Chapter 60: Aki

Ah Feng and his party were already in panic all day long, even the skinny man had a gloomy expression on his face, Le Wuyi couldn't help but think of the bloodstains in Jinshan.If it wasn't caused by the thin man and the others shooting their companions, could it be related to the missing corpse?Coke Wuyi hadn't opened his mouth to remind him, but a shout interrupted him.

"Skinny! Everyone! We found—!" It was a slightly shrill female voice, filled with uncontrollable joy, like the sunlight that broke through the dark clouds and dispelled all the despair in the hearts of the thin man and the others.

The sentence "I found it" made everyone stand up excitedly, and Ah Feng was even more joyful: "It's Aqi! It's Aqi and they are back! They found the exit!" The previous anxiety is gone, it seems In the next moment, he will be able to walk out of this weird place.As long as you get out of here, your companion will definitely not go crazy again!

Looking at the companions who looked like survivors, hope filled the fear and despair in everyone's hearts.

Le Wuyi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Xia Yi who was beside him stopped him in time. He looked at Le Wuyi and shook his head gently.

"Yi Ze?" Le Wuyi was puzzled.

Xia Yi said softly: "They don't deserve our trust."

Not to mention the gloomy expressions of this group of people, they don't look like upright people, but they don't hesitate to shoot and kill their companions, which makes them even more ruthless.As for what they said about their companions still killing people after being tied up, and about the disappearance of their corpses, they were all rumors without proof, maybe they were the ones who did it themselves?It's better to keep silent until you understand it thoroughly.

Le Wuyi couldn't help looking at Xie Yi and Shen Ye, but saw the other party nodded quietly, obviously they heard Xia Yize's words, and they agreed very much.

Well, let's not talk about it for now.Le Wuyi glanced at the scarred face that was still dying, then looked at the complete joy of the thin man and the others at the moment, and finally closed his mouth.

The footsteps of "Pa-ta" and "Pa-ta" gradually approached, and the three figures galloping towards them approached from far away. Xie Yi looked up, and the one in front of him was a young girl. Although she was not stunning, she was pretty , that bright smile on his face added to his demeanor.Presumably, she is the "Aqi".

Two men followed closely behind Aqi, both of whom had experienced the vicissitudes of life like the thin man and the others, but the smiles on their faces were also very obvious. Obviously, finding the exit was extremely beneficial to them.

The thin man went up to greet him first: "Aqi, did you really find it?" As he spoke, he even couldn't believe it.

Aqi was out of breath and stopped. As soon as she found the exit, she ran all the way back. She was naturally a little tired, but what she wanted to do most at the moment was to reassure everyone: "Well, we found it!" She looked at The two people behind them smiled warmly, "Brother Yang and I found it together."

"That's good, that's good, just find it." The skinny man looked impatient, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go now!"

Before Aqi could nod her head, Shang glanced with a smile, and then stopped on the bright red on the ground, the familiar tall body: "Eh...scarred face?"

The thin man's expression suddenly became uncomfortable, and he lowered his head: "He's gone crazy."

One sentence is enough to explain everything.

Another companion died, and this time it was Scarface's turn?The blood in her eyes made Aqi pale, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say any words of reprimand.

The hardships and difficulties along the way, either you die or I die, how terrible, and also, how ridiculous.

After finally finding the exit, is it still too late to stop this meaningless sacrifice?Heaviness replaced joy, Aqi bit her lips tightly, but she also knew that now is not the time to pursue: "Then let's go now." Looking away from the corner of the eye, she found the four extra people in the team: "Who are they?" ?”

The thin man was stunned for a moment, and then he was perfunctory: "Just like us, we met halfway." After saying that, he seemed unwilling to say more.

The thin man can be said to be the core of a group of people, so Aqi did not doubt that he was there, and turned to Scarface: "Then, do you want to take him away?"

Before the thin man could speak, Ah Feng jumped out first: "Are you kidding me! Ah Qi, are you dying?" Although the words were still aggressive, they also smacked of concern.

"But..." Aqi still hesitated.

"What if the corpse changes? Have you forgotten that they all disappeared by themselves?" When mentioning the disappearing corpse, Ah Feng's emotions became a little uncontrollable.

Aqi wanted to say something, but the thin man shook his head at her. Not only Afeng, but no one in the group was willing to wear a scarred face, so Aqi looked over with begging eyes, and all he saw was opposition look.It is morally unreasonable not to bury Scarface, but compared with his own life, this is obviously much less important.

The four of Xie Yi stood behind this group of people, watching them eagerly abandon their former partners. Although they could understand their anxiety and caution, they were displeased from the bottom of their hearts.

"Master." Xie Yi spoke in a voice that only those around him could hear.

"What's the matter?"

Xie Yi said: "Master, do you think this scene looks familiar?" The thin man and the others started to tidy up their things without giving Scarface a single glance. A group of people left a lonely corpse behind them. It looked like the plague picture The incoming mural.

Although they are not the same, they are also abandoned in the "wilderness". The dead also carry resentment, but one is because of the unfilial piety of their descendants, and the other is because of the betrayal and injury from their companions.

Shen Ye thought for a while: "It's kind of like what you said." He looked at Xie Yi, "Do you think those corpses crawled away by themselves?"

The resentful souls returned to their hometown with the plague, so would these corpses return to this team with resentment?

Xie Yi shook his head: "I'm not sure." He just had a flash of inspiration, and the mural suddenly flashed in his mind.

The thin man and his party were ready, and the thin man came forward as the representative: "Mr. Shen, let's go." It looked like inviting people to set off together.

Le Wuyi couldn't help but glanced at the golden mountain behind him. He originally wanted to ask Master and Grand Master to stay and investigate, but judging from the other party's appearance, it seemed that the four of them were not allowed to stay?

The thin man's invitation seemed easy-going, but it carried an irresistible force. It seemed that if Shen Ye refused, the group of them would turn their backs on the spot.

Seeing this, Shen Ye just raised his eyebrows. Before he could speak, Xie Yi grabbed him first, and said to the thin man with a smile, "Then let's go together."

Seeing Xie Yi's understanding of current affairs, the thin man smiled with satisfaction, turned around, and extended his hand in a gentlemanly manner: "Please."

Shen Ye didn't go to see the thin man this time, but just felt the fleeting temperature on the back of his hand, glanced at Xie Yi beside him, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and ignored the group of self-righteous outsiders.

"Master, grand master..." Le Wuyi couldn't help frowning, so he left?Don't you wait until you figure it out before leaving?

The thin man and his party all got out of the way, and when Xie Yi and Shen Ye came to the front, the thin man, Aqi and others drove alongside them.But that Ah Feng stood where he was, looking at the last Le Wuyi and Xia Yize with a hostile expression.

This look of wanting them to go together must have been concealing something, Xia Yi remained calm, just dragged Le Wuyi who was reluctant but very knowledgeable about current affairs to go together.

"No difference, don't worry," Xia Yi said softly, without letting the third person hear, "I have already told Senior Xie."

Wen Yanle Wuyi's eyes lit up, and most of the depression in her heart disappeared: "Really? What did Master say?"

Xia Yi said: "Wait and see what happens."

Well, saying it means not saying it.

"It's enough to know that this group of people has a problem, isn't it?" Xia Yi looked at the group of tomb robbers with unfriendly faces, "Either something really went wrong and the corpse disappeared inexplicably, or... it can only be for For some unspeakable purpose, they killed each other and concealed it from each other."

The author has something to say: By the way, I have been updating the time indefinitely. I think that the row of "Exorcism" was neat at 12:00, and I suddenly feel that the whole person is not good_(:з」∠)_

Or, set it as a saved manuscript every day, and it will still be sent at 23 o'clock in the evening?If it cannot be updated in time, it will be published together with the next chapter the next day. What do you think?

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