Chapter 77: Gravekeeper

Everything started with the arrival of that woman.

The sudden strange woman was dressed in black, but when she took off her cloak and revealed a face somewhat similar to her father's, the mother smashed the bowl in fright, and the father's face turned pale at that moment.

She wanted to ask her mother who this person was, but her mother pushed her out the door with trembling hands.

She couldn't hear clearly what was being said inside the door, but only knew that the lowered voice, like the whisper of a snake, made people feel uneasy.The woman came and went quickly, and it didn't take long before she opened the door and came out, but before leaving, she gave herself a meaningful look.

That look seemed random, but it was full of bloodthirsty light.

"Brother, don't forget." After leaving this sentence, the woman left.

Don't forget what?She looked at her parents, and felt that the faces of the two of them at that moment were as ugly as dead people.

After that, the parents never mentioned that woman's arrival, let alone allowed themselves to mention it, until the day her brother died.

At that time, she didn't understand why her brother, who was fine yesterday, was gone the next day. She only knew that her mother was crying heart-piercingly, and her father was also in tears.

My brother died and was pushed into that cave, never to return.

Then, her youngest brother also died.

The same inexplicable, the same unexpected, obviously not sick, obviously alive and kicking the day before, the next day he was lying quietly on the bed like that, not breathing at all.

The people in the town said that their family angered the cave god.

The people in the town said that they should have married their daughter to the cave god long ago.

But she felt that it was that woman, the woman in black who caused the disaster.

She went to question her mother, why didn't she confess that woman?

The mother's bloodshot eyes just looked at her. Those eyes were originally very kind, but now they were bottomless and crazy. She had never seen such terrifying eyes from her mother.

She was a little frightened.

She couldn't help but ran out of the house, and then she ran into the woman she hated.

Facing her clamor, the woman didn't get angry, she just said, "You should call me aunt."

She said, "This is what your family owes me."

She said, "It was supposed to be someone from your family."

Only then did she know that his Yao family was supposed to be the guardians of the tombs in the town.

In the Yao family, every time the previous generation of tomb keeper dies, a girl of appropriate age will be selected from the direct family to replace the previous tomb keeper.

Originally, the girl who was selected was her elder sister—the elder sister who was sent by her father to study outside the town and had not returned for many years.

The father was reluctant to let his daughter suffer in the dark underground, so he secretly knocked his sister unconscious and sent him to the cave himself.

The tomb-suppressing beast on the mountain wall accepted his father's younger sister, because she was married but not yet married, so she is still a direct descendant.

Facing herself who was extremely shocked, the woman said: "This time, you really should send someone over."

"I'm dying," she said.

She smiled and said, "This time, don't try to find someone else to replace you. You can't offend Dongshen's anger."

The woman leaves, with joyful malice.A woman who can get married and have children is suddenly betrayed by her own brother. This kind of malice is beyond the imagination of others.

And she stood there blankly, unable to speak for a long time, until her mother came over crying and hugged herself.

She couldn't hear her mother crying, she just knew that she must stand up alone, otherwise, who would be the next one to die in their family?

Who is it?

She doesn't know, and she doesn't want to know.As long as it's a girl, doesn't she also meet this requirement?

Faced with his own decision, his father covered his face and couldn't say anything, while his mother's eyes were so hollow, she kept hugging herself and refused to let go, until the woman suddenly came and knocked her out.

The so-called aunt took her after all, and she took her into the dark place where there were only dead bodies.

She taught her the art of witchcraft, which every generation of gravekeepers must know.

She told her that there is a woman in this tomb who has lived for thousands of years, so don't worry about it.

She told her that there is a giant who guards the tomb and feeds on the living in this tomb, remember to feed it.

She told her that if she did not do her duty as a gravekeeper, she would not be able to bear the retribution that followed.

She also told her that she would not have died so early, but her hatred for her brother made her shorten her own lifespan.

At that moment, the woman laughed so happily that she didn't tell her niece that after her death, she never gave up revenge on their family.

After the woman died, disaster struck again.

She saw her relatives die one by one, and entered the tomb one by one, and she couldn't even send them to the end, she was almost crazy.

But it was too late, what else could she do?Why did she become a grave keeper?

Then do the last thing you can, kill the giant, kill the giant who used to feed on the so-called "cave girl" in the town, and then the tomb robbers controlled by her.

At least in this way, she is rebelling against her mission, isn't she?Just like those gravekeepers who dedicated their lives to killing giants.

She put a voodoo on those greedy tomb robbers, and then the giants who preyed on the vomited people, as the poisoning became deeper and deeper, they were not far from death.

There is only one more, and with this one, this giant can die.

Aqi told the past expressionlessly, and then smiled: "How about it, can you give this person to me?"

After Xie Yi heard the "Story of the Gravekeeper", he felt very blocked in his heart. The girl who was supposed to be in her youth had added hatred underground, her heart was distorted, and her methods became vicious.

If she hadn't experienced all kinds of disasters, what would this girl named Aqi look like?

But no matter what, all of this is irreversible.

Shen Ye listened to the whole story quietly, he was not interested in Aqi's experience, he was concerned about another point: "Those so-called zombies were made by your grave guards in the past?"

The giants that feed on living people eat those "zombies". Does this also mean that they are still living people?

Aqi was straightforward: "Yes."

Hearing this, Le Wuyi's sympathy for Aqi's experience also fell to the bottom in an instant: "Are they... still alive?"


Recalling those zombies that were no different from machines, and thinking of Brother Yang's request to "kill me", Le Wuyi looked at Aqi with disbelief: "They are still alive!"

Aqi took it for granted, "Such a grave robber, shouldn't he die? What's more, instead of sacrificing innocent women in our town, I think these people deserve their death."

"The people in your town are innocent, so can you persecute others?" Le Wuyi said angrily.

"Then what are you going to do? Huh? Feed our people to this giant?" Aqi refused to budge.

Facing Le Wuyi and Aqi who were facing each other, Xie Yi held back the silent Shen Ye, because of his gloomy expression at this moment.

If he was not very familiar with Shen Ye's aura, who would have thought that this expressionless man would have anger, indignation, and even more difficult to resolve - guilt and sadness.

"Master..." Xie Yi took the initiative to hold Shen Ye's hand, "It's over."

Although the scene in front of him was not the same, it was very similar to Shen Ye's choice.One side is from the Lieshan tribe, and the other side is innocent civilians.It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong.

Shen Ye just closed his eyes, and squeezed Xie Yi's hand: "I know."

The guilt of the past is hard to get rid of, but it is also because of this that he cherishes the present more and more.Thanks to fate, we didn't wipe out the Lieshan tribe, and thanks to fate, this time, we don't have to fight each other again.

On the other side, the confrontation continued.

Facing the angry Aqi, although Le Wuyi frowned, he couldn't say anything that was too harsh.One side is a tomb robber who is not good at all, and the other is an innocent townsman. It is obvious what choice Aqi will make, but not all tomb robbers are vicious, right?

Le Wuyi and Aqi just stared at each other motionlessly, as if whoever looked away first was admitting defeat, quite a bit of rivalry.And Xia Yi, who had been silent all this time, caught a glimpse of someone's movements, but it was too late to remind: "Be careful——!"

At some point, the thin man who had been smirking moved, secretly but quickly pulled out his pistol, and fired at Aqi with a ferocious face: "You cousin!"

In the blink of an eye, I could only hear "Boom!" "Boom!" At first, Aqi's clothes, which were not bright but neat, turned bright red.

No one thought that the skinny man with a crazy face still had reason.

And Aqi felt the blood gurgling out, and she couldn't believe it.

She was careless, she knew it.But she didn't expect that these things that she didn't pay attention to after becoming a grave keeper could hurt her.

"It's fake..." Aqi squatted down slowly, seeing the bright red spots fall, staining the ground under her feet.

The change happened too fast and too suddenly, Le Wuyi stood there dumbfounded, and realized after seeing Xia Yi put the thin man down: "Are you okay?"

While talking, Le Wuyi wanted to go forward, but before he took a few steps, Xia Yi stopped him.

"Yi Ze you..." Le Wuyi was still a little puzzled and anxious, Aqi's injury would not be minor, but seeing Xia Yi's serious face, he couldn't say this.

Xie Yi said at this time: "No difference, Yize, you all stand back." That solemn expression was not much more relaxed than that of Xia Yize.

"Master?" Le Wuyi was pulled back by Xia Yize, while looking at Aqi's originally slender body, something was agitating from behind.

"Hehe...hehe..." Seeing more and more blood splashing under her feet, Aqi laughed, her voice hoarse at that moment was even hoarse than that of the elderly woman, "Give me...give me ...give him to me!"

Seeing that Aqi raised his head with a ferocious expression, even though he was mentally prepared, when Xie Yi saw that ravine face, he was still shocked.

It was no longer the face of a young woman, Aqi's eyes were still piercing, but on that face, countless deep wrinkles seemed to be drawn with a knife, complicated and coiled, and covered the whole face like tree roots.

There was no face with intact skin. Compared with the neck, Aqi's body at this moment was more like a severed body, and an old man's head was placed on it.

Although her face aged in an instant, Aqi's movements became more and more violent. She held down the unconscious thin man, and then she jumped up the nearby mountain wall like a gecko.And the thin man, obviously an adult man, is like a decoration at the moment, being dragged up the mountain by the thin and thin Aqi.

Xie Yi seemed to be taken aback by Aqi's choice, and after waking up, he made a decisive decision: "Let's go!"

There is no need to think about what Aqi wants to do.

"Master?" Le Wuyi felt guilty. If it wasn't for him, maybe that Aqi wouldn't be hurt.But seeing Shen Ye leaving with Xie Yi with a solemn face, doubts and uneasiness flooded into Le Wuyi's heart: "Grand Master?"

"Be careful of that blood! Let's go!" Shen Ye didn't say any more, and led the four of them towards the way they came.

Le Wuyi had no choice but to run away with Xia Yi.And when the four of them passed through those blood puddles, they could see that something seemed to be surging slightly, and after a while, some invisible things crawled around.Only a few blood streaks were left along the way at the beginning, and then those things dissipated.

Seeing that the four of them were far away from the Jinshan Mountain, Aqi, who was stuck on the mountainside, just grinned viciously, and then dragged the skinny man to continue to climb up: " idiot, think that the Gu Is it okay to dig out the worms? Hehe...Go to hell, you all, go to hell!"

Damn these grave robbers!Damn giants!Everyone should be damned!There was madness in Aqi's eyes, and with the loss of blood, this madness did not decrease but increased.

She was dying and she knew it.Although he was tricked by the skinny man, what was it?When she couldn't bear to use the women in the town to raise Gu, she knew she would die, but it was just ahead of time.

It's just a pity, it's a pity that we can't see the death of those four Lieshan tribesmen.

The one who can make that damned woman choose to die is definitely from the Lieshan tribe.If she hadn't fulfilled her so-called wish, would that old woman be willing to die?Ha ha, damn poisonous woman!

With an old man's face on her face, Aqi looked at the sleeping giant with a distorted face, and beside her, the skinny man lay limp on the ground like a broken doll.

The thin man would not know that he thought that pulling out the Gu worms in his body gave the torn Gu worms a chance to grow.And Aqi has been waiting for such an opportunity for many years, one, the last opportunity.

There are not a few "zombies" who are still alive here, but Aqi only found the skinny ones who made the Gu worms grow up. Should I say that they are indeed ruthless people?It's a pity that such a talent is destined to die here today.

Aqi wiped her own wound casually, and after a hand of blood, she smeared the blood on the thin man's lips.

Seeing the transparent Gu worm crawling into the thin man's mouth, Aqi smiled.

"go to hell……"

"Go to hell..."

Muttering laughter, accompanied by a huge black shadow slowly rising, was finally shrouded in haze.

The author has something to say: the second volume is finally (quickly) finished, let’s spread flowers in advance *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*

Then I have to say sorry, after a week, have everyone forgotten the previous content? QQ

I'm quite busy in a certain field, and I don't think I'll be free until mid-to-late September, so please forgive me for the recent period QAQ

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