Chapter 6: Kowloon Maze ([-])

Huang Jue originally wanted to go directly to the dragon's head. After all, since ancient times, the direction of the dragon's head has generally been where the mausoleum is.Just like the accompanying tomb faces the main tomb or the capital of the country, it doesn’t make sense that the dragon’s tail faces the mausoleum. Let’s not say that it’s disrespectful. will do.

But Le Wuyi represented Shen Ye's judgment, so Huang Jue considered this possibility and waved his hand to stop all the people walking forward. Huang Jue and Xiao Meng went to Shilong where Shen Ye was, to see if he had what an explanation.

Because of Shen Ye's interruption, everyone stopped their investigation temporarily, but because the nine stone dragons were far away, the investigators of the sixth stone dragon did not find Huang Jue's instructions, not to mention that this person himself is obsessed with dragons Those who see such a huge dragon can't hide their excitement, so there is no reason to be distracted and pay attention to other reasons.

Some of the remaining 14 people stayed where they were, while others began to gather around Shen Ye. Only the man who was obsessed with Shilong was the only one who was investigating by himself and no one reminded him of Huang Jue's decision. , and still reluctantly walked along the body of the dragon.

Huang Jue came to Shen Ye's side, and followed the direction of his finger to look at the red quicksand and the gradually changing color of the dragon ball.At this moment, the Dragon Ball is already crimson, without the texture of jade, it looks more like a glowing ruby.

This is no longer an ordinary ruby. If possible, Huang Jue would like to poach this dragon ball now, but he has experienced a lot and naturally understands that this should be the key to finding the entrance to the ancient Dian kingdom.

Although unable to speak in the water, Shen Ye still succinctly expressed the reason why the Dragon Ball became like this. Huang Jue nodded and asked the people around him to go back to the stone dragons they were in charge of to check. When everything is activated, it is also the moment when the entrance is opened.

In order to save time, the search for and pointing to the dragon claws was carried out in full swing. Like everyone else, Ajie, the investigator of the eighth stone dragon, returned to the tail of the dragon and began to check the angry dragon claws one by one. There is no problem, the five fingers of the stone carving are strong and powerful, and they look extremely sharp. The second one seems to have found nothing. At that time, he was happily preparing to raise his head to report, but the moment he raised his head, his eyes were blood red.

With a "snap", something touched his diving suit. Amidst the blood redness, the soft sound hit Ajie's heart heavily—it was an arm, and the skin was still fresh, but the five The fingers are uneven, half of the index finger is bone, half is blood-red flesh, and the middle finger has only a small piece of bone left, only a small piece of skin remains on it, floating with the water waves.The other side of the arm was stained red by the blood that was constantly flowing out, but the traces of biting and pulling could still be seen clearly, not only on the hard diving suit, but also on the bone that had obviously been bitten off by sharp teeth.

The moment his pupils shrank, Ajie didn't bother to check anymore, and hurriedly backed away, there was a monster in front of him!There are definitely man-eating monsters ahead!This arm was obviously left by his companion!

The stone dragon inspector next to him was looking along the body of the dragon wholeheartedly. He saw that he was swimming forward and drifting away, but Ajie who was frightened rushed forward and had no strength to stop him. He couldn't go ahead. , will die!

Just when his eyes were tearing apart, the companion who kept moving forward stopped, looked down for a while, and came back cheerfully as if he finally found the dragon claw and pointed to it.

Ajie, who was sweating profusely in a diving suit, heaved a sigh of relief, and then grabbed the half of his arm that was about to float behind him. The front was dangerous, so he had to tell Boss Huang!

Huang Jue didn't notice the accident here, he and Xiao Meng were concentrating on looking for and pointing at the dragon claw, so when Ajie suddenly swam in front of him and just blocked his sight, he was naturally a little annoyed, but when he saw After clearing the things that Ajie handed over, cold sweat poured down his face.

Not to mention that the diving suit connected to the arm is their Huang family's specialty, in such a deserted place except for their group, such a companion who died inexplicably is also a warning of danger.

Huang Jue asked Ajie to pass by with gestures, and then looked deeply at the direction of the dragon's winding body.

What killed their companions?

Where is the crisis lurking?

Looking at the members of the Huang clan who were still groping forward, Huang Jue decided to give up efficiency first and instead search with a group of people. Although it is much slower to go one by one, at least a group of people can guarantee the safety of his companions.

Shen Ye and Le Wuyi were near Huang Jue and the others, and they naturally saw what Ajie brought. Le Wuyi couldn't help but look at Shen Ye, wondering if the grand master would agree to help him.

But this time, after waiting for him to express something, Shen Ye took the first step. He swam to Huang Jue's side and expressed his willingness to act together.

It has to be said that Shen Ye's statement gave Huang Jue some confidence, and he took that arm to the stone dragons, telling everyone to be careful.

A piece of arm obviously tensed everyone's nerves. Although it didn't show on the face, but without Huang Jue's assignment, people in twos and threes spontaneously gathered together, and the eyes that were only paying attention to Shi Long began to diverge involuntarily. .

Several stone dragons' conjoined dragon claws were found at the back. In order to save energy, it was Shen Ye who took the initiative to break them apart and watched the red quicksand stain those few dragon balls.

The dragon balls flickered like light bulbs, and as more and more red lights lit up, everyone's mood was not necessarily much easier, just because the sixth stone dragon reached all the way to the fourth dragon claw. No trace of target.

As if they had been hinted, and seemed to have a tacit understanding, a group of people stood still at the fourth dragon claw, and the fifth dragon claw was faintly visible in the distance, as if it was hidden in the darkness and could not be seen clearly.

Huang Jue began to hesitate in his heart. Since the eight stone dragons had discovered the mechanism, the dragon claw in front must be one of their goals, but how to get past it now?Who to send?He obviously hadn't started preparing yet, but his intuition told him that the danger was lurking at the fifth dragon claw.

I don't know if he didn't want to waste any more time, Shen Ye stood up again and swam forward without saying hello to anyone. Huang Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then saw that Le Wuyi followed closely behind, gritted his teeth, and couldn't be under his command He who showed weakness in front of him was the third one to follow.

With Huang Jue at the front, the people behind couldn't shirk anymore, and they followed closely one by one.

It didn't take long for Shen Ye to arrive at the fifth dragon claw. As expected, he saw the special setting of the finger. When Le Wuyi came to him, the dragon ball was already glowing red.

The nine dragon balls of the nine dragons were ignited one by one like a beacon, but the expected danger did not happen. Seeing Shen Ye standing proudly, everyone present sighed at his timidity.

The nine stone dragons have different postures, and the ignited dragon balls are not in a straight line. Looking from a distance, they just form a nine-star connection.Xiao Meng was originally a feng shui acupuncturist, and he couldn't help admiring the nine stars when he saw the nine stars. Who would have thought that there were nine stars besides Nine Dragons?

Nine stars have been connected, so will the entrance appear?Everyone was waiting with bated breath, but when there was a scream that was difficult to ignore in the water, they suddenly realized that they had let down their guard.

It was none other than Ajie who was the first to discover the severed limb. At this moment, he looked terrified, but he was clearly struggling, but his body involuntarily retreated, and the direction of his retreat was the dragon head. in front of.

The blood drifted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in the eyes of everyone, only Ajie was struggling non-stop. The funny thing was that he couldn't see anything weird around him, but the tear marks that suddenly appeared on his body were not Fake.It was like being captured by an invisible hand, torn by an invisible ghost, and the arm was finally torn off, but it looked more like it was bitten off by a huge mouth.

Le Wuyi couldn't bear to see Ajie struggling to death, but Shen Ye blocked his body that wanted to move forward.

"Great master!" Shen Ye naturally couldn't hear the anxious cry, and the moment Ajie was taken away, he knew that this person would not be saved.Just because he saw what others didn't see, the ghost that kept tearing and gnawing on Ajie had a transparent human-shaped body, interspersed and intertwined in Ajie's body, and his mouth was full of pieces of meat, biting the internal organs of his body.The most important thing is that the transparent human figure has exactly the same face as Ajie.

Shen Ye would not let Le Wuyi do it to save a person who was destined not to be saved.

At this moment, the calm pool water suddenly changed significantly. When the rapid current washed away, everyone's eyes finally left the dead Ajie, and looked at the fifth stone dragon who appeared under the unknown time. Huge void.

The floor tiles have long since disappeared, leaving only a square black hole, which is the entrance!

Le Wuyi still wanted to turn his head to look at Ajie, but Shen Ye carried him straight to the entrance. Huang Jue directed the people to follow behind. At this time, it was too late to care about the dead Ajie. What a fate, because at the same time that the entrance was opened, a stone slab was slowly pushed out on the other side at the same time.

Opening and closing at the same time, the entrance of this ancient Dian kingdom is really stingy!

Fortunately, everyone was already at the sixth stone dragon, and the entrance was big enough, and it would not take a moment for it to be completely closed. Therefore, before the stone gate was completely closed, the remaining 13 people were safe and sound by the light of the searchlight. sneaked in.

The moment the stone gate was closed, the water wave shook again, and there seemed to be a dull "boom" sound in the ears, which was just like everyone's current mood.

It's just that there was no time to mourn for the lost companions, and the next moment, dangers appeared again and again. The entrance was originally a bottomless corridor, but with the closure of the stone gate, the water sank rapidly, and it was too late to exclaim, and the water descended. In an instant, a group of people suddenly disappeared from the entrance.

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