Chapter 57: Gu Worms

These faded white hairs are different from the thin and dull hair of the old man, and still have a smooth and smooth appearance.Perhaps this pure color is very beautiful, making it inexplicably light compared to the lifeless corpse.But it was also because of this lightness that it seemed even more strange.

Why, only this hair is so fresh?

"Master?" Le Wuyi was a little puzzled. Why did Master stare at the dead man's hair? Could there be something wrong there?It's a pity that he stared at the white hair, and found nothing except lamenting that its pure white was not human.

Just when Le Wuyi's eyes were sore and he was about to give up, the few strands of hair at the bottom seemed to be slightly curled up?

"Huh? Wait..." Le Wuyi rubbed his eyes, a little unsure, "Did it move just now?" But in the blink of an eye, it seemed that what he saw was just an illusion, and the ends of the hair were still flat and close skin.

As soon as Le Wuyi said this, Shen Ye, who was about to leave, turned around: "Le Wuyi, what moved?"

Xie Yi raised his head when he heard the words, as if he saw it?

Le Wuyi pointed to the end of the hair: "If I read correctly, the hair is moving..." Before he finished speaking, the silent corpse moved, no, it should be said that the hair of the corpse moved.Countless white hairs suddenly grew restlessly, like a predatory beast, and the short hair instantly became waist-length hair, curling straight towards Le Wuyi's outstretched hand like seaweed.

"Wuyi!" Xia Yi stood closer and reacted quickly, and suddenly pushed Le Wuyi back, and at the same time knocked down the lamp on the wall, just landing on the flying hair superior.

It's strange to say that there are four people in front of the corpse, but the "hair" is only directed at Le Wuyi. Even if all four of them retreat, it turns a blind eye and only moves towards Le Wuyi like a twig. Joy grows in the same direction.

However, the falling lamp blocked its growth, and the dancing flame fell right in the middle of the hair. The white hair was like the ignited gasoline, and there was only a soft "puff" sound, and the red flame burst out in the blink of an eye. Infects all hair strands.

"Meow meow, what the hell is this?" Le Wuyi was a little scared. He just stretched out his hand and didn't do anything. How could he come across such a ghost?

In the crimson flame, although the hair was ignited and stopped growing, it did not burn out.As if feeling the torment, those strands of hair curled up in pain, struggling in the incineration of the flames.Why does the upturned or intertwined end look like a living thing?

The white hair seemed to be unable to bear the burning of the flames, and finally shrank back with the flames, and then turned into short hair and was properly placed on the head of the deceased, but the flames did not dissipate, and the four of them saw that this was extremely strange. The scene: the head of the deceased continued to burn but was unharmed.

Those twisting hairs like snakes finally fell silent, and the moment they returned to silence, the flames were also extinguished at that moment.All that was left was the white hair that was as shiny as new without any damage, and the ever-burning lamp that was still burning beside the corpse.

Le Wuyi blinked, what's going on?Can he not be so unlucky?

Seeing that the hair had been retracted, Xia Yi calmed down and carefully checked whether Le Wuyi was injured. Those "white hairs" were obviously the cause of the two people's deaths. Fortunately, Le Wuyi was not touched by them. touch.

Xie Yi also came to Le Wuyi's side: "Wuyi, are you okay?"

"Ah? It's okay, master, don't worry," Le Wuyi waved his hand, "At most, he was shocked." He has always had a good attitude, and he will not shrink back when he is scared by such things.

Xie Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that you're fine. They seem to only attack living creatures that approach, but Haoyi reacts quickly."

Le Wuyi nodded thoughtfully, not to mention, Yi Ze had really been helping him all the way, looking at Xia Yize who was still carefully checking the wound beside him, Le Wuyi felt a little warm in his heart.

On the other hand, Shen Ye was more direct. He just drew out his long sword and placed it on the corpse's head. The soft "white hair" didn't respond at all, and it was completely different from the fresh and lively appearance that attacked Le earlier.

"Is it really only attacking living people?" Shen Ye curled his lips slightly, and slashed down with the blade of the sword. The extremely sharp blade should have cut those strands of hair, but it was different here. The strands of hair suddenly squirmed down The depression actually avoided the trajectory of the blade.

escaped?Shen Ye swung his sword again, and this time, countless white strands fell down, but it was only for a moment, but they seemed to be dragged by something, and slowly and clearly floated back into the white hair again.

Seeing this, Xie Yi couldn't help but frowned: "I'm not afraid of weapons, I'm afraid of flames but I won't be burned to death, this can't be... Gu worms, right?" The other party's hair is also reasonable.

Le Wuyi was a little regretful: "It's a pity that I can't cut one off and take a closer look." It's a pity that after the weapon is cut off, it is glued back together, and the human body cannot be approached.

Xia Yi finally finished his inspection and heaved a sigh of relief. Hearing this, he just said indifferently: "At least we have found the crux of the matter. Just be careful on the road below."

Xie Yi also nodded: "Yi is right, the poison in Xiangxi is hard to guard against, we can only be more careful."

Le Wuyi wanted to say something else, but seeing Shen Ye's gaze, he closed his mouth bitterly.But that's the only way to do it, hair, brick cracks, etc., if you can't touch it, try not to touch it.He turned to Xia Yize with eager eyes: "Yi Ze, I'll follow you all the time." With Yi Ze here, you can feel at ease, right?

Xia Yi just nodded at this.

Xie Yi smiled and shook his head, this child... the next moment, his hand was pulled, and when he turned his head, it was Shen Ye.

Shen Ye pulled Xie Yi expressionlessly and walked forward: "Don't waste time."

Xie Yi smiled gently, and didn't say much, while Le Wuyi and Xia Yi glanced at the ever-burning lamp lying on the ground and close to the corpse, after all, they gave up the idea of ​​picking it up again, and followed Shen Ye's footsteps. went forward.

As the four of them walked forward, some dark corridors gradually became wider, and those gorgeous murals also changed. There were no more depictions of various histories and characters, but flowers of various colors bloomed all the way, with a bit of magnificence. the taste of.

And when the bright colors of the murals were replaced by pure gold, the four of them knew that the end of the passage was coming.

It is indeed at the end, a circular arch finally appeared in front of everyone, the arch is decorated with many small pointed arch niches, stretching out like a garland of blooming flowers, pure white fine pattern flowing clouds and flowing water cloth The entire archway was covered with originally extremely gorgeous patterns, but because of the existence of the white Gu worm before, the four of them lost the urge to appreciate it.

A group of people passed through the arch directly, but there was a golden light flashing in front of their eyes. The dazzling color like the sun made the four people who had just come out of the dark corridor squint their eyes slightly uncomfortably.

Xie Yi used his hand to block the dazzling light in front of his eyes. This light that doesn't look like sunlight

At the same time, Le Wuyi also exclaimed: "Meow meow, isn't this gold?"

The discomfort in the eyes was only for a moment, and when everyone reacted, what appeared in front of the group of people was a golden mountain as high as a one-story building.

I don’t know when the gold coins were produced, finely crafted gold bracelets, gold rings, gold ornaments, gold cups for drinking, and gold basins for washing your face. It can be said that this mountain of gold covers all imaginable gold utensils.Le Wuyi was sure that the exposed corner at the bottom was definitely a part of the bed.

"King? Nouveau riche?" Le Wuyi didn't feel anything else, only that the dazzling golden color made him a little bit hard to swallow.How boring is this to carve gold into this appearance?Living in the world of gold, won't you choke yourself to death?

Obviously piles of wealth are exposed in front of them, but Shen Ye and the others have no desire to go forward to pick them up. Not to mention that they have no intention of doing so, and the lessons learned from the previous Gu worms also prevent them from doing it easily, not to mention, The huge wealth that suddenly appeared after exiting the corridor seemed to be purposely set up here. With just one glance, it felt like a trap.

"What do you think, Master?" Xie Yi asked.

Shen Ye just looked around. They are now in a hall, which is a little empty. It can be seen that several columns spread into the distance, and the top is a dome with an Islamic flavor. The sun, moon and stars converge into a beautiful figure, and This golden mountain occupies almost all the scenes that can be seen in front of the eyes.

Shen Ye said simply: "Go around."

When Shen Ye spoke, the three of them naturally obeyed, but they had just walked around the piles of gold, and before they had time to sigh that they finally didn't have to be dazzled by those gold, there were several gorgeous rays of light coming straight towards their eyes .

Different from the dazzling golden color before, this time it was actually multicolored light—it was piles of precious stones randomly piled on the ground, red, blue, emerald, golden green, ranging from the size of fingers to the size of fists, countless precious stones The gems are piled up randomly like the toys thrown around.

Facing the extremely gorgeous sea of ​​gemstones, Le Wuyi was dumbfounded, Xie Yi and Xia Yi frowned and refused, and Shen Ye still said indifferently: "Go around."

First came the Jinshan Mountain, then the Gemstone Mountain. Could there be any treasures in the future?Xie Yi looked at the randomly placed gems as he walked, and couldn't help being a little wary in his heart. It was like selling treasures, and it only reminded him of the temptation of snakes, which were full of the smell of poison.

However, different from Xie Yi's expectations, after the gem mountain, there is no treasure that blocks the view, but the hall and the pillars that are suddenly empty, and there are those sitting around the pillars in the distance, seeing four people pull out immediately. A group of people robbed: "Who are you?!"

The author has something to say: Collect 100 (although there are only 99 at the moment) the promised benefits have been written, please move to my p station address (there is the author's announcement), it is Chapter 34, after returning to Lie Shanbu The treatment (wretched laugh), but the writing is not very good, let's just make up for it QAQ

PS: I still want to say that those who can write the eighth letter are all very big. Really, I am so impressed. After I wrote this point, the brain cells are almost finished_(:з」∠)_

PPS: Together, five thousand words have been updated today, there are wood and QAQ

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