Chapter 44: Rope and Curtain



Little drops of water fell, dripping into the water and turned into wisps of red silk floating away, a pair of blood-stained hands threw the throbbing rooster away, with a "plop", the water-soaked rooster struggled more and more It's amazing, but it's a pity that he lost his vitality in just a moment, lying in the water twitching and never moving again.

In the darkness, a pair of glowing red eyes stared at the twitching rooster indifferently, until its blood was gone, until it was completely dead before looking away.The corners of the blood-stained mouth curled up slightly, but he walked forward slowly, until he came to the side of the full moon that exuded a faint brilliance.

The full moon is beautiful, but it has a long red light, and the strong smell of blood lingers on the tip of the nose, lingering, but under this person's feet, the blood-stained stream is slowly undulating.The blood was too thick, so thick that it turned into jelly. It seemed that [-]% of every drop of water turned into blood. They were bound by the moonlight, forming a circle around the full moon, and couldn't dissipate no matter what.

Looking at the blood, the originally extremely happy eyes gradually changed. This person covered his mouth and nose with his hand full of chicken blood indifferently, his eyes were full of disgust: "Human blood... really stinks."


The underwater passage became more and more spacious, and wandering in it felt a sense of incomprehensible panic. In order to prevent the four of them from being scattered in the dark, Shen Ye and the others moved forward one by one while following the wall paths covered with ropes.

Those ropes that have been immersed in water for an unknown number of years still feel soft to the touch, but behind the extremely soft texture, they are still tightly bound to the undead in the coffin after crossing thousands of years. From this point of view, these soft ropes are also Some indescribable tenacity.

Standing in front of him, Shen Ye frowned looking at the dark water bottom, especially when he touched a hard protrusion in his hand, his expression became more and more worried.

Even in the dark, the things around him are still clearly visible. Shen Ye let go of his hand, and saw a white hard object protruding from the layers of soft ropes. It only took one glance to see that it was a piece belonging to the rope. Human hand bones.

Xie Yi was right behind Shen Ye. Following Shen Ye's gaze, he naturally found the hand bone wrapped in layers of ropes, and the faintly protruding shape near the hand bone was actually a struggling man. human form.

Someone got roped to death here!

Xie Yi just warned Xia Yi who was behind him, but the originally harmless rope suddenly moved, and countless thin ropes of seaweed pierced through the wall, and swept towards the four of them very quickly. Come.

The dagger in Shen Ye's hand turned into a long whip again, and the cold and hard metal light was still clearly visible even in the dark. I don't know if he felt threatened. At this moment, Shen Ye and the others swam forward extremely quickly.

But obviously the pause of the rope was only for a moment, and the next moment, they swept again.

Three more cold lights flashed in the darkness, and I saw Xie Yi and Xia Yi holding a long sword in their hands like Le Wuyi, just like Shen Ye's long whip can be transformed into a dagger. Dealing with it, it is quite normal for the three of them to hide their long swords around them so that no outsiders will notice them.

As soon as the sword was swung, countless thin ropes broke and floated around the water like scattered flowers, and all of those broken ropes floated back to the surrounding walls. It has an impact, just look at the strings that grow like aquatic plants again.

[Walk. ] Shen Ye signaled with his eyes that the growth and attacks of these ropes are endless, and staying here is just a waste of time.

The water area ahead was still peaceful, only where the four people passed by, the ropes "lived" one by one as if awakened, and came out through the wall to pursue the four people closely.

Shen Ye swept across with a two-meter-long whip. It was a weapon with a very wide range of defense and attack, and it bought a lot of time for the four of them to move forward.

While carefully guarding against the ropes behind and around them, the four of them stepped up their speed.If it is surrounded by ropes, the elephants will be killed by ants, no matter how thin the rope is, it will be useless.

The four rushed down, behind them were countless ropes intertwined into a net, and from time to time, protruding human figures could be seen on the wall around them, with their teeth and claws twisted and twisted, all of them wanted to struggle but were restrained. How miserable it is to die.

Le Wuyi only felt extremely uncomfortable holding his breath in his chest, these damn things!

Xia Yi took Le Wuyi's hand and went downstream gracefully and without losing speed. His vigorous figure walked like a shuttle. I don't know if the four of them approached the end of the passage. In front of them, there seemed to be a faint white film?

At the moment when Shirai Shadow appeared, the originally calm front was also full of crises. Pairs of white bone palms that had peeled off the skin and flesh forcefully protruded from the wall, bit by bit tearing away the wrapped ropes, first the hands, then It was the head, body, and legs, all of which were grim white bones creaking, and they had no dark eye sockets, just staring at the four intruders.

One after another, corpses crawled out of the wall, with hair-like threads entangled on them, and they also held various cold weapons in their hands. What is ridiculous is that there are still several corpses holding guns in their hands. These things There is no attack power in the water.

But in any case, these corpses that have been dead for an unknown number of years have successfully "frauded the corpses" and become the loyal defenders of the targets they originally wanted to plunder.

If he could speak, Le Wuyi must have shouted that these ropes must have become fine, otherwise he would not be able to manipulate these bones to attack them.However, under the current situation, he has no choice but to attack.

Every joint of those white bones trembled, and they swarmed up like giving orders. For ordinary people, long-time diving has exhausted their strength, so how can they have the energy to deal with these unconscious bones that swim freely in the water? But Shen Ye and the others are different, they have survived until now with only one breath, and the strength of the sword in their hands has not diminished.

There was an array of corpses in front, and ropes in the back. The four of them were able to do this with ease. The water could not slow down their speed, so they swung their swords and chopped down together.

Shen Ye's long whip was perfect for dealing with those ropes. The strong wind stirred up the originally calm water bottom. Wherever the silver light passed, countless broken ropes floated away, while the other three were dealing with those so-called skeletons. Thank you The clothes are like walking on the ground, chopping off countless broken bones like flowing clouds and flowing water, while Xia Yi swung his light sword, causing many limbs and bones to be separated. , swaying freely, and killed a way out with everyone.

The white shadow in front finally approached, but it was an extremely wide white curtain floating with the waves, covering the entire world in front of him.As the four of them got closer to the curtain, the attack behind them became more intense. The four of them did not relax because they were approaching their destination, so when Shen Ye whipped the opening curtain, the four of them walked through the layers The moment the canvas was opened, the sudden silence made people a little unprepared.

Looking back, the curtain above was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and those ropes, even though there was only a thin line between them and the four people within the scope of the curtain, retreated slowly into the wall as if they had come, especially those ropes. The broken limbs that fell on the curtain were also pulled back to the wall by the silk threads, and were soon buried by layers of ropes again.

As if the curtain was a critical line, the moment everyone entered, those ropes gave up their attack.

Yingying white light flickered around the four of them. When you lowered your head, you could see the layers of curtains undulating like clouds, enveloping the four of them like a dream.

If you look carefully, these curtains are not a whole, but are connected piece by piece. There are tiny gaps between each layer, and the curtains of another layer can be seen splicing each other, patchwork.

The four of them looked at each other, and although they didn't speak, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, and they dived down again starting with Shen Ye.

Different from the gloomy and cold feeling in the darkness before, this time dots of white light flickered around the four of them, and they could see the cloud-like white curtain lightly fluttering, which made the four of them feel as if they were in a fairyland. It was especially quiet after the long darkness.

Through the gap through the layers of curtains, Xie Yi came near Shen Ye, and saw that the other party's frowning brows did not loosen in the slightest.Not to mention Shen Ye, even Xie Yi and Xia Yi were no different from Le, they all felt weird and inexplicable to this sudden tranquility.Just because it is too quiet, it makes people feel uneasy, just like the rope that seemed harmless but gave a fatal blow at the last moment, the bones trapped on the wall are the best proof?

It's just that there are too many cloud-like curtains, and with the stars lighting up everything around, such a beautiful scenery is somewhat enjoyable.If it wasn't for their intuition to keep the four of them on guard, or else after another period of endless cruising, they might have lost their vigilance.

The last curtain finally appeared in front of the eyes, but it was different from the previous ones, it was as huge as a sail, covering the exit that was the size of a basketball court.Shen Ye nodded to the three people behind him, then swung his long whip again, splitting the curtain from the middle.

Obviously in the water, the four of them were stunned when they heard the soft sound of "tearing" the curtain, and then, the fresh air suddenly rushed towards them. The feeling of falling made people a little unprepared, especially not far from the feet, the layers of sharp blades were shining with a biting light.

The author has something to say: I don’t know what I’m writing 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 _(:з」∠)_

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