.

Someone in front passed a torch, Liu He took it in his hand, and walked while observing the wall passages on both sides.

There are no murals or other things in the messy excavation traces, but the rocks covered with water droplets due to excessive humidity are quite similar to the single-plank bridge outside. Presumably the moisture on the tree trunks came from here When it came out, it was rare for the wooden trunk to survive under such a large water vapor without decay.

Liu He didn't know what he thought of, and joked with a smile: "It's a pity, I should have knocked out a piece of wood if I knew it earlier, maybe it was gloomy wood or golden nanmu, and that would be considered a valuable thing."

Xie Yi smiled: "Yes, it's a pity." But this is just a promise. Although the gloomy wood and golden nanmu are extremely valuable wood, for the Taosha faction, they are definitely not as good as buried in the ground. The treasures are precious.

Dark wood and golden nanmu were mostly used by the royal family in the past. They are moisture-proof and immortal, and the coffins made of them are even more desirable for ordinary aristocratic families.Now that such precious wood is used as a wooden bridge under the feet, is this telling the Liu family that the burial this time is definitely not simple?

The more he walked in, the heavier the water vapor became, and the torch in Liu He's hand was also smudged by the water vapor, making a "beep" sound, and the flame flickered.What about the temperature?You can tell a thing or two from the appearance of everyone sweating profusely.

The group of people seemed to be getting closer and closer to the stove, and the sound of the rushing water did not stop. At the end, it was almost deafening, and all sounds were blocked, only the sound of the water filled the ears.

As patient as Xie Yi, he also wiped the sweat from his brow, and Shen Ye, who had been looking at him for the next moment, came to his side: "Tired?"

Xie Yi shook his head, before he could say anything, there was an exclamation from ahead: "Master, look here!"

That's when the first person made the discovery.

The rest of the people couldn't help speeding up their pace, Xie Yi and Shen Ye were no exception, they walked for a while, but saw a faint light shining through the darkness ahead.

The closer to the light, the higher the temperature, but the sound of the water is quieter, it sounds more like water is boiling.

A gust of wind blew out the torches in everyone's hands in an instant, but at this moment everyone had arrived at their destination, and their eyes were full of light, which had already replaced the relatively weak fire.

After stepping through a narrow door opening, the hot and humid air surrounded everyone.I saw smooth stone walls all around, surrounded in a circle. Because of the age and unevenness, some places have fallen off, exposing the soil behind, and above everyone is the vast sky, and the sun's light is still soft.

A rope hangs from the top, the half-rotten rope blowing in the wind, and a bucket can be seen in the corner, which has long been rusted.

"Abandoned well?" Someone said, "Have we reached that village? Are we under that village now?"

The rest of the people did not answer his question, because apart from the abandoned well, they were more concerned about the six lotus stone platforms scattered around.

Six stone lotus flowers are distributed in a circle at the bottom of the abandoned well. The lotus leaves and corolla are exquisitely carved, only the lotus heart is empty.And the sound of "gurgling" water came from the six lotus flowers. It was indeed the sound of boiling water, and one could even see the surging water vapor continuously overflowing from the position where the lotus heart should be.

The doorway at the back is connected to the way it came from. You can hear the sound of the boiling water being whimpered by the wind, colliding back and forth in the narrow cave, infinitely amplified into an echo that is almost comparable to a waterfall.

It is connected to the boiling well under this abandoned well?Really unprecedented.

"Under our feet, wouldn't it be a hot water heater?" Someone laughed and said, "If it's a hot spring, maybe I'd like it a little bit more. It's good to smash it here and go down for a bubble."

"Old He, shut your crow's mouth!" Someone yelled in a low voice, "You don't know anything, what nonsense!" Can you soak in boiling water?Don't die!

The middle-aged man named Lao He spread his hands, still walking around the lotus platform with an expression of interest, apparently not paying attention.

Xie Yi was also standing in front of a lotus platform, feeling the burning water vapor passing through his fingers, and the endless churning sound under his feet, it was a bit weird no matter how he thought about it.

He once heard that there was a so-called "boiling well" in a certain town, which was actually caused by the eruption of carbon dioxide from the ground, but the situation here is different, not to mention that they don't feel suffocated, just the hot feeling is enough to It makes people believe that what they are standing on is indeed boiling well water.

Xie Yi would not believe the Six Lotus Boiling Well under the abandoned well if it had nothing to do with the tomb they were looking for.

Just what is this boiling water for?Will it be the entrance?Xie Yi wasn't sure.

Shen Ye looked up at the top of the abandoned well. The weather outside was just right, so it wouldn't be as stuffy as inside the well.Glancing at Xie Yi's sweaty forehead, taking advantage of the fact that no one around him was paying attention to him and Xie Yi, Shen Ye stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around the other's waist, grabbed the decaying well rope with one hand, and jumped with one lift. up.

The rest of the people could only hear the sound of their clothes flapping. When they looked up, there were no figures of Shen Ye and Xie Yi, but Shen Ye's indifferent voice came from above: "Xie Yi and I went outside to have a look." After that, there was a sound of footsteps leaving.

"Mr. Shen!" Liu He stood up, looked at the clueless people surrounding the six lotus platforms, gritted his teeth, and said, "Let's also go outside to have a look."

It's a pity that the moment he pulled on the well rope, he didn't go up, but the rope fell down first with a "poof".Liu He picked up the rope and saw that the center was already moldy, unable to bear the weight of a grown man at all.

But no matter what, they had to go out and take a look.These six lotus platforms are not necessarily the entrance, they can't spend time here like a fly.

Ask Shen Ye and the two to help tie the rope that was thrown out, and Liu He and the others finally climbed out of the well.

The breeze was blowing, and the morning sun was still not dazzling. They could be seen in an ancient temple.The plaques that are too old and cannot be read clearly will not fall, and the half-collapsed temple is also full of dust, and the green-brown road paved with stone bricks is overgrown with weeds, perhaps because there is plenty of water vapor here However, the weeds are full of vitality.

The gate of the ancient temple has peeled off the vermilion lacquer, leaving only a fragile frame, but when the sun shines, there is a silence that has gone through many vicissitudes. Xie Yi and Shen Ye stand at the gate, close to each other like a painting.

Looking at those two, Liu He felt that there was some disharmony in his heart. Shen Ye and Xie Yi were master and apprentice, but master and apprentice, would they be so close?

Facing Liu He and the others who came out, Shen Ye said, "Do you want to go out and have a look?"

Unexpectedly, Liu He shook his head: "The news I got is that the entrance is in the temple of this village. Let's look for it here." It's their luck to directly enter the destination, unless there is a second temple in this village. temple.

Shen Ye did not refuse: "That's fine."

An ancient temple can be said to be big or small, and a large part of it has collapsed, so it is a bit troublesome where to start.Fortunately, there were quite a few people from the Liu family, so Liu He sent everyone to search everywhere, including the abandoned well, which was the most suspicious place so far.

Lao He and Liu Donghua, a young man in his team, offered to go to the bottom of the abandoned well. Liu He didn't refuse, and told them to be careful, but Lao He smiled casually: "What is there to be careful about in such a place?" .”

"Old He!"

Seeing Liu He's serious face, Lao He could only suppress the excitement in his heart: "Master, I understand."

Liu He sighed, knowing that this person would not listen, he waved him off.

Xie Yi and Shen Ye were naturally acting together. Seeing people searching everywhere in the temple, they didn't know where to start. On a whim, they walked slowly to the pond that had long since dried up in the temple.

The pond in this temple was built with great care, with marble as the bottom and pebbles as the walls. Because of the age, grass has already grown in the cracks.And inside the pond, there are a few Jun-glazed scroll vats randomly placed, which must be used to plant bowl lotus.

Xie Yi was looking at it casually, but after seeing the number of lotuses in the bowl, he was taken aback: "A Ye, there are exactly six bowls of lotus here."

He and Shen Ye looked at each other. There are six lotus flower stone platforms, and there are six bowl lotuses here.

There must be some relationship between the six bowl lotuses in the pond and the six lotus stone platforms at the bottom of the abandoned well.

It's a pity that Xie Yi and Shen Ye hadn't had time to tell Liu He the news, but a sharp scream suddenly came from the abandoned well.

The author has something to say: Rolling Sapo wants to bookmark and leave a messageヽ(≧□≦)ノ

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