Ancient Sword II: The Tracking of the Fierce Mountain

Chapter 80: The Graben Opens to the Secluded

Chapter 80: The Graben leads to seclusion ([-])

Because everyone was tired after a day's journey, Liu He left three people to watch the night, and the rest went into the tent to rest.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi's tent had already been set up with Liu Jun's help, and the rest of the things were put in bags and brought over intact.

In fact, this time when he came out, Xie Yi didn't bring many things, except for bedding and the like, it was just some light things.After laying out one quilt, Xie Yi hadn't taken out the other bed from the bag when his hands stopped.

Out of habit, he brought two quilts over without thinking too much, but... Carefully glanced at Shen Ye who was taking off his coat behind him, Xie Yi pulled the bag back on calmly.

It's a pity that just as Xie Yi pulled up the bag and before he turned around, a gust of heat came from his ears, and the next moment, Shen Ye embraced him in his arms: "Why, are you guilty?"

Feeling a burst of heat in his ears, and his collar was opened, Xie Yi didn't panic, and smiled, "Guilty? What are you talking about, Aye?"

"Heh... Xie Yi, Xie Yi, it seems like you can't change his habit of talking about him with a guilty conscience." Shen Ye's hand has already touched Xie Yi's warm skin, and the other hand will He held it with struggling hands, Shen Ye kissed the other person's cheek and said, "Tell me, how should I punish you?"

With such blatant words, Xie Yi didn't know what to say, so he could only struggle a little and said, "There are a lot of people here."

Shen Ye didn't pull out his hand: "I know."

"Hmm..." Xie Yi only felt a little hot after being kissed for a while, "Master..."

Shen Ye's smile deepened when he heard the words: "You made another mistake, adding more mistakes, shouldn't you be punished?" While speaking, the movements of his hands became explicit.

Xie Yi's breathing was a little short, this body was too used to Shen Ye's touch, even a kiss could make him lose his sense of proportion.Looking up and seeing Shen Ye's eyes full of smiles, Xie Yi knew that there was still room for begging for mercy, so he could only say, "Aye, that's enough."

Shen Ye still had a sense of propriety, he wasn't going to let others have the chance to hear Xie Yi's groan: "Do you know what's wrong?"

Xie Yi nodded helplessly.

Ever since they got married, Ah Ye paid great attention to his address, and he was not allowed to call him "Master" again, let alone forget that they were already husband and wife.

So he should sleep in one bed, but he prepared two beds of bedding. Isn't this an opportunity for Ah Ye to bully him?As for the "Master" that was accidentally blurted out, it really made things worse and gave Ah Ye an excellent excuse.

Shen Ye has been in a good mood recently, seeing Xie Yi's face flushed and beautiful, he is also satisfied: "Next time if you make a mistake again, I will not let you go."

Xie Yi blushed and nodded, he didn't want to cause more "trouble".

Shen Ye smiled satisfied, put his arms around him and said, "Let's rest."

"……it is good."

It was a very warm scene for the two of them to sleep together, but in the middle of the night when the stars and the moon were high above, the two who should have fallen into a deep sleep opened their eyes vigilantly.

The "cracking" sound of the fire outside the tent, the soft voices of the night watchman talking, and the breathing sound of the rest of the tents were all clearly audible, but the mixed sounds did not elicit the slightest reaction.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi looked at each other, didn't they hear?

Because it was just a simple rest except for their coats, the two quickly put on their coats and went out.

"Mr. Shen? Mr. Xie?" One of the night watchmen happened to be Liu Jun who was driving. He was a little surprised to see them, "Why did you come out?"

Xie Yi didn't tell what they found, but smiled and said, "I can't sleep, so A Ye and I went out for a walk."

"That's it," Liu Jun said without doubting him, "I can't sleep too. It just so happens that A Bing is tired and can't sleep anyway, so I'll just do it for him."

Xie Yi smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Xie, please sit with us for a while." Liu Jun issued an invitation.

Before Xie Yi could answer, Shen Ye said, "No need, let's walk around."

Liu Jun glanced at Shen Ye with a cold face, and his smile remained undiminished: "Oh, it's fine, it's fine to walk."

After leaving the night watchmen, Shen Ye and Xie Yi came to the vicinity of the moat, and the gust of wind roared out from the bottom of the cliff, blowing people's faces with pain.And besides the sound of the wind, the sound of running water can be faintly heard, weak but surging, it seems more like the sound of surging waves, rushing endlessly.

Looking at the dark cliff bottom, Shen Ye said calmly: "Did you hear that?"

"Yes," Xie Yi said, "it's indeed the sound of running water, but why didn't I hear it during the day?"

They came along the road with Liu He before, and didn't hear any sound.Is it because of the silence of the night?Therefore, the sound of water that was originally covered can be revealed.Or, does it only have water flowing through it at night?

Shen Ye was noncommittal: "Have you heard clearly?"

Xie Yi was taken aback, and listened carefully, and suddenly found that the sound of water was not coming from the bottom of the cliff. He turned around, and the sound, which seemed real and unreal, came from the direction where they were camping?

That noise is definitely not the echo of the Yellow River's sound, not to mention that they have been away from the Yellow River for several days, even if it is the real sound of the Yellow River's water, it will never come from the ground like this. Could it be that there is an underground river?

Xie Yi looked at Shen Ye: "Master... what does Ah Ye think?" If there really is an underground river, then it will take a lot of effort to cross this gorge.

Not to mention that there may be a muddy swamp below, and if there is a dark river, beware.

Shen Ye thought for a while: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

After all, it was very inconvenient in the middle of the night.

Xie Yi nodded: "Alright."

The two returned to the camping place where everyone lived, and saw Liu Jun still sitting by the fire, showing a hearty smile to the two who came back.

Smiling and nodding, Xie Yi had a brief chat with the other party before leaving.

Afterwards, Shen Ye and Xie Yi fell asleep hugging each other, and the faint sound of running water never stopped, but at the moment when dawn was approaching, the sound seemed to be quieter?

The sound of water was already inaudible, and after dawn, it was even more difficult to detect.

After tidying things up early the next morning, Shen Yeyuan didn't say anything about it. It wasn't until the men sent by Liu He couldn't find the way and could only go down the cliff that he calmly revealed what he found last night.

"Sound of water?" Liu He was a little puzzled, "I didn't hear it." He looked at the Liu family beside him, and shook their heads.But Liu He didn't doubt Shen Ye's discovery: "Since Mr. Shen heard it, we'd better be careful."

If you go down to the cliff and you are directly swallowed by the waves, this is an unnecessary sacrifice, but it is not attractive at all.

The Liu family was fully prepared, but after a while, the equipment for climbing down the cliff was ready.

Liu He took the lead, tied the rope around his waist, and smiled at Shen Ye: "Mr. Shen, do you want to go down together?"

Shen Ye did not refuse: "Okay."

Because there are only two ropes, Xie Yi and others can only stay on it temporarily.

"If something happens at that time, I will pull the rope three times, remember to pull me up." Liu He instructed over there, while Shen Ye stood beside Xie Yi, and said lightly: "I'll go down first to have a look, you are up there wait for me."

Xie Yi couldn't say anything, and looked at Liu He with helplessness.It was only natural that Liu He wanted to go down first, so what else could he say?

"Then Ah Ye come back quickly." Xie Yi said softly.

For some reason, he felt that Shen Ye would come back soon.

From Shen Ye's ears, Xie Yi's soft words were more like being coquettish, he resisted the urge to give Liu He a passionate kiss in full view, and when Liu He was ready, Shen Ye climbed down the cliff with him.

Xie Yi stood above, watching Shen Ye's figure getting smaller and smaller, gradually disappearing on the cliff, leaving only the rope, stretching down as the two of them descended.

Xie Yi's expression was calm, but his heart was not at peace. As expected, he still wanted to act together with Master.

Liu Jun is the one who is more familiar with Xie Yi in the group. I don't know if he saw Xie Yi's helplessness or what, he took the initiative to come forward and said: "Mr. Xie and Mr. Shen have a really good relationship."

Xie Yi was a little surprised by his sudden conversation, but still nodded politely.

Seeing that Xie Yi didn't intend to refuse, Liu Jun became even more excited: "What is the relationship between Mr. Xie and Mr. Shen? I have never seen Mr. Shen treat a person like this before."

"Treat a person like this?"

"Yeah, I went to the ground with Mr. Shen back then, and he is really different from now." Liu Jun was full of interest, but a young man beside him murmured: "What's different, isn't it better to be cold now?" face."

Liu Jun didn't hear the man's dismantling words, and he said enthusiastically: "At that time, if it wasn't for Mr. Shen, maybe I would have died. No, if it wasn't for Mr. Shen, maybe the young master and a lot of us would have died. It's down there."

"Except for Mr. Shen, the young master has really never admired anyone before."

"But that time was really too dangerous. Mr. Shen just came here a few times, and it turned out to be... ah!"

Liu Jun was bumped on the arm, and finally realized what he said, and said with a sneer: "By the way, Mr. Xie hasn't told us about your relationship with Mr. Shen."

Seeing that the rest of the people also had ears pricked up, Xie Yi smiled slightly, but did not say that the two were married: "We are master and apprentice."

"Master and apprentice? Mr. Shen is so young..." Before Liu Jun finished speaking, he was pushed away by the young people around him: "Are you really master and apprentice?"

Xie Yi smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Xie, do you know who your master's lover is?" the young man asked seriously.

Facing the man's expectant eyes, Xie Yi still just smiled. Should he tell the truth?

The author has something to say: "Let's not allow him to forget that they are already a husband and wife" has been entangled for a long time, whether it is a "husband and wife" or a "husband and wife". ?

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