Chapter 29: Export

Jade rings, jade pendants, jade jades, jade biscuits... No, none of them. Xie Yi kept searching among the many funerary objects. These artifacts were all of different sizes, and those that could be embedded in the circular gap were definitely not these Jade, so what exactly is a key?

The distressed cries of Huang's group were still in their ears, but Xie Yi forced himself to ignore it.Sweating all over his head, Xie Yi gritted his teeth and thought calmly.The Big Dipper, the coffin formed by the Big Dipper, the seven-star coffin... Xie Yi was taken aback, a thought flashed through his mind, but he immediately stood up, the general seven-star coffin, the position of the Big Dipper would not be in the same place. external.

Xie Yi came to the princess's coffin, leaned over to touch the smooth bottom of the coffin, at a glance, the bottom of the coffin, which was vacated due to the removal of the body and a large number of funerary objects, did not have any traces of chiseling.

Looking at Princess Han who was moved by Le Wuyi to the outside of the coffin, Xie Yi couldn't care less: "I hope you can forgive me." After saying that, he drew out the long sword in his hand and slashed at the bottom of the coffin .

"Bump—" Where the sword wind passed by, a layer of sawdust flew up, and the center of the originally smooth board was sharply chipped off by Xie Yi, but there was nothing special about the downward depression in the middle places, let alone round things.

"Peng——" Another flash of sword light flashed, this time, Xie Yi only heard a soft "ding", but a round object flew out along with the scattered dust.Xie Yi grabbed it with his backhand, and saw a round copper coin in the palm of his hand, only the size of two fingers, with two symmetrical characters engraved on both sides.

Xie Yi looked at the copper coin and carefully identified it: "Five... baht?" Looking at the coffin again, there was a circular hollow in the center.

Copper coins?Sure enough, the royal coffins are arranged with the Big Dipper on the basis of copper coins to bless the prosperity of future generations. This is the most common seven-star coffin.Xie Yi stroked the copper coin for a moment, and the next moment, he swung his sword again.Now that the position of this star and the depth of these copper coins buried in the wooden coffin are known, it is much easier to find other copper coins.

After several sword shadows, the princess's coffin was almost cut in half. With the last sword swing, Xie Yi carefully took out the seventh copper coin, smiled with satisfaction, and finally found all of them.

"Wuyi, how is your side?" Xie Yi turned his head, but saw Le Wuyi groping profusely on the last coffin, "Wuyi?"

"Master!" Le Wuyi stood up, frowning, "I found everything else, but I couldn't find this coffin."

Xie Yi looked down, and sure enough, every coffin revealed the round jade mechanism, only the coffin on the far right had nothing.

"Master, what the hell is going on..." Le Wuyi was extremely anxious, "Did we make a mistake?" There is no reason why there are not seven Big Dippers.

Xie Yi shook his head helplessly: "No difference, please calm down first."

"But..." Le Wuyi also knew that he was impatient, but in this situation, he was so anxious that he stomped his feet, how could he calm down?All the others were found, but the last coffin could not be found. Are they going to be trapped here to die?

Xie Yi also knew that Le Wuyi was eager: "Wuyi, you put these copper coins on it, and let the teacher find the last one."

Le Wuyi took the seven copper coins with one hand, and was overjoyed at first: "It really is the five baht coin from the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty," and then he was a little anxious, "Master, these are indeed seven copper coins." And the seventh coffin, Nothing on it.

Xie Yi nodded: "I understand, you go to settle it first and then talk about it." It's not suitable to explain now, it's better to hurry up.

Looking back at the coffin again, Le Wuyi stomped his feet, and finally ran to the first coffin and squatted down. With a "click", the five baht coin was not too big or too small, and it happened to be inlaid in the jade, and with the embedding of the copper coin, the jade seemed to have turned half a minute?This is the sign that the mechanism has been activated, Le Wuyi didn't care about it, he immediately ran to the second coffin and continued to lay it.

Xie Yi also took a step forward, but instead of walking towards the coffin on the right that Le Wuyi was groping for earlier, he walked towards the second coffin on the left, and there was already a coffin on the side of this coffin. There was a circular hollow, and on the other side of the symmetry, Xie Yi stretched out his hand and pressed the coffin hard, and heard a "click", revealing the same circular void.

Le Wuyi turned his head when he heard the voice, and he was very pleasantly surprised: "Master!"

Xie Yi just said: "Concentrate."

"Yes!" The movements of Le Wuyi's hands became faster and faster, and his mind, which was originally chaotic due to anxiety, finally calmed down. Why does a coffin have two organs?But it turns out that although the number of these seven coffins is seven, they do not correspond to the Big Dipper one by one, because these coffins are surrounded by a circle, and the Big Dipper naturally cannot be arranged in a circle, so the one on the right most The coffin in the corner will never have stars attached to it.

Should I say that I am indeed a master, so calm, but I can't do anything when I am impatient, and I still need to practice.

When the last five baht coin was placed in the center of the jade by Le Wuyi, the seven pieces of jade were spinning at the same time, and there was a tremor under the feet of the two of them, but it was the seventh coffin without stars that slowly sank Going down, a five-foot-sized passage was revealed.

found it!Xie Yi and Le Wuyi looked at each other, and they saw happiness in each other's eyes.

"Master Tai, we found it!" Le Wuyi roared, and naturally reported it to Shen Ye first.

Shen Ye and Huang's group, who were guarding the front, naturally heard the good news. Although they were pleasantly surprised in their hearts, they couldn't turn their heads back. They kept killing zombies in their hands, especially Shen Ye. The long whip blocked Luo Fu's attack. At this moment, the long whip was as straight as a sword and extremely rigid.

Luo Fu's bloody and bloody face was close in front of his eyes, and the sharp claws just kept attacking forward, emitting bursts of cold light, while Shen Ye's expression remained unchanged, and he picked it up again and again, "clang clang" The sound of metal colliding was endless.

Layers of corpses are still rushing forward, and the corpses in front are still stained with the blood of many living people. If possible, everyone would like to run away immediately, but the timing is not right now. The layers of corpses must retreat to Only the weakest point can escape the encirclement.

Seeing that the passage behind was opened, and seeing the group of people fighting more and more courageously, Luo Fu's movements became more and more swift. Can these people escape?Can that person escape too?How could she be willing!It's just that when Shen Ye stood in front of her, he was as solid as gold, and it was difficult to get over the thunder.

Xiao Meng was one of the people who stood at the back. With Shen Ye standing in front of the snake girl, he naturally ran away. If he didn't leave now, would he just stand there and wait to die?

"Roar——" Seeing this, Luo Fu became anxious, but his angry roar was useless. Normally, Shen Ye would not pay attention to this monster, but the current situation is special. Letting this crazy woman go there will inevitably cause future troubles. endless.

Watching Xiao Meng flee farther and farther, Luo Fu's eyelids covered by blue scales gradually showed red marks, he can't go!How can he go?He must stay!

Everything became unimportant. At this moment, leaving Xiao Meng behind became the only thought in Luo Fu's mind at the moment. Regardless of Shen Ye's weapon blocking the front, Luo Fu moved sideways, and when Shen Ye's long whip came, he could not Can't dodge, but let the sharp edge penetrate the body.

An arm flew up in the air, with red blood splattering, Luo Fu ignored the pain and just rushed forward, this difficult man was watching behind him, she couldn't miss this opportunity again!

With the determination to die, at the cost of giving up his arms, Luo Fu finally caught up with Xiao Meng with a speed that ordinary people could not match. The next moment, he grabbed the opponent's neck and retreated.As for the weight of the grown man, it was actually negligible in the hands of this seriously injured woman.

Seeing the victory in sight, the feeling of falling into hell the next moment is definitely something Xiao Meng does not want to see: "No—!" A shrill cry, extremely desperate, the next moment Xiao Meng was dragged into layers of corpses among.And those corpses, I don't know if they had Luo Fu's order, but they turned a blind eye to the living person in it.

Everyone who was gradually backing away was taken aback when they saw this scene clearly, Xiao Meng was arrested? !

The strength on the neck was hard to ignore. Although it was difficult to breathe, Xiao Meng still refused to give up a glimmer of hope, calling for help to his companion not far away: "Help me! Help me—!"

That shrill cry, that near-death despair moved everyone's hearts, but the countless corpses in front of them were not decorations, and Xiao Meng had already been dragged into the middle of the corpses by Luo Fu.

Do you want to save people?Xiao Meng is different from Xiao Zhao and others who died before, he is still alive, and obviously, the snake girl who was panting but didn't make a move at the first moment didn't intend to kill him right now, but it is so difficult to save people, they It might even cost your life.But if they don't save him, do they want them to just watch Xiao Meng die?

Huang Jue's eyes faltered, Xiao Meng was invited by him, if he died in front of his eyes, it would be his responsibility as the host, but...

With a flash of his eyes, Huang Jue saw the too conspicuous Shen Ye, who had a long whip in his hand, and the shadow of the whip passed by, leaving no trace of the corpse. The flying black whip blade was really a sharp weapon.

"Mr. Shen!" Huang Jue couldn't help calling out, but he couldn't say the next sentence. Could it be that Shen Ye was asked to save Xiao Meng?Let's not say that he and Shen Ye are just a cooperative relationship, and now he has done everything he can. Just because of Shen Ye's help to them, he shouldn't bother each other anymore, but it is obvious that the person who is most capable of saving Xiao Meng is not Shen Ye. none other than.

Shen Ye didn't respond to Huang Jue, he just stepped back steadily step by step, and by the way helped those who were closer to him share some of the pressure.

Xiao Meng naturally saw the hesitation of the so-called companions. After all, no one is so generous, so generous that he is willing to sacrifice his life for others, but the smell of blood and rancidity spread all over his body - it was the blood all over Luo Fu's body and the surrounding corpses. Seeing the smell of corruption, looking at the extremely dangerous snake girl beside him, Xiao Meng didn't want to give up so easily, if he gave up, he couldn't even imagine the result.

No longer reserved, Xiao Meng didn't care about face and other things: "Huang Jue! Are you going to leave me and escape?!" Roaring by name, it was a questioning, but also a try.

Huang Jue's face turned pale when he heard the words, Xiao Meng didn't leave any room for it, but he hit the point, but the Huang clan around him were already in a panic, and the group was exhausted, how could they go to save people?It's embarrassing, but only...

No wonder Huang Jue had just made up his mind, but Le Wuyi behind him exclaimed again: "Master?!"

The panic-stricken shout immediately attracted all of Shen Ye's attention, and he didn't even turn his head. The next moment, that steady figure disappeared from Huang's and his party, regardless of their lives.

"Shen Ye?!" Huang Jue didn't expect that Shen Ye would ignore them. Once the main force resisting the zombies left, the pressure on their group increased sharply.I don't know if it's an illusion, but the attacks of those zombies seem to have become more intensive?hateful!Huang Jue gritted his teeth, no longer caring about Xiao Meng's call for help, and began to worry about his own safety.

On the side of the coffin, Le Wuyi supported the crumbling Xie Yi, with a look of bewilderment, the other party looked as pale as paper, why did Master become like this?

A gust of wind hit, Le Wuyi only felt a flash in front of his eyes and a light touch on his hand, he hurriedly raised his head, but it was Shen Ye who came to them at some time and took Xie Yi into his arms.

At this moment, Xie Yi's head was covered with cold sweat, and his hands were icy cold, but there was no trace of warmth. He barely opened his eyes, and after seeing clearly that it was Shen Ye, he called softly: "Master..."

Shen Ye's face was cold, but Xie Yi smiled apologetically: "Master... don't worry, this disciple is fine, but... you need to rest for a while..."

"You..." Shen Ye frowned, obviously very displeased, but that displeasure was also out of worry.

Consciousness was a little fuzzy, Xie Yi knew that it was time for deep sleep again, every time he woke up was extremely short, and this time was of course no exception.But the difference is that this time he doesn't have to worry about falling into a dream: "Master... this disciple will not lie to you."

Although weak, Xie Yi's expression was very sincere, seeing that he did not seem to be fake, so although Shen Ye's eyes were still deep, his words became softer: "Then you rest first, and then I will take you out."

"Yes..." Xie Yi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "It seems... I'm going to trouble Master again..."

The author has something to say: What's the matter with the feeling that the beginning is vigorous and then inexplicably dies down at the end? _(:з」∠)_

But I'm finally going out...

PS: The five baht coin is one of the longest-used ancient currencies in my country. It started in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and ended around the Tang Dynasty.

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